def dump_candidate_sked(sked_name, candidate_id, destination_file): """ Blindly dump a csv file of a candidate's authorized committees, regardless of size. *Some filings are 200MB plus -- see #876048 or ACTBLUE's monthly stuff. The rule is a body line is superceded EITHER if it's parent filing is superceded, or if the line itself is superceded. F24's and F6's are superceded line by line--though perhaps that could be improved on. """ # break if we're given junk args. sked_name = sked_name.lower() assert sked_name in ['a', 'b'] fieldlist = fields[sked_name] datefieldkey = "%s_date" % (sked_name) datefield = fields[datefieldkey] connection = get_connection() cursor = connection.cursor() ## first get the list of authorized committees. acc_query = "select committee_id from summary_data_authorized_candidate_committees where candidate_id='%s'" % candidate_id cursor.execute(acc_query); results = cursor.fetchall() committees = ["'" + x[0] + "'" for x in results] committee_formatted_list = ", ".join(committees) dumpcmd = """copy (SELECT %s FROM formdata_sked%s left join fec_alerts_new_filing on formdata_sked%s.filing_number = fec_alerts_new_filing.filing_number WHERE superceded_by_amendment=False and %s >= %s and is_superceded=False and fec_alerts_new_filing.fec_id in (%s)) to '%s' with csv header quote as '"' escape as '\\'""" % (fieldlist, sked_name, sked_name, datefield, CYCLE_START_STRING, committee_formatted_list, destination_file) cursor.execute(dumpcmd);
def register(): if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('register.html', **context) if request.method == 'POST': if (chc_user(request.form['userName'], request.form['email'])): if (request.form['inputPassword'] == request.form['repeatPassword'] ): conn = get_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() repetitions = 5 # spróbuj wygenerować kilka hash password = request.form['inputPassword'] for _ in range(repetitions): hashed_password = generate_password_hash(password) cursor.execute( 'INSERT INTO users(name, mail, password) VALUES(?, ?, ?)', (request.form['userName'], request.form['email'], hashed_password)) conn.commit() conn.rollback() return render_template('login.html', **context) else: context['message'] = "Passwords are not the same" else: context['messagePass'] = "******" context['user'] = request.form['userName'] context['email'] = request.form['email'] return render_template('register.html', **context)
def dump_big_contribs(destination_file, CYCLE): # This is contributions to super-pacs greater than $5,000 + reported contributions to non-committees greater than $5,000, plus line 17 (other federal receipts) of $5,000 or more to hybrid pacs (see Valid 'other federal receipts' incurred by the hybrid pac of $5,000 plus will also show up in this line... ## update: The postcarey guidance is ignored on reports like this: ## ## so instead just look at all lines there too.... sked_name = 'a' fieldlist = fields[sked_name] datefieldkey = "%s_date" % (sked_name) datefield = fields[datefieldkey] connection = get_connection() cursor = connection.cursor() cycle_details = cycle_calendar[int(CYCLE)] # need to join to get the committee name. dumpcmd = """copy (SELECT %s FROM formdata_sked%s left join fec_alerts_new_filing on formdata_sked%s.filing_number = fec_alerts_new_filing.filing_number WHERE (memo_code isnull or not memo_code = 'X') and committee_type in ('I', 'O', 'U', 'V', 'W') and superceded_by_amendment=False and contribution_amount >= 10000 and %s >= %s and %s <= %s and is_superceded=False) to '%s' with csv header quote as '"' escape as '\\'""" % (fieldlist, sked_name, sked_name, datefield, get_db_formatted_string(cycle_details['start']), datefield, get_db_formatted_string(cycle_details['end']), destination_file) print dumpcmd start = time.time() result = cursor.execute(dumpcmd); elapsed_time = time.time() - start print "elapsed time for dumping big contribs: %s" % ( elapsed_time)
