def add_new_books(): print("Add new books!\n") db_connection = connect_to_database() booklist_len = 0 if request.method == 'GET': print("get GET \n") query = 'SELECT author_id, first_name, last_name from authors' result = execute_query(db_connection, query).fetchall() print(result) query2 = 'SELECT publisher_id, company_name from publishers' result2 = execute_query(db_connection, query2).fetchall() query5 = 'SELECT isbn from books' result4 = execute_query(db_connection, query5).fetchall() booklist_len = len(result4) return render_template( 'add_new_books.html', authors=result, publishers=result2, font_url1= ",300,400,500,600,700,800,900", font_url2= "" ) elif request.method == 'POST': print("take user inputs for adding a new book! \n") isbn = request.form['isbn'] title = request.form['title'] price = request.form['price'] year = request.form['year'] publisher_id = request.form['publisher_id'] book_img = request.form['book_img'] author_id = request.form.getlist('author_id') print(str(author_id), type(str(author_id)), len(author_id)) print(author_id[0], str(author_id[0])) if float(price) >= 0 and int(year) >= 0 and int(isbn) >= 0: query3 = 'INSERT INTO books (isbn, title, price, publisher_id, year, book_img) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)' data = (isbn, title, price, publisher_id, year, book_img) execute_query(db_connection, query3, data) query4 = "SELECT isbn from books" result3 = execute_query(db_connection, query4).fetchall() for i in range(len(author_id)): query5 = 'INSERT INTO books_authors (isbn, author_id) VALUES (%s, %s)' data2 = (isbn, author_id[i]) execute_query(db_connection, query5, data2) if booklist_len != len(result3): flash("You have successfully added new book on the booklist!") return redirect(url_for('admin')) else: flash("please check your input !!") return redirect(url_for('add_new_books')) else: flash( "Please check your input (positive integer only for price, isbn, and year) " ) return redirect(url_for('add_new_books'))
def update_order(id): print('in the update_order function') db_connection = connect_to_database() #display existing data about an order if request.method == 'GET': order_query = "SELECT Orders.orderID, Orders.orderType, CONCAT(Patients.firstName , ' ' , Patients.lastName) AS Patient, CONCAT(Doctors.firstName , ' ' , Doctors.lastName) AS Doctor, CONCAT(Staff.firstName , ' ' , Staff.lastName) AS Staff, Orders.staffID, Orders.patientID FROM Patients JOIN Orders ON (Patients.patientID = Orders.patientID AND Orders.orderID = %s) LEFT JOIN Doctors ON Orders.doctorID = Doctors.doctorID LEFT JOIN Staff ON Staff.staffID = Orders.staffID" data = (id, ) order_result = execute_query(db_connection, order_query, data).fetchone() staff_query = "SELECT staffID, CONCAT(Staff.firstName , ' ' , Staff.lastName) AS Staff FROM Staff;" staff_results = execute_query(db_connection, staff_query).fetchall() if order_result == None: return "No such Order found!" return render_template('update_order.html', staff=staff_results, order=order_result) elif request.method == 'POST': staffID = request.form['staffID'] oldstaffID = request.form['oldstaffID'] orderID = request.form['orderID'] patientID = request.form['patientID'] print("LOOK HERE") print(staffID == 'None') print(staffID) if staffID == oldstaffID: flash("NOTHING Update! ") return redirect('/browse_orders') elif staffID == 'None': # update orders table query = "UPDATE Orders SET staffID = NULL WHERE orderID = %s" data = (orderID, ) result = execute_query(db_connection, query, data) # check if relation is old and update if it is qold = 'SELECT staffID, patientID FROM Staff_Patients WHERE staffID = %s and patientID = %s' dold = (oldstaffID, patientID) rold = execute_query(db_connection, qold, dold).fetchone() # delete previous relation from staff_patients table if rold is not None: qupd = 'DELETE FROM Staff_Patients WHERE staffID = %s AND patientID = %s' dupd = (oldstaffID, patientID) execute_query(db_connection, qupd, dupd) flash("Updated! " + " Order ID #" + str(orderID)) return redirect('/browse_orders') else: # update orders table query = "UPDATE Orders SET staffID = %s WHERE orderID = %s" data = (staffID, orderID) result = execute_query(db_connection, query, data) # check if relation is old and update if it is qold = 'SELECT staffID, patientID FROM Staff_Patients WHERE staffID = %s and patientID = %s' dold = (oldstaffID, patientID) rold = execute_query(db_connection, qold, dold).fetchone() # update staff_patients table if relation already exits if rold is not None: qupd = 'UPDATE Staff_Patients SET staffID = %s WHERE staffID = %s AND patientID = %s' dupd = (staffID, oldstaffID, patientID) execute_query(db_connection, qupd, dupd) # add new relation to staff_patients table if relation is new else: # check if new relation already exits, add if it doesn't qnew = 'SELECT staffID, patientID FROM Staff_Patients WHERE staffID = %s and patientID = %s' dnew = (staffID, patientID) rnew = execute_query(db_connection, qnew, dnew).fetchone() # add new relation if rnew is None: query2 = 'INSERT INTO Staff_Patients (staffID, patientID) VALUES (%s,%s)' data2 = (staffID, patientID) execute_query(db_connection, query2, data2) flash("Updated! " + " Order ID #" + str(orderID)) return redirect('/browse_orders')
