예제 #1
def preparation_for_justify_argument(db_issue: Issue, db_user: User,
                                     db_argument: Argument, relation: str,
                                     supportive: bool, history, path):
    Prepares some parameter for the justification step for an argument

    :param db_issue:
    :param db_user:
    :param db_stmt_or_arg:
    :param relation:
    :param supportive:
    :param history:
    :param path:
    logger('ViewHelper', 'main')
    nickname = db_user.nickname
    slug = db_issue.slug

    disc_ui_locales = db_issue.lang
    _ddh = DiscussionDictHelper(disc_ui_locales, nickname, history, slug=slug)
    _idh = ItemDictHelper(disc_ui_locales,

    # justifying argument
    item_dict = _idh.get_array_for_justify_argument(db_argument.uid, relation,
                                                    db_user, history)
    discussion_dict = _ddh.get_dict_for_justify_argument(
        db_argument.uid, supportive, relation)

    return item_dict, discussion_dict
예제 #2
def preparation_for_justify_statement(history, db_user: User, path,
                                      db_issue: Issue, db_statement: Statement,
                                      supportive: bool):
    Prepares some parameter for the justification step for an statement.

    :param history: history
    :param db_user: User
    :param path:
    :param db_statement: Statement
    :param db_issue: Issue
    :param supportive: Boolean
    :return: dict(), dict(), dict()
    logger('ViewHelper', 'main')
    nickname = db_user.nickname
    slug = db_issue.slug

    disc_ui_locales = db_issue.lang
    _ddh = DiscussionDictHelper(disc_ui_locales, nickname, history, slug=slug)
    _idh = ItemDictHelper(disc_ui_locales,

    voting_helper.add_click_for_statement(db_statement, db_user, supportive)

    item_dict = _idh.get_array_for_justify_statement(db_statement, db_user,
                                                     supportive, history)
    discussion_dict = _ddh.get_dict_for_justify_statement(
        db_statement, slug, supportive, len(item_dict['elements']), db_user)
    return item_dict, discussion_dict
예제 #3
def __preparation_for_dont_know_statement(db_issue: Issue, db_user: User,
                                          db_stmt_or_arg: Statement,
                                          supportive: bool, history,
                                          path) -> Tuple[dict, dict]:
    Prepares some parameter for the "don't know" step

    :param db_issue: Current issue
    :param db_user: User
    :param db_stmt_or_arg: Statement
    :param supportive: Boolean
    :param history:
    :param path: request.path
    :return: dict(), dict(), dict()
    logger('ViewHelper', 'main')
    nickname = db_user.nickname
    slug = db_issue.slug

    disc_ui_locales = db_issue.lang
    _ddh = DiscussionDictHelper(disc_ui_locales, nickname, history, slug=slug)
    _idh = ItemDictHelper(disc_ui_locales,

    discussion_dict = _ddh.get_dict_for_dont_know_reaction(
        db_stmt_or_arg.uid, nickname)
    item_dict = _idh.get_array_for_dont_know_reaction(
        db_stmt_or_arg.uid, supportive, db_user, discussion_dict['gender'])
    return item_dict, discussion_dict
예제 #4
def choose(db_issue: Issue, db_user: User, is_argument: bool, is_supportive: bool, pgroup: PremiseGroup,
           pgroup_ids: list, history: str, path: str) -> dict:
    Initialize the choose step for more than one premise in a discussion. Creates helper and returns a dictionary
    containing several feedback options regarding this argument.

    :param db_issue:
    :param db_user:
    :param is_argument:
    :param is_supportive:
    :param uid:
    :param pgroup:
    :param history:
    :param path:
    logger('Core', 'Entering discussion.choose')
    issue_dict = issue_helper.prepare_json_of_issue(db_issue, db_user)
    disc_ui_locales = issue_dict['lang']

    _ddh = DiscussionDictHelper(disc_ui_locales, db_user.nickname, history, slug=db_issue.slug)
    _idh = ItemDictHelper(disc_ui_locales, db_issue, path=path, history=history)
    discussion_dict = _ddh.get_dict_for_choosing(pgroup.uid, is_argument, is_supportive)
    item_dict = _idh.get_array_for_choosing(pgroup.uid, pgroup_ids, is_argument, is_supportive, db_user.nickname)

    return {
        'issues': issue_dict,
        'discussion': discussion_dict,
        'items': item_dict,
        'title': issue_dict['title']
예제 #5
def attitude(db_issue: Issue, db_user: User, db_statement: Statement, history: str, path: str) -> dict:
    Initialize the attitude step for a position in a discussion. Creates helper and returns a dictionary containing
    the first elements needed for the discussion.

    :param db_issue: Issue
    :param db_user: User
    :param db_statement: Statement with is_position == True
    :param history: Current history
    :param path:
    :return: prepared collection dict for the discussion
    :rtype: dict
    logger('Core', 'attitude')

    issue_dict = issue_helper.prepare_json_of_issue(db_issue, db_user)
    disc_ui_locales = db_issue.lang

    _ddh = DiscussionDictHelper(disc_ui_locales, db_user.nickname, slug=db_issue.slug)
    discussion_dict = _ddh.get_dict_for_attitude(db_statement)

    _idh = ItemDictHelper(disc_ui_locales, db_issue, path=path, history=history)
    item_dict = _idh.prepare_item_dict_for_attitude(db_statement.uid)

    return {
        'issues': issue_dict,
        'discussion': discussion_dict,
        'items': item_dict,
        'title': issue_dict['title']
예제 #6
def jump(db_issue: Issue, db_user: User, db_argument: Argument, history: str, path: str) -> dict:
    Initialize the jump step for an argument in a discussion. Creates helper and returns a dictionary containing
    several feedback options regarding this argument.

    :param request_dict: dict out of pyramid's request object including issue, slug and history and more
    :rtype: dict
    :return: prepared collection matchdict for the discussion
    logger('Core', 'Entering discussion.jzmp')

    issue_dict = issue_helper.prepare_json_of_issue(db_issