def load_roifile(self): """Load ROI definitions from self.roifile. """ # Check if file exists if not os.path.exists(self.roifile): print("ROI file %s doesn't exist.." % self.roifile) return # Create basic VertexData to avoid expensive initialization.. empty = VertexData(None, self.subject) # Load ROIs from file if self.roifile.endswith("npz"): roidata = np.load(self.roifile) for roi in roidata.keys(): self.rois[roi] = empty.copy(roidata[roi]) roidata.close() elif self.roifile.endswith("svg"): pts, polys = surfs.getSurf(self.subject, "flat", merge=True, nudge=True) npts = len(pts) svgroipack = get_roipack(self.roifile, pts, polys) for name in svgroipack.names: roimask = np.zeros((npts,)) roimask[svgroipack.get_roi(name)] = 1 self.rois[name] = empty.copy(roimask) elif self.roifile.endswith("hf5"): raise NotImplementedError else: raise ValueError("Don't understand ROI filetype: %s" % self.roifile)
def load_roifile(self): """Load ROI definitions from self.roifile. """ # Check if file exists if not os.path.exists(self.roifile): print("ROI file %s doesn't exist.." % self.roifile) return # Create basic VertexData to avoid expensive initialization.. empty = VertexData(None, self.subject) # Load ROIs from file if self.roifile.endswith("npz"): roidata = np.load(self.roifile) for roi in roidata.keys(): self.rois[roi] = empty.copy(roidata[roi]) roidata.close() elif self.roifile.endswith("svg"): pts, polys = surfs.getSurf(self.subject, "flat", merge=True, nudge=True) npts = len(pts) svgroipack = get_roipack(self.roifile, pts, polys) for name in svgroipack.names: roimask = np.zeros((npts, )) roimask[svgroipack.get_roi(name)] = 1 self.rois[name] = empty.copy(roimask) elif self.roifile.endswith("hf5"): raise NotImplementedError else: raise ValueError("Don't understand ROI filetype: %s" % self.roifile)
def to_svg(self, open_inkscape=False, filename=None): """Generate SVG file from vertex ROI masks. """ # Generate temp filename if not provided if filename is None: filename = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".svg", prefix=self.subject + "-rois-") mpts, mpolys = surfs.getSurf(self.subject, "flat", merge=True, nudge=True) svgmpts = mpts[:, :2].copy() svgmpts -= svgmpts.min(0) svgmpts *= 1024 / svgmpts.max(0)[1] svgmpts[:, 1] = 1024 - svgmpts[:, 1] npts = len(mpts) svgroipack = get_roipack(filename, mpts, mpolys) # Add default layers # Add curvature from matplotlib import cm curv = VertexData(np.hstack(get_curvature(self.subject)), self.subject) fp = cStringIO.StringIO() curvim = quickflat.make_png(fp, curv, height=1024, with_rois=False, with_labels=False, with_colorbar=False, cmap=cm.gray, recache=True) svgroipack.add_roi("curvature", binascii.b2a_base64(, add_path=False) # Add thickness # Add ROI boundaries svg = etree.parse(svgroipack.svgfile, parser=parser) # Find boundary vertices for each ROI lsurf, rsurf = [ Surface(*pp) for pp in surfs.getSurf(self.subject, "fiducial") ] flsurf, frsurf = [ Surface(*pp) for pp in surfs.getSurf(self.subject, "flat") ] valids = [set(np.unique(flsurf.polys)), set(np.unique(frsurf.polys))] # Construct polygon adjacency graph for each surface polygraphs = [lsurf.poly_graph, rsurf.poly_graph] for roi in self.rois.keys(): print("Adding %s.." % roi) masks = self.rois[roi].left, self.rois[roi].right mmpts = svgmpts[:len(masks[0])], svgmpts[len(masks[0]):] roilayer = _make_layer(_find_layer(svg, "rois"), roi) for valid, pgraph, surf, mask, mmp in zip(valids, polygraphs, [lsurf, rsurf], masks, mmpts): if mask.sum() == 0: continue # Find bounds inbound, exbound = surf.get_boundary(np.nonzero(mask)[0]) # Find polys allbpolys = np.unique(surf.connected[inbound + exbound].indices) selbpolys = surf.polys[allbpolys] inpolys = np.in1d(selbpolys, inbound).reshape(selbpolys.shape) expolys = np.in1d(selbpolys, exbound).reshape(selbpolys.shape) badpolys = np.logical_or(inpolys.all(1), expolys.all(1)) boundpolys = np.logical_and( np.logical_or(inpolys, expolys).all(1), ~badpolys) # Walk around boundary boundpolyinds = set(allbpolys[np.nonzero(boundpolys)[0]]) bgraph = nx.Graph() pos = dict() for pa in boundpolyinds: for pb in set(pgraph[pa]) & boundpolyinds: edge = pgraph[pa][pb]["verts"] validverts = list(valid & edge) pos[edge] = mmp[validverts].mean(0) bgraph.add_edge(*edge) cc = nx.cycles.cycle_basis(bgraph) if len(cc) > 1: edges = reduce(set.symmetric_difference, [ set( map(lambda l: tuple(sorted(l)), zip(c, c[1:] + [c[0]]))) for c in cc ]) eg = nx.from_edgelist(edges) cycles = nx.cycles.cycle_basis(eg) longest = np.argmax(map(len, cycles)) path_order = cycles[longest] else: path_order = cc[0] path_points = [ tuple(pos[frozenset(p)]) for p in zip(path_order[:-1], path_order[1:]) ] # Store poly path = "M %f %f L" % tuple(path_points[0]) path += ", ".join(["%f %f" % p for p in path_points[1:]]) path += "Z " # Insert into SVG svgpath = etree.SubElement(roilayer, "path") svgpath.attrib[ "style"] = "fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opactiy:1" svgpath.attrib["d"] = path #svgpath.attrib["sodipodi:nodetypes"] = "c" * len(pts) with open(svgroipack.svgfile, "w") as xml: xml.write(etree.tostring(svg, pretty_print=True))
def to_svg(self, open_inkscape=False, filename=None): """Generate SVG file from vertex ROI masks. """ # Generate temp filename if not provided if filename is None: filename = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".svg", prefix=self.subject+"-rois-") mpts, mpolys = surfs.getSurf(self.subject, "flat", merge=True, nudge=True) svgmpts = mpts[:,:2].copy() svgmpts -= svgmpts.min(0) svgmpts *= 1024 / svgmpts.max(0)[1] svgmpts[:,1] = 1024 - svgmpts[:,1] npts = len(mpts) svgroipack = get_roipack(filename, mpts, mpolys) # Add default layers # Add curvature from matplotlib import cm curv = VertexData(np.hstack(get_curvature(self.subject)), self.subject) fp = io.BytesIO() curvim = quickflat.make_png(fp, curv, height=1024, with_rois=False, with_labels=False, with_colorbar=False, cmap=cm.gray,recache=True) svgroipack.add_roi("curvature", binascii.b2a_base64(, add_path=False) # Add thickness # Add ROI boundaries svg = etree.parse(svgroipack.svgfile, parser=parser) # Find boundary vertices for each ROI lsurf, rsurf = [Surface(*pp) for pp in surfs.getSurf(self.subject, "fiducial")] flsurf, frsurf = [Surface(*pp) for pp in surfs.getSurf(self.subject, "flat")] valids = [set(np.unique(flsurf.polys)), set(np.unique(frsurf.polys))] # Construct polygon adjacency graph for each surface polygraphs = [lsurf.poly_graph, rsurf.poly_graph] for roi in self.rois.keys(): print("Adding %s.." % roi) masks = self.rois[roi].left, self.rois[roi].right mmpts = svgmpts[:len(masks[0])], svgmpts[len(masks[0]):] roilayer = _make_layer(_find_layer(svg, "rois"), roi) for valid, pgraph, surf, mask, mmp in zip(valids, polygraphs, [lsurf, rsurf], masks, mmpts): if mask.sum() == 0: continue # Find bounds inbound, exbound = surf.get_boundary(np.nonzero(mask)[0]) # Find polys allbpolys = np.unique(surf.connected[inbound+exbound].indices) selbpolys = surf.polys[allbpolys] inpolys = np.in1d(selbpolys, inbound).reshape(selbpolys.shape) expolys = np.in1d(selbpolys, exbound).reshape(selbpolys.shape) badpolys = np.logical_or(inpolys.all(1), expolys.all(1)) boundpolys = np.logical_and(np.logical_or(inpolys, expolys).all(1), ~badpolys) # Walk around boundary boundpolyinds = set(allbpolys[np.nonzero(boundpolys)[0]]) bgraph = nx.Graph() pos = dict() for pa in boundpolyinds: for pb in set(pgraph[pa]) & boundpolyinds: edge = pgraph[pa][pb]["verts"] validverts = list(valid & edge) pos[edge] = mmp[validverts].mean(0) bgraph.add_edge(*edge) cc = nx.cycles.cycle_basis(bgraph) if len(cc) > 1: # Need to deal with this later: map/reduce calls not python3 compatible edges = reduce(set.symmetric_difference, [set(map(lambda l:tuple(sorted(l)), zip(c, c[1:]+[c[0]]))) for c in cc]) eg = nx.from_edgelist(edges) cycles = nx.cycles.cycle_basis(eg) #longest = np.argmax(map(len, cycles)) longest = np.argmax([len(x) for x in cycles]) # python3 compatible path_order = cycles[longest] else: path_order = cc[0] path_points = [tuple(pos[frozenset(p)]) for p in zip(path_order[:-1], path_order[1:])] # Store poly path = "M %f %f L" % tuple(path_points[0]) path += ", ".join(["%f %f"%p for p in path_points[1:]]) path += "Z " # Insert into SVG svgpath = etree.SubElement(roilayer, "path") svgpath.attrib["style"] = "fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opactiy:1" svgpath.attrib["d"] = path #svgpath.attrib["sodipodi:nodetypes"] = "c" * len(pts) with open(svgroipack.svgfile, "w") as xml: xml.write(etree.tostring(svg, pretty_print=True))