예제 #1
def update_userinv_row(update_input, rowid):
    # Updates a userinventory row using the row id (so duplicates aren't
    # affected). This will mostly be used for moving and checking out bottles
    arg = 'UPDATE userinventory SET '
    for term in update_input:
        arg += term + ' = :' + term + ', '
    arg = arg.rstrip(', ')
    arg += ' WHERE rowid = ' + str(rowid)

    inv_update = DatabaseManager()
    inv_update.db_execute(arg, update_input)
예제 #2
def update_winedata_row(update_input):
    # updates a specific row in a specified table
    # this function takes a list of the following format:
    # entry_input = [wine_id, upc, winery, region,
    #                name, varietal, wtype,
    #                vintage, msrp, value]
    terms = cleanup_dbinput(update_input)
    arg = 'UPDATE winedata SET '
    for term in terms:
        arg += term + ' = :' + term + ', '
    arg = arg.rstrip(', ')
    arg += ' WHERE wine_id = :wine_id'

    db_update = DatabaseManager()
    db_update.db_execute(arg, terms)
예제 #3
def drop_row(wine_id, rowid=None, table='userinventory'):
    # drops a row from the database, if for example it is
    # entered by mistake
    # this function only takes a wine_id input, which forces
    # the wine to be positively identified before it is
    # deleted
    # This also allows the table to be selected. By default,
    # the table is the user inventory (which is less dangerous)
    terms = [wine_id]
    arg = 'DELETE FROM ' + table + ' WHERE wine_id = ?'
    if rowid:
        arg += ' AND rowid = ?'

    terms = tuple(terms)
    db_drop = DatabaseManager()
    db_drop.db_execute(arg, terms)
예제 #4
def enter_db(entry_input, table='userinventory', ret_id=False):
    # enters a wine into the database
    # this function takes a list of the following format:
    # entry_input = [wine_id, upc, winery, region,
    #                name, varietal, wtype,
    #                vintage, msrp, value]
    # it is critical that the list is complete, even if some
    # of the values are null
    db_enter = DatabaseManager()
    terms = cleanup_dbinput(entry_input)

    #arg = 'INSERT INTO ' + table + ' (upc, winery, region, name, varietal, wtype, vintage, msrp, value) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)'
    arg = 'INSERT INTO ' + table + ' ('
    values = '('
    for term in terms:
        arg += term + ', '
        values += ':' + term + ', '
    values = values.rstrip(', ') + ')'
    arg = arg.rstrip(', ') + ') VALUES ' + values

    return db_enter.db_execute(arg, terms, ret_id)