def __verify_circular_dependency_in_list(task_id, dependency_id, chat_id): """ return True means that are circular dependency return False means that aren't circular dependency """ dependency = db.search_Task(dependency_id, chat_id) if dependency.dependencies == '': return False else: total_result = False list_of_dependencies = dependency.dependencies.split(',') for i in list_of_dependencies: if i == '': continue task = db.search_Task(i, chat_id) another_dependency = dependency.dependencies.split(',') if task_id in another_dependency: return True else: parcial_result = __verify_circular_dependency_in_list(task_id,, chat_id) total_result = total_result | parcial_result return total_result
def rename_task(chat_id, msg): """ This method will rename a specific task. :param chat_id: specify the current chat. :param msg: get the params passed after /rename. """ # This variable will contain the new name of the task. text = '' if msg != '': if len(msg.split(' ', 1)) > 1: text = msg.split(' ', 1)[1] # Getting the id. msg = msg.split(' ', 1)[0] if not msg.isdigit(): send_message("You must inform the task id", chat_id) else: task_id = int(msg) task = db.search_Task(task_id, chat_id) # If message doesn't have a new name. if text == '': send_message("You want to modify task {}, but you didn't provide any new text".format(task_id), chat_id) return old_text = = text db.session.commit() send_message("Task {} redefined from {} to {}".format(task_id, old_text, text), chat_id)
def priority_task(chat_id, msg): """ This method will set the task priority. :param chat_id: Specify the current chat. :param msg: Contains a task id and their priority. """ text = '' if msg != '': if len(msg.split(' ', 1)) > 1: text = msg.split(' ', 1)[1] msg = msg.split(' ', 1)[0] if not msg.isdigit(): send_message("You must inform the task id", chat_id) else: task_id = int(msg) task = db.search_Task(task_id, chat_id) if text == '': task.priority = '' send_message("_Cleared_ all priorities from task {}".format(task_id), chat_id) else: if text.lower() not in ['high', 'medium', 'low']: send_message("The priority *must be* one of the following: high, medium, low", chat_id) else: task.priority = text.lower() send_message("*Task {}* priority has priority *{}*".format(task_id, text.lower()), chat_id) db.session.commit()
def create_issue(chat_id, msg): task_id = int(msg) task = db.search_Task(task_id, chat_id) #body = "Duedate: "+task.duedate if make_github_issue(, [task.status, 'create_by_bot']): send_message("Issue created.", chat_id) else: send_message("Bad attempt.", chat_id)
def delete_task(chat_id, msg): """ This method will delete a specific task. :param chat_id: specify the current chat. :param msg: Contains an id that specify a specific task. """ if not msg.isdigit(): send_message("You must inform the task id", chat_id) else: task_id = int(msg) task = db.search_Task(task_id, chat_id) for t in task.dependencies.split(',')[:-1]: t = db.search_Task(int(t), chat_id) t.parents = t.parents.replace('{},'.format(, '') db.session.delete(task) db.session.commit() send_message("Task [[{}]] deleted".format(task_id), chat_id)
def duplicate_task(chat_id, msg): """ This method will duplicate a specific task. :param chat_id: specify the current chat. :param msg: contains an id that specifies a specific task. """ if not msg.isdigit(): send_message("You must inform the task id", chat_id) else: task_id = int(msg) task = db.search_Task(task_id, chat_id) dtask = Task(,, status=task.status, dependencies=task.dependencies, parents=task.parents, priority=task.priority, duedate=task.duedate) db.session.add(dtask) for t in task.dependencies.split(',')[:-1]: t = db.search_Task(int(t), chat_id) t.parents += '{},'.format( db.session.commit() send_message("New task *TODO* [[{}]] {} with duedate [[{}]]".format(,, chat_id, task.duedate)
def dependson_task(chat_id, msg): text = '' if msg != '': if len(msg.split(' ', 1)) > 1: text = msg.split(' ', 1)[1] msg = msg.split(' ', 1)[0] if not msg.isdigit(): send_message("You must inform the task id", chat_id) else: task_id = int(msg) task = db.search_Task(task_id, chat_id) if text == '': for i in task.dependencies.split(',')[:-1]: i = int(i) t = db.search_Task(i, chat_id) t.parents = t.parents.replace('{},'.format(, '') task.dependencies = '' send_message("Dependencies removed from task {}".format(task_id), chat_id) else: for depid in text.split(' '): if not depid.isdigit(): send_message("All dependencies ids must be numeric, and not {}".format(depid), chat_id) else: if __verify_circular_dependency_in_list(msg, text, chat_id): send_message('Can not has circular dependency', chat_id) else: depid = int(depid) taskdep = db.search_Task(task_id, chat_id) taskdep.parents += str( + ',' deplist = task.dependencies.split(',') if str(depid) not in deplist: task.dependencies += str(depid) + ',' db.session.commit() send_message("Task {} dependencies up to date".format(task_id), chat_id)
def done_task(chat_id, msg): """ This method will show the done task. :param chat_id: Specify the current chat. :param msg: Contains a task id. """ if not msg.isdigit(): send_message("You must inform the task id", chat_id) else: task_id = int(msg) task = db.search_Task(task_id, chat_id) task.status = 'DONE' db.session.commit() send_message("*DONE* task [[{}]] {}".format(,, chat_id)
def todo_task(chat_id, msg): """ This method will show the todo list. :param chat_id: Specify the current chat. :param msg: Contains a task id. """ if not msg.isdigit(): send_message("You must inform the task id", chat_id) else: task_id = int(msg) task = db.search_Task(task_id, chat_id) task.status = 'TODO' db.session.commit() send_message("*TODO* task [[{}]] {} with duedate [[{}]]".format(,, chat_id, task.duedate)
def __deps_text(task, chat_id, preceed=''): text = '' for i in range(len(task.dependencies.split(',')[:-1])): line = preceed task = db.search_Task(int(task.dependencies.split(',')[:-1][i]), chat_id) dep = icon = '\U0001F195' if dep.status == 'DOING': icon = '\U000023FA' elif dep.status == 'DONE': icon = '\U00002611' if i + 1 == len(task.dependencies.split(',')[:-1]): line += '└── [[{}]] {} {}\n'.format(, icon, line += __deps_text(dep, chat_id, preceed + ' ') else: line += '├── [[{}]] {} {}\n'.format(, icon, line += __deps_text(dep, chat_id, preceed + '│ ') text += line return text