def dump_big_contribs(destination_file): # This is contributions to super-pacs greater than $5,000 + reported contributions to non-committees greater than $5,000, plus line 17 (other federal receipts) of $5,000 or more to hybrid pacs (see Valid 'other federal receipts' incurred by the hybrid pac of $5,000 plus will also show up in this line... ## update: The postcarey guidance is ignored on reports like this: ## ## so instead just look at all lines there too.... sked_name = 'a' fieldlist = fields[sked_name] datefieldkey = "%s_date" % (sked_name) datefield = fields[datefieldkey] connection = get_connection() cursor = connection.cursor() # need to join to get the committee name. dumpcmd = """copy (SELECT %s FROM formdata_sked%s left join fec_alerts_new_filing on formdata_sked%s.filing_number = fec_alerts_new_filing.filing_number WHERE (memo_code isnull or not memo_code = 'X') and committee_type in ('I', 'O', 'U', 'V', 'W') and superceded_by_amendment=False and contribution_amount >= 10000 and %s >= %s and is_superceded=False) to '%s' with csv header quote as '"' escape as '\\'""" % ( fieldlist, sked_name, sked_name, datefield, CYCLE_START_STRING, destination_file) #print dumpcmd start = time.time() result = cursor.execute(dumpcmd) elapsed_time = time.time() - start print "elapsed time for dumping big contribs: %s" % (elapsed_time)
def output_alm(): send_info() if os.path.isfile('fridge.db'): conn = get_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() with conn: # cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM products") querry = f""" SELECT,, as eq, alarms.val, alarms.message, as user FROM products INNER JOIN alarms ON = alarms.prod_id INNER JOIN alm_type ON alarms.type_id = INNER JOIN users_alm ON = users_alm.alm_id INNER JOIN users ON users_alm.user_id = WHERE == '{session['username']}' """ cursor.execute(querry) rows = cursor.fetchall() return render_template('output_alm.html', rows=rows, **context) return "Brak danych"
def dump_candidate_sked(sked_name, candidate_id, destination_file): """ Blindly dump a csv file of a candidate's authorized committees, regardless of size. *Some filings are 200MB plus -- see #876048 or ACTBLUE's monthly stuff. The rule is a body line is superceded EITHER if it's parent filing is superceded, or if the line itself is superceded. F24's and F6's are superceded line by line--though perhaps that could be improved on. """ # break if we're given junk args. sked_name = sked_name.lower() assert sked_name in ['a', 'b'] fieldlist = fields[sked_name] datefieldkey = "%s_date" % (sked_name) datefield = fields[datefieldkey] connection = get_connection() cursor = connection.cursor() ## first get the list of authorized committees. acc_query = "select committee_id from summary_data_authorized_candidate_committees where candidate_id='%s'" % candidate_id cursor.execute(acc_query) results = cursor.fetchall() committees = ["'" + x[0] + "'" for x in results] committee_formatted_list = ", ".join(committees) dumpcmd = """copy (SELECT %s FROM formdata_sked%s left join fec_alerts_new_filing on formdata_sked%s.filing_number = fec_alerts_new_filing.filing_number WHERE superceded_by_amendment=False and %s >= %s and is_superceded=False and fec_alerts_new_filing.fec_id in (%s)) to '%s' with csv header quote as '"' escape as '\\'""" % ( fieldlist, sked_name, sked_name, datefield, CYCLE_START_STRING, committee_formatted_list, destination_file) cursor.execute(dumpcmd)
def dump_all_F6_contribs(destination_file): sked_name = 'A' # break if we're given junk args. sked_name = sked_name.lower() assert sked_name in ['a', 'b', 'e'] fieldlist = fields[sked_name] datefieldkey = "%s_date" % (sked_name) datefield = fields[datefieldkey] connection = get_connection() cursor = connection.cursor() # need to join to get the committee name. # dumpcmd = """copy (SELECT %s FROM formdata_sked%s left join fec_alerts_new_filing on formdata_sked%s.filing_number = fec_alerts_new_filing.filing_number WHERE superceded_by_amendment=False and %s >= %s and is_superceded=False) to '%s' with csv header quote as '"' escape as '\\'""" % (fieldlist, sked_name, sked_name, datefield, CYCLE_START_STRING, destination_file) dumpcmd = """copy (SELECT %s FROM formdata_skeda left join fec_alerts_new_filing on formdata_skeda.filing_number = fec_alerts_new_filing.filing_number WHERE fec_alerts_new_filing.form_type in ('F6N', 'F6A', 'F6') and superceded_by_amendment=False) to '%s' with csv header quote as '"' escape as '\\'""" % ( fieldlist, destination_file) start = time.time() result = cursor.execute(dumpcmd) elapsed_time = time.time() - start print dumpcmd print "elapsed time for dumping sked %s: %s" % (sked_name, elapsed_time)
