예제 #1
def test_search_db(temp_database, database):
    ret, msg = db.insert_into_database(temp_database,
    assert ret != False
    ret, msg = db.search_database(temp_database, database, "NAME",
    assert ret == True

    ret, msg = db.search_database(temp_database, database, "NAME",
    assert ret != True
예제 #2
def toggle_status(emailid):
    This function will toggle the VMO Status for a particular user.

    :param emailid: The emailid id of the user you want to toggle
    :return: redirect to "/" with a Status Code of 302

    if WEBDEBUG:

    print ("Toggling VMO Status for: "+emailid)

    ret, msg = db.search_database(dbname, "users", "Alias", emailid)
    print("Current Value of VMO Status: "+msg['Active'])

    if ret:
        value = msg['Active']
        if value == "True":
            value = "False"
            value = "True"

    updatestring = "Active='" + value +"'"
    print (msg['CallHandlerObjectId'])
    ret, msg = db.update_database(dbname, "users", updatestring, "Alias='" + emailid + "'")

    if value == "True":
        print ("Submitting a request to set an alert on: "+emailid)
        print ("Submitting a request to turn off the alert on: "+emailid)

    apistring = mailip + "/monitor"


    headers = {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'

    user = {}
    user['email'] = emailid
    user['status'] = value

        resp = requests.post(apistring, data=json.dumps(user),
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
        flash("ERROR: Error when attempting to toggle status of user : "******"ERROR: Synchronization failed to ("+apistring+"): "+" Status Code ("+str(resp.status_code)+"): "+str(resp.reason))

    return redirect("/", code=302)
예제 #3
def synchronize_dbs():
    This function call will synchonize the database with the UCXN Server
    # Make a call to the voice mail application to get all users
    apistring = vmip+"/ucxn/users"

    print ("API String: "+apistring)

        resp = requests.get(apistring)
        print (resp)
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
        flash("ERROR: Error when attempting to synchronize database: "+str(e))


    if resp.status_code != 200:
        flash ("ERROR: Synchronization failed to ("+apistring+"): "+" Status Code ("+str(resp.status_code)+"): "+str(resp.reason))

    print (resp)

    # For each user in the data received, see if the record already exists in our database and if so synchronize the records
    for user in data:

        emailid = user['Alias']
        ret, msg = db.search_database(dbname, "users", "Alias", emailid)

        # If we found the user check the out of office greeting:

        updatestring = ""
        if ret:
            print ("Found existing record")
            if msg['Extension'] != user['Extension']:
                updatestring += "Extension='"+user['Extension']+"'"

            print ("vmo db AlternateGreetingEnabled = "+msg['AlternateGreetingEnabled'])
            print ("ucxn db AlternateGreetingEnabled = "+user['AlternateGreetingEnabled'])
            if msg['AlternateGreetingEnabled'] != user['AlternateGreetingEnabled']:
                if updatestring != "":
                    updatestring += " and "
                updatestring += "AlternateGreetingEnabled='" + user['AlternateGreetingEnabled']+"'"

            if updatestring != "":
                print ("Updating record: "+emailid)

                ret, msg = db.update_database(dbname, "users", updatestring, "Alias='" + emailid + "'")
                print ("Return = "+str(ret) + " "+str(msg))
            print ("Did not find existing record")
            ret, msg = db.insert_into_database(dbname, "users", ObjectId=user['ObjectId'], Alias=user['Alias'], Extension=user['Extension'],CallHandlerObjectID=user['CallHandlerObjectId'],AlternateGreetingEnabled=user['AlternateGreetingEnabled'],Active="True")

예제 #4
def getendpointid():
    This function will determine if a endpoint id already exists in the database.
    @return: id of the deviceid
    if WEBDEBUG:
    if 'deviceid' not in request.args:
        return jsonify({"result": "no parameter"})
    ret,msg = db.search_database(dbname, "device", "name", request.args['deviceid'])

    return jsonify({"result":msg})
예제 #5
def getemaildomain():
    This function will see if an email domain is in the white list database
    @return: id of the record
    if WEBDEBUG:

    if 'domain' not in request.args:
        return jsonify({"result": "no parameter"})

    ret,msg = db.search_database(dbname, "domain", "name", request.args['domain'])
    return jsonify({"result": msg})
예제 #6
def statusguestaccount():
    This function will return the status of the guest account provided by the email address
    @return:  status
    if WEBDEBUG:

    if 'email' not in request.args:
        return jsonify({"result": "no parameter"})
        emailaddress = request.args['email']
        ret, msg = db.search_database(dbname, "guest", "name", emailaddress)

        return jsonify({"result":msg})
예제 #7
def updatestatusguestaccount():
    This function will update the status of the guest account
    if WEBDEBUG:

    # determine if both the emailid and status is provided in the request, if not, return the error value

    if ('emailid' in request.args) and ('status' in request.args):

        emailid = request.args['emailid']

        print("Emailid: "+emailid)

        # check to see if the status is completed.   If so, then we are going to ecxpect the guest password
        if request.args['status']=="completed":
            print("Status passed to function is completed")
            # If guest password is not passed to the parameter, then return an error message
            if ('guestpassword' not in request.args):
                print("Guestpassword is not passed to the function")
                return jsonify({"result":"no guest password"})

                print("Guest Password:"******"STATUS='" + request.args['status'] + "', GUESTPASSWORD='******'guestpassword']+"'"

                # Search the database record to return the room id so we can alert the user.
                ret, msg = db.search_database(dbname, "guest", "name", emailid)

                # If guest record is found then send the message to the teams room

                if ret:
                    ret = teamsapi.sendmessagetoroom(teamsurl, teamstoken, msg['teamsroomid'],
                    ret = teamsapi.sendmessagetoroom(teamsurl, teamstoken, msg['teamsroomid'],
                                                     "Congratulations, Your account was successfully created!")
                    ret = teamsapi.sendmessagetoroom(teamsurl, teamstoken, msg['teamsroomid'],
                                                     "Guest Credentials are located below:")
                    ret = teamsapi.sendmessagetoroom(teamsurl, teamstoken, msg['teamsroomid'],
                                                    "ssid: **_platinum-guest_**")
                    ret = teamsapi.sendmessagetoroom(teamsurl, teamstoken, msg['teamsroomid'],
                                                    "username: **_"+emailid+"_**")
                    ret = teamsapi.sendmessagetoroom(teamsurl, teamstoken, msg['teamsroomid'],
                                                    "password: **_"+request.args['guestpassword']+"_**")
                    print("(Email id Found)")
                    return jsonify({"result": "emailid not found"})


            # Update the status of the record.
            updatestring = "STATUS='" + request.args['status'] + "'"

        ret, msg = db.update_database(dbname, "guest", updatestring, "NAME='" + request.args['emailid'] + "'")

        return jsonify({"result":ret})
        return jsonify({"result":"wrong paramters"})
예제 #8
def generateguestaccount():
    This function will trigger the process of a creation of a guest account.

    if WEBDEBUG:

    # This function must be called with both the deviceid parameter and the teamsid parameter
    if ('deviceid' in request.args) and ('teamsid' in request.args):

        # Determine if deviceid is in white list database.   If not, then the device isnt authorized to generate
        # guest account

        ret, msg = db.search_database(dbname, "device", "name", deviceid)

        if not ret:
            return jsonify({"result": "deviceid not authorized"})

        # Determine if the teamsid is a valid WebEx Teams user.   If not, then quit
        ret= teamsapi.getemailfromid(teamsurl, teamstoken, request.args['teamsid'])

        if ret=="":
            return jsonify({"result": "teamsid not found"})

        # Determine if emaildomain is in white list database, if not, then the email domain isn't authorized to generate
        # a guest account

        ret, msg = db.search_database(dbname, "domain", "name", emaildomain)

        if (not ret):
            return jsonify({"result": "email domain not authorized"})

        # Now that we know we are authorized, serach the guest table to determine if a guest account has already
        # been initiated
        ret, msg = db.search_database(dbname, "guest", "name", emailaddress)

        if (not ret):
            # Trigger the initiation of the guest account creation

            # Create a new teamsroom to communicate the status back to the user
            ret=teamsapi.createteamsroom(teamsurl, teamstoken,"Platinum Onboard Guest Wireless "+str(date.today())+" - "+emailaddress)
            if ret == '':
                print("Unable to create the teams room")
                roomId = ret

            # Add the user to the teams room that we just created
            ret=teamsapi.adduserstoroom(teamsurl, teamstoken,roomId,emailaddress)
            if ret == '':
                print("Unable to add people to the teams room")

            teamsapi.sendmessagetoroom(teamsurl, teamstoken, roomId,
            teamsapi.sendmessagetoroom(teamsurl, teamstoken, roomId, "**Welcome to the Platinum Onboard Service**")
            teamsapi.sendmessagetoroom(teamsurl, teamstoken, roomId, "We have initiated the creation of the guest wireless account for "+emailaddress)
            teamsapi.sendmessagetoroom(teamsurl, teamstoken, roomId, "Please give us a few moments until your account is provisioned")

            # Insert a new guest record into the database.
            ret, msg = db.insert_into_database(dbname, "guest", NAME=emailaddress, DEVICE=deviceid, STATUS="initiated", TEAMSROOMID=roomId)

            if (not ret):
                # There was an issue with inserting the record.  This is a problem since we should role back the creation.
                print("Unable to insert the record")
                return (jsonify({"result":msg}))
                print("Successful insertion of record")
                # This was successful

            # Send a request to the provisioning server
            print("Triggering Guest Creation of '"+emailaddress+"' from device '"+deviceid+"' to "+provisionip)

            apistring = "http://"+provisionip+"/api/check-guest.php?emailid="+emailaddress
            print("Sending API to trigger guest creation: "+apistring)

            # Post the API call to the provisioning engine

            resp = requests.post(apistring)

            return jsonify({"result": "success", "record_id": msg})

            # User already has a guest account initiated:

            print("User " + emailaddress + " already has a account initiated!")

