class ConvertModel: def __init__(self, worker, initial_table=True, last_draw=None, limit=0): # class initialize self.worker = worker self.table_name = self.worker.table_name self.game_name = self.worker.window.line_current_game.text() if initial_table: self.ldb = self.worker.window.ldb self.curr_game = self.ldb.fetchone(LottoGame, {'name': self.game_name}) self.input_table = 'INPUT_' + self.curr_game.input_table # features table_headers = {'__tablename__': self.table_name, 'id': Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), 'DRAFT_ID': Column('DRAFT_ID', Integer)} for feature in self.curr_game.model_features: match_items = self.worker.window.list_model.findItems(, Qt.MatchExactly) if len(match_items) > 0: feature_len = feature.length + 1 feature_header = feature.header for n in range(1, feature_len): table_headers[feature_header + str(n)] = Column(feature_header + str(n), Integer) table_headers['LABEL'] = Column('LABEL', Integer) self.ldb.delete_table(self.table_name) self.ldb.delete_model_by_table_name(self.table_name) self.ldb.create_class_model(self.curr_game.training_model, table_headers) self.ldb.meta_create_all() self.input_record_count = self.ldb.get_table_length(DYNAMIC_CLASS[self.curr_game.input_model]) + 1 - limit # variables if last_draw is None: self.last_draw = [13, 18, 29, 32, 37] else: self.last_draw = last_draw self.total_game_numbers = self.curr_game.total_numbers + 1 self.training_size_limit = int(self.worker.window.combo_test_size.currentText()) self.single_draw_len = self.curr_game.length + 1 self.labels = [0, 12, 34, 56] = {'LABEL': 1} self.loss = {'LABEL': 0} self.rash_one = 5 self.rash_two = 5 self.rash_three = 5 self.rash_default = 5 @staticmethod def __append_drawn(current_array, set_of_six): new_drawn = [] for drawn in set_of_six: index = drawn - 1 new_drawn.append(current_array[index]) return new_drawn def __append_rash_group(self, sample): new_set = [] for num in sample: if num in self.curr_game['groups']['first_group']: new_set += [1] elif num in self.curr_game['groups']['second_group']: new_set += [2] elif num in self.curr_game['groups']['third_group']: new_set += [3] return new_set def __append_alpha_group(self, sample): alpha_group = [] for n in sample: for g in self.curr_game['alphabetic_groups'].items(): if n in g[1]: alpha_group += [1] else: alpha_group += [0] return alpha_group def __map_last_draw(self, curr_draw): return {'IN_LAST_' + str(n): i for n, i in zip(range(1, self.single_draw_len), curr_draw)} def __append_in_last_draw(self, sample, curr_draw): if curr_draw.count(0) == 0: last_draw = [0 for _ in range(1, self.total_game_numbers)] else: last_draw = [1 if n in sample else 0 for n in range(1, self.total_game_numbers)] return last_draw def __append_numbers_cycle(self, sample, curr_cycle): if sum(map((0).__eq__, curr_cycle.values())) == 0: numbers_cycle = {'CYCLE_' + str(n): 0 for n in range(1, self.total_game_numbers)} else: numbers_cycle = {'CYCLE_' + str(n): 1 if n in sample else curr_cycle['CYCLE_' + str(n)] for n in range(1, self.total_game_numbers)} return numbers_cycle def append_hot_cold_warm_cool(self, top_numbers, n_top, large_small): if large_small == 'L': hw = nlargest(n_top, top_numbers, key=top_numbers.get) hc_wc = [1 if str(n) in hw else 0 for n in range(1, self.total_game_numbers)] else: cc = nsmallest(n_top, top_numbers, key=top_numbers.get) hc_wc = [1 if str(n) in cc else 0 for n in range(1, self.total_game_numbers)] return hc_wc @staticmethod def __append_count_label(sample, count_list): label = 0 count = Counter(sample) for x in count_list: label = label + count[x] return label def __map_number_map(self, sample): return {'MAP_' + str(n): 1 if n in sample else 0 for n in range(1, self.total_game_numbers)} def __map_original_numbers(self, sample): return {'ORIGINAL_' + str(n): i for n, i in zip(range(1, self.single_draw_len), sample)} def __append_rash(self, array): rash_group = [] for num in array: if num in self.curr_game['groups']['first_group']: data = 1 # first_data_group.get(num) if data is None: per = round(float(1 / self.rash_one) * 100, 2) else: per = round(float(data / self.rash_one) * 100, 2) rash_group.append(per) elif num in self.curr_game['groups']['second_group']: data = 1 # second_data_group.get(num) if data is None: per = round(float(1 / self.rash_two) * 100, 2) else: per = round(float(data / self.rash_two) * 100, 2) rash_group.append(per) elif num in self.curr_game['groups']['third_group']: data = 1 # third_data_group.get(num) if data is None: per = round(float(1 / self.rash_three) * 100, 2) else: per = round(float(data / self.rash_three) * 100, 2) rash_group.append(per) return rash_group def __append_db(self, params): self.ldb.add_record(DYNAMIC_CLASS[self.curr_game.training_model], params) def create_prediction_model(self, input_array): self.ldb.create_new_session() list_model = self.worker.window.list_model my_list = list(map(int, input_array.split(" "))) my_list = self.__add_random(my_list) ids = 1 combined_set = [] top_numbers = self.__create_top_numbers(self.input_record_count - 100) number_cycles = self.__get_latest_number_cycle() curr_draw = self.__get_latest_draw() total_combinations = int(math.factorial(42)/(math.factorial(5)*(math.factorial(42-5)))) for a in my_list: # if 1 <= a <= 11: for b in my_list: if a < b: # and 5 <= b <= 23: for c in my_list: if b < c: # and 11 <= c <= 33: for d in my_list: if c < d: # and 20 <= d <= 40: for e in my_list: # diff = e-a # sample_sum = a+b+c+d+e if d < e: # and 29 <= e <= 42: # and 17 < diff < 40 and 69 < sample_sum < 151: # for f in my_list: # if e < f: sample_array = [a, b, c, d, e] for i in range(self.worker.window.list_model.count()): if list_model.item(i).text() == 'number_map': combined_set += self.__map_number_map(sample_array) elif list_model.item(i).text() == 'number_cycles': combined_set += self.__append_numbers_cycle(sample_array, number_cycles) elif list_model.item(i).text() == 'original_numbers': combined_set += sample_array elif list_model.item(i).text() == 'in_last_draw': combined_set += curr_draw elif list_model.item(i).text() == 'rash_group': combined_set += self.__append_rash_group(sample_array) elif list_model.item(i).text() == 'alphabetic_group': combined_set += self.__append_alpha_group(sample_array) elif list_model.item(i).text() == 'hot numbers': combined_set += self.append_hot_cold_warm_cool( top_numbers, 10, 'L') elif list_model.item(i).text() == 'cold numbers': combined_set += self.append_hot_cold_warm_cool( top_numbers, 10, 'S') elif list_model.item(i).text() == 'warm numbers': combined_set += self.append_hot_cold_warm_cool( top_numbers, 20, 'L') elif list_model.item(i).text() == 'cool numbers': combined_set += self.append_hot_cold_warm_cool( top_numbers, 20, 'S') label = [self.__append_count_label(sample_array, self.last_draw)] self.__append_db(ids, [0], combined_set, label) combined_set = [] self.worker.signal_progress_bar.emit((ids/total_combinations)*100) ids += 1 self.worker.signal_progress_bar.emit(0) self.ldb.db_commit() def convert_to_original(self): self.ldb = LotteryDatabase() combo_predict = self.worker.window.combo_predict_model self.table_name = 'PREDICT_' + combo_predict.currentText() now = file_name = str.format('{} {}', combo_predict.currentText(), now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H %M %S")) export_columns = ['FIRST', 'SECOND', 'THIRD', 'FOURTH', 'FIFTH', 'SIXTH', 'LABEL', 'OUTPUT'] with open('archived/' + file_name + '.csv', 'a', newline='') as csv_file: writer = csv.writer(csv_file) writer.writerow(export_columns) for o in range(1, self.input_record_count): fetch_one = list(self.ldb.fetchone(self.table_name, o)) fetch_output = list(self.ldb.fetchone('OUTPUT_prediction', o)) originals = fetch_one[1:50] label_column = [fetch_one[-1]] output_column = [fetch_output[-1]] output_list = [n + 1 for n in range(0, len(originals)) if originals[n] == 1] output_list = output_list + label_column + output_column writer.writerow(output_list) self.worker.signal_status.emit('Export in progress: {} of {}.'