예제 #1
def shiftNotes():
    employeeID = current_user.get_id()

    clientIP = request.environ['REMOTE_ADDR']
    if clientIP == "" or clientIP == "" or clientIP == "":
        location = "CMC"  #default location
        location = "ResearchIT"
    #elif clientIP == "" or clientIP == "":
    #	location = "ResearchIT"
    #	#not in allowed location for checkin
    #	location = "Unauthorized"

    shiftID = accessDB(getCurrentShift, location, employeeID)

    if request.method == 'POST':
        note = request.form.get("note_input")
        #truncate note to 255 characters, just in case some joker tries to game the system.
        note = note[:255]

        accessDB(addShiftNotes, shiftID, employeeID, note)
        return ("nothing")

    elif request.method == 'GET':
        #retrieve the note for the shift already.
        notes = accessDB(getShiftNotes, shiftID, employeeID)
        if notes:  #if notes isn't empty...
            return jsonify(
                {"notes": notes[0]}
            )  #it's a tuple b/c it's a result set, so we need to extract the content from the tuple.
            return jsonify({"noContent"})
예제 #2
def getShiftCalendarData(
    db, startDate, endDate
):  #startDate and endDate should be passed in as ISO8601 Date Strings e.g 2013-12-01
    cur = db.cursor()
    theNow = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
    cur.execute("SELECT id FROM ShiftList where date >= %s AND date <= %s",
                (startDate, endDate))
    allShiftIDs = cur.fetchall()
    relevantShifts = []
    for elem in allShiftIDs:
        thisShift = {}

        id = str(elem[0])  #Get the actual id out of the tuple...
        shiftInfoDic = accessDB(adminFunctions.getShiftInfo,
                                id)  #Result is a dictionary...

        thisShift["description"] = (
            datetime.min + shiftInfoDic["startTime"]
        ).strftime("%I:%M %p") + "-" + (
            datetime.min + shiftInfoDic["endTime"]).strftime("%I:%M %p") + "\n"
        #convert startTimes and endTimes to strings...
        startTime = (
            datetime.combine(shiftInfoDic["date"], datetime.min.time()) +
        endTime = (
            datetime.combine(shiftInfoDic["endDate"], datetime.min.time()) +
        thisShift["start"] = startTime
        thisShift["end"] = endTime

        thisShift["description"] = thisShift[
            "description"] + "Location: " + shiftInfoDic["location"] + "\n"

        #next, get all the employeeInfos.
        employeeIDs = shiftInfoDic["employees"]
        title = ""
        for empid in employeeIDs:
            employeeInfo = accessDB(adminFunctions.getEmployeeInfo, empid)
            employeeFirstName = employeeInfo[0]
            employeeName = employeeInfo[0] + " " + employeeInfo[1]
            title = title + employeeFirstName + "\n"
                "description"] = thisShift["description"] + employeeName + "\n"

        thisShift["title"] = title
        #finally, get location and determine color from that..
        if shiftInfoDic["location"] == "CMC":
            thisShift["color"] = "blue"
            thisShift["color"] = "#ffa100"

        thisShift["id"] = id
        thisShift["location"] = shiftInfoDic["location"]


    return relevantShifts
예제 #3
def frontEndUnrequestSub():

    shiftID = request.form['shiftID']
    employeeID = request.form['employeeID']

    if current_user.get_id() != employeeID:
        return jsonify({"Response": "Employee Mismatch"})
        accessDB(unrequestSub, employeeID, shiftID)
        return jsonify({"Response": "Success!"})
예제 #4
def frontEndRequestSub():

    shiftID = request.form['shiftID']
    employeeID = request.form['employeeID']

    if current_user.get_id() != employeeID:
        return jsonify({
            "Error: Employee requesting sub is not employee working shift."

        accessDB(requestSub, employeeID, shiftID)
        return jsonify({"Response": "Successfully submitted Sub Request."})
예제 #5
def quickReport(timeRange, **kwargs): #A function that reports the breakdown of shift checkins overall, over a given timerange, up to the present time. Includes both subbedShifts and regularShifts.
#You may specify an individual worker, by employeeID
#You may specify a startDate and an endDate. Doing so overrides the timerange parameter and goes from 00:00 on the startDate to 23:59 on the endDate.
	#get employeeID if there is one.
	employeeID = kwargs.get("employeeID", None)
	#get relevant start and end datetimes based on given time range. 
	theNow = datetime.now()
	theYesterday = theNow - timeRange #timeRange must be a timedelta object.
	currDateTime = theNow.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M")
	yesterDateTime = theYesterday.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M")

