def SoustraireQuantitePieces(entree_piece): numero_piece = entree_piece['numero'] if 'quantiteneuf' in entree_piece: quantiteneuf = entree_piece['quantiteneuf'] db.DBConnection().pieces.update({'numero': numero_piece}, {'$inc': {'quantiteneuf': -quantiteneuf}}) if 'quantiteusage' in entree_piece: quantiteusage = entree_piece['quantiteusage'] db.DBConnection().pieces.update({'numero': numero_piece}, {'$inc': {'quantiteusage': -quantiteusage}})
def test_check_write_entry(postgresql): """Check if writing to DB is succesful""" cursor = postgresql.cursor() conn = db.DBConnection() conn.db_connection = postgresql table_name = "test" conn.create_table(table_name) url = "" response_code = 200 response_time = 0.123 response_result = True timestamp = datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') conn.write_entry(url, response_code, response_time, response_result, timestamp) stmt = """ SELECT * FROM {}; """.format(table_name) cursor.execute(stmt) result = cursor.fetchone() assert result[0] == url assert result[1] == response_code assert result[2] == response_time assert result[3] == response_result assert str(result[4]) == timestamp
def PostFactures(): facture = {} headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'} result = {} status = httplib.CREATED try: facture = ParseIncoming(request.form, 'factures') facture['numero'] = ObtenirProchainNumeroDeFacture() facture['pieces'] = [] facture['complete'] = False facture['prixtotal'] = 0 if 'date' not in facture: facture['date'] = ValidationFactures(facture) db.DBConnection().factures.insert(facture) headers['Location'] = url_for('GetFacturesNumero', numero=facture['numero']) result = facture except RequestError as ex: status = ex.status result = ex.msg except Exception as ex: status = httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR result = str(ex) return jsonify(result), status, headers
def update_or_insert(self): statements = [] with db.DBConnection() as dbconn: row = dbconn.fetchone( 'SELECT name, id, modified_time, urllink, container_id, workspace_id FROM urls WHERE id = ?', (, )) if row: if (row[0], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5]) != (, self.modified_time, self.urllink, self.container_id, self.workspace_id):'Updating Url %s', self) statements.append(( 'UPDATE urls SET name = ?, container_id = ?, modified_time = ?, workspace_id = ?, urllink = ? WHERE id = ?', (, self.container_id, self.modified_time, self.workspace_id, self.urllink, else:'Inserting Url %s', self) statements.append(( 'INSERT INTO urls (name, id, modified_time, urllink, container_id, workspace_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', (,, self.modified_time, self.urllink, self.container_id, self.workspace_id))) return statements
def PutFactures(numero): print("PutFactures") result = {} status = httplib.NO_CONTENT try: if not FactureExiste(numero): raise RequestError(httplib.NOT_FOUND, "Cette facture n'existe pas.") facture = ParseIncoming(request.form, 'factures', False) ValidationFactures(facture) update_result = db.DBConnection().factures.update( {'numero': numero}, {'$set': facture}, ) except RequestError as ex: status = ex.status result = ex.msg except Exception as ex: status = httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR result = str(ex) return jsonify(result), status
def reset_status(indexerid, season, episode): """ Revert episode history to status from download history, if history exists """ my_db = db.DBConnection() history_sql = 'SELECT h.action, h.showid, h.season, h.episode, t.status' \ ' FROM history AS h' \ ' INNER JOIN tv_episodes AS t' \ ' ON h.showid = t.showid AND h.season = t.season AND h.episode = t.episode' \ ' WHERE t.showid = ? AND t.season = ? AND t.episode = ?' \ ' GROUP BY h.action' \ ' ORDER BY DESC' \ ' LIMIT 1' sql_history = history_sql, [str(indexerid), str(season), str(episode)]) if 1 == len(sql_history): history = sql_history[0] # update status only if status differs # FIXME: this causes issues if the user changed status manually # replicating refactored behavior anyway. if history['status'] != history['action']: undo_status = 'UPDATE tv_episodes SET status = ?' \ ' WHERE showid = ? AND season = ? AND episode = ?' my_db.action(undo_status, [ history['action'], history['showid'], history['season'], history['episode'] ])
