예제 #1
class FileBackup(object):
    _file_backup_db = 'DbBak'
    _db = None

    def __init__(self):
        dbconfig = {'host':backup_config.BACKUP_INFO_DB_IP,
        self._db = MySQL_lightweight(dbconfig)

    def get_file_backup_info_from_db(self, st_date=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d",time.localtime(time.time()-24*60*60)), en_date=time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d',time.localtime(time.time()))):
        if not (is_valid_date(st_date) and is_valid_date(en_date)):
            raise Exception('It is not a valid date.')
        sql = "SELECT name,file_name,file_size,bak_keep_host FROM file_backup WHERE TIME >= '%s' AND TIME < '%s' order by name" % (st_date, en_date)
        print sql
        result = self._db.fetchAllArray()
        return result

    def get_file_backup_info(self, st_date=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d",time.localtime(time.time()-24*60*60)),
        if not (is_valid_date(st_date) and is_valid_date(en_date)):
            raise Exception('It is not a valid date.')

        result = {
            'total': 0,
            'success': 0,
            'failed': 0,
            'noback': 0,
            'data_size': 0,
            'disk_use': 0,
            'bak_server': '',
            'info': {}
        need_backup = AppConfig.FILE_BACKUP
        need_backup = list(need_backup)
        result['total'] = len(need_backup)
        items = self.get_file_backup_info_from_db()
        for item in items:
            if item['name'] in need_backup:
                result['success'] += 1
            result['data_size'] += item['file_size']
        result['failed'] = len(need_backup)
        result['info'] = items
        result['bak_server'] = AppConfig.FILE_BACKUP_server
        return result

    def get_latest_server_use(self, ip):
        if not (ip):
            raise Exception('It is not a valid ip.')
        sql = "Select IP, Path, DiskUse, AddTime from Backup_ServerUseFraction where IP='%s' Order by AddTime Desc limit 1;" % ip
        print sql
        result = self._db.fetchOneRow()
        return result
예제 #2
파일: backup.py 프로젝트: rphjzq/DBA_Portal
class FileBackup(object):
    _file_backup_db = backup_config.FILE_BACKUP_DB
    _file_backup_servers = backup_config.FILE_BACKUP_SERVERS
    _file_backup_types = backup_config.FILE_BACKUP_TYPES
    _db = None

    def __init__(self):
        dbconfig = {
            'host': backup_config.BACKUP_INFO_DB_IP,
            'port': backup_config.BACKUP_INFO_DB_PORT,
            'user': AppConfig.MYSQL_ADMIN_USR,
            'passwd': AppConfig.MYSQL_ADMIN_PSWORD,
            'db': backup_config.FILE_BACKUP_DB,
            'charset': 'utf8'
        self._db = MySQL_lightweight(dbconfig)

    def get_file_backup_info_from_db(
                              time.localtime(time.time() - 24 * 60 * 60)),
        en_date=time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime(time.time()))):
        if not (is_valid_date(st_date) and is_valid_date(en_date)):
            raise Exception('It is not a valid date.')
        sql = "SELECT name,file_name,file_size,bak_keep_host FROM file_backup WHERE TIME >= '%s' AND TIME < '%s' order by name" % (
            st_date, en_date)
        print sql
        result = self._db.fetchAllArray()
        return result

    def get_file_backup_info(
                              time.localtime(time.time() - 24 * 60 * 60)),
        en_date=time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime(time.time()))):
        if not (is_valid_date(st_date) and is_valid_date(en_date)):
            raise Exception('It is not a valid date.')

        result = {
            'total': 0,
            'success': 0,
            'failed': 0,
            'noback': 0,
            'data_size': 0,
            'disk_use': 0,
            'bak_server': '',
            'info': {}
        need_backup = backup_config.FILE_BACKUP_TYPES
        need_backup = list(need_backup)
        result['total'] = len(need_backup)
        items = self.get_file_backup_info_from_db()
        for item in items:
            if item['name'] in need_backup and item['file_size'] != 0:
                result['success'] += 1
            result['data_size'] += item['file_size']
        result['failed'] = len(need_backup)
        result['info'] = items
        result['bak_servers'] = backup_config.FILE_BACKUP_SERVERS
        return result

