예제 #1
def editUser(oldosis, osis, oldpassword, password, grade, locker, gender,
             combo, floor, level, type):
    bool = True
    if (userValid(oldosis, oldpassword)):
        if (password != ""): editUserTbl(oldosis, "password", password)
        if (grade != ""): editUserTbl(oldosis, "grade", grade)
        if (gender != ""): editUserTbl(oldosis, "gender", gender)
        q = "SELECT locker FROM user_tbl WHERE osis=?"
        inputs = (oldosis, )
        oldlocker = execmany(q, inputs).fetchone()[0]
        if (combo != ""): editLockerTbl(oldlocker, "combo", combo, oldosis)
        if (floor != ""):
            bool = bool and editLockerTbl(oldlocker, "floor", floor, oldosis)
        if (level != ""): editLockerTbl(oldlocker, "level", level, oldosis)
        if (type != ""): editLockerTbl(oldlocker, "location", type, oldosis)
        # if the user wants to change their owned locker
        if (locker != ""):
            if (editLockerTbl(oldlocker, "locker", locker, oldosis)):
                editUserTbl(oldosis, "locker", locker)
                editTransTbl(oldosis, "locker", locker)
                bool = False
        # if the user wants to change their osis
        if (osis != ""):
            if not (findOsis(osis)):
                editTransTbl(oldosis, "notifs", osis)
                q = "UPDATE locker_tbl SET owner=? WHERE owner=?"
                inputs = (osis, oldosis)
                data = execmany(q, inputs)
                editUserTbl(oldosis, "osis", osis)
                bool = False
    return bool
예제 #2
def buddyRequest(to, sender):
    locker = getUserInfo(to)
    if locker == '':
        locker = getUserInfo(sender)[2]
    q = "INSERT INTO transaction_tbl VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)"
    inputs = (locker[2], to, sender, 1, "B", getLockerInfo(locker[2], to)[3])
    execmany(q, inputs)
    return True
예제 #3
def putOnMarket(locker, osis):
    linfo = getLockerInfo(locker, osis)
    q = "INSERT INTO transaction_tbl VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)"
    inputs = (locker, "", linfo[1], 1, 'L', linfo[3])
    execmany(q, inputs)
    q = "UPDATE locker_tbl SET status='TRADING' WHERE locker=" + str(
        locker) + " AND owner=" + str(osis)
예제 #4
def deleteTrans(user, recipient, type):
    # if the user wants to take their locker off the market
    if (recipient == "" and type == 'L'):
        q = "UPDATE locker_tbl SET status='OWNED' WHERE owner=" + user
    q = "DELETE FROM transaction_tbl WHERE sender=? AND recipient=? AND request=?"
    inputs = (user, recipient, type)
    execmany(q, inputs)
    return True
예제 #5
def ifDissolve(user):
    q = "SELECT * FROM transaction_tbl WHERE (recipient=? OR sender=?) AND status = ? AND request = ?"
    inputs = (user, user, 1, "D")
    data = execmany(q, inputs).fetchall()
    if len(data) != 0:
        return True
    return False
예제 #6
def findOsis(osis):
    q = "SELECT * FROM user_tbl WHERE osis = ?"
    inputs = (osis, )
    data = execmany(q, inputs).fetchall()
    if len(data) != 0:
        return True
    return False
예제 #7
def getSurveyInfo(osis):
    q = "SELECT survey from user_tbl WHERE osis=?"
    inputs = (osis, )
    data = execmany(q, inputs).fetchone()
    info = []
    if (data[0] != ""):
        info = data[0].split("|")
    return info
예제 #8
def getDissolveInfo(user):
    q = "SELECT sender FROM transaction_tbl WHERE recipient=?"
    inputs = (user, )
    data = execmany(q, inputs).fetchall()
    info = []
    for value in data:
    return info
예제 #9
def editLockerTbl(locker, fxn, new, osis):
    if fxn == "locker" or fxn == "floor":
        q = "SELECT locker, floor FROM locker_tbl WHERE locker = ?"
