예제 #1
파일: planning.py 프로젝트: YuKejun/450
def add_free_robot(robot_ip):
    with free_list_lock, pending_lock:
        i = 0
        while i < len(pending_tasks):
            task = pending_tasks[i]
            if task.type == TaskType.FOR_CONTAINER:
                (container_id, row, col, slot, level, status) = db_manager.get_container_info(task.dest_container_id)
                # if the task is a FETCHING job where the requested container is TO_SHELF,
                # re-assign task to that robot TO_PACKING
                if status == "TO_SHELF":
                    carrier_robot_ip = db_manager.get_container_carrier(task.dest_container_id)
                    robot_perform_task(carrier_robot_ip, Task(TaskType.TO_DOCK, task.dest_dock_id, 0))
                    # update bookkeeping
                    db_manager.set_container_status(container_id, "TO_PACKING")
                # if the task is a FETCHING job where the requested container is TO_IMPORT,
                # re-assign task to that robot TO_PACKING
                # and let this newly added robot to the TO_IMPORT instead
                elif status == "TO_IMPORT":
                    carrier_robot_ip = db_manager.get_container_carrier(task.dest_container_id)
                    destined_import_dock_id = db_manager.get_robot_dest_dock(carrier_robot_ip)
                    robot_perform_task(carrier_robot_ip, Task(TaskType.TO_DOCK, task.dest_dock_id, 0))
                    db_manager.set_container_status(container_id, "TO_PACKING")
                    return Task(TaskType.TO_DOCK, destined_import_dock_id, 0)
                # if the task is a FETCHING job where the requested container is RESERVED or TO_PACKING,
                # it cannot be done now, skip, try the next task
                elif status == "RESERVED" or status == "TO_PACKING":
                    i += 1
            # otherwise, the task is do-able, assign it to this newly added robot
            return task
        # if there's no task can be done, add the robot to free list
        return None
예제 #2
파일: planning.py 프로젝트: YuKejun/450
def robot_perform_task(robot_ip, task):
    # send new route to the robot
    robot_pos = get_robot_pos(robot_ip)
    if task.type == TaskType.TO_DOCK:
        # send robot the route it needs to trace
        while True:
            route = route_corridor_to_dock(robot_pos, task.dest_dock_id)
            print("robot", robot_ip, "at", robot_pos, task, route)
            message = pack("B" * 6, 0, 1, robot_pos.from_x, robot_pos.from_y, robot_pos.to_x, robot_pos.to_y)
            message += compile_route(route)
            robot_pos = send_route(robot_ip, message)
            if not robot_pos:
            update_robot_pos(robot_ip, robot_pos.from_x, robot_pos.from_y, robot_pos.to_x, robot_pos.to_y)
        # update bookkeeping
        db_manager.set_robot_dest_dock(robot_ip, task.dest_dock_id)
    else:  # task.type == planning.TaskType.FOR_CONTAINER
        # get info about the container
        (container_id, x, y, slot, level, status) = db_manager.get_container_info(task.dest_container_id)
        if status == "ON_SHELF":
            # send new route to the robot
            while True:
                (route, last_road_orientation) = route_corridor_to_shelf(robot_pos, ShelfLoc(x, y, slot, level))
                print("robot", robot_ip, "at", robot_pos, task, route)
                message = compile_to_shelf_message(robot_pos, route, last_road_orientation, x, y, slot, level, False)
                robot_pos = send_route(robot_ip, message)
                if not robot_pos:
                update_robot_pos(robot_ip, robot_pos.from_x, robot_pos.from_y, robot_pos.to_x, robot_pos.to_y)
            # update bookkeeping
            db_manager.set_robot_dest_dock(robot_ip, task.dest_dock_id)
            db_manager.set_robot_dest_shelf(robot_ip, x, y, slot, level)
            db_manager.set_robot_container(robot_ip, task.dest_container_id)
            db_manager.set_container_status(container_id, "RESERVED")
            raise Exception("robot_perform_task: Container #", container_id, " is not on shelf. Cannot fetch")
예제 #3
def request_item(conn, addr):
    worker_ip = addr[0]
    dock_id = db_manager.get_dock_id_by_ip(worker_ip)
    # receive the rest of the message
    data = receive_message(conn, 1)
    item_id = unpack("B", data)[0]
    print("Please fetch me item #" + str(item_id))
    # get info about the container
    result = db_manager.locate_item(item_id)
    if not result:
        # the item does not exist, reply to the app [6]
        send_message(worker_sockets[dock_id], pack("B", 6))
    (container_id, row, col, slot, level, status) = result
    # tell the worker app in which container the requested item is
    send_message(worker_sockets[dock_id], pack("BB", 4, container_id))
    # if the container is going to PACKING dock or has been reserved, we can't do it now
    if status == "TO_PACKING" or status == "RESERVED":
        planning.pend_fetching_task_to(container_id, dock_id)
    # if the container is on shelf, try to find the nearest robot to fetch it and carry to the dock
    elif status == "ON_SHELF":
        responsible_robot_ip = planning.nearest_free_robot_to_shelf(ShelfLoc(row, col, slot, level),
                                                                    container_id, dock_id)
        if responsible_robot_ip != "":
                               planning.Task(planning.TaskType.FOR_CONTAINER, dock_id, container_id))
    # if the container is to IMPORT dock or is TO_SHELF, call the robot over
    elif status == "TO_SHELF":
        responsible_robot_ip = db_manager.get_container_carrier(container_id)
        planning.robot_perform_task(responsible_robot_ip, planning.Task(planning.TaskType.TO_DOCK, dock_id, 0))
        # update bookkeeping
        db_manager.set_container_status(container_id, "TO_PACKING")
    # TODO: if called over TO_IMPORT, need to call someone else to that IMPORT dock
    # TODO: or maybe not, because for the moment there can be no container being carried TO_IMPORT anyway
        raise Exception("request_item: item cannot possibly TO_IMPORT")