def uninstall(): conn = db_utils.get_connection() conn.execute("drop table if exists representative_codes") conn.execute("drop table if exists tasks") conn.execute("drop table if exists representatives") conn.execute("drop table if exists users") conn.execute("drop table if exists shelters")
def login(): if request.method == 'GET': messages = get_flashed_messages() return render_template('login.html', messages=messages) if request.method == 'POST': username = request.form['username'] password = request.form['password'] conn = get_connection() c = conn.cursor() result = c.execute('SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ?', (username, )) user_data = result.fetchone() if user_data: hashed_password = user_data['password'] if check_password_hash(hashed_password, password): session['user_id'] = user_data['id'] session['username'] = user_data['username'] session['is_admin'] = bool(user_data['is_admin']) return redirect('/') flash('błędna nazwa użytkownika lub hasło') return redirect('/login')
def post(self): conn = db_utils.get_connection() try: data = json.loads(self.request.body) try: code = data['code'] data['shelter_id'] = self.get_shelter_id(conn, code) except: self.write( json.dumps({ 'result': 'fail', 'error': 1, 'error_description': "Your code is not a valid representative code" })) return birthday = '' for el in reversed(data['birthday'].split('.')): birthday += '-' + el birthday = birthday[1:] data['birthday'] = birthday conn.execute(u""" insert into representatives(user_id, first_name, last_name, birthday, photo, shelter_id) values({user_id}, '{first_name}', '{last_name}', '{birthday}', '{photo}', '{shelter_id}') on duplicate key update first_name='{first_name}', last_name='{last_name}', birthday='{birthday}', photo='{photo}', shelter_id='{shelter_id}'; """.format(**data)) self.write(json.dumps({'result': 'ok'})) except Exception, e: logging.warn('cannot insert data: ' + str(e)) self.write(json.dumps({'result': 'fail'}))
def login(): context = {'now':, 'user': None, 'email': None, 'message': None, 'act_alm': 0} if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('login.html', **context) if request.method == 'POST': username = request.form['name'] password = request.form['password'] conn = get_connection() c = conn.cursor() result = c.execute('SELECT * FROM users WHERE mail = ?', (username,)) user_data = result.fetchone() if user_data: hashed_password = user_data['password'] if check_password_hash(hashed_password, password): session['user_id'] = user_data['id'] session['username'] = user_data['name'] context['email'] = user_data['name'] context['user'] = session['username'] return render_template('dashboard.html', **context) context['message']="Wrong user or password" return render_template('login.html', **context)
def podaj_DNA(): username = session.get('username') conn = get_connection() c = conn.cursor() result = c.execute('SELECT nazwa FROM sekwencje WHERE user_id = ?', (username, )) zawartosc = result.fetchall() nazwy = [] for row in zawartosc: nazwy.append(row['nazwa']) nazwa_projektu = request.args.get('name') if not nazwa_projektu: return render_template('error_no_input_nazwa.html') elif nazwa_projektu in nazwy: return render_template('error_project_name_exists.html') else: czas = data = str( godzina = str(czas.time()) dane = {'nazwa': nazwa_projektu, 'data': data, 'godzina': godzina} with open('Wpis.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(dane, f) return render_template('podaj_DNA.html', username=username)
def input(): send_info() if request.method == 'GET': if os.path.isfile('fridge.db'): conn = get_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() with conn: cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM types") rows = cursor.fetchall() if 'product_type' not in context.keys(): context['product_type'] = rows default = 'Drinks' return render_template('input.html', **context, default=default) else: return "Brak pliku bazy danych" if request.method == 'POST': try: quantity = int(request.form['quantity']) qbool = True except: context['message'] = "Quantity must be INT" qbool = False if (qbool): conn = get_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() with conn: # cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM products") typeName = request.form['type'] querry = f"SELECT id FROM types WHERE name=='{typeName}'" cursor.execute(querry) id = cursor.fetchone() id = id['id'] cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO products(name, quantity, type_id) VALUES(?, ?, ?)", (request.form['name'], int(request.form['quantity']), id)) conn.commit() conn.rollback() return render_template('input.html', **context)