.format(o, self.input_record_count - 1)) self.worker.signal_status.emit('') def __get_latest_number_cycle(self): curr_cycle, fetch_one = [], [] for o in range(1, self.input_record_count): curr_cycle = self.__append_numbers_cycle(fetch_one[1:self.single_draw_len], curr_cycle) self.ldb.db_commit() fetch_one = list(self.ldb.fetchone(self.input_table, o)) curr_cycle = self.__append_numbers_cycle(fetch_one[1:self.single_draw_len], curr_cycle) return curr_cycle def __get_latest_draw(self): curr_draw, fetch_one = [], [] for o in range(1, self.input_record_count): curr_draw = self.__append_in_last_draw(fetch_one[1:self.single_draw_len], curr_draw) self.ldb.session_commit() fetch_one = list(self.ldb.fetchone(self.input_table, o)) curr_draw = self.__append_in_last_draw(fetch_one[1:self.single_draw_len], curr_draw) return curr_draw def __create_top_numbers(self, offset): top_numbers = {} last = self.ldb.limit_offset_query(DYNAMIC_CLASS[self.curr_game.input_model], offset, offset-200) for sample in last: for number in range(1, self.single_draw_len): number = str(getattr(sample, 'NR_' + str(number))) if number not in top_numbers: top_numbers[number] = 0 top_numbers[number] += 1 return top_numbers def get_latest_pairs(self, pair_size): pairs = {} sql_ct = str.format("SELECT * FROM {} limit {} offset {}", self.input_table, 366, self.input_record_count - 367) self.ldb.execute(sql_ct) last = self.ldb.c.fetchmany(self.input_record_count) for sample in last: comb = combinations(sample, pair_size) for c in comb: if c not in pairs: pairs[c] = 1 else: pairs[c] += 1 pairs_largest = nlargest(100, pairs, key=pairs.get) return pairs_largest def get_latest_top(self): return self.__create_top_numbers(self.input_record_count - 100) def __add_random(self, o_num, limit=True): if limit: sample_size = self.training_size_limit else: sample_size = self.total_game_numbers + 1 while True: r = random.randrange(1, self.total_game_numbers) if r not in o_num: o_num = o_num + [r] if len(o_num) == sample_size: o_num.sort() break return o_num def create_training_model(self): self.ldb.create_new_session() list_model = self.worker.window.list_model ids = 1 avg_time = 0 win_count, loss_count = 0, 0 zero, one, two, three, four = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 combined_set, curr_cycle = {}, {} fetch_one, curr_draw = [], [] start_time = time.time() for o in range(1, self.input_record_count): curr_cycle = self.__append_numbers_cycle(fetch_one, curr_cycle) curr_draw = self.__append_in_last_draw(fetch_one, curr_draw) top_numbers = self.__create_top_numbers(o) record_set = self.ldb.fetchone(DYNAMIC_CLASS[self.curr_game.input_model], {'id': o}) fetch_one = [getattr(record_set, 'NR_' + str(i)) for i in range(1, self.single_draw_len)] my_list = self.__add_random(fetch_one) end_time = time.time() avg_time = (avg_time + (end_time - start_time)) / o eta = avg_time * self.input_record_count - avg_time * o self.worker.signal_status.emit(self.__print_run_time(eta)) self.worker.signal_progress_bar.emit(((o + 1) / self.input_record_count) * 100) for a in my_list: for b in my_list: if a < b: for c in my_list: if b < c: for d in my_list: if c < d: for e in my_list: if d < e: sample_array = [a, b, c, d, e] for i in range(self.worker.window.list_model.count()): if list_model.item(i).text() == 'number_map': combined_set = {**combined_set, **self.