예제 #1
def update_task(task_id):
    task = request.json

    if (task is not None) and ('description' in task) and ('priority' in task):
        text = task['description']
        urgent = task['priority']
        db_interaction.update_task(text, urgent, int(task_id))
        return Response(status=200)

예제 #2
def update_task():

    # get the request body
    add_request = request.json

    # check whether a task is present in the request or not
    if add_request is not None and ('description' and 'urgent') in add_request:

        text = add_request['description']
        urgent = add_request['urgent']
        id = add_request['id']
        # update the task
        db_interaction.update_task(int(id), text, urgent)

        return Response(status=200)

    # return an error in case of problems
예제 #3
def update_task(task_id):

    # get the request body
    add_request = request.json

    # check whether a task is present in the request or not
    if add_request is not None and ('description' and 'urgent') in add_request:
        text = add_request['description']
        urgent = add_request['urgent']
        # update the task
        task = db_interaction.update_task(int(task_id),text,urgent)

        return Response(status=200)

    # return an error in case of problems