        inputs = (locker, )
        old = execmany(q, inputs).fetchone()
        if fxn == "locker":
            q = "SELECT locker, floor FROM locker_tbl WHERE locker = ?"
            inputs = (new, )
            data = execmany(q, inputs).fetchall()
            q = "SELECT locker, floor FROM locker_tbl WHERE floor = ?"
            inputs = (new, )
            data = execmany(q, inputs).fetchall()
        if data is not None:
            for value in data:
                if value[0] == old[0] and value[1] == old[1]:
                    return False
    new = "\"" + new + "\""
    q = "UPDATE locker_tbl SET " + fxn + "=" + new + " WHERE owner=?"
    inputs = (osis, )
    d = execmany(q, inputs)
    q = "SELECT floor FROM locker_tbl WHERE owner = ? AND locker = ?"
    inputs = (osis, locker)
    d = execmany(q, inputs).fetchone()
    if d is not None:
        q = "UPDATE transaction_tbl SET floor = ? WHERE locker=? AND floor = ?"
        inputs = (new, locker, d[0])
        data = execmany(q, inputs)
        q = "UPDATE transaction_tbl SET floor = ? WHERE locker=?"
        inputs = (new, locker)
        data = execmany(q, inputs)
    return True
예제 #10
def getLockerInfo(locker, osis):
    q = "SELECT * from locker_tbl WHERE locker=? AND owner = ?"
    inputs = (locker, osis)
    data = execmany(q, inputs).fetchone()
    info = []
    if data is not None:
        for value in data:
    return info
예제 #11
def getTransactionTo(osis):
    q = "SELECT sender FROM transaction_tbl WHERE recipient=? AND status=?"
    inputs = (osis, 1)
    data = execmany(q, inputs).fetchall()
    info = []
    if data is None:
        return info
    for value in data:
    return info
예제 #12
def getTransactionFrom(osis):
    q = "SELECT recipient FROM transaction_tbl WHERE sender=? AND status = ?"
    inputs = (osis, 1)
    data = execmany(q, inputs).fetchall()
    info = []
    if data is None:
        return info
    for value in data:
    filtered = [x for x in info if x != '']
    return filtered
예제 #13
def getTransactionInfo(osis):
    q = "SELECT * from transaction_tbl WHERE sender=?"
    inputs = (osis, )
    data = execmany(q, inputs).fetchall()
    info = []
    if (data is None):
        return info
    for value in data:
        if len(value) > 0 and value[3] == 1:
                [value[0], value[1], value[2], value[3], value[4], value[5]])
    return info
예제 #14
def userValid(osis, password):
    q = "SELECT password from user_tbl WHERE osis=?"
    inputs = (osis, )
    data = execmany(q, inputs).fetchone()
    if (data is not None):
        if (data[0] == password):
            return True
            flash("Incorrect OSIS and password combination.", 'danger')
            return False
    flash("OSIS does not exist. Please sign up for an account.", 'danger')
    return False
예제 #15
def addUser(osis, password, grade, buddy, linfo, locker, gender):
    q = "SELECT * FROM user_tbl WHERE osis=?"
    inputs = (osis, )
    data = execmany(q, inputs).fetchone()
    if (data is None):
        if (locker != ""):
            q = "SELECT * FROM locker_tbl WHERE locker='" + locker + "' AND floor='" + linfo[
                1] + "'"
            data = exec(q).fetchone()
        if (data is None or locker == ""):
            q = "INSERT INTO user_tbl VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
            inputs = (osis, password, locker, grade, buddy, "", gender)
            execmany(q, inputs)
            q = "INSERT INTO locker_tbl VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
            inputs = (locker, osis, linfo[0], linfo[1], linfo[2], linfo[3],
            execmany(q, inputs)
            return "done"
            return "locker"
    return "user"
예제 #16
def tradeableLockers():
    q = "SELECT * FROM transaction_tbl WHERE status=1 AND request='L' AND recipient=''"
    data = exec(q).fetchall()
    dataDict = {}
    for i in data:
        q = "SELECT * from locker_tbl WHERE locker=? AND status='TRADING'"
        inputs = (i[0], )
        data = execmany(q, inputs).fetchone()
        info = []
        for value in data:
        dataDict[i] = info
    return dataDict
예제 #17
def getAllNotifs(osis):
    q = "SELECT * FROM transaction_tbl WHERE recipient=?"