def dodaj_uzytkownika(username, hashed_password, is_admin): conn = get_connection() c = conn.cursor() dane = {'username': username, 'password': hashed_password, 'is_admin': is_admin} zapytanie = """INSERT INTO 'users' VALUES (NULL, :username, :password, :is_admin); """ c.execute(zapytanie, dane) conn.commit() conn.close()
def neutral_tweets(): mydb = db.get_connection() sql = "select count(1) from tweets where sentiment = 'neu';" final_result = [] cursor = mydb.cursor() cursor.execute(sql) for i, row in enumerate(cursor.fetchall()): final_result.append(row[i]) mydb.close() return final_result[0]
def top_tweets(): mydb = db.get_connection() sql = "select * from search_terms order by search_qty desc limit 3;" final_result = [] cursor = mydb.cursor() cursor.execute(sql) resultset = cursor.fetchall() for entry in resultset: final_result.append(entry) mydb.close() return final_result
def total_searchs(): mydb = db.get_connection() sql = "select sum(search_qty) from search_terms;" final_result = 0 cursor = mydb.cursor() cursor.execute(sql) resultset = cursor.fetchone() for result in resultset: final_result = result mydb.close() return final_result
def findRecipie(): send_info() if os.path.isfile('fridge.db'): conn = get_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() with conn: cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM recipies") rows = cursor.fetchall() return render_template('find_recipie.html', rows=rows, **context) return "Brak danych"
def details(id): send_info() if os.path.isfile('fridge.db'): conn = get_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() with conn: cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM recipies WHERE Id={id}") rows = cursor.fetchone() return render_template('details_recipie.html', rows=rows, **context)
def chc_user(user_name, user_email): conn = get_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() with conn: cursor.execute( f"SELECT * FROM users WHERE name='{user_name}' or mail='{user_email}'" ) rows = cursor.fetchall() if len(rows) > 0: return False return True
def output(): send_info() if os.path.isfile('fridge.db'): conn = get_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() with conn: # cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM products") querry = "SELECT,, products.quantity, as 'type' FROM products INNER JOIN types ON products.type_id =;" cursor.execute(querry) rows = cursor.fetchall() return render_template('output.html', rows=rows, **context) return "Brak danych"
def delete_rec(id): send_info() if os.path.isfile('fridge.db'): conn = get_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() with conn: querry = f"DELETE FROM recipies WHERE Id={id}" cursor.execute(querry) conn.commit() conn.rollback() return redirect("/find_recipie/") return "Brak danych"
def summery(): send_info() if os.path.isfile('fridge.db'): conn = get_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() with conn: cursor.execute( "SELECT name, sum(quantity) as quantity FROM products GROUP BY name" ) rows = cursor.fetchall() return render_template('summary.html', rows=rows, **context) return "Brak danych"
def zmien(): id = session.get('user_id') username = session.get('username') dane_uzytkownika = {'id': id, 'username': username} zapisuje_json(dane_uzytkownika) komplementarne_kod = {'A': 'T', 'T': 'A', 'G': 'C', 'C': 'G'} RNA_kod = {'A': 'A', 'T': 'U', 'G': 'G', 'C': 'C'} wybor = request.args.get('typ') wybor_dict = {'rodzaj_zmiany': wybor} zapisuje_json(wybor_dict) with open('Sekwencja.txt', mode='r') as f: sekw = zmieniona = '' if wybor == 'RNA': zmieniona = zmieniaj(sekw, RNA_kod) zmiana = 'RNA' elif wybor == 'reverse': zmieniona = zmieniaj(sekw, komplementarne_kod) zmiana = 'DNA nić odwrócona' elif wybor == 'protein': zmieniona = translacja(sekw) zmiana = 'Białko' zmieniona_dict = {'sekwencja_wyjscie': zmieniona} with open('Rezultat.txt', mode='w') as f: f.write(zmieniona) zapisuje_json(zmieniona_dict) with open('Wpis.json') as f: wpis = json.load(f) zapytanie = """INSERT INTO 'sekwencje' VALUES (NULL, :username, :nazwa, :sekwencja_wejscie, :rodzaj_zmiany, :sekwencja_wyjscie, :data, :godzina); """ conn = get_connection() c = conn.cursor() c.execute(zapytanie, wpis) conn.commit() conn.close() return render_template('zmien.html', dane=zmieniona, sekwencja=sekw, zmiana=zmiana, username=username)
