def do_request(self, postargs=''): getargs = '' command = '' querystart = self.path.find('?') path = self.path if (querystart != -1): getargs = self.path[querystart + 1:] path = self.path[:querystart] print path pathlist = path.split('/') if len(pathlist ) > 2 and pathlist[0] == '' and pathlist[1] == 'cgi-bin': command = pathlist[2] extension = command.find('.') if extension != -1: command = command[:extension] elif len(pathlist) == 1 or len(pathlist) == 2 and pathlist[1] == '': command = 'index' elif len(pathlist) == 2: indexname = pathlist[1] extension = indexname.find('.') print pathlist if extension != -1: indexname = indexname[:extension] if indexname == 'index': command = 'index' if not command in pages: if command == 'index': self.send_response(302, "Found") host = self.headers.get('Host', '') if host: host = 'http://' + host self.send_header('Location', host + '/cgi-bin/') self.end_headers() else: self.send_error( 404, "The requested file /cgi-bin/" + command + " was not found.") return module = pages[command] mod = '' if module.post_form: postargs = db.urlDecode(postargs) mod = postargs.get('mod', '') if module.get_form: getargs = db.urlDecode(getargs) if not mod: mod = getargs.get('mod', '') if not mod and not module.get_form: mod = getargs if not mod in connections: self.send_error(402, "Payment Required") return self.oldstdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = self.wfile self.send_response(200, "Script output follows") module.execute(connections[mod], getargs, postargs) sys.stdout = self.oldstdout
def do_request(self, postargs=''): getargs='' command='' querystart = self.path.find('?') path = self.path if (querystart!=-1): getargs = self.path[querystart+1:] path = self.path[:querystart] print(path) pathlist = path.split('/') if len(pathlist)>2 and pathlist[0]=='' and pathlist[1]=='cgi-bin': command = pathlist[2] extension = command.find('.') if extension!=-1: command=command[:extension] elif len(pathlist)==1 or len(pathlist)==2 and pathlist[1]=='': command='index' elif len(pathlist)==2: indexname = pathlist[1] extension = indexname.find('.') print(pathlist) if extension!=-1: indexname=indexname[:extension] if indexname=='index': command='index' if not command in pages: if command=='index': self.send_response(302, "Found") host = self.headers.get('Host', '') if host: host = 'http://'+host self.send_header('Location', host+'/cgi-bin/') self.end_headers() else: self.send_error(404, "The requested file /cgi-bin/"+command+" was not found.") return module = pages[command] mod='' if module.post_form: postargs = db.urlDecode(postargs) mod = postargs.get('mod','') if module.get_form: getargs = db.urlDecode(getargs) if not mod: mod = getargs.get('mod','') if not mod and not module.get_form: mod = getargs if not mod in connections: self.send_error(402, "Payment Required") return self.oldstdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = self.wfile self.send_response(200, "Script output follows") module.execute(connections[mod], getargs, postargs) sys.stdout = self.oldstdout
f.close() s = comment(s, '<bind key="y" modifier="none" command="SwitchCombatMode" />') #s = comment(s, '<bind key="a" modifier="none" command="ToggleWarpDrive" />'); s=myreplace (s,"callsign",username); s=myreplace (s,"password",password); s=myreplace (s,"realname",username); s=myreplace (s,"force_client_connect","true") s=myreplace (s,"default_mission","net.mission") # Make browser treat this as an XML file: print "Content-Type: text/xml" if (not (form.has_key("action") and form["action"]=="view")): print "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=vegastrike.config" print "" print s if __name__=='__main__': form = db.urlDecode(os.environ.get('QUERY_STRING','')) if form.has_key("mod"): mod = form["mod"] else: mod = '' filedb = db.DBBase(mod) execute(filedb, form, '') f.close() s = comment(s, '<bind key="y" modifier="none" command="SwitchCombatMode" />') #s = comment(s, '<bind key="a" modifier="none" command="ToggleWarpDrive" />'); s=myreplace (s,"callsign",username); s=myreplace (s,"password",password); s=myreplace (s,"realname",username); s=myreplace (s,"force_client_connect","true") s=myreplace (s,"default_mission","net.mission") # Make browser treat this as an XML file: print("Content-Type: text/xml") if (not ("action" in form and form["action"]=="view")): print("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=vegastrike.config") print("") print(s) if __name__=='__main__': form = db.urlDecode(os.environ.get('QUERY_STRING','')) if "mod" in form: mod = form["mod"] else: mod = '' filedb = db.DBBase(mod) execute(filedb, form, '')
success = False failed_error = sys.exc_info()[1] print(header) print('<br>') if success: url = ''******'&password='******'&mod='+mod print("To play, start up the game, click on 'Multiplayer', type in your login and password, and then click 'Join Game'") #print 'Download a functional' #print '<a href="'+url+'" title="Download config file">vegastrike.config</a>' #print 'to put in your vegastrike folder that has your appropriate login and password<br>' #print 'Or, <a href="'+url+'&action=view">view the config file</a> in your browser.<br>' else: print('<b>Registration Error</b>: ' + str(failed_error)) print(errorvar) print(footer) if __name__=='__main__': post_args = {} if os.environ.get('REQUEST_METHOD','GET') == 'POST': leng = os.environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'] post_args = db.urlDecode( if "mod" in post_args: mod = post_args["mod"] else: mod = os.environ.get('QUERY_STRING','') conn = db.connect(settings.dbconfig, mod) if post_args: execute(conn, mod, post_args)
failed_error = sys.exc_value print header print '<br>' if success: url = ''******'&password='******'&mod=' + mod print "To play, start up the game, click on 'Multiplayer', type in your login and password, and then click 'Join Game'" #print 'Download a functional' #print '<a href="'+url+'" title="Download config file">vegastrike.config</a>' #print 'to put in your vegastrike folder that has your appropriate login and password<br>' #print 'Or, <a href="'+url+'&action=view">view the config file</a> in your browser.<br>' else: print '<b>Registration Error</b>: ' + str(failed_error) print errorvar print footer if __name__ == '__main__': post_args = {} if os.environ.get('REQUEST_METHOD', 'GET') == 'POST': leng = os.environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'] post_args = db.urlDecode( if post_args.has_key("mod"): mod = post_args["mod"] else: mod = os.environ.get('QUERY_STRING', '') conn = db.connect(settings.dbconfig, mod) if post_args: execute(conn, mod, post_args)