def load_user_list(): conn = db_connection.connect_db() cursor = conn.cursor() responce = [] cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM `tb_users`") result = cursor.fetchall() crows = cursor.rowcount i = 0 if (crows > 0): for row in result: data_arr = { 'uID': result[i][0], 'uName': result[i][1], 'uPass': result[i][2], 'add_y': result[i][3], 'update_y': result[i][4], 'delete_y': result[i][5] } responce.append(data_arr) i = i + 1 response_arr = { 'success': 'success', 'category_data': responce, 'massage': '' + str(crows) + ' Items Available.' } else: response_arr = { 'success': 'false', 'category_data': responce, 'massage': '' + str(crows) + ' Items Available.' } return response_arr
def compone_section(self, section, id): """ This function take as arguments the section and the id and return a text to insert in xml """ #connect to db cur = db_connection.connect_db() cursore = cur.cursor(cursorclass=MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) cursore.execute("SELECT * from " + section + " where HARDWARE_ID=" + id) text = "" popo = cursore.fetchall() #start_sc = time.time() text = text + "\t\t\t<" + str.upper(section) + ">\n" for i in popo: for tr, elem in i.items(): strutf = str(elem) if str(tr) == ("HARDWARE_ID"): pass elif str(tr) == ("ID"): pass else: #print str(s_elem) #if the element is empty pass otherwise parse the elment in the form if str(elem) == "": pass else: text = text + "\t\t\t\t<" + str(tr) + ">" + cgi.escape(strutf) + "</" + str(tr) + ">\n" #print text #we close the stream of section and return all the text text = text + "\t\t\t</" + str.upper(section) + ">\n" # end_sc = time.time() # time_sc = end_sc - start_sc # print text # print section + " Execution time ciclo nuovo: " + str(time_sc) return text
def load_category_list(): conn = db_connection.connect_db() cursor = conn.cursor() responce = [] cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM `tb_categories`") result = cursor.fetchall() crows = cursor.rowcount i = 0 if (crows > 0): for row in result: #cat_id = result[i][0] data_arr = {'id': result[i][0], 'title': result[i][1]} responce.append(data_arr) i = i + 1 response_arr = { 'success': 'success', 'category_data': responce, 'massage': '' + str(crows) + ' Items Available.' } else: response_arr = { 'success': 'false', 'category_data': responce, 'massage': '' + str(crows) + ' Items Available.' } return response_arr
def get_privillages(user_id): conn = db_connection.connect_db() cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute( "SELECT uid,add_allowed,update_allowed,delete_allowed FROM tb_users WHERE uid = '" + str(user_id) + "'") result = cursor.fetchall() response = { 'user_id': result[0][0], 'add_allowed': result[0][1], 'update_allowed': result[0][2], 'delete_allowed': result[0][3] } return response
def retrieve(self, id): """ This is the function that retrieve the tab from db """"Inizio a creare la scheda per l'id " + id) elements = self.read_config_xml() l_account = elements[0] l_components = elements[1] l_hardware = elements[2] l_softwares = elements[3] cur = db_connection.connect_db() cursor = cur.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * from hardware where id=" + id) for record in cursor.fetchall(): name_id = str(record[2]) fop = open(local_variables.expfol + name_id + ".xml", "w") fop.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\" ?>\n") fop.write("<REQUEST>\n") fop.write("\t<DEVICEID>" + name_id + "</DEVICEID>\n") fop.write("\t<CONTENT>\n") for i in l_account: var = self.compone_section(i, id) fop.write(var) for q in l_components: var = self.compone_section(q, id) fop.write(var) for s in l_softwares: #print s var = self.compone_section(s, id) fop.write(var) for w in l_hardware: var = self.compone_section_hardware(w, id) fop.write(var) fop.write("\t</CONTENT>\n") fop.write("\t<QUERY>INVENTORY</QUERY>\n") fop.write("</REQUEST>\n") fop.close() filter ='(sottorete*)', name_id) if name_id == "_SYSTEM": pass elif filter: pass else: html.xml_to_pdf(name_id + ".xml", local_variables.upfol+"ocs.xsl") + " - file " + name_id + ".xml creato.\n") cur.close()
def check_user(username, password): conn = db_connection.connect_db() cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT uid FROM tb_users WHERE uName = '" + username + "' AND uPass = '******'") result = cursor.fetchall() crows = cursor.rowcount session['logged_in'] = True session['user_id'] = result[0][0] #if(crows > 0): #session['logged_in'] = True #session['user_id'] = result[0][0] #else: #return redirect(url_for('login_user')) return crows