def check_alarms(): if os.path.isfile('fridge.db'): conn = get_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() with conn: cursor.execute( "SELECT name, sum(quantity) as quantity FROM products GROUP BY name" ) products = cursor.fetchall() products_dict = {} for product in products: products_dict[product['name']] = product['quantity'] cursor.execute(f""" SELECT, as eq, alarms.val, alarms.message, as user FROM products INNER JOIN alarms ON = alarms.prod_id INNER JOIN alm_type ON alarms.type_id = INNER JOIN users_alm ON = users_alm.alm_id INNER JOIN users ON users_alm.user_id = WHERE user={session['user_id']} """) alarms = cursor.fetchall() active_alarms = [] for alarm in alarms: if alarm['eq'] == 'LT' and (products_dict[alarm['name']] < alarm['val']): active_alarms.append(alarm) if alarm['eq'] == 'LE' and (products_dict[alarm['name']] <= alarm['val']): active_alarms.append(alarm) if alarm['eq'] == 'GT' and (products_dict[alarm['name']] > alarm['val']): active_alarms.append(alarm) if alarm['eq'] == 'GE' and (products_dict[alarm['name']] >= alarm['val']): active_alarms.append(alarm) return active_alarms return []
def home(): send_info() if os.path.isfile('fridge.db'): conn = get_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() with conn: cursor.execute( "SELECT, sum(quantity) as 'quantity' FROM products INNER JOIN types ON products.type_id = GROUP BY type_id" ) rows = cursor.fetchall() return render_template('dashboard.html', **context, rows=rows) else: return "Brak pliku bazy danych"
def dump_filing_sked(sked_name, filing_number, destination_file): """ Blindly dump a csv file of an entire filing, regardless of size. *Some filings are 200MB plus -- see #876048 or ACTBLUE's monthly stuff. """ # break if we're given junk args. sked_name = sked_name.lower() assert sked_name in ['a', 'b', 'e'] filing_number = int(filing_number) fieldlist = fields[sked_name] connection = get_connection() cursor = connection.cursor() dumpcmd = """copy (SELECT %s FROM formdata_sked%s left join fec_alerts_new_filing on formdata_sked%s.filing_number = fec_alerts_new_filing.filing_number WHERE fec_alerts_new_filing.filing_number = %s and superceded_by_amendment=False) to '%s' with csv header quote as '"' escape as '\\'""" % (fieldlist, sked_name, sked_name, filing_number, destination_file) cursor.execute(dumpcmd);
def post(self, id=None): where_statement = "" if id: where_statement += " where shelter_id = {}".format(id) conn = db_utils.get_connection() rows = conn.query(""" select * from representatives {0}; """.format(where_statement)) for row in rows: row['birthday'] = row['birthday'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d") self.finish({'result': 'ok', 'data': json.dumps(rows)})
def dump_filing_sked(sked_name, filing_number, destination_file): """ Blindly dump a csv file of an entire filing, regardless of size. *Some filings are 200MB plus -- see #876048 or ACTBLUE's monthly stuff. """ # break if we're given junk args. sked_name = sked_name.lower() assert sked_name in ['a', 'b', 'e'] filing_number = int(filing_number) fieldlist = fields[sked_name] connection = get_connection() cursor = connection.cursor() dumpcmd = """copy (SELECT %s FROM formdata_sked%s left join fec_alerts_new_filing on formdata_sked%s.filing_number = fec_alerts_new_filing.filing_number WHERE fec_alerts_new_filing.filing_number = %s and superceded_by_amendment=False) to '%s' with csv header quote as '"' escape as '\\'""" % ( fieldlist, sked_name, sked_name, filing_number, destination_file) cursor.execute(dumpcmd)
def delete_alm(id): send_info() if os.path.isfile('fridge.db'): conn = get_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() with conn: querry = f"DELETE FROM alarms WHERE Id={id}" cursor.execute(querry) conn.commit() conn.rollback() querry = f"DELETE FROM users_alm WHERE user_id={id} AND alm_id={session['user_id']}" cursor.execute(querry) conn.commit() conn.rollback() return redirect("/output_alm/") return "Brak danych"