def browse_doctors(): print("Browsing all Doctors") db_connection = connect_to_database() query = "SELECT * FROM Doctors" result = execute_query(db_connection, query).fetchall() return render_template('browse_doctors.html', rows=result)
def deleteCustomer(id): db_connection = connect_to_database() query = "DELETE FROM Customers WHERE customerID = %s" data = (id, ) result = execute_query(db_connection, query, data) return redirect(url_for('customers'))
def deleteOrders(id): db_connection = connect_to_database() query = "DELETE FROM Orders WHERE orderID = %s" data = (id, ) result = execute_query(db_connection, query, data) return redirect(url_for('orderProducts'))
def delete_dealership(dealership_id): db_connection = connect_to_database() query = "DELETE dealership, dealership_address FROM dealership INNER JOIN dealership_address USING (address_id) WHERE dealership_id = %s" data = (dealership_id, ) result = execute_query(db_connection, query, data) return redirect('/')
def delete_vehicle(dealership_id, vehicle_id): db_connection = connect_to_database() query = "DELETE FROM vehicle WHERE vehicle_id = %s" data = (vehicle_id, ) result = execute_query(db_connection, query, data) return redirect('selectDealership/' + str(dealership_id))
def labelDelete(id): db_connection = connect_to_database() query = "DELETE FROM `record_label` WHERE `id` = %s" data = (id, ) result = execute_query(db_connection, query, data) return redirect('/labelSearch.html')
def viewClasses(): db_connection = connect_to_database() query = "SELECT class_name, stat_bonus_name, stat_bonus, class_id FROM classes" result = execute_query(db_connection, query).fetchall() return render_template('viewClasses.html', rows=result)
def albumAdd(): if request.method == 'GET': db_connection = connect_to_database() query = 'SELECT `record_label`.`name` FROM `record_label`' label_result = execute_query(db_connection, query).fetchall() query = 'SELECT `artist`.`name` FROM `artist`' artist_result = execute_query(db_connection, query).fetchall() result = {'label_result': label_result, 'artist_result': artist_result} return render_template('albumAdd.html', rows=result) elif request.method == 'POST': db_connection = connect_to_database() errors = [] # extract data from form album_name = request.form['albumName'] label_name = request.form['labelName'] release_date = request.form['releaseDate'] artist_name = request.form['artistName'] # get the label id given the label name data = (label_name, ) query = 'SELECT `record_label`.`id` FROM `record_label` WHERE `record_label`.`name` = %s;' result = execute_query(db_connection, query, data).fetchall() try: label_id = result[0][0] except IndexError: errors.append('Invalid label') artist_keys = [s for s in request.form if 'artistName' in s] artist_keys.pop() # get the artist ids given the artist names data = tuple( [request.form[s] for s in request.form if 'artistName' in s]) query = 'SELECT `artist`.`id` FROM `artist` WHERE `artist`.`name` = %s' for artist_key in artist_keys: query += ' OR `artist`.`name` = %s' result = execute_query(db_connection, query, data).fetchall() artist_ids = [] try: for data_pair in result: artist_ids.append(data_pair[0]) except IndexError: errors.append('Invalid artist') if errors: return render_template('albumAdd.html', errors=errors) # insert data query = ('INSERT INTO `album` ' '(`id`, `name`, `label_id`, `release_date`) ' 'VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, %s);') data = (album_name, label_id, release_date) result = execute_query(db_connection, query, data) for artist_id in artist_ids: query = ('INSERT INTO `album_artist` (`album_id`, `artist_id`) ' 'VALUES (LAST_INSERT_ID(), %s);') data = (artist_id, ) execute_query(db_connection, query, data) # display search page query = 'SELECT `album`.`id`, `album`.`name`, `record_label`.`name`, `album`.`release_date` FROM `album`JOIN `record_label` ON `album`.`label_id` = `record_label`.`id` ORDER BY `album`.`name` ASC;' result = execute_query(db_connection, query).fetchall() return render_template('albumSearch.html', rows=result)
def artistDelete(id): db_connection = connect_to_database() query = "DELETE FROM `artist` WHERE `id` = %s" data = (id, ) result = execute_query(db_connection, query, data) return redirect('/artistSearch.html')