def render_html(self, verbose=False): pbar = None if verbose: print('Rendering HTML for workspaces') with db.DBConnection() as dbconn: workspace_rows = dbconn.fetchall( 'SELECT name, id FROM workspaces ORDER BY name ASC') workspaces = [ models.workspace.Workspace(*row) for row in workspace_rows ] if verbose: pbar = tqdm(total=len(workspaces)) for workspace in workspaces: workspace.render_html() if pbar is not None: pbar.update(1) if pbar is not None: pbar.close() sdk.html.render_index_page(workspaces) if verbose: import os print('HTML has been rendered and can be found by opening %s' % os.path.join(config.conf.FILESTORAGE_PATH, 'html', 'index.html'))
def on_media(message: telebot.types.Message): dbc = db.DBConnection() if not message.from_user.is_bot: if is None: received_images = None else: received_images =[1::2] channel = dbc.get_discord_channel( if message.text is None: message.text = '' try_create_dir(f"{config.temp_dir}/telegram/photos") try_create_dir(f"{config.temp_dir}/telegram/videos") try_create_dir(f"{config.temp_dir}/telegram/documents") self.__send_media_list__(received_images, message.from_user.username, channel, msg=message.text) self.__send_media__(message.document, message.from_user.username, channel, msg=message.text) self.__send_media__(, message.from_user.username, channel, msg=message.text)
def PutPieces(numero): result = {} status = httplib.NO_CONTENT try: if not PieceExiste(numero): raise RequestError(httplib.NOT_FOUND, "Cette pièce n'existe pas.") piece = ParseIncoming(request.form, 'pieces', False) # Si changement de numéro, vérifier que le numéro n'est pas déjà pris if 'numero' in piece and PieceExiste( piece['numero']) and numero != piece['numero']: raise RequestError(httplib.CONFLICT, 'Ce numero de piece est deja pris') update_result = db.DBConnection().pieces.update({'numero': numero}, {'$set': piece}) except RequestError as ex: status = ex.status result = ex.msg except Exception as ex: status = httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR result = str(ex) return jsonify(result), status
def PostPieces(): result = {} status = httplib.CREATED headers = {} try: piece = ParseIncoming(request.form, 'pieces') if PieceExiste(piece['numero']): raise RequestError(httplib.CONFLICT, 'Ce numero de piece est deja pris') db.DBConnection().pieces.insert(piece) headers['Location'] = url_for('GetPiecesNumero', numero=piece['numero']) except RequestError as ex: status = ex.status result = ex.msg except Exception as ex: status = httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR result = str(ex) return jsonify(result), status, headers
def PostHeuresBenevoles(numero): result = {} status = httplib.CREATED headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'} try: heures = ParseIncoming(request.form, 'heuresbenevole') if not EstBenevole(numero): raise RequestError(httplib.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, 'Ce membre n\'est pas bénévole') if 'date' not in heures: heures['date'] = db.DBConnection().membres.update({"numero": numero}, {'$push': { "heuresbenevole": heures }}) except RequestError as ex: status = ex.status result = ex.msg except Exception as ex: status = httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR result = str(ex) return jsonify(result), status, headers
def PostMembres(): membre = {} headers = {} result = None status = httplib.CREATED try: membre = ParseIncoming(request.form, 'membres') if 'numero' in membre: # Numéro de membre fourni par le client, vérifier qu'il n'est pas pris if ObtenirMembre(membre['numero']) != None: raise RequestError(httplib.CONFLICT, "Ce numéro de membre est déjà pris.") else: # On attribut automatiquement un # de membre membre['numero'] = ObtenirProchainNumeroDeMembre() db.DBConnection().membres.insert(membre) headers['Location'] = url_for('GetMembresNumero', numero=membre['numero']) result = {'numero': membre['numero']} except RequestError as ex: status = ex.status result = ex.msg except Exception as ex: status = httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR result = str(ex) return jsonify(result), status, headers