def dump_big_non_indiv_contribs(destination_file): # This is contributions to super-pacs greater than $5,000 + reported contributions to non-committees greater than $5,000, plus line 17 (other federal receipts) of $5,000 or more to hybrid pacs (see Valid 'other federal receipts' incurred by the hybrid pac of $5,000 plus will also show up in this line... sked_name = 'a' fieldlist = fields[sked_name] datefieldkey = "%s_date" % (sked_name) datefield = fields[datefieldkey] connection = get_connection() cursor = connection.cursor() # need to join to get the committee name. dumpcmd = """copy (SELECT %s FROM formdata_sked%s left join fec_alerts_new_filing on formdata_sked%s.filing_number = fec_alerts_new_filing.filing_number WHERE (memo_code isnull or not memo_code = 'X') and committee_type in ('I', 'O', 'U', 'V', 'W') and contributor_organization_name <> '' and superceded_by_amendment=False and contribution_amount >= 10000 and %s >= %s and is_superceded=False) to '%s' with csv header quote as '"' escape as '\\'""" % (fieldlist, sked_name, sked_name, datefield, CYCLE_START_STRING, destination_file) #print dumpcmd start = time.time() result = cursor.execute(dumpcmd); elapsed_time = time.time() - start print "elapsed time for dumping big non-individual contribs: %s" % ( elapsed_time)
def dump_committee_sked(sked_name, committee_number, destination_file): """ Blindly dump a csv file of an entire committee, regardless of size. *Some filings are 200MB plus -- see #876048 or ACTBLUE's monthly stuff. The rule is a body line is superceded EITHER if it's parent filing is superceded, or if the line itself is superceded. F24's and F6's are superceded line by line--though perhaps that could be improved on. """ # break if we're given junk args. sked_name = sked_name.lower() assert sked_name in ['a', 'b', 'e'] fieldlist = fields[sked_name] datefieldkey = "%s_date" % (sked_name) datefield = fields[datefieldkey] connection = get_connection() cursor = connection.cursor() dumpcmd = """copy (SELECT %s FROM formdata_sked%s left join fec_alerts_new_filing on formdata_sked%s.filing_number = fec_alerts_new_filing.filing_number WHERE superceded_by_amendment=False and %s >= %s and is_superceded=False and fec_alerts_new_filing.fec_id = '%s') to '%s' with csv header quote as '"' escape as '\\'""" % (fieldlist, sked_name, sked_name, datefield, CYCLE_START_STRING, committee_number, destination_file) cursor.execute(dumpcmd);
def dump_all_sked(sked_name, destination_file): # break if we're given junk args. sked_name = sked_name.lower() assert sked_name in ['a', 'b', 'e'] fieldlist = fields[sked_name] datefieldkey = "%s_date" % (sked_name) datefield = fields[datefieldkey] connection = get_connection() cursor = connection.cursor() # need to join to get the committee name. dumpcmd = """copy (SELECT %s FROM formdata_sked%s left join fec_alerts_new_filing on formdata_sked%s.filing_number = fec_alerts_new_filing.filing_number WHERE superceded_by_amendment=False and %s >= %s and is_superceded=False) to '%s' with csv header quote as '"' escape as '\\'""" % (fieldlist, sked_name, sked_name, datefield, CYCLE_START_STRING, destination_file) start = time.time() result = cursor.execute(dumpcmd); elapsed_time = time.time() - start print dumpcmd print "elapsed time for dumping sked %s: %s" % (sked_name, elapsed_time)
def post(self): conn = db_utils.get_connection() try: data = json.loads(self.request.body) birthday = '' for el in reversed(data['birthday'].split('.')): birthday += '-' + el birthday = birthday[1:] data['birthday'] = birthday conn.execute(u""" insert into users(user_id, first_name, last_name, birthday, photo) values({user_id}, '{first_name}', '{last_name}', '{birthday}', '{photo}') on duplicate key update first_name='{first_name}', last_name='{last_name}', birthday='{birthday}', photo='{photo}'; """.format(**data)) self.write(json.dumps({'result': 'ok'})) except Exception, e: logging.warn('cannot insert data: ' + str(e)) self.write(json.dumps({'result': 'fail'}))
