예제 #1
def polygonQuery(connection, sql):
    """This takes an SQL query, runs it,
    and creates polygons out of it. This function
    is still being fleshed out, and needs to filter
    out the necessary information for dealing with
    MultiPolygons, and the interior and exterior rings
    of Polygons."""
    data = db.runopen(connection, sql)
    geom = []
    for rowTuple in data:
        ewkt = rowTuple[0]
        cleaned_ewkt = db.removeSRID(ewkt)
        multiPolygon = shapely.wkt.loads(cleaned_ewkt)
            for polygon in multiPolygon:
            return 'error reading polygons in multipolygons'
    return geom
예제 #2
def polygonQuery(connection, sql):
    """This takes an SQL query, runs it,
    and creates polygons out of it. This function
    is still being fleshed out, and needs to filter
    out the necessary information for dealing with
    MultiPolygons, and the interior and exterior rings
    of Polygons."""
    data = db.runopen(connection, sql)
    geom = []
    for rowTuple in data:
        ewkt = rowTuple[0]
        cleaned_ewkt = db.removeSRID(ewkt)
        multiPolygon = shapely.wkt.loads(cleaned_ewkt)
            for polygon in multiPolygon:
            return 'error reading polygons in multipolygons'
    return geom
예제 #3
def queryToPolygonsWithAttr(connection, sql, attrNames):
    """This function takes an open database connection
    (a psycopg2 object, refer to psycopg2 docs and the db
    module for more info), an sql statement, and a list of
    attribute names, and uses these three things to construct
    a set of polygons with attributes in Maya. the return value
    is a list of the names of the created polygons."""
    data = db.runopen(connection, sql)
    items = []
    for rowTuple in data:
        ewkt = rowTuple[0]
        attData = rowTuple[1:]
        attDict = dict(zip(attrNames, attData))
        cleaned_ewkt = db.removeSRID(ewkt)
        multiPolygon = shapely.wkt.loads(cleaned_ewkt)
            for polygon in multiPolygon:
                itemTuple = (polygon.exterior.coords, attDict)
            return 'error reading polygons in multipolygons'
    return makePolygonsWithAttr(items)
예제 #4
def queryToPolygonsWithAttr(connection, sql, attrNames):
    """This function takes an open database connection
    (a psycopg2 object, refer to psycopg2 docs and the db
    module for more info), an sql statement, and a list of
    attribute names, and uses these three things to construct
    a set of polygons with attributes in Maya. the return value
    is a list of the names of the created polygons."""
    data = db.runopen(connection, sql)
    items = []
    for rowTuple in data:
        ewkt = rowTuple[0]
        attData = rowTuple[1:]
        attDict = dict(zip(attrNames, attData))
        cleaned_ewkt = db.removeSRID(ewkt)
        multiPolygon = shapely.wkt.loads(cleaned_ewkt)
            for polygon in multiPolygon:
                itemTuple = (polygon.exterior.coords, attDict)
            return 'error reading polygons in multipolygons'
    return makePolygonsWithAttr(items)
예제 #5
def queryToMesh(connection, sql):
    """This function takes an open database connection
    (a psycopg2 object, refer to psycopg2 docs and the db
    module for more info), an sql statement
    and uses these things to construct
    a mesh in Maya. The return value is the name of the 
    created mesh."""
    data = db.runopen(connection, sql)
    points = []
    twoDpoints = []
    Zs = []
    for rowTuple in data:
        ewkt = rowTuple[0]
        cleaned_ewkt = db.removeSRID(ewkt)
        p = shapely.wkt.loads(cleaned_ewkt)
        point = (p.x, p.y, p.z)
        xy = (p.x,p.y) 
    # build a structure from delaunay triangulation
    triStructure = triforce.triangulate(twoDpoints)
    # now I need to turn the points and structure into a mesh
    return makeMesh(points, triStructure)
예제 #6
def queryToMesh(connection, sql):
    """This function takes an open database connection
    (a psycopg2 object, refer to psycopg2 docs and the db
    module for more info), an sql statement
    and uses these things to construct
    a mesh in Maya. The return value is the name of the 
    created mesh."""
    data = db.runopen(connection, sql)
    points = []
    twoDpoints = []
    Zs = []
    for rowTuple in data:
        ewkt = rowTuple[0]
        cleaned_ewkt = db.removeSRID(ewkt)
        p = shapely.wkt.loads(cleaned_ewkt)
        point = (p.x, p.y, p.z)
        xy = (p.x, p.y)
    # build a structure from delaunay triangulation
    triStructure = triforce.triangulate(twoDpoints)
    # now I need to turn the points and structure into a mesh
    return makeMesh(points, triStructure)