def songAdd(): if request.method == 'GET': db_connection = connect_to_database() query = 'SELECT `album`.`name` FROM `album`' album_result = execute_query(db_connection, query).fetchall() query = 'SELECT `artist`.`name` FROM `artist`' artist_result = execute_query(db_connection, query).fetchall() result = {'album_result': album_result, 'artist_result': artist_result} return render_template('songAdd.html', rows=result) elif request.method == 'POST': db_connection = connect_to_database() errors = [] # extract data from form song_name = request.form['songName'] album_name = request.form['albumName'] artist_name = request.form['artistName'] # get the album id given the album name data = (album_name, ) query = 'SELECT `album`.`id` FROM `album` WHERE `album`.`name` = %s;' result = execute_query(db_connection, query, data).fetchall() try: album_id = result[0][0] except IndexError: errors.append('Invalid album') artist_keys = [s for s in request.form if 'artistName' in s] artist_keys.pop() # get the artist ids given the artist names data = tuple( [request.form[s] for s in request.form if 'artistName' in s]) query = 'SELECT `artist`.`id` FROM `artist` WHERE `artist`.`name` = %s' for artist_key in artist_keys: query += ' OR `artist`.`name` = %s' result = execute_query(db_connection, query, data).fetchall() artist_ids = [] try: for data_pair in result: artist_ids.append(data_pair[0]) except IndexError: errors.append('Invalid artist') if errors: return render_template('songAdd.html', errors=errors) # insert data query = ('INSERT INTO `song` (`id`, `name`, `album_id`) ' 'VALUES (NULL, %s, %s);') data = (song_name, album_id) execute_query(db_connection, query, data) for artist_id in artist_ids: query = ('INSERT INTO `song_artist` (`song_id`, `artist_id`) ' 'VALUES (LAST_INSERT_ID(), %s);') data = (artist_id, ) execute_query(db_connection, query, data) # display search page query = 'SELECT `song`.`id`, `song`.`name` AS `song_name`, `album`.`name` AS `album_name`, `artist`.`name` AS `artist_name` FROM `song`JOIN `album` on `song`.`album_id` = `album`.`id`JOIN `song_artist` on `song`.`id` = `song_artist`.`song_id`JOIN `artist` ON `song_artist`.`artist_id` = `artist`.`id` ORDER BY song_name ASC;' result = execute_query(db_connection, query).fetchall() return render_template('songSearch.html', rows=result)
def songSearch(): if request.method == 'GET': print("Fetching and rendering song web page") db_connection = connect_to_database() query = 'SELECT `song`.`id`, `song`.`name` AS `song_name`, \ `album`.`name` AS `album_name`, \ `artist`.`name` AS `artist_name` \ FROM `song`\ JOIN `album` on `song`.`album_id` = `album`.`id`\ JOIN `song_artist` on `song`.`id` = `song_artist`.`song_id`\ JOIN `artist` ON `song_artist`.`artist_id` = `artist`.`id`\ ORDER BY song_id ASC;' result = execute_query(db_connection, query).fetchall() print(result) result = list(result) lead = 1 tail = 0 if len(result) > 1: while lead < len(result) and result[lead][0] == result[tail][0]: lead += 1 # tail is at the start of the range to condense # lead is at the end of the range to condense (exclusive) condensed = list(result[tail]) condensed[3] = [condensed[3]] for i in range(tail + 1, lead): condensed[3].append(result[i][3]) result[tail:lead] = [condensed] result.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) return render_template('songSearch.html', rows=result) elif request.method == 'POST': print("Fetching and rendering song web page post") db_connection = connect_to_database() songToSearchFor = request.form['songToSearchFor'] query = "SELECT `song`.`id`, `song`.`name` AS `song_name`,\ `album`.`name` AS `album_name`,\ `artist`.`name` AS `artist_name` \ FROM `song`\ JOIN `album` on `song`.`album_id` = `album`.`id`\ JOIN `song_artist` on `song`.`id` = `song_artist`.`song_id`\ JOIN `artist` ON `song_artist`.`artist_id` = `artist`.`id` \ WHERE `song`.`name` LIKE %s \ ORDER BY song_name ASC" data = ("%" + songToSearchFor + "%", ) result = execute_query(db_connection, query, data).fetchall() print(result) result = list(result) lead = 1 tail = 0 if len(result) > 1: while lead < len(result) and result[lead][0] == result[tail][0]: lead += 1 # tail is at the start of the range to condense # lead is at the end of the range to condense (exclusive) condensed = list(result[tail]) condensed[3] = [condensed[3]] for i in range(tail + 1, lead): condensed[3].append(result[i][3]) result[tail:lead] = [condensed] result.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) return render_template('songSearch.html', rows=result)
def shop_normal(): db_connection = connect_to_database() print("get GET ! \n") query = 'SELECT books.title, books.isbn, authors.first_name, authors.last_name, publishers.company_name, books.year, books.price, books.book_img from books INNER JOIN books_authors ON books.isbn = books_authors.isbn INNER JOIN authors ON books_authors.author_id = authors.author_id INNER JOIN publishers ON books.publisher_id = publishers.publisher_id;' result = execute_query(db_connection, query).fetchall() if request.method == 'POST': search_input = request.form['search'] print(search_input) query2 = 'SELECT books.title, books.isbn, authors.first_name, authors.last_name, publishers.company_name, books.year, books.price, books.book_img from books INNER JOIN books_authors ON books.isbn = books_authors.isbn INNER JOIN authors ON books_authors.author_id = authors.author_id INNER JOIN publishers ON books.publisher_id = publishers.publisher_id WHERE title LIKE "%%{0}%%"; '.format( search_input) result2 = execute_query(db_connection, query2).fetchall() result2 = list(result2) for i in range(len(result2)): result2[i] = list(result2[i]) print(result2) length = len(result2) index = 0 while index < length: key = result2[index][1] adding = "" index2 = 0 while index2 < length: if key == result2[index2][1] and index != index2: adding = ", " + result2[index2][2] + " " + result2[index2][ 3] print(adding) print("deleting!") result2[index][3] = str(result2[index][3]) + str(adding) result2 = result2[:index2] + result2[index2 + 1:] length -= 1 index2 += 1 index += 1 return render_template( 'shop_normal.html', book_info=result2, font_url1= ",300,400,500,600,700,800,900", font_url2= "" ) result = list(result) for i in range(len(result)): result[i] = list(result[i]) print(result) length = len(result) index = 0 while index < length: key = result[index][1] adding = "" index2 = 0 while index2 < length: if key == result[index2][1] and index != index2: adding = ", " + result[index2][2] + " " + result[index2][3] print(adding) print("deleting!") result[index][3] = str(result[index][3]) + str(adding) result = result[:index2] + result[index2 + 1:] length -= 1 index2 += 1 index += 1 return render_template( 'shop_normal.html', book_info=result, font_url1= ",300,400,500,600,700,800,900", font_url2= "" )
def update_application(id): db_connection = connect_to_database() if request.method == 'GET': #query to populate form for appliation with given id app_query = 'SELECT * FROM Applications where app_num = %s' % (id) app_result = execute_query(db_connection, app_query).fetchone() if app_result == None: return "No such application found!" #query to populate shelter dropdown on form query = 'SELECT shelterID, name from Shelters' shelters = execute_query(db_connection,query).fetchall() print(shelters) #query to populate adopter dropdown on form query = 'SELECT adopterID, adopterID, first_name, last_name from Adopters' adopters = execute_query(db_connection,query).fetchall() print(adopters) #query to populate counselor dropdown on form query = 'SELECT counselorID, counselorID, first_name, last_name from Counselors' counselors = execute_query(db_connection,query).fetchall() print(counselors) #query = 'SELECT petID, petID, name from Dogs where adoption_status!="Adopted"' #pets = execute_query(db_connection,query).fetchall() #print(pets) return render_template('update_application.html', shelters=shelters, app=app_result, adopters = adopters, counselors = counselors) #pets = pets) elif request.method == 'POST': print('The POST request') #grabbing info from the form app_id = request.form['app_id'] adopter_id = request.form['adopter_id'] fname = request.form['fname'] lname = request.form['lname'] shelterID = request.form['shelterID'] counselorID = request.form['counselorID'] if counselorID == "": counselorID = None #petID1 = request.form['petID1'] #if petID1 == "": # petID1 = None #petID2 = request.form['petID2'] #if petID2 == "": # petID2 = None #petID3 = request.form['petID3'] #if petID3 == "": # petID3 = None meetGreet = request.form['meetGreet'] numAdults = request.form['numAdults'] numChildren = request.form['numChildren'] numPets = request.form['numPets'] homeType = request.form['homeType'] homeStatus = request.form['homeStatus'] #query to update application query = "UPDATE Applications SET shelterID= %s, counselorID= %s, meet_greet = %s, num_adults = %s, num_children = %s, num_pets = %s, home_type = %s, home_status = %s WHERE app_num = %s" data = (shelterID, counselorID, meetGreet, numAdults, numChildren, numPets, homeType, homeStatus, app_id) result = execute_query(db_connection, query, data) print(str(result.rowcount) + " row(s) updated") #also update adopters name if needed query2 = "UPDATE Adopters SET first_name= %s, last_name= %s WHERE adopterID = %s" data2 = (fname, lname, adopter_id) result2 = execute_query(db_connection, query2, data2) print(str(result2.rowcount) + " row(s) updated") return redirect('/applications')
def updateCharacter(id): db_connection = connect_to_database() if request.method == 'GET': character_query = 'SELECT char_id, first_name, last_name, strength, dexterity, endurance, intelligence FROM characters WHERE char_id = %s' % ( id) character_result = execute_query(db_connection, character_query).fetchone() guild_query = 'SELECT guild_id, guild_name FROM guilds' guild_result = execute_query(db_connection, guild_query).fetchall() class_query = 'SELECT class_id, class_name FROM classes' class_result = execute_query(db_connection, class_query).fetchall() spell_query = 'SELECT spell_id, spell_name FROM spells' spell_result = execute_query(db_connection, spell_query).fetchall() remove_spell_query = 'SELECT spells.spell_id, spells.spell_name FROM spells INNER JOIN characters_spells ON spells.spell_id = characters_spells.spell_id INNER JOIN characters ON characters_spells.char_id = characters.char_id WHERE characters.char_id = %s ORDER BY spells.spell_id' % ( id) remove_spell_result = execute_query(db_connection, remove_spell_query).fetchall() if character_result == None: return render_template('notFound.html') return render_template('updateCharacter.html', character=character_result, guilds=guild_result, classes=class_result, spells=spell_result, removeSpell=remove_spell_result) elif request.method == 'POST': if request.form['buttonID'] == 'Update Character': charID = request.form['char_id'] firstName = request.form['first_name'] lastName = request.form['last_name'] strength = request.form['strength'] dexterity = request.form['dexterity'] endurance = request.form['endurance'] intelligence = request.form['intelligence'] guildID = request.form['guilds'] classID = request.form['classes'] #If character has no guild if (guildID == 'noGuild'): characterData = (firstName, lastName, strength, dexterity, endurance, intelligence, None, classID, charID) #If character does want to be inserted into a guild else: characterData = (firstName, lastName, strength, dexterity, endurance, intelligence, guildID, classID, charID) characterQuery = 'UPDATE characters SET first_name = %s, last_name = %s, strength = %s, dexterity = %s, endurance = %s, intelligence = %s, guild_id = %s, class_id = %s WHERE char_id = %s' execute_query(db_connection, characterQuery, characterData) return redirect('/viewCharacters') elif request.form['buttonID'] == 'Add Spell': charID = request.form['char_id'] spellID = request.form['spells'] spellQuery = 'INSERT INTO characters_spells (char_id, spell_id) VALUES (%s, %s) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE char_id = %s, spell_id = %s' spellData = (charID, spellID, charID, spellID) execute_query(db_connection, spellQuery, spellData) return redirect('/viewCharacters') elif request.form['buttonID'] == 'Remove Spell': charID = request.form['char_id'] removeSpellID = request.form['removeSpell'] removeSpellQuery = 'DELETE FROM characters_spells WHERE char_id = %s AND spell_id = %s' removeSpellData = (charID, removeSpellID) execute_query(db_connection, removeSpellQuery, removeSpellData) return redirect('/viewCharacters')
def test_database_connection(): print("Executing a sample query on the database using the credentials from") db_connection = connect_to_database() query = "SELECT * from bsg_people;" result = execute_query(db_connection, query); return render_template('db_test.html', rows=result)
def viewGuilds(): db_connection = connect_to_database() query = "SELECT guild_name, guild_description, guild_id FROM guilds" result = execute_query(db_connection, query).fetchall() return render_template('viewGuilds.html', rows=result)
def delete_employee(dealership_id, employee_id): db_connection = connect_to_database() query = "DELETE FROM employees WHERE employee_id = %s" data = (employee_id, ) result = execute_query(db_connection, query, data) return redirect('selectDealership/' + str(dealership_id))
def viewSchools(): db_connection = connect_to_database() query = "SELECT school_name, school_description, school_id FROM schools" result = execute_query(db_connection, query).fetchall() return render_template('viewSchools.html', rows=result)
def deleteProduct(id): db_connection = connect_to_database() query = "DELETE FROM Products WHERE productID = %s" data = (id, ) result = execute_query(db_connection, query, data) return redirect(url_for('products'))
def login(): if current_user.is_authenticated: return redirect(url_for('home')) if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('login.html') if request.method == 'POST': username = request.form['username'] password = request.form['password'] db_connection = connect_to_database() # connect to db # get info for specified username cursor = db_connection.cursor() cursor.callproc('returnUserInfo', [ username, ]) result = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() # if the user provided a valid username if result: # get information about login attempts last_login_attempt = result[0][ 7] # get last login attempt datetime current_time = # get current datetime if last_login_attempt is None: # check if it's users first login last_login_attempt = datetime.min # set first login time to min difference = current_time - last_login_attempt # calculate the difference seconds_in_day = 24 * 60 * 60 difference = divmod( difference.days * seconds_in_day + difference.seconds, 60 ) # convert difference to a tuple of difference in minutes and seconds #ensure they have confirmed their email if result[0][4] == 0: flash('Please confirm your email to log in', 'warning') db_connection.close() return render_template('login.html') # if they've failed more than 3 attempts in the last 5 minutes, don't allow login elif result[0][6] >= 3 and difference[0] < 5: webapp.logger.warning( "Third attempt - Login unsuccessful, username: %s", username) flash('Too many failed login attempts. Try again later', 'danger') db_connection.close() # close connection before returning return render_template('login.html') # else check validation that user input matched query results - successful login elif username == result[0][1] and check_password_hash( result[0][2], password): # check password against stored hash and salt # reset login_attempts to 0 query = "UPDATE users SET login_attempts = 0 WHERE user_id = '{}'".format( result[0][0]) cursor = execute_query(db_connection, query) # run query cursor.close() # update last_login_attempt formatted_date = current_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') query = "UPDATE users SET last_login_attempt = '{}' WHERE user_id = '{}'".format( formatted_date, result[0][0]) cursor = execute_query(db_connection, query) # run query cursor.close() #log user in user = User(user_id=result[0][0], username=result[0][1], password=result[0][2], email=result[0][3]) login_user(user) session.permanent = True"Login successful, username: %s", username) flash('You have been logged in!', 'success') next_page = request.args.get('next') db_connection.close() # close connection before returning return redirect(url_for('home')) # else failed login attempt else: # add one to login_attempts query = "UPDATE users SET login_attempts = '{}' WHERE user_id = '{}'".format( result[0][6] + 1, result[0][0]) cursor = execute_query(db_connection, query) # run query cursor.close() # update last_login_attempt formatted_date = current_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') query = "UPDATE users SET last_login_attempt = '{}' WHERE user_id = '{}'".format( formatted_date, result[0][0]) cursor = execute_query(db_connection, query) # run query cursor.close() "Login unsuccessful, attempt #%s, username: %s", result[0][6] + 1, username) flash('Login Unsuccessful. Please check username and password', 'danger') db_connection.close() # close connection before returning return render_template('login.html') else: webapp.logger.warning("Login unsuccessful, username not in DB: %s", username) flash('Login Unsuccessful. Please check username and password', 'danger') return render_template('login.html')
def deleteStore(id): db_connection = connect_to_database() query = "DELETE FROM Stores WHERE storeID = %s" data = (id, ) result = execute_query(db_connection, query, data) return redirect(url_for('stores'))
def register(): if current_user.is_authenticated: return redirect(url_for('home')) if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('accountCreation.html') if request.method == 'POST': email = request.form['email'] username = request.form['username'] password = request.form['password'] confirm_password = request.form['confirm_password'] if not complex_password(password): flash('Password requirements not met', 'danger') return render_template('accountCreation.html') if password != confirm_password: flash('Password confirmation does not match password', 'danger') return render_template('accountCreation.html') db_connection = connect_to_database() # make sure username is unique query = 'SELECT `username` FROM users' cursor = execute_query(db_connection, query) # run query rtn = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() if (any(username in i for i in rtn)): flash('Username already taken, please try again', 'danger') db_connection.close() # close connection before returning return render_template('accountCreation.html') # make sure email is unique query = 'SELECT `email` FROM users' cursor = execute_query(db_connection, query) rtn = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() if (any(email in i for i in rtn)): flash('Email already registered, please try again', 'danger') db_connection.close() # close connection before returning return render_template('accountCreation.html') # hash password with random 8 char salt - hash and salt are stored in hashed_password # in the same string hashed_password = generate_password_hash(password, salt_length=8) cursor = db_connection.cursor() cursor.callproc('addUser', [ username, hashed_password, email, ]) db_connection.commit() cursor.close() db_connection.close() # close connection before returning send_confirmation_email(email) flash( 'Thanks for registering. Please check your email to confirm your email address.', 'success') return redirect(url_for('login'))
def browse_patients(): print("Browsing all Patients") db_connection = connect_to_database() query = "SELECT p.patientID, p.firstName, p.lastName, CONCAT(d.firstName , ' ' , d.lastName) FROM Patients p INNER JOIN Doctors d ON p.primaryDoctorID = d.doctorID" result = execute_query(db_connection, query).fetchall() return render_template('browse_patients.html', rows=result)
def author(): print("Fetching author information table") db_connection = connect_to_database() query = "SELECT * FROM authors" result = execute_query(db_connection, query) print(result) query = "SELECT authorID FROM authors" authors = execute_query(db_connection, query) print(authors) ids = authors.fetchall() for id in ids: print(id) author_id = request.args.get('id') print("author id: ", author_id) search_id = request.args.get('search_id') print("search id: ", search_id) if (author_id and search_id is not None): print("Run both!") query = "SELECT title FROM books WHERE bookID IN (SELECT bookID FROM authorBooks WHERE authorID = %s)" % author_id books = execute_query(db_connection, query) titles = books.fetchall() for t in titles: print(t) print("Selecting author with id ", search_id) query = "SELECT firstName, lastName FROM authors where authorID=%s" % search_id names = execute_query(db_connection, query) for n in names: print(n) state = {'id': author_id, 'search_id': search_id} return render_template('author.html', state=state, rows=result, authors_id=authors, titles=books, search=names) elif (author_id is not None): query = "SELECT title FROM books WHERE bookID IN (SELECT bookID FROM authorBooks WHERE authorID = %s)" % author_id books = execute_query(db_connection, query) titles = books.fetchall() for t in titles: print(t) state = {'id': author_id, 'search_id': search_id} return render_template('author.html', state=state, rows=result, authors_id=authors, titles=books) elif (search_id is not None): print("Selecting author with id ", search_id) query = "SELECT firstName, lastName FROM authors where authorID=%s" % search_id names = execute_query(db_connection, query) for n in names: print(n) state = {'id': author_id, 'search_id': search_id} return render_template('author.html', state=state, rows=result, authors_id=authors, search=names) # if (request.method == 'GET'): # author_id = request.form.get("id",None) # print(author_id) state = {'id': author_id, 'search_id': search_id} return render_template('author.html', state=state, rows=result, authors_id=authors)
def browse_results(): db_connection = connect_to_database() query = "SELECT resultID, status, Results.orderID,, CASE WHEN accessedByDoctor = 1 THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END AS accessedByDoctor, orderType, Patients.lastName FROM Results JOIN Orders ON Results.orderID = Orders.orderID JOIN Patients ON Orders.patientID = Patients.patientID;" result = execute_query(db_connection, query).fetchall() return render_template('browse_results.html', rows=result)
def add_application(): db_connection = connect_to_database() if request.method == 'GET': #query to populate shelter dropdown query = 'SELECT shelterID, name from Shelters' shelters = execute_query(db_connection,query).fetchall() print(shelters) #query to populate adopter dropdown query = 'SELECT adopterID, adopterID, first_name, last_name from Adopters' adopters = execute_query(db_connection,query).fetchall() print(adopters) #query to populate counselor drowpdown query = 'SELECT counselorID, counselorID, first_name, last_name from Counselors' counselors = execute_query(db_connection,query).fetchall() print(counselors) #query to populate available/pending dogs dropdown query = 'SELECT petID, petID, name from Dogs where adoption_status!="Adopted"' pets = execute_query(db_connection,query).fetchall() print(pets) return render_template('add_application.html', shelters = shelters, adopters = adopters, counselors = counselors, pets = pets) elif request.method == 'POST': print("Adding an application") date = request.form['appDate'] adopterID = request.form['adopterID'] shelterID = request.form['shelterID'] counselorID = request.form['counselorID'] petID1 = request.form['petID1'] if petID1 == "": petID1 = None petID2 = request.form['petID2'] if petID2 == "": petID2 = None petID3 = request.form['petID3'] if petID3 == "": petID3 = None meet_greet = request.form['meetGreet'] num_adults = request.form['numAdults'] num_kids = request.form['numChildren'] num_pets = request.form['numAnimals'] home_status = request.form['homeStatus'] home_type = request.form['homeType'] db_connection = connect_to_database() #add adpplication query query = 'INSERT INTO Applications (app_date, shelterID, counselorID, adopterID, petID1, petID2, petID3, meet_greet, num_adults, num_children, num_pets, home_type, home_status) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)' data = (date, shelterID, counselorID, adopterID, petID1, petID2, petID3, meet_greet, num_adults, num_kids, num_pets, home_type, home_status) result=execute_query(db_connection, query, data) print(result.lastrowid) #adding application with pets also results in adding to adoption details if petID1 != None: query2 = 'INSERT INTO AdoptionDetails (app_num ,petID, app_status) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)' data2 = (result.lastrowid, petID1, 'Pending') execute_query(db_connection,query2,data2) if petID2 != None: query3 = 'INSERT INTO AdoptionDetails (app_num ,petID, app_status) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)' data3 = (result.lastrowid, petID2, 'Pending') execute_query(db_connection,query3,data3) if petID3 != None: query4 = 'INSERT INTO AdoptionDetails (app_num ,petID, app_status) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)' data4 = (result.lastrowid, petID3, 'Pending') execute_query(db_connection,query4,data4) return redirect('/applications')
def browse_staff_patients(): print("Browsing all staff-patient relationships") db_connection = connect_to_database() query = "SELECT d.staffID, CONCAT(d.firstName, ' ', d.lastName), p.patientID, CONCAT(p.firstName, ' ', p.lastName) FROM Staff_Patients dp INNER JOIN Staff d ON d.staffID = dp.staffID INNER JOIN Patients p ON p.patientID = dp.patientID" result = execute_query(db_connection, query).fetchall() return render_template('browse_staff_patients.html', rows=result)
def update_order(id): db_connection = connect_to_database() alerts = () # Build Select query to populate form query = """SELECT DISTINCT order_id, order_date, num_products, total_cost, fname, lname, c.customer_id, o.coupon_id, promotion FROM orders o LEFT JOIN customers c ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id LEFT JOIN coupons ON o.coupon_id = coupons.coupon_id WHERE o.order_id = %s""" data = (id, ) old_order_data = execute_query(db_connection, query, data).fetchone() if request.method == "POST": # Fetch data from the form orderDate = request.form['orderDate'] numProducts = request.form['numberOfProducts'] cost = request.form['totalCost'] customerID = request.form['customerID'] couponID = request.form['couponID'] # If no coupon is selected if couponID == 'NULL': couponID = None # Run update query query = "UPDATE orders SET order_date = %s, num_products = %s, total_cost = %s, customer_id = %s, coupon_id = %s WHERE order_id = %s" data = (orderDate, numProducts, cost, customerID, couponID, id) execute_query(db_connection, query, data) alerts = ( "Update successful! Please refresh or return to the order page to see the updated order.", False) else: # The following query is to check if the selected coupon is valid for the selected customer query = 'SELECT customer_id, coupon_id FROM coupons_customers WHERE customer_id = %s AND coupon_id = %s' query_params = (customerID, couponID) result = execute_query(db_connection, query, query_params).fetchone() # Check result. If it is None, then an invalid coupon was selected if result is None: # If customer can't use the indicated coupon, check to see which coupons they can use query = """SELECT fname, lname, promotion FROM customers c LEFT JOIN coupons_customers cc ON c.customer_id = cc.customer_id LEFT JOIN coupons ON cc.coupon_id = coupons.coupon_id WHERE c.customer_id = %s""" query_params = (customerID, ) checkAvailableCoupons = execute_query(db_connection, query, query_params).fetchall() # Retrieve the cusomer's name customerName = checkAvailableCoupons[0][0] + \ ' ' + checkAvailableCoupons[0][1] # If customer does not have any promotions available, then the result will be of length 1 # and None will be present where the promotion should be if len(checkAvailableCoupons ) == 1 and checkAvailableCoupons[0][2] is None: alerts = ( f"Error! Order not updated! {customerName} can not apply any coupon to their orders. Please try again.", True) else: # Retrieve all promotions that a customer can use, store it in correctCoupons correctCoupons = '' for result in checkAvailableCoupons: correctCoupons += str(result[2]) correctCoupons += ', ' alerts = ( f"Error! Order not updated! {customerName} can only apply the following coupon(s) to their order: {correctCoupons}. Please try again.", True) else: query = "UPDATE orders SET order_date = %s, num_products = %s, total_cost = %s, customer_id = %s, coupon_id = %s WHERE order_id = %s" data = [orderDate, numProducts, cost, customerID, couponID, id] execute_query(db_connection, query, data) alerts = ( "Update successful! Please refresh or return to the order page to see the updated order.", False) # Get all customers except for one from initial query query = f'SELECT customer_id, fname, lname FROM customers WHERE NOT customer_id = {old_order_data[6]}' customerResult = execute_query(db_connection, query).fetchall() # Get all coupons except for one from initial query if old_order_data[7] is not None: query = f'SELECT coupon_id, promotion FROM coupons WHERE NOT coupon_id = {old_order_data[7]}' couponResult = execute_query(db_connection, query).fetchall() else: query = f'SELECT coupon_id, promotion FROM coupons WHERE NOT coupon_id is NULL' couponResult = execute_query(db_connection, query).fetchall() return render_template("update_order.html", data=old_order_data, customers=customerResult, coupons=couponResult, alerts=alerts)