def dump_committee_sked(sked_name, committee_number, destination_file): """ Blindly dump a csv file of an entire committee, regardless of size. *Some filings are 200MB plus -- see #876048 or ACTBLUE's monthly stuff. The rule is a body line is superceded EITHER if it's parent filing is superceded, or if the line itself is superceded. F24's and F6's are superceded line by line--though perhaps that could be improved on. """ # break if we're given junk args. sked_name = sked_name.lower() assert sked_name in ['a', 'b', 'e'] fieldlist = fields[sked_name] datefieldkey = "%s_date" % (sked_name) datefield = fields[datefieldkey] connection = get_connection() cursor = connection.cursor() dumpcmd = """copy (SELECT %s FROM formdata_sked%s left join fec_alerts_new_filing on formdata_sked%s.filing_number = fec_alerts_new_filing.filing_number WHERE superceded_by_amendment=False and %s >= %s and is_superceded=False and fec_alerts_new_filing.fec_id = '%s') to '%s' with csv header quote as '"' escape as '\\'""" % ( fieldlist, sked_name, sked_name, datefield, CYCLE_START_STRING, committee_number, destination_file) cursor.execute(dumpcmd)
def post(self, id=None): where_statement = "" if id: where_statement += " where = {}".format(id) conn = db_utils.get_connection() rows = conn.query(""" select,, s.address,, from shelters as s {0}; """.format(where_statement)) self.finish({ 'result': 'ok', 'data': json.dumps(rows[0] if id else rows) })
def process_filing_body(filingnum, fp=None, logger=None): #It's useful to pass the form parser in when running in bulk so we don't have to keep creating new ones. if not fp: fp = form_parser() if not logger: logger=fec_logger() msg = "process_filing_body: Starting # %s" % (filingnum) #print msg connection = get_connection() cursor = connection.cursor() cmd = "select fec_id, is_superceded, data_is_processed from fec_alerts_new_filing where filing_number=%s" % (filingnum) cursor.execute(cmd) cd = CSV_dumper(connection) result = cursor.fetchone() if not result: msg = 'process_filing_body: Couldn\'t find a new_filing for filing %s' % (filingnum) logger.error(msg) raise FilingHeaderDoesNotExist(msg) # will throw a TypeError if it's missing. header_id = 1 is_amended = result[1] is_already_processed = result[2] if is_already_processed: msg = 'process_filing_body: This filing has already been entered.' logger.error(msg) raise FilingHeaderAlreadyProcessed(msg) #print "Processing filing %s" % (filingnum) try: f1 = filing(filingnum) except: print "*** couldn't handle filing %s" % (filingnum) return False form = f1.get_form_type() version = f1.get_version() filer_id = f1.get_filer_id() # only parse forms that we're set up to read if not fp.is_allowed_form(form): if verbose: msg = "process_filing_body: Not a parseable form: %s - %s" % (form, filingnum) # print msg logger.error(msg) return None linenum = 0 while True: linenum += 1 row = f1.get_body_row() if not row: break #print "row is %s" % (row) #print "\n\n\nForm is %s" % form try: linedict = fp.parse_form_line(row, version) if linedict['form_type'].upper().startswith('SE'): print "\n\n\nfiling %s form is %s transaction_id is: %s" % (filingnum, linedict['form_type'], linedict['transaction_id']) # make sure the transaction isn't already there before entering. try: SkedE.objects.get(filing_number=filingnum, transaction_id=linedict['transaction_id']) except SkedE.DoesNotExist: process_body_row(linedict, filingnum, header_id, is_amended, cd, filer_id) elif linedict['form_type'].upper().startswith('SA'): print "\n\n\nfiling %s form is %s transaction_id is: %s" % (filingnum, linedict['form_type'], linedict['transaction_id']) # make sure the transaction isn't already there before entering. try: SkedA.objects.get(filing_number=filingnum, transaction_id=linedict['transaction_id']) print "Already present! %s form is %s transaction_id is: %s" % (filingnum, linedict['form_type'], linedict['transaction_id']) except SkedA.DoesNotExist: process_body_row(linedict, filingnum, header_id, is_amended, cd, filer_id) elif linedict['form_type'].upper().startswith('SB'): print "\n\n\nfiling %s form is %s transaction_id is: %s" % (filingnum, linedict['form_type'], linedict['transaction_id']) # make sure the transaction isn't already there before entering. try: SkedB.objects.get(filing_number=filingnum, transaction_id=linedict['transaction_id']) print "Already present! %s form is %s transaction_id is: %s" % (filingnum, linedict['form_type'], linedict['transaction_id']) except SkedB.DoesNotExist: process_body_row(linedict, filingnum, header_id, is_amended, cd, filer_id) except ParserMissingError: msg = 'process_filing_body: Unknown line type in filing %s line %s: type=%s Skipping.' % (filingnum, linenum, row[0]) logger.warn(msg) continue except KeyError: "missing form type? in filing %s" % (filingnum) # commit all the leftovers cd.commit_all() cd.close() counter = cd.get_counter() total_rows = 0 for i in counter: total_rows += counter[i] msg = "process_filing_body: Filing # %s Total rows: %s Tally is: %s" % (filingnum, total_rows, counter) # print msg # don't commit during testing of fix # this data has been moved here. At some point we should pick a single location for this data. header_data = dict_to_hstore(counter) cmd = "update fec_alerts_new_filing set lines_present='%s'::hstore where filing_number=%s" % (header_data, filingnum) cursor.execute(cmd) # mark file as having been entered. cmd = "update fec_alerts_new_filing set data_is_processed = True where filing_number=%s" % (filingnum) cursor.execute(cmd) # flag this filer as one who has changed. cmd = "update summary_data_committee_overlay set is_dirty=True where fec_id='%s'" % (filer_id) cursor.execute(cmd)
def process_filing_body(filingnum, fp=None, logger=None): # It's useful to pass the form parser in when running in bulk so we don't have to keep creating new ones. if not fp: fp = form_parser() if not logger: logger = fec_logger() msg = "process_filing_body: Starting # %s" % (filingnum) # print msg connection = get_connection() cursor = connection.cursor() cmd = "select fec_id, superseded_by_amendment, data_is_processed from efilings_filing where filing_number=%s" % ( filingnum ) cursor.execute(cmd) cd = CSV_dumper(connection) result = cursor.fetchone() if not result: msg = "process_filing_body: Couldn't find a new_filing for filing %s" % (filingnum) logger.error(msg) raise FilingHeaderDoesNotExist(msg) # will throw a TypeError if it's missing. line_sequence = 1 is_amended = result[1] is_already_processed = result[2] if is_already_processed == "1": msg = "process_filing_body: This filing has already been entered." print msg logger.error(msg) raise FilingHeaderAlreadyProcessed(msg) # print "Processing filing %s" % (filingnum) f1 = filing(filingnum) form = f1.get_form_type() version = f1.get_version() filer_id = f1.get_filer_id() # only parse forms that we're set up to read if not fp.is_allowed_form(form): if verbose: msg = "process_filing_body: Not a parseable form: %s - %s" % (form, filingnum) print msg return None linenum = 0 while True: linenum += 1 row = f1.get_body_row() if not row: break # print "row is %s" % (row) # print "\n\n\nForm is %s" % form try: linedict = fp.parse_form_line(row, version) # print "\n\n\nform is %s" % form process_body_row(linedict, filingnum, line_sequence, is_amended, cd, filer_id) except ParserMissingError: msg = "process_filing_body: Unknown line type in filing %s line %s: type=%s Skipping." % ( filingnum, linenum, row[0], ) print msg logger.warn(msg) continue # commit all the leftovers cd.commit_all() cd.close() counter = cd.get_counter() total_rows = 0 for i in counter: total_rows += counter[i] msg = "process_filing_body: Filing # %s Total rows: %s Tally is: %s" % (filingnum, total_rows, counter) print msg ######## DIRECT DB UPDATES. PROBABLY A BETTER APPROACH, BUT... header_data = dict_to_hstore(counter) cmd = "update efilings_filing set lines_present='%s'::hstore where filing_number=%s" % (header_data, filingnum) cursor.execute(cmd) # mark file as having been entered. cmd = "update efilings_filing set data_is_processed='1' where filing_number=%s" % (filingnum) cursor.execute(cmd) # flag this filer as one who has changed. cmd = "update efilings_committee set is_dirty=True where fec_id='%s' and cycle='%s'" % (filer_id, CURRENT_CYCLE) cursor.execute(cmd) # should also update the candidate is dirty flag too by joining w/ ccl table. # these tables aren't indexed, so do as two separate queries. cmd = "select cand_id from ftpdata_candcomlink where cmte_id = '%s' and cmte_dsgn in ('A', 'P')" % (filer_id) cursor.execute(cmd) result = cursor.fetchone() if result: cand_id = result[0] cmd = "update efilings_candidate set is_dirty=True where fec_id = '%s' and cycle='%s'" % ( cand_id, CURRENT_CYCLE, ) cursor.execute(cmd) connection.close()