def fetch_topics(post_id): return fit(fetch("""SELECT t.topic_id, t.topic, t.description FROM post_topic pt JOIN topics t ON pt.topic_id = t.topic_id AND pt.post_id={}""".format(post_id)), ('topic_id', 'topic', 'description'))
def following(user_id): return fit(fetch("""SELECT u2.user_id,u2.username, FROM followers f JOIN users u2 ON f.follows_id=u2.user_id AND f.follower_id={} """.format(user_id)), ('user_id', 'username', 'bio'))
def fetch_all(user_id): return fit(fetch("SELECT user_id,username,bio,join_date," "IF(f.follows_id IS NULL, 0, 1) AS follows " "FROM users u " "LEFT JOIN followers f " "ON f.follower_id={} " "AND f.follows_id=u.user_id".format(user_id)), ('user_id', 'username', 'bio', 'join_date', 'follows'))
def fetch_posts(topic_id): return fit(fetch("""SELECT p.post_id,p.title,p.content,p.user_id FROM topics t JOIN post_topic pt ON t.topic_id = pt.topic_id AND t.topic_id={} JOIN posts p ON pt.post_id=p.post_id""".format(topic_id)), ('post_id', 'title', 'content', 'user_id'))
def create(fields): return (execute("INSERT INTO posts(user_id, content, title, " "description) " "VALUES(%d, %s, %s, %s)" % ( int(fields['user_id']), quote_string(fields['content']), quote_string(fields['title']), quote_string(fields['description']))), fit(fetch("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()"), ('last_id',)))
def fetch_user_likes(post_id): """ Fetch users that like a given post """ return fit(fetch("""SELECT u.user_id,u.username FROM user_likes_post ulp JOIN users u ON ulp.user_id=u.user_id and ulp.post_id={}""".format(post_id)), ('user_id', 'username'))
def fetch_all(user_id): return fit(fetch("SELECT p.post_id, content, created, p.user_id, " "description, title, " "IF(ulp.post_id IS NULL, 0, 1) as likedBy " "FROM posts p " "LEFT JOIN user_likes_post ulp " "ON ulp.user_id={} " "AND p.post_id=ulp.post_id".format(user_id)), ('post_id', 'content', 'created', 'user_id', 'description', 'title', 'likedBy'))
def fetch_like_posts(user_id): """ Fetch posts a user likes """ return fit(fetch("""SELECT p.post_id,p.title,p.content,p.user_id FROM user_likes_post ulp JOIN posts p ON ulp.post_id = p.post_id AND ulp.user_id={}""".format(user_id)), ('post_id', 'title', 'content', 'user_id'))
def get(self, user_id): r = fit(fetch("""DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS user_counts; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE user_counts AS SELECT u2.user_id,count(*) as cnt FROM user_likes_post u1 JOIN user_likes_post u2 ON u1.user_id != u2.user_id AND u1.post_id = u2.post_id WHERE u1.user_id={0} GROUP BY u2.user_id; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS collab_score; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE collab_score AS ( SELECT u.post_id, sum(uc.cnt) AS score FROM user_counts uc JOIN ( SELECT user_id, post_id FROM user_likes_post WHERE post_id NOT IN ( SELECT post_id FROM user_likes_post ulp WHERE ulp.user_id = {0} ) ) u ON u.user_id = uc.user_id GROUP BY u.post_id ORDER BY score DESC ); DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS follow_score; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE follow_score AS ( SELECT post_id, COUNT(*) AS score FROM followers f JOIN users u ON f.follows_id=u.user_id AND f.follower_id={0} JOIN user_likes_post ulp ON ulp.user_id=f.follows_id WHERE post_id NOT IN ( SELECT post_id FROM user_likes_post ulp2 WHERE ulp2.user_id={0} ) GROUP BY post_id ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC ); SELECT p.post_id, title, description, content, total_score FROM ( SELECT a.post_id, 10 * a.score + IFNULL(b.score, 0) AS total_score FROM collab_score a LEFT JOIN follow_score b ON a.post_id=b.post_id ) c JOIN posts p ON c.post_id=p.post_id ORDER BY total_score DESC; """.format(user_id), multi=True), ('post_id', 'title', 'description', 'content', 'total_score')) for row in r: row['total_score'] = int(row['total_score']) return r
def get(self): args = parser.parse_args() query = args['query'] words = [x.strip().lower() for x in query.split()] words = list(set(words)) if len(words) == 0: return [] tentative = [word for word in words if word not in stopwords] if len(tentative) > 0: words = tentative word_values = ",".join(["({})".format(quote_string(_)) for _ in words]) non_pk_cols = ','.join(['title', 'description', 'content']) r = fetch(""" DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS words; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS words2; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE words(word VARCHAR(40)); CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE words2(word VARCHAR(40)); INSERT INTO words VALUES {1}; INSERT INTO words2 VALUES {1}; SELECT post_id, {0}, MAX(tf_idf) FROM ( SELECT post_id, {0}, word, LOG(((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM posts) + 1) / (doc_freq)) * tf as tf_idf FROM ( SELECT p.post_id, {0}, w.word, IFNULL(doc_freq,0) as doc_freq, ROUND((LENGTH(p.content) - LENGTH(REPLACE(LOWER(p.content), w.word, ""))) / LENGTH(w.word)) AS tf FROM posts p JOIN words w LEFT JOIN ( SELECT word, COUNT(*) as doc_freq FROM posts p, words2 w WHERE LOCATE(w.word, LOWER(p.content)) > 0 GROUP BY word ) AS tf ON w.word = tf.word ) as d ) AS a GROUP BY post_id ORDER BY MAX(tf_idf) DESC;""".format(non_pk_cols, word_values), multi=True) posts = fit(r, ('post_id', 'title', 'description', 'content', 'tf_idf')) for post in posts: post['topics'] = Post.fetch_topics(post['post_id']) return posts
def search(query): return fit(fetch( "SELECT user_id, username FROM users WHERE username LIKE '%s%%'" % escape_string(query)), ('user_id', 'username'))