    inputs = (osis, )
    data = execmany(q, inputs).fetchall()
    info = []
    temp = []
    if data is None:
        return info
    for value in data:
        for cell in value:
        temp = []
    return info
예제 #18
def dissolveBuddy(user, sender):
    q = "UPDATE transaction_tbl SET status = ? WHERE (sender = ? OR recipient = ?) AND request = ?"
    inputs = (0, user, user, "D")
    execmany(q, inputs)
    q = "UPDATE user_tbl SET buddy = ? WHERE osis = ?"
    inputs = ("", user)
    execmany(q, inputs)
    inputs = ("", sender)
    execmany(q, inputs)
    return True
예제 #19
def confirmB(user, recipient):
    q = "UPDATE transaction_tbl SET status = 0 WHERE request = ? AND (sender=? OR recipient = ? OR sender = ? OR recipient = ?)"
    inputs = ("B", user, user, recipient, recipient)
    execmany(q, inputs)
    q = "UPDATE user_tbl SET buddy = ? WHERE osis = ?"
    inputs = (user, recipient)
    execmany(q, inputs)
    q = "UPDATE user_tbl SET buddy = ? WHERE osis = ?"
    inputs = (recipient, user)
    execmany(q, inputs)
    return True
예제 #20
def editTransTbl(osis, fxn, new):
    if fxn == "locker":
        q = "UPDATE transaction_tbl SET locker = ? WHERE recipient = ?"
        inputs = (new, osis)
        execmany(q, inputs)
        q = "UPDATE transaction_tbl SET sender = ? WHERE sender = ?"
        inputs = (new, osis)
        execmany(q, inputs)
        q = "UPDATE transaction_tbl SET recipient = ? WHERE recipient = ?"
        inputs = (new, osis)
        execmany(q, inputs)
    return True
예제 #21
def searchLocker(searchBy, query):
    if (searchBy == "Locker Number"):
        if (len(query) != 5):
            return False
        head, space, tail = query.partition("-")
        q = "SELECT * FROM transaction_tbl WHERE recipient='' AND locker=" + tail + " AND floor=" + head
        data = exec(q).fetchall()
        dataDict = {}
        for i in data:
            q = "SELECT * from locker_tbl WHERE locker=? AND floor=?"
            inputs = (tail, head)
            data = execmany(q, inputs).fetchone()
            info = []
            if data is not None:
                for value in data:
            dataDict[i] = info
        return dataDict
        if (len(query) != 9):
            return False
        q = "SELECT * FROM transaction_tbl WHERE recipient='' AND sender=" + query
        data = exec(q).fetchall()
        return getTransLock(data, query)
예제 #22
def getUserInfo(osis):
    q = "SELECT * from user_tbl WHERE osis=?"
    inputs = (osis, )
    data = execmany(q, inputs).fetchone()
    info = [data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5], data[6]]
    return info
예제 #23
def breakB(user, recipient):
    q = "INSERT INTO transaction_tbl VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)"
    inputs = ("", recipient, user, 1, "D", "")
    execmany(q, inputs)
    return True
예제 #24
def updateSurvey(osis, info):
    q = "UPDATE user_tbl SET survey=? WHERE osis=?"
    inputs = (info, osis)
    execmany(q, inputs)
예제 #25
def editUserTbl(osis, fxn, new):
    new = "\"" + new + "\""
    q = "UPDATE user_tbl SET " + fxn + "=" + new + " WHERE osis=?"
    inputs = (osis, )
    data = execmany(q, inputs)
    return True
예제 #26
def lockerRequest(to, sender):
    owner = getUserInfo(to)
    locker = getLockerInfo(owner[2], to)
    q = "INSERT INTO transaction_tbl VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)"
    inputs = (owner[2], to, sender, 1, "L", locker[3])
    execmany(q, inputs)