__map_number_map(sample_array)} elif list_model.item(i).text() == 'number_cycles': combined_set = {**combined_set, **self.__append_numbers_cycle( fetch_one, curr_cycle)} elif list_model.item(i).text() == 'original_numbers': combined_set = {**combined_set, **self.__map_original_numbers(sample_array)} elif list_model.item(i).text() == 'in_last_draw': combined_set = {**combined_set, **self.__map_last_draw(curr_draw)} elif list_model.item(i).text() == 'rash_group': combined_set = {**combined_set, **self.__append_rash_group(sample_array)} elif list_model.item(i).text() == 'alphabetic_group': combined_set = {**combined_set, **self.__append_alpha_group(sample_array)} elif list_model.item(i).text() == 'hot numbers': combined_set = {**combined_set, **self.append_hot_cold_warm_cool( top_numbers, 10, 'L')} elif list_model.item(i).text() == 'cold numbers': combined_set = {**combined_set, **self.append_hot_cold_warm_cool( top_numbers, 10, 'S')} elif list_model.item(i).text() == 'warm numbers': combined_set = {**combined_set, **self.append_hot_cold_warm_cool( top_numbers, 20, 'L')} elif list_model.item(i).text() == 'cool numbers': combined_set = {**combined_set, **self.append_hot_cold_warm_cool( top_numbers, 20, 'S')} label = [self.__append_count_label(sample_array, fetch_one)] if self.worker.window.check_win_loss.isChecked(): if label < [3]: self.__append_db({**{'DRAFT_ID': o}, **combined_set, **self.loss}) loss_count += 1 else: self.__append_db({**{'DRAFT_ID': o}, **combined_set, **}) win_count += 1 ids += 1 else: if label[0] in [0, 1]: # and number_limit[0] < 25: self.__append_db({**{'DRAFT_ID': o}, **combined_set, **{'LABEL': 0}}) # number_limit[0] = number_limit[0] + 1 zero += 1 ids += 1 elif label[0] == 2: # and number_limit[1] < 25: self.__append_db({**{'DRAFT_ID': o}, **combined_set, **{'LABEL': 1}}) # number_limit[1] = number_limit[1] + 1 one += 1 ids += 1 elif label[0] == 3: # and number_limit[1] < 25: self.__append_db({**{'DRAFT_ID': o}, **combined_set, **{'LABEL': 2}}) # number_limit[1] = number_limit[1] + 1 two += 1 ids += 1 elif label[0] in [4, 5]: # and number_limit[2] < 25: self.__append_db({**{'DRAFT_ID': o}, **combined_set, **{'LABEL': 3}}) # number_limit[2] = number_limit[2] + 1 three += 1 ids += 1 combined_set = {} self.ldb.session_commit() self.ldb.session_close() if self.worker.window.check_win_loss.isChecked(): return win_count, loss_count else: return zero, one, two, three, four @staticmethod def __print_run_time(seconds): seconds = int(seconds) hours = seconds // 3600 minutes = (seconds - 3600 * hours) // 60 seconds = seconds - 3600 * hours - 60 * minutes print_it = str.format('Estimate time remaining: {}:{}:{}'.format( '{:02}'.format(hours), '{:02}'.format(minutes), '{:02}'.format(seconds))) return print_it def __create_rash_group(self): self.ldb = LotteryDatabase() fetch_a = self.ldb.execute(self.input_table) first_data_group = defaultdict(int) second_data_group = defaultdict(int) third_data_group = defaultdict(int) new_set = [] for line in fetch_a: line = line[1:7] for num in line: if num in self.curr_game['groups']['first_group']: new_set.append(1) elif num in self.curr_game['groups']['second_group']: new_set.append(2) elif num in self.curr_game['groups']['third_group']: new_set.append(3) count = Counter(new_set) if count[1] == 4: self.rash_one += 1 for x, y in zip(line, new_set): if y == 1: first_data_group[x] += 1 elif count[2] == 4: self.rash_two += 1 for x, y in zip(line, new_set): if y == 2: second_data_group[x] += 1 elif count[3] == 4: self.rash_three += 1 for x, y in zip(line, new_set): if y == 3: third_data_group[x] += 1 rash_group = [] for num in line: if num in self.curr_game['groups']['first_group']: d = first_data_group.get(num) if d == "": per = round(float(1 / self.rash_one) * 10, 2) else: per = round(float(d / self.rash_one) * 10, 2) rash_group.append(per) elif num in self.curr_game['groups']['second_group']: d = second_data_group.get(num) if d == "": per = round(float(1 / self.rash_two) * 10, 2) else: per = round(float(d / self.rash_two) * 10, 2) rash_group.append(per) elif num in self.curr_game['groups']['third_group']: d = third_data_group.get(num) if d == "": per = round(float(1 / self.rash_three) * 10, 2) else: per = round(float(d / self.rash_three) * 10, 2) rash_group.append(per) self.ldb.__del__()