    def get_latest_server_use(self, ip):
        if not (ip):
            raise Exception('It is not a valid ip.')
        sql = "Select IP, Path, DiskUse, AddTime from Backup_ServerUseFraction where IP='%s' Order by AddTime Desc limit 1;" % ip
        print sql
        result = self._db.fetchOneRow()
        return result
예제 #3
class MonitorArchive():
    _dbmonitor_db = 'DBMonitor'
    _db = None
    _monitor_ip_lists = monitor_config.MONITOR_IP_LIST_917
    _monitor_ip_dict = monitor_config.MONITOR_IP_DICT_917
    _monitor_type = monitor_config.MONITOR_TYPE

    def __init__(self):
        dbconfig = {
            'host': monitor_config.DBMONITOR_DB_IP,
            'port': monitor_config.DBMONITOR_DB_PORT,
            'user': AppConfig.MYSQL_ADMIN_USR,
            'passwd': AppConfig.MYSQL_ADMIN_PSWORD,
            'db': self._dbmonitor_db,
            'charset': 'utf8'
        print dbconfig
        self._db = MySQL_lightweight(dbconfig)

    def get_mtype_list(self):
        return self._monitor_type

    def get_hc_para(self, date, ip, port='3306', monitor_type='questions'):
        if not (self.check_date(date) and ip):
            print 'get_hc_para -- parameters error'
            return False
        st_time = date + ' 09:00:00'
        en_time = date + ' 11:00:00'
        sql = "select GroupName, MTime, %s from DBMonitor_History where IP='%s' and Port='%s' and MTime>='%s' and MTime<='%s' order by MTime" % (
            monitor_type, ip, port, st_time, en_time)
        print sql
        rows = self._db.fetchAllArray()
        for row in rows:
            print row['MTime'], row[monitor_type]
        return rows

    def archive_dashboard(self, date, monitor_type='questions'):
        if not (self.check_date(date)):
            print 'archive_dashboard -- parameters error'
            return False
        st_time = date + ' 09:00:00'
        en_time = date + ' 11:00:00'
        sql = "select GroupName,IP,max(%s) as max_value from DBMonitor_History where MTime>='%s' and MTime<='%s' group by IP order by GroupName" % (
            monitor_type, st_time, en_time)
        print sql
        rows = self._db.fetchAllArray()
        for row in rows:
            row['max_show'] = row['max_value'] if row['max_value'] else '0'
            row['max_show'] = float2humanread(row['max_value'])
        return rows

    def archive_instance(self, ip, date):
        if not (self.check_date(date)):
            print 'archive_dashboard -- parameters error'
            return False
        st_time = date + ' 09:00:00'
        en_time = date + ' 11:00:00'
        mtype_list = "`,`".join(self._monitor_type)
        #print mtype_list
        sql = "select MTime,GroupName,IP,`%s` from DBMonitor_History where IP='%s' and MTime>='%s' and MTime<='%s' order by MTime" % (
            mtype_list, ip, st_time, en_time)
        #sql = "select MTime,GroupName,IP,questions,tps from DBMonitor_History where IP='%s' and MTime>='%s' and MTime<='%s' order by MTime" % (ip, st_time, en_time)
        print sql
        rows = self._db.fetchAllArray()
        hcs = {}
        for mtype in self._monitor_type:
            hcs[mtype] = {
                "chart": {
                    "type": "line"
                "title": {
                    "text": mtype
                "xAxis": {
                    "categories": []
                "yAxis": {
                    "title": {
                        "text": "Value/秒"
                "series": [{
                    "name": mtype,
                    "data": []

        for row in rows:
            tmp_time = row["MTime"].strftime('%H:%M')
            for mtype in self._monitor_type:
        # for mtype in hcs:
        #     print hcs[mtype]
        return hcs

    def check_date(self, date):
        Description: check date if it is a formatted date
        ### date: '2000-03-03'
        ### check_date('2000-03-03')
        ### return True
        if not (date and (type(date) is str or type(date) is unicode)):
            print 'check_date -- parameters error'
            return False
        date = date.encode("utf-8") if type(date) is unicode else date
        match = re.match(r'^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})$', date)
        return True if match else False

    def backup_917_in_cat(self, ip=None, date=None):
        if not (ip and date):
            print 'monitor -- parameters error: need ip and date'
            return False
        product = "db-mysql-" + str(ip) + "-3306"
        url = 'http://cat.dp/cat/r/database?op=view&forceDownload=json&timeRange=2'
        url += ('&product=%s&date=%s' % (product, date))
        print url
        result = requests.get(url, timeout=20).json()
        if result.has_key('lineCharts') and result['lineCharts']:
            f_out = '917archive/' + str(ip) + '_' + str(date)
            with open(f_out, 'w') as f:
        return result

