예제 #1
def track():
    Returns a response as a str message is either checked in or checked out.
    Redirects response from error if it fails.
    :rtype: str
    req = request.form
    user = DbConnector().send_query(
        "SELECT id,checked_in,current_project FROM users WHERE user_id = %s",
        (req['user_id'], ))
    # Weird way of checking if a index exists in the database.
    if len(user) > 0:
        new_checked_in_state = not user[0][1]
            "INSERT INTO `tracking` (`id`, `checked_in`, `user_id`, `project_id`, `timestamp`) "
            + "VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, %s, current_timestamp());",
            (new_checked_in_state, user[0][0], user[0][2]))
        # Updates the users current team
            "UPDATE users SET checked_in = %s WHERE user_id = %s",
            (new_checked_in_state, req['user_id']))
        if new_checked_in_state:
            return "Success. Time tracking is now active."
        return "Success. Time tracking is now inactive."
    return "Error has occurred, Something went wrong. Please panic..."
예제 #2
 def __init__(self):
     with open('jobs/job_specs.yaml', 'r') as f:
         self.job_types = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)['type']
     dbFilePath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
                               "../db", "job_manager.sqlite")
     os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dbFilePath), exist_ok=True)
     self.db = DbConnector(dbFilePath, read_only=False)
예제 #3
def create_project():
    Creates a new project for a user with the name specified in POST payload.
    Returns a response as a str message, redirects response from error if it fails.
    :rtype: str
    # loads payload as json then converts it to a dictionary
    req = request.form
    projectname = req['text']
    projectname = projectname.strip(
    )  # removes the spaces infront and after the name
    projectname = projectname.replace(
        '"', '')  # removes the quotes from the names if you try to add them
    # Check if the project name isn't empty
    if len(projectname) <= 0:
        return "Error: please don't leave the name on blank"
    # Checks if the project dosen't exist
    if not project_exists(req['text']):
        # If it doesnt exists it goes here
        response = DbConnector().send_query(
            "INSERT INTO project (id, name) VALUES (NULL, %s)",
            (projectname, ))
        return "The project: '" + projectname + "' created successfully"
    # check if the project already exists
    if project_exists(req['text']):
        # If it exists it goes here
        res = DbConnector().send_query(
            "SELECT id FROM project WHERE name = %s", (projectname, ))
        return "Error has occurred, project: '" + projectname + "' already exists"
예제 #4
def create_team():
    Creates a new team with the name of name specified in POST payload.
    Returns a response as a str message, redirects response from error if it fails.
    :rtype: str
    # loads payload as json then converts it to a dictionary
    req = request.form
    teamname = req['text']
    teamname = teamname.strip(
    )  # removes the spaces infront and after the name
    teamname = teamname.replace(
        '"', '')  # removes the quotes from the names if you try to add them
    # Check if the team name isn't empty
    if len(teamname) <= 0:
        return "Error: please don't leave the name on blank"
    # Checks if the team dosen't exist
    if not team_exists(req['text']):
        # If it doesnt exists it goes here
        response = DbConnector().send_query(
            "INSERT INTO teams (`id`, `name`) VALUES (NULL, %s)", (teamname, ))
        return "The team: '" + teamname + "' created successfully"
    # check if the team already exists
    if team_exists(req['text']):
        # If it exists it goes here
        res = DbConnector().send_query("SELECT id FROM teams WHERE name = %s",
                                       (teamname, ))
        return "Error has occurred, Team: '" + teamname + "' already exists"
예제 #5
def get_worked_time(user_id):
    Gets the time worked in a day for the specific user.id as a string.
    :rtype: str
    import datetime
    response = DbConnector().send_query(
        "SELECT MIN(`timestamp`) AS first_timestamp, MAX(`timestamp`) AS last_timestamp FROM `tracking` WHERE (`user_id` = %s) AND (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(CURRENT_DATE()) < UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`timestamp`)) ORDER BY id LIMIT 1",
        (user_id, ))[0]
    # If checked_in is true then else.
    if len(response) > 0:
        checked_in = DbConnector().send_query(
            "SELECT `checked_in` FROM users WHERE `id` = %s",
            (user_id, ))[0][0]
        if response[0] == response[1]:

            latest_timestamp = response[0]
            # Gives a time delta object with the difference
            difference = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - latest_timestamp
            return _str_format_delta(
                "{hours} Hours {minutes} minutes"), bool(checked_in)
            check_out_timestamp = response[0][4]
            check_in_timestamp = response[1][4]
            difference = check_out_timestamp - check_in_timestamp
            return _str_format_delta(
                "{hours} Hours {minutes} minutes"), bool(checked_in)
    return "0 Hours 0 Minutes", False
예제 #6
 def test_send_query(self):
     Tests to send a query to and checks that there is a response.
     connector = DbConnector()
     response = connector.send_query("Show tables;")
     self.assertTrue(len(response) > 0)
예제 #7
 def test_get_connection(self):
     Tests that the connector get_connection returns a mysql.connector object.
     import mysql.connector as mysql
     connector = DbConnector()
     self.assertTrue(connector.get_connection() is not None)
예제 #8
 def test_close_connection(self):
     Tests to check that a dbConnector returns true when trying to close a connection.
     connector = DbConnector()
예제 #9
 def reset_run(self):
     print("resetting data")
     self.run_saved = False
     self.total_distance_bar.value = 0.00
     self.avg_time_per_500m_label.text = "0:00:00"
     self.best_run_bar.value = 0.00
     self.insta_spm_label.text = "0.00"
     self.total_distance_m_label.text = "0"
예제 #10
def channels_listall(token: str) -> dict:
    Provide a list of all channels (and their associated details)

    :param token: user's token
    :return: dictionary of list of dictionary with keys 'channel_id' and 'name'
            which includes all the channels
    #token_operation = TokenJwt()
    # check if the token is valid
    if check_valid(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='error occurred: token is not valid')

    dictionary = {
        'channels': [],

    # get info for all list
    db_connect = DbConnector()
    sql = "SELECT channel_id, name FROM project.channel_data"
    ret = db_connect.fetchall()

    for channel in ret:
            'channel_id': channel[0],
            'name': channel[1]

    # close database connection

    return dictionary
예제 #11
def channels_create(token: str, name: str, is_public: bool) -> dict:
    Creates a new channel with that name that is either a public or private channel

    :param token: user's token
    :param name: channel's name
    :param is_public: boolean expression of whether the channel is public or private
    :return: the dictionary with key 'channel_id'

    token_operation = TokenJwt()
    # check if the token is valid
    if check_valid(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='error occurred: token is not valid')
    if len(name) > 20:
        raise InputError(
            description='error occurred: Name is more than 20 characters long')

    u_id = token_operation.get_uid(token)
    db_connect = DbConnector()
    sql = "INSERT INTO project.channel_data(name, member, owner,is_public) VALUES (%s,%s, %s, %s);"
    value = (name, [u_id], [u_id], is_public)
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)

    # get the channel_id
    sql = "SELECT MAX(channel_id) FROM project.channel_data"
    ret = db_connect.fetchone()
    channel_id = ret[0]

    return {
        'channel_id': channel_id,
예제 #12
def update_project():
    Updates a specific project name with a new name specified by the POST payload.
    Returns a str saying Successfully updated project with a new name of :placeholder_name: or -
    error if error occurred or project did not exist.
    :rtype: str
    # loads payload as json then converts it to a dictionary
    req = request.form
    updateString = req['text']
    # If theres more than one citation in the string.
    if updateString.count('"') > 1:
        splt_char = '"'
        updateString = updateString.strip()
        # Checks whether it is the old or the new name that contains 2 words.
        if updateString.find('"') == 0:
            K = 2  # The instance of the splt_char where the string should be split
            K = 1
        temp = updateString.split(splt_char)
        # Splits at each occurence of splt_char
        split_text = splt_char.join(temp[:K]), splt_char.join(temp[K:])
        # Joins split_text, a tuple, with temp - split between the second instance of splt_char
        old_name = split_text[0]
        new_name = split_text[1]
        old_name = re.sub(r'"', "", old_name)
        new_name = re.sub(r'"', "", new_name)
        # Removes all "
        old_name = old_name.strip()
        new_name = new_name.strip()
        # Removes leading and trailing whitespace
        updateString = updateString.strip()
        # Splits the string at the first space
        split_text = updateString.split(" ", 1)
        old_name = split_text[0]
        new_name = split_text[1]

    if project_exists(new_name):
        # Gives an error if the name you want to change already exists
        res = DbConnector().send_query(
            "SELECT id FROM project WHERE name = %s", (new_name, ))
        return "Error has occurred, project: '" + new_name + "' already exists"

    if project_exists(old_name):
        # If the project name you want to change exist...
        response = DbConnector().send_query(
            "UPDATE project SET name = %s WHERE name = %s",
            (new_name, old_name))

        # If the sql response doesn't say '1 row(s) affected.' Then something went wrong.
        if response == "1 row(s) affected.":
            return "Project name successfully updated from '" + old_name + "' to '" + new_name + "'"
    return "Error has occurred, The specified project '" + old_name + "' does not exist"
예제 #13
 def test_send_insert_query(self):
     Tests sending a insert query to the database to see what response the database gives.
     connector = DbConnector()
     sql = "INSERT INTO teams (name) VALUES (%s)"
     val = ["John"]
     response = connector.send_query(sql, val)
     self.assertTrue(len(response) > 0)
     self.assertEqual(response, "1 row(s) affected.")
예제 #14
def user_profile_setname(token, name_first, name_last):
    # check if the token is valid
    if check_valid(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='error occurred: token is not valid')

    if len(name_first) > 50 or len(
            name_first) < 1:  # check length of name_first
        raise InputError(
            description='error occurred: first name is not between \
                1 and 50 characters inclusively in length')
    if len(name_last) > 50 or len(name_last) < 1:
        raise InputError(
            description='error occurred: last name is not between \
                1 and 50 characters inclusively in length')
    # get user's u_id from token
    token_operation = TokenJwt()
    u_id = token_operation.get_uid(token)

    db_connect = DbConnector()
    sql = "UPDATE project.user_data SET name_first=(%s), \
           name_last=(%s) WHERE u_id=(%s)"

    value = (name_first, name_last, u_id)
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)

    return {}
예제 #15
def get_id(user_id):
    This will get the user id if a user with that specified user_id exists.
    :rtype: int: the id for the specific user.
    res = DbConnector().send_query(
        "SELECT `id` FROM users WHERE `user_id` = %s", (user_id, ))
    return res[0][0]
예제 #16
def get_team_id(team_name):
    This will get the team id if a team with that specified name exists.
    :rtype: int: the id for the specific team_name.
    res = DbConnector().send_query("SELECT `id` FROM teams WHERE `name` = %s",
                                   (team_name, ))
    return res
예제 #17
def get_project_id(project_name):
    This will get the project id if a project with that specified name exists.
    :rtype: int: the id for the specific project_name.
    res = DbConnector().send_query(
        "SELECT `id` FROM project WHERE `name` = %s", (project_name, ))
    return res
예제 #18
def get_user_id(name):
    This will get the user_id if a user with that specified name exists.
    :rtype: str: user_id for the specific user.
    res = DbConnector().send_query(
        "SELECT `user_id` FROM users WHERE `name` = %s", (name, ))
    return res[0][0]
예제 #19
def user_profile_uploadphoto(token, img_url, x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end):
    token_operation = TokenJwt()
    # check if the token is valid
    if check_valid(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='error occurred: token is not valid')

    except urllib.error.HTTPError:
        raise InputError(description='error occurred: \
                         img_url returns an HTTP status other than 200.')

    # check img is jpg
    if not img_url.lower().endswith('.jpg'):
        raise InputError(
            description='error occurred: Image uploaded is not a JPG')

    if not os.path.exists('./image'):
    # get user's u_id from token
    u_id = token_operation.get_uid(token)
    image_address = './image/' + str(u_id) + '.jpg'
    urllib.request.urlretrieve(img_url, image_address)
    image_object = Image.open(image_address)
    width, height = image_object.size

    if (int(x_start) < 0 or int(x_start) > width or int(x_end) < 0
            or int(x_end) > width or int(y_start) < 0 or int(y_start) > height
            or int(y_end) < 0 or int(y_end) > height):
        raise InputError(description="x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end are not \
                         within the dimensions of the image at the URL")

    if int(x_start) >= int(x_end) or int(y_start) >= int(y_end):
        raise InputError(description="start value can't exceed end value")

    cropped = image_object.crop((x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end))
    base_url = flask.request.host_url

    image_url = base_url + 'image/' + str(u_id) + '.jpg'

    db_connect = DbConnector()
    sql = "UPDATE project.user_data SET profile_img_url=(%s) WHERE u_id=(%s)"
    value = (image_url, u_id)
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)

    # close database connection

    return {}
예제 #20
def user_create(req):
    This will create a user index in the database if.
    returns true if user was created successfully else false.
    :type req: dict containing the user data sent from slack.
    :rtype: void
    var = [req['user_id'], parse_name(req['user_name'])]
    sql = "INSERT INTO users (user_id, name) VALUES (%s, %s)"
    DbConnector().send_query(sql, var)
예제 #21
def user_exists(user_id):
    This will check if a user exists by the user_id.
    Will return true if the user exists, else false.
    :type user_id: str
    :rtype: bool true if exits else false.
    connector = DbConnector().send_query(
        "SELECT 1 FROM users WHERE user_id = '" + user_id + "'")
    return len(connector) > 0
예제 #22
def user_is_flockr_owner(u_id):
    db_connect = DbConnector()
    sql = "SELECT owner FROM project.flockr_data"
    owner_list = db_connect.fetchone()[0]
    if u_id in owner_list:
        return True
    return False
예제 #23
def join_team():
    This will make the POST payload specified User join a specified team that will be passed through as a argument in -
    the payload.
    Redirects response from error if it fails.
    :rtype: str
    req = request.form
    team_id = DbConnector().send_query("SELECT id FROM teams WHERE name = %s",
                                       (req['text'], ))
    if len(team_id) > 0:
        # print("Team found with id of: " + str(team_id[0][0]))
        # Updates the users current team
            "UPDATE users SET current_team = %s WHERE user_id = %s",
            (str(team_id[0][0]), req['user_id']))
        return "Team successfully joined."

    return "Error has occurred. The specified team does not exist."
def main():
  header_cols, raw_rows =  convert_transactions_to_json()
  print('header_cols:', header_cols)
  print('raw_rows:', json.dumps(raw_rows[0], indent=2))

  sql = "INSERT INTO transactions (date, description, amount, category, labels, notes, year) VALUES\n"

  # format rows into the following format
    INSERT INTO transactions (date, description, amount, category, labels, notes)
  insert_lines = [ "  ('%s', '%s', %s, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')" % (row['date'], row['description'], row['amount'], row['category'], row['labels'], row['notes'], row['year']) for row in raw_rows ]

  # build sql statements
  for line in insert_lines:
    line = line.replace('""', 'NULL')
    sql += f"{line},\n"

  # remove last ,
  sql = sql[:-2]
  with open('test.txt', 'w') as f:

  # insert into database
  db = DbConnector()
  db.execute_sql(db.process_delete_results, 'DELETE FROM transactions;')
  db.execute_sql(db.process_insert_results, sql)
예제 #25
def display_project():
    Returns a list of all the projects ordered by their indexes POST does not contain any arguments.
    :rtype: object
    response = DbConnector().send_query("SELECT name FROM project")
    ret_str = "These are the currently existing projects\n"
    counter = 1
    # loops through the list and appends the name to the output ret_str.
    for row in response:
        ret_str += str(counter) + ". " + row[0] + "\n"
        counter += 1
    return ret_str
예제 #26
def join_project():
    This will make the POST payload specified User join a specified project that will be passed through as a argument -
    in the payload.
    Redirects response from error if it fails.
    :rtype: str
    req = request.form
    project_id = DbConnector().send_query(
        "SELECT id FROM project WHERE name = %s", (req['text'], ))