class DatabaseManagerDialog(QtBaseDbClass, Ui_DbDialog): def __init__(self, window, parent=None): super(DatabaseManagerDialog, self).__init__(parent) # class initialize self.setupUi(self) self.window = window self.ldb = LotteryDatabase() self.db_manager_init() # variables self.deleted = {} self.created = {} # buttons self.btn_add_model.clicked.connect(self.add_model) self.btn_delete_model.clicked.connect(self.delete_model) self.btn_add_predict.clicked.connect(self.add_predict) self.btn_delete_predict.clicked.connect(self.delete_predict) self.btn_save.clicked.connect(self.save_database) self.btn_cancel.clicked.connect(self.close_db_manager) def db_manager_init(self): curr_game = self.ldb.fetchone( LottoGame, {'name': self.window.line_current_game.text()}) for table in curr_game.user_tables: if table.database_name.startswith('MODEL_'): self.list_model_db.addItem( table.database_name.replace('MODEL_', '')) elif table.database_name.startswith('PREDICT_'): self.list_predict_db.addItem( table.database_name.replace('PREDICT_', '')) def add_model(self): text = self.line_model.text().strip() if text != '': if ' ' in text: QMessageBox.information( self, 'Whitespace', 'Your database name contain whitespaces. Please check!') else: if self.list_model_db.findItems(text, QtCore.Qt.MatchExactly): QMessageBox.information( self, 'Already exist', 'Your database name already exist. Try again!') else: self.created[text] = 0 self.list_model_db.addItem(text) self.line_model.clear() def add_predict(self): text = self.line_predict.text().strip() if text != '': if ' ' in text: QMessageBox.information( self, 'Whitespace', 'Your database name contain whitespaces. Please check!') else: if self.list_predict_db.findItems(text, QtCore.Qt.MatchExactly): QMessageBox.information( self, 'Already exist', 'Your database name already exist. Try again!') else: self.created[text] = 1 self.list_predict_db.addItem(text) self.line_predict.clear() def delete_model(self): if len(self.list_model_db.selectedItems()) > 0: self.deleted[self.list_model_db.currentItem().text()] = 0 self.list_model_db.takeItem(self.list_model_db.currentRow()) def delete_predict(self): if len(self.list_predict_db.selectedItems()) > 0: self.deleted[self.list_predict_db.currentItem().text()] = 1 self.list_predict_db.takeItem(self.list_predict_db.currentRow()) def save_database(self): self.window.combo_db.clear() self.window.combo_predict_model.clear() self.ldb.create_new_session() for key, value in self.deleted.items(): if value == 0: self.ldb.delete_record( DatabaseModels, { 'game': self.window.line_current_game.text(), 'database_name': 'MODEL_' + key }) elif value == 1: self.ldb.delete_record( DatabaseModels, { 'game': self.window.line_current_game.text(), 'database_name': 'PREDICT_' + key }) for key, value in self.created.items(): if value == 0: self.ldb.add_record( DatabaseModels, { 'game': self.window.line_current_game.text(), 'database_name': 'MODEL_' + key }) self.window.combo_db.addItem(key) elif value == 1: self.ldb.add_record( DatabaseModels, { 'game': self.window.line_current_game.text(), 'database_name': 'PREDICT_' + key }) self.window.combo_predict_model.addItem(key) self.ldb.session_commit() self.ldb.session_close() self.close_db_manager() def close_db_manager(self): self.close()