예제 #1
    def __init__(self):

        self.db = MoneykyDB()
예제 #2
class Moneyky(object):

    def __init__(self):

        self.db = MoneykyDB()

    def portfolio_of_day(self, amount = 30, bench = "SPX"):
        '''This function is the one that will run once per day - Important Function'''

        companies = self.random_portfolio(amount)

        holdings = self.get_holdings_performance(companies)
        benchmark = self.get_ticker_performance(bench, True)
        output = {
            'date'				: holdings[0]['today'],
            'performance_ytd' 	: self.average_performance('ytdperformance', holdings),
            'performance_1year' : self.average_performance('1yearperformance', holdings),
            'benchmark_ytd' 	: benchmark['ytdperformance'],
            'benchmark_1year'	: benchmark['1yearperformance'],
            'holdings'			: holdings
        self.portfolio = output
        return output

    def get_holdings_performance(self, holdings = []):
        ''' creates a list of holdings with their associated performance (Data from http://dev.markitondemand.com) '''	    

        tickerlist = [company[1] for company in holdings if not company == None]

        data = []
        for ticker in tickerlist:

        return data

    def get_ticker_performance(self, ticker, index = False):
        ''' helper function to get a single stock's performance from Yahoo Finance'''
        ### Construct API Call ###
        url = "http://www.bloomberg.com/markets/chart/data/1Y/" + ticker

        if index or ticker == 'SPX':
            url += ":IND"
            url += ":US"
        response = requests.get(url)
        result = response.json()

        # For testing
        # response = open('../sample-historical-data.json', 'r')
        # result = json.load(response)		

        prices = result['data_values']
        if prices:
            closingdate = self.timestamp_to_date(prices[-1][0])
            ytdindex = self.find_index_of_date(prices, closingdate, 'ytd')
            yearindex = self.find_index_of_date(prices, closingdate, 'year')
            return {	
                'ticker'			: ticker,
                'today'				: self.timestamp_to_date(prices[-1][0], True),
                'close'				: prices[-1][1],
                '1year'				: self.timestamp_to_date(prices[yearindex][0], True),
                '1yearprice'		: prices[yearindex][1],
                '1yearperformance'	: self.percent_growth(prices[yearindex][1], prices[-1][1]),
                'ytd'				: self.timestamp_to_date(prices[ytdindex][0], True),
                'ytdprice'			: prices[ytdindex][1],
                'ytdperformance'	: self.percent_growth(prices[ytdindex][1], prices[-1][1])

    def seeddb(self, amount = 30):
        ''' runs once if there are no companies in the snp_companies file '''
        output = self.db.seed_companies("/var/www/moneyky/spx-companies.json")
       # output += self.portfolio_of_day(amount)
        return output

    def random_portfolio(self, amount = 10):
        return self.db.get_random_companies(amount)

    def save(self):
        ''' Save everything to the database after we're happy with it '''

        if (self.portfolio):

    def get_portfolio(self, id = None):
        portfolio = self.db.get_portfolio_and_companies(id)

        if portfolio:
            return portfolio

    def get_company(self, ticker):
        return self.db.get_company_by_ticker(ticker)

    def chart_results(self):
        portfolios = self.db.get_all_portfolios()
        portfolio_results = {
            'portfolios': portfolios,
            'overview'   : {
                'ytd'   : self.average_performance('difference_ytd', portfolios),
                '1year' : self.average_performance('difference_1year', portfolios)
        portfolio_results['overview']['results_ytd'] = self.outperform(portfolio_results['overview']['ytd'])
        portfolio_results['overview']['results_1year'] = self.outperform(portfolio_results['overview']['1year'])

        num_points = len(portfolios)
        now = time.time()
        dates =[]

        #Form the lists
        for each in portfolios:
        TOOLS = "reset,save"
        r = figure(x_axis_type = "datetime", tools=TOOLS, plot_width=800, plot_height=400)
        r.line(dates, portfolio_perf, legend='Monkey ytd', color="firebrick", alpha=0.8, line_width=4)
        r.line(dates, moneyky_perf,  legend='Monkey 1 Year', color="navy", alpha=0.8, line_width=4)
        r.title = "Moneyky vs Benchmark Performance"

        return (vplot(r)), portfolio_results  # return the plot

    ### ##########################################################
    ### Helper Functions ###

    def outperform(self, difference):
        if difference > 0:
            return "outperform"
        elif difference == 0:
            return "inline"
            return "underperform"

    def find_index_of_date(self, dates = [], closingdate = "", date = 'ytd'):
        '''The first day of trading isn't always January 1st, so this finds the index first day of trading'''
        if not closingdate:
            closingdate = datetime.now()

        Datetofind = None
        if (date == 'ytd'):
            Datetofind = datetime(closingdate.year, 1, 1)
            Datetofind = datetime(closingdate.year - 1, closingdate.month, closingdate.day)

        utcDatetofind = self.date_to_timestamp(Datetofind)

        count = 0
        for time, price in dates:
            if utcDatetofind <= time:
                return count
            count += 1


    def average_performance(self, columnname = '1yearperformance', holdings = [] ):
        allperformances = [stock[columnname] for stock in holdings if not stock == None]
        return round(sum(allperformances) / len(allperformances), 2)

    def percent_growth(self, originalprice = 0, currentprice = 0):
        ''' Return the Percent Change '''
        dif = currentprice - originalprice
        return round((dif / originalprice) * 100, 2)	

    def timestamp_to_date(self, timestamp, string = False):
        ''' timestamps are in milliseconds so divide by 1000 '''
        time = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp/1000)

        if string:
            return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

        return time

    def date_to_timestamp(self, date):
        ''' takes datetime object and returns unix timestamp '''
        return int(time.mktime(date.timetuple()) * 1000)