	#get startDate and endDate if specified. If not, defaults to the previously defined timeranges.
	startDate = kwargs.get("startDate", theYesterday)
	endDate = kwargs.get("endDate", currDateTime)
	if employeeID == None:

		report = reportFunctions.quickReport(startDate, endDate)
		report = accessDB(reportFunctions.quickWorkerSummary, startDate, endDate, employeeID)	
	#print (report)

	#bin the shifts. Indices 5 and 6 are the shift's startTime and checkinTime.	
	binnedShifts = shiftBinner(report, 5, 6)
	#extract the counts and assign to human-readable variables.
	missed = len(binnedShifts[4])
	fiveMin = len(binnedShifts[1])
	tenMin = len(binnedShifts[2])
	fifteenMin = len(binnedShifts[3])

	return (len(report), missed, fiveMin, tenMin, fifteenMin)
예제 #6
def shiftCalendarData():
    startDate = request.args.get("start")
    endDate = request.args.get("end")

    relevantShifts = accessDB(getShiftCalendarData, startDate, endDate)

    return jsonify(relevantShifts)
예제 #7
def frontEndcheckIn():
    #clientIP = request.environ['REMOTE_ADDR']
    #if clientIP != "" or clientIP != "" or clientIP != "" or clientIP != "" or clientIP != "":
    #	return jsonify({"Error":"Unauthorized IP"})
    #get Employee ID and Shift ID from the POST request
    employeeID = request.form['employeeID']
    shiftID = request.form['shiftID']
    #print ("Hello")
    #print (iemployeeID)
    #print (shiftID)

    checkInTime = getCurrentTime()
    accessDB(checkInEmployee, employeeID, checkInTime, shiftID)

    return jsonify({"checkInTime": checkInTime})
예제 #8
def frontEndDropSub():

    origEmployeeID = request.form['origEmployeeID']
    subEmployeeID = request.form['subEmployeeID']
    shiftID = request.form["shiftID"]

    if current_user.get_id() != subEmployeeID:
        return jsonify({"Response": "Employee Mismatch"})


        #print (request.form)
        #print (origEmployeeID)

        #print (shiftID)
        accessDB(dropSub, shiftID, origEmployeeID, subEmployeeID)

        return jsonify({"Response": "Success!"})
예제 #9
def frontEndPickupSub():

    origEmployeeID = request.form["origEmployeeID"]
    subEmployeeID = request.form["subEmployeeID"]
    shiftID = request.form["shiftID"]

    if current_user.get_id() != subEmployeeID:
        return jsonify({"Response": "Employee Mismatch"})

        if accessDB(checkShiftConflict, subEmployeeID, shiftID):
            return jsonify({"Response": "Shift Conflicts With Another"})


            accessDB(pickupSub, shiftID, origEmployeeID, subEmployeeID)

            return jsonify({"Response": "Success!"})
예제 #10
def frontEndGetSubbableShifts():
    subbableShifts = accessDB(getSubbableShifts)

    shiftInfoList = []
    for elem in subbableShifts:
        shiftID = elem[0]
        origEmployeeID = elem[5]
        diclist = {"shiftID": shiftID, "origEmployeeID": origEmployeeID}
        #shiftInfoList.update({shiftID : origEmployeeid}) #respectively, shiftid and origemployeeid.

    #JSONIFY A LIST. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12435297/how-do-i-jsonify-a-list-in-flask/35000418#35000418
    #print (shiftInfoList)
    return jsonify(shiftInfoList)
예제 #11
def getSubRequestStatus():
    shiftID = request.args.get(
    )  #https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10434599/how-to-get-data-received-in-flask-request
    employeeID = request.args.get('employeeID')
    # employeeID = request.form['employeeID']
    # shiftID = request.form['shiftID']
    #print ((employeeID, shiftID))

    subStatus = accessDB(getSubStatus, shiftID, employeeID)
    subFilled = subStatus[1]
    subRequested = subStatus[0]

    return (jsonify({"subFilled": subFilled, "subRequested": subRequested}))