    def list_stat_type(self, ip=None, date=None):
        if not (ip and date):
            print 'monitor -- parameters error: need ip and date'
            return False
        product = "db-mysql-" + str(ip) + "-3306"
        url = 'http://cat.dp/cat/r/database?op=view&forceDownload=json&timeRange=2'
        url += ('&product=%s&date=%s' % (product, date))
        print url
        result = requests.get(url, timeout=20).json()
        if result.has_key('lineCharts') and result['lineCharts']:
            for lineChart in result['lineCharts']:
                sub = lineChart['id'].split(':')
                print sub[2]
        return True

    def json_into_db(self, ip=None, date=None):
        if not (ip and date):
            print 'monitor -- parameters error: need ip and date'
            return False
        product = "db-mysql-" + str(ip) + "-3306"
        f_name = '917archive/' + str(ip) + '_' + str(date)
        print f_name
        count = 0
        if os.path.exists(f_name):
            with open(f_name, 'r') as f:
                dump = f.read()
                data_json = json.loads(dump) if type(dump) is str else ''
                #print type(data_json)
                simple_json = {}
                start_timestamp = None
                if data_json.has_key('lineCharts') and data_json['lineCharts']:
                    for lineChart in data_json['lineCharts']:
                        start_timestamp = lineChart['start']
                        sub = lineChart['id'].split(':')
                        mtype = sub[2]
                        simple_json[mtype] = lineChart['datas'][0]
                if start_timestamp:
                    start_timestamp = int(
                                          '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M'))) * 1000
                if simple_json:
                    for minute in range(0, 120):
                        sentinel = start_timestamp + 60000 * minute
                        MTime = time.localtime(sentinel / 1000)
                        MTime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', MTime)
                        GroupName = self._monitor_ip_dict[ip]
                        keys = 'GroupName,IP,Port,MTime'
                        values = "'%s','%s',%s,'%s'" % (GroupName, ip, '3306',
                        for mtype in self._monitor_type:
                            keys += (',`' + mtype + '`')
                            value = str(simple_json[mtype][str(
                                sentinel)]) if simple_json[mtype].has_key(
                                    str(sentinel)) else '0'
                            values += (',' + value)
                        sql = 'INSERT INTO DBMonitor_History (%s) VALUES(%s)' % (
                            keys, values)
                        #print sql
                        count += 1
                        ret = self._db.insert(sql)
                        if ret:
                            print ip
                            print ret
        print count
        return True
예제 #4
class MonitorArchive():
    _dbmonitor_db = 'DBMonitor'
    _db = None
    _monitor_ip_lists = monitor_config.MONITOR_IP_LIST_917
    _monitor_ip_dict = monitor_config.MONITOR_IP_DICT_917
    _monitor_type = monitor_config.MONITOR_TYPE

    def __init__(self):
        dbconfig = {'host':monitor_config.DBMONITOR_DB_IP,
        print dbconfig
        self._db = MySQL_lightweight(dbconfig)

    def get_mtype_list(self):
        return self._monitor_type

    def get_hc_para(self, date, ip, port='3306', monitor_type='questions'):
        if not (self.check_date(date) and ip):
            print 'get_hc_para -- parameters error'
            return False
        st_time = date + ' 09:00:00'
        en_time = date + ' 11:00:00'
        sql = "select GroupName, MTime, %s from DBMonitor_History where IP='%s' and Port='%s' and MTime>='%s' and MTime<='%s' order by MTime" % (monitor_type, ip, port, st_time, en_time)
        print sql
        rows = self._db.fetchAllArray();
        for row in rows:
            print row['MTime'], row[monitor_type]
        return rows

    def archive_dashboard(self, date, monitor_type='questions'):
        if not (self.check_date(date)):
            print 'archive_dashboard -- parameters error'
            return False
        st_time = date + ' 09:00:00'
        en_time = date + ' 11:00:00'
        sql = "select GroupName,IP,max(%s) as max_value from DBMonitor_History where MTime>='%s' and MTime<='%s' group by IP order by GroupName" % (monitor_type, st_time, en_time)
        print sql
        rows = self._db.fetchAllArray();
        for row in rows:
            row['max_show'] = row['max_value'] if row['max_value'] else '0'
            row['max_show'] = float2humanread(row['max_value'])
        return rows

