예제 #1
    def market_file_handler(self, filepath, spend_limit):
        This function takes in a market.json file and updates the players
        current location and the cargo values. 
        # Get the json into a dict
        while 1:
                with open(filepath, 'r') as f:
                    js = json.load(f)
                star_system = js['StarSystem']
                station_name = js['StationName']
                # Try again until the file actually exists

        # Create a DBHandler instance to get the location of the star system
        db_conn = DBHandler()
        out = db_conn.request("SELECT x, y, z FROM systems WHERE name = ?", (star_system,))

        #print('Market db request returned {}'.format(out))

        if self.location != list(out[0]):
            self.location = list(out[0])
            print('[Market Check] New location, rebuilding distance table. . .')
            print('[Market Check] Done.')

        # Setup the database thread to run in the background
        future = pool.submit(ldb.planets_in_range, self.ship_range, self.location, self.cargo_size, station_name, spend_limit)
        # Set up the call back for the future.

        print('[Market Check] Looking for goods to trade. . .')
예제 #2
    def cargo_file_handler(self, filepath, spend_limit, last_cargo):
        This function takes in a filepath, spending limit, and a cargo
        and determines if the limit needs to increase or the cargo
        needs to be updated.
        # For now, cut this out. We're not using it
        return spend_limit, last_cargo
        # From the cargo file, determine what will be sold and 

        next_cargo = self.grab_current_cargo()

        # First case: No cargo -> Cargo
        # spend_limit remains the same, last_cargo updates.
        print('[Cargo Check] Last cargo is {}'.format(last_cargo))
        print('[Cargo Check] Next cargo is {}'.format(next_cargo))

        # If they are the same, nothing has changed. Return.
        if next_cargo == last_cargo:
            return spend_limit, last_cargo

        if last_cargo == None or last_cargo == []:
            return spend_limit, next_cargo

        # Second case: Cargo -> No Cargo
        # spend_limit will increase depending on what the value of the cargo
        # was at the location that it gets sold, last_cargo becomes next_cargo.
        if next_cargo == None or next_cargo == []:
            # Grab the station name that we are at
            db_conn = DBHandler()
            station_name = None
            while 1:
                    print('[Cargo Check] Opening cargo.json. . .')
                    with open(filepath, 'r') as f:
                        js = json.load(f)
                    station_name = js['StationName']
                    # Try again until the file actually exists

            print('[Cargo Check] Station Name is {}'.format(station_name))

            # Get the station ID
            station_id = db_conn.request("SELECT id FROM stations WHERE name = ?", (station_name,))

            # Get the commodity id for the current cargo.
            cargo_ids = []
            for item in last_cargo:
                cargo_ids.append(db_conn.request("SELECT id FROM commodities WHERE name = ?", (item,)))

            # Grab the sell value at for the cargo id's at the station id
            for item in cargo_ids:
                profit = db_conn.request(
                    "SELECT sell_price FROM listings WHERE station_id = ? AND commodity_id = ?", 
                    (station_id, item,)
                spend_limit += profit

            # Return!
            return spend_limit, next_cargo