def delete_prod(p_id): response = [] conn = db_connection.connect_db() cursor = conn.cursor() try: cursor.execute("DELETE FROM tb_products WHERE prdtId='" + p_id + "'") conn.commit() except Exception as e: error_massage = str(e) error_response = { 'success': 'false', 'massage': 'Database error occured.' + str(error_massage) } return error_response else: response = { 'success': 'success', 'massage': 'Item Deleted successfully.' } return response
def prd_save(valproduct_desc, txtcat_id): conn = db_connection.connect_db() cursor = conn.cursor() try: cursor.execute("INSERT INTO tb_products (prdName,fl_catid) VALUES ('" + valproduct_desc + "'," + txtcat_id + ")") conn.commit() except Exception as e: error_massage = str(e) error_response = { 'success': 'false', 'massage': 'Database error occured.' + str(error_massage) } return error_response else: response = { 'success': 'success', 'massage': 'Data Inserted successfully.' } return response
def delete_cat(cat_delete): response = [] conn = db_connection.connect_db() cursor = conn.cursor() try: cursor.execute("DELETE FROM tb_categories WHERE fl_catid='" + cat_delete + "'") conn.commit() except Exception as e: error_massage = str(e) error_response = { 'success': 'false', 'massage': 'Database error occured.' + str(error_massage) } return error_response else: response = { 'success': 'success', 'massage': 'Item Deleted successfully.' } return response
def cat_save(valcategory_desc): conn = db_connection.connect_db() cursor = conn.cursor() try: cursor.execute("INSERT INTO tb_categories (fl_catname) VALUES ('" + valcategory_desc + "')") conn.commit() except Exception as e: error_massage = str(e) error_response = { 'success': 'false', 'massage': 'Database error occured.' + str(error_massage) } return error_response else: response = { 'success': 'success', 'massage': 'Data Inserted successfully.' } return response
def load_product_list(): conn = db_connection.connect_db() cursor = conn.cursor() responce = [] #SELECT * FROM `tb_products` INNER JOIN tb_categories ON tb_products.fl_catid = tb_categories.fl_catid cursor.execute( "SELECT tb_products.prdtId,tb_products.prdName,tb_categories.fl_catid,tb_categories.fl_catname FROM `tb_products` INNER JOIN tb_categories ON tb_products.fl_catid = tb_categories.fl_catid" ) result = cursor.fetchall() crows = cursor.rowcount i = 0 if (crows > 0): for row in result: #cat_id = result[i][0] data_arr = { 'prdId': result[i][0], 'prdName': result[i][1], 'catid': result[i][2], 'catName': result[i][3] } responce.append(data_arr) i = i + 1 response_arr = { 'success': 'success', 'category_data': responce, 'massage': '' + str(crows) + ' Items Available.' } else: response_arr = { 'success': 'false', 'category_data': responce, 'massage': '' + str(crows) + ' Items Available.' } return response_arr
def user_save(valtxtusername, valtxtpassword, valchkadd, valchkupdate, valchkdelete): conn = db_connection.connect_db() cursor = conn.cursor() try: cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO tb_users (uName,uPass,add_allowed,update_allowed,delete_allowed) VALUES ('" + valtxtusername + "','" + valtxtpassword + "'," + valchkadd + "," + valchkupdate + "," + valchkdelete + ")") conn.commit() except Exception as e: error_massage = str(e) error_response = { 'success': 'false', 'massage': 'Database error occured.' + str(error_massage) } return error_response else: response = { 'success': 'success', 'massage': 'Data Inserted successfully.' } return response
import datetime import db_connection from Helpers import string_helper # Main Code starts here!!! focal_wallet_addr_list = ['0xe2dbd4756f1749e20ed7f891403e70543e25298a'] print(focal_wallet_addr_list, "\n") # conn_str = 'host=server2 port=5432 dbname=postgres user=sina13890' # conn = psycopg2.connect(conn_str) conn = db_connection.connect_db('postgres') cursor = conn.cursor() query = """ SELECT pk_id, erc20_token, erc20_from, erc20_to, erc20_value, block_timestamp FROM eth_cleaned.tmp_erc20_xfers_tamp__v2 E WHERE erc20_from = %s OR erc20_to = %s ORDER BY block_timestamp; """ data = (focal_wallet_addr_list[0], focal_wallet_addr_list[0])