def GetFactures(): result = {} status = httplib.OK headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'} try: filters = ParseIncoming(request.args, 'getfactures') debut = filters.pop('debut', None) fin = filters.pop('fin', None) if debut or fin: filters['date'] = {} if debut: filters['date']['$gte'] = debut if fin: filters['date']['$lte'] = fin result = list(db.DBConnection().factures.find(filters).sort( 'numero', 1)) except Exception as e: result = str(e) status = httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR return jsonify(result), status, headers
def DeleteFactures(numero): result = '' status = httplib.NO_CONTENT try: facture = ObtenirFacture(numero) mettreAJourAbonnement = False if not facture: raise RequestError(httplib.NOT_FOUND, "Cette facture n'existe pas") if 'pieces' in facture: lignes = facture['pieces'] for ligne in lignes: AjouterQuantitePieces(ligne) if ligne['numero'] in abonnements: mettreAJourAbonnement = True # Supprimer la facture db.DBConnection().factures.remove({'numero': numero}) # Mettre à jour l'abonnement au besoin if mettreAJourAbonnement: MettreAJourExpirationMembre(facture['membre']) except RequestError as ex: status = ex.status result = ex.msg except Exception as ex: status = httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR result = str(ex) return jsonify(result), status
def _logHistoryItem(action, ep_obj, quality, resource, provider, version=-1, proper_tags='', manually_searched=False, info_hash=None, size=-1): """ Insert a history item in DB :param action: action taken (snatch, download, etc) :param showid: showid this entry is about :param season: show season :param episode: show episode :param quality: media quality :param resource: resource used :param provider: provider used :param version: tracked version of file (defaults to -1) """ logDate = resource = ss(resource) main_db_con = db.DBConnection() main_db_con.action( "INSERT INTO history " "(action, date, indexer_id, showid, season, episode, quality, " "resource, provider, version, proper_tags, manually_searched, info_hash, size) " "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", [ action, logDate, ep_obj.series.indexer, ep_obj.series.series_id, ep_obj.season, ep_obj.episode, quality, resource, provider, version, proper_tags, manually_searched, info_hash, size ])
def latestdate_fix(): import db, logger datefix = [] myDB = db.DBConnection() comiclist ='SELECT * FROM comics') if comiclist is None: logger.fdebug('No Series in watchlist to correct latest date') return for cl in comiclist: latestdate = cl['LatestDate'] #logger.fdebug("latestdate: " + str(latestdate)) if latestdate[8:] == '': #logger.fdebug("invalid date " + str(latestdate) + " appending 01 for day to avoid errors") if len(latestdate) <= 7: finddash = latestdate.find('-')'dash found at position ' + str(finddash)) if finddash != 4: #format of mm-yyyy lat_month = latestdate[:finddash] lat_year = latestdate[finddash+1:] else: #format of yyyy-mm lat_month = latestdate[finddash+1:] lat_year = latestdate[:finddash] latestdate = (lat_year) + '-' + str(lat_month) + '-01' datefix.append({"comicid": cl['ComicID'], "latestdate": latestdate})'latest date: ' + str(latestdate)) #now we fix. if len(datefix) > 0: for df in datefix: newCtrl = {"ComicID": df['comicid']} newVal = {"LatestDate": df['latestdate']} myDB.upsert("comics", newVal, newCtrl) return
def by_pending_download(cls): with db.DBConnection() as dbconn: document_rows = dbconn.fetchall( 'SELECT name, id, modified_time, container_id, workspace_id, modified_by_id FROM documents WHERE downloaded = 0' ) return [Document(*row) for row in document_rows]
def getDBcompare(self): try: self.updater.need_update() cur_hash = str(self.updater.get_newest_commit_hash()) assert len( cur_hash) is 40, "Commit hash wrong length: %s hash: %s" % ( len(cur_hash), cur_hash) check_url = "" % ( sickbeard.GIT_ORG, sickbeard.GIT_REPO, cur_hash) response = helpers.getURL(check_url, session=self.session) assert response, "Empty response from %s" % check_url match ="MAX_DB_VERSION\s=\s(?P<version>\d{2,3})", response) branchDestDBversion = int('version')) myDB = db.DBConnection() branchCurrDBversion = myDB.checkDBVersion() if branchDestDBversion > branchCurrDBversion: return 'upgrade' elif branchDestDBversion == branchCurrDBversion: return 'equal' else: return 'downgrade' except Exception as e: return repr(e)
def _logHistoryItem(action, showid, season, episode, quality, resource, provider): logDate = myDB = db.DBConnection() myDB.action("INSERT INTO history (action, date, showid, season, episode, quality, resource, provider) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", [action, logDate, showid, season, episode, quality, resource, provider])