    def archive_instance(self, ip, date):
        if not (self.check_date(date)):
            print 'archive_dashboard -- parameters error'
            return False
        st_time = date + ' 09:00:00'
        en_time = date + ' 11:00:00'
        mtype_list = "`,`".join(self._monitor_type)
        #print mtype_list
        sql = "select MTime,GroupName,IP,`%s` from DBMonitor_History where IP='%s' and MTime>='%s' and MTime<='%s' order by MTime" % (mtype_list,ip, st_time, en_time)
        #sql = "select MTime,GroupName,IP,questions,tps from DBMonitor_History where IP='%s' and MTime>='%s' and MTime<='%s' order by MTime" % (ip, st_time, en_time)
        print sql
        rows = self._db.fetchAllArray();
        hcs = {}
        for mtype in self._monitor_type:
            hcs[mtype] = {
                "chart": {"type": "line"},
                "title": {"text": mtype},
                "xAxis": {"categories": []},
                "yAxis": {"title": {"text": "Value/秒"}},
                "series": [
                    {"name": mtype,"data": []}

        for row in rows:
            tmp_time = row["MTime"].strftime('%H:%M')
            for mtype in self._monitor_type:
        # for mtype in hcs:
        #     print hcs[mtype]
        return hcs

    def check_date(self,date):
        Description: check date if it is a formatted date
        ### date: '2000-03-03'
        ### check_date('2000-03-03')
        ### return True
        if not (date and (type(date) is str or type(date) is unicode)):
            print 'check_date -- parameters error'
            return False
        date = date.encode("utf-8") if type(date) is unicode else date
        match = re.match(r'^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})$', date)
        return True if match else False

    def backup_917_in_cat(self, ip=None, date=None):
        if not (ip and date):
            print 'monitor -- parameters error: need ip and date'
            return False
        product = "db-mysql-" + str(ip) + "-3306"
        url = 'http://cat.dp/cat/r/database?op=view&forceDownload=json&timeRange=2'
        url += ('&product=%s&date=%s' % (product,date))
        print url
        result = requests.get(url, timeout=20).json()
        if result.has_key('lineCharts') and result['lineCharts']:
            f_out = '917archive/' + str(ip) + '_' + str(date)
            with open(f_out, 'w') as f:
        return result

    def list_stat_type(self, ip=None, date=None):
        if not (ip and date):
            print 'monitor -- parameters error: need ip and date'
            return False
        product = "db-mysql-" + str(ip) + "-3306"
        url = 'http://cat.dp/cat/r/database?op=view&forceDownload=json&timeRange=2'
        url += ('&product=%s&date=%s' % (product,date))
        print url
        result = requests.get(url, timeout=20).json()
        if result.has_key('lineCharts') and result['lineCharts']:
            for lineChart in result['lineCharts']:
                sub = lineChart['id'].split(':')
                print sub[2]
        return True

    def json_into_db(self, ip=None, date=None):
        if not (ip and date):
            print 'monitor -- parameters error: need ip and date'
            return False
        product = "db-mysql-" + str(ip) + "-3306"
        f_name = '917archive/' + str(ip) + '_' + str(date)
        print f_name
        count = 0
        if os.path.exists(f_name):
            with open(f_name, 'r') as f:
                dump = f.read()
                data_json = json.loads(dump) if type(dump) is str else ''
                #print type(data_json)
                simple_json = {}
                start_timestamp = None
                if data_json.has_key('lineCharts') and data_json['lineCharts']:
                    for lineChart in data_json['lineCharts']:
                        start_timestamp = lineChart['start']
                        sub = lineChart['id'].split(':')
                        mtype = sub[2]
                        simple_json[mtype] = lineChart['datas'][0]
                if start_timestamp:
                    start_timestamp = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(start_timestamp,'%Y/%m/%d %H:%M'))) * 1000
                if simple_json:
                    for minute in range(0,120):
                        sentinel = start_timestamp + 60000 * minute
                        MTime = time.localtime(sentinel/1000)
                        MTime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', MTime)
                        GroupName = self._monitor_ip_dict[ip]
                        keys = 'GroupName,IP,Port,MTime'
                        values = "'%s','%s',%s,'%s'" % (GroupName,ip,'3306',MTime)
                        for mtype in self._monitor_type:
                            keys += (',`' + mtype + '`')
                            value = str(simple_json[mtype][str(sentinel)]) if simple_json[mtype].has_key(str(sentinel)) else '0'
                            values += (',' + value)
                        sql = 'INSERT INTO DBMonitor_History (%s) VALUES(%s)' % (keys, values)
                        #print sql
                        count += 1
                        ret = self._db.insert(sql)
                        if ret:
                            print ip
                            print ret
        print count
        return True