            # Search the database for the record.

            ret, msg = db.search_database(dbname, "guest", "name", emailaddress)

            # If the status is initiated, then let the user know via the teams room, that we already initiated
            # a guest account.

            if (msg['status'] == 'initiated'):
                ret = teamsapi.sendmessagetoroom(teamsurl, teamstoken, msg['teamsroomid'],
                ret = teamsapi.sendmessagetoroom(teamsurl, teamstoken, msg['teamsroomid'],
                                                 "Your account request was already initiated!")
                return jsonify({"result": "initiated"})

                # Otherwise, the guest account is created, so end back the data concerning the wireless credentials

                ret = teamsapi.sendmessagetoroom(teamsurl, teamstoken, msg['teamsroomid'],
                ret = teamsapi.sendmessagetoroom(teamsurl, teamstoken, msg['teamsroomid'],
                                                 "Your account was already provisioned:")
                ret = teamsapi.sendmessagetoroom(teamsurl, teamstoken, msg['teamsroomid'],
                                                 "Guest Credentials are located below:")
                ret = teamsapi.sendmessagetoroom(teamsurl, teamstoken, msg['teamsroomid'],
                                                 "ssid: **_platinum-guest_**")
                ret = teamsapi.sendmessagetoroom(teamsurl, teamstoken, msg['teamsroomid'],
                                                 "username: **_" + emailaddress + "_**")
                ret = teamsapi.sendmessagetoroom(teamsurl, teamstoken, msg['teamsroomid'],
                                                 "password: **_" + msg['guestpassword'] + "_**")

                print("Guest Password is: "+ msg['guestpassword'])
                return jsonify({"result": "completed", "password": msg['guestpassword']})

        print("Wrong Parameters")
        return jsonify({"result": "wrong paramters"})
예제 #9
def setstatus():
    This function will implement the setstatus function.   The setstatus will be used anytime the mail server wants to
    change the status of the a user.   For example, if they go from Out Of Office = True or Out Of Office = False.

    :return: {"result":"True"} and Status Code 200 if the request was successful
             {"result":"Invalid JSON"} and Status Code 400 if the inbound JSON is incorrect
             {"result":"Not Found"} and Status Code 404 if the user was not found in the database
             {"result":str(e)} and Status Code 403 if a generic error occurred and the 'e' is the error message
             {"result": "Internal Error"} and any Status Code if another web error occured when communicating to the mail gateway


    if WEBDEBUG:

    req_data = request.get_json(force=True, silent=True)

    # Check to see if the email and status fields are included in the inbound JSON
        email = req_data['email']
        status = req_data['status']
    except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError):
        return jsonify({"result":"Invalid JSON"}),400

    # Check to see if the OOO message is included
        message = req_data['message']
    except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError):
        print("Incoming Message doesn't include a OOO message")
        print("Incoming Message does include a OOO message")
        print("The message is: '"+message+"'")

    print("Setting the status for: "+email+" to: "+ status)

    # Search the database table for the user
    ret, msg = db.search_database(dbname, "users", "Alias", email)

    if not ret:
        return jsonify({"result":"Not Found"}),404

    # Create the API call to send to UCXN
    apistring = vmip+"/ucxn/users/"+msg['CallHandlerObjectId']+"/greeting"

    headers = {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'

    jsonmsg = {}
    if message:

    print (apistring)
    print (jsonmsg)

    # Try to post the message to the UCXN server
        resp = requests.post(apistring,data=json.dumps(jsonmsg),headers=headers,timeout=10)
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
        flash("ERROR: Error when attempting to set status: "+str(e))
        return jsonify({"result":str(e)}),403

    print (resp.status_code)
    if resp.status_code == 200:

        updatestring = "AlternateGreetingEnabled='" + status +"'"
        ret, msg = db.update_database(dbname, "users", updatestring, "Alias='" + email + "'")

        data = db.search_db(dbname, "users")

        return jsonify({"result":"True"}),200
        flash ("ERROR: Unable to set status failed to ("+apistring+"): "+" Status Code ("+str(resp.status_code)+"): "+str(resp.reason))
        return jsonify({"result": "Internal Error"}),resp.status_code