def MettreAJourExpirationMembre(numero): exp = CalculerExpirationMembre(numero) db.DBConnection().membres.update({'numero': numero}, {'$set': { 'expiration': exp }})
def _logHistoryItem(action, showid, season, episode, quality, resource, provider, version=-1): """ Insert a history item in DB :param action: action taken (snatch, download, etc) :param showid: showid this entry is about :param season: show season :param episode: show episode :param quality: media quality :param resource: resource used :param provider: provider used :param version: tracked version of file (defaults to -1) """ logDate = resource = ss(resource) main_db_con = db.DBConnection() main_db_con.action( "INSERT INTO history (action, date, showid, season, episode, quality, resource, provider, version) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", [ action, logDate, showid, season, episode, quality, resource, provider, version ])
def render_html(self): with db.DBConnection() as dbconn: container_rows = dbconn.fetchall( 'SELECT id, name, container_id, workspace_id FROM containers WHERE container_id = ?', (,) ) containers = [ models.container.Container(row[1], row[0], row[2], row[3]) for row in container_rows ] document_rows = dbconn.fetchall( 'SELECT id, name, container_id, workspace_id, modified_time FROM documents WHERE container_id = ?', (,) ) documents = [ models.document.Document(row[1], row[0], row[4], row[2], row[3]) for row in document_rows ] for container in containers: container.render_html() with open(self.html_file_path, 'w') as fp: fp.write(self.html_header) fp.write(self.html_container_content(containers)) fp.write(self.html_document_content(documents)) fp.write(self.html_footer)
def annual_update(): import db, logger myDB = db.DBConnection() annuallist ='SELECT * FROM annuals') if annuallist is None:'no annuals to update.') return cnames = [] #populate the ComicName field with the corresponding series name from the comics table. for ann in annuallist: coms = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [ann['ComicID']]).fetchone() cnames.append({'ComicID': ann['ComicID'], 'ComicName': coms['ComicName'] }) #write in a seperate loop to avoid db locks i=0 for cns in cnames: ctrlVal = {"ComicID": cns['ComicID']} newVal = {"ComicName": cns['ComicName']} myDB.upsert("annuals", newVal, ctrlVal) i+=1 + ' series have been updated in the annuals table.') return
def get_by_id(cls, _id): with db.DBConnection() as dbconn: document_row = dbconn.fetchone(cls.SQL_SELECT_BY_ID, (_id,)) if document_row: return Document(*document_row) return None
def launch(self): print('Starting discord bot...', end='\t\t\t\t') try: self.__db__ = db.DBConnection() self.start() print(ConsoleColors.OKGREEN + 'DONE' + ConsoleColors.ENDC) except: print(ConsoleColors.FAIL + 'FAILED' + ConsoleColors.ENDC)
def get_by_id(cls, _id): with db.DBConnection() as dbconn: user_row = dbconn.fetchone( 'SELECT id, name, email FROM users WHERE id = ?', (_id, )) if user_row: return User(*user_row) return None
def ObtenirProchainNumeroDeFacture(): """Retourne le prochain numero de facture disponible.""" d = db.DBConnection() if d.factures.count() == 0: return 1 else: return d.factures.find().sort('numero', pymongo.DESCENDING).limit(1)[0]['numero'] + 1
def get_in_container(cls, container_id): with db.DBConnection() as dbconn: container_rows = dbconn.fetchall( 'SELECT id, name, container_id, workspace_id FROM containers WHERE container_id = ?', (container_id,) ) return [ Container(row[1], row[0], row[2], row[3]) for row in container_rows ]
def FacturesFermees(): factures = list(db.DBConnection().factures.find({'complete': True})) membres = {} for facture in factures: if facture['membre'] not in membres: membres[facture['membre']] = ObtenirMembre(facture['membre']) return render_template('factures-fermees.html', factures = factures, membres = membres)
def get_in_container(cls, container_id): with db.DBConnection() as dbconn: document_rows = dbconn.fetchall( 'SELECT name, id, modified_time, container_id, workspace_id, modified_by_id FROM documents WHERE container_id = ? ORDER BY name ASC', (container_id,) ) return [ Document(*row) for row in document_rows ]