    # Weird way of checking if a index exists in the database.
    if len(project_id) > 0:
        # print("Team found with id of: " + str(project_id[0][0]))
        # Updates the users current team
            "UPDATE users SET current_project = %s WHERE user_id = %s",
            (str(project_id[0][0]), req['user_id']))
        return "Project successfully joined."

    return "Error has occurred. The specified project does not exist."
예제 #27
def channels_list(token: str) -> dict:
    Provide a list of all channels (and their associated details)
    that the authorised user is part of

    :param token: user's token
    :return: dictionary of list of dictionary with keys 'channel_id' and 'name'
            which includes the channels that the user is a part of
    dictionary = {
        'channels': [],

    token_operation = TokenJwt()
    # check if the token is valid
    if check_valid(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='error occurred: token is not valid')
    # get user's u_id from token
    u_id = token_operation.get_uid(token)

    # get info in database
    db_connect = DbConnector()
    sql = '''
    SELECT channel_id, name 
    FROM project.channel_data c 
            INNER JOIN project.user_data u ON u.u_id = ANY (c.member) 
    WHERE u.u_id = (%s);
    value = (u_id, )
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)
    ret = db_connect.fetchall()

    for channel in ret:
            'channel_id': channel[0],
            'name': channel[1]


    return dictionary
예제 #28
def standup_start(token, channel_id, length):
    token_operation = TokenJwt()
    # check if the token is valid
    if check_valid(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='error occurred: token is not valid')

    # check channel_id is not valid
    db_connect = DbConnector()
    sql = "SELECT channel_id FROM project.channel_data WHERE channel_id=(%s)"
    value = (channel_id, )
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)
    ret = db_connect.fetchone()
    if ret is None:
        raise InputError(
            description='error occured: Channel ID is not a valid channel')

    curr_time = int(time.time())
    exist_active = standup_active(token, channel_id)["is_active"]
    if exist_active is True:
        raise InputError(description='error occurred:\
                         An active standup is currently running in this channel'

    finish_time = curr_time + length

    # get id from token
    u_id = token_operation.get_uid(token)

    sql = "INSERT INTO project.active_data (standup_uid, channel_id, time_finish) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)"
    value = (u_id, channel_id, int(finish_time))
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)
    # time_dict = {
    #     'standup_uid': u_id,
    #     'channel_id': channel_id,
    #     'time_finish': int(finish_time),
    #     'message': ""
    # }
    # ACTIVE_DATA.append(time_dict)
    time1 = threading.Timer(length, send_standup_message, [channel_id])
    return {'time_finish': int(finish_time)}
예제 #29
def delete_project():
    Deletes a project from the database depending on the input written in the POST payload.
    Returns a str saying Successfully deleted :placeholder_name: or error if error occurred or project did not exist.
    :rtype: str
    # loads payload as json then converts it to a dictionary
    req = request.form
    projectname = req['text']
    if project_exists(req['text']):
        # If it exists it goes here
        response = DbConnector().send_query(
            "DELETE FROM project WHERE name = %s", (req['text'], ))
        # If the sql response doesn't say '1 row(s) affected.' Then something went wrong.
        if response == "1 row(s) affected.":
            return "Project: '" + projectname + "' successfully deleted"
    return "Error has occurred, The specified project '" + projectname + "' does not exist"
예제 #30
def user_profile(token, u_id):
    # check if the token is valid
    if check_valid(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='error occurred: token is not valid')

    db_connect = DbConnector()
    sql = "SELECT email, name_first, name_last, handle, \
           profile_img_url FROM project.user_data WHERE u_id=(%s);"

    value = (u_id, )
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)
    ret = db_connect.fetchone()

    # check uid is valid
    if ret is None:
        raise InputError(
            description='error occurred: User with u_id is not a valid user')

    user_dict = {}  # for return
    email = ret[0]
    name_first = ret[1]
    name_last = ret[2]
    handle_str = ret[3]
    profile_img_url = ret[4]

    user_dict['u_id'] = u_id
    user_dict['email'] = email
    user_dict['name_first'] = name_first
    user_dict['name_last'] = name_last
    user_dict['handle_str'] = handle_str
    user_dict['profile_img_url'] = profile_img_url

    # close database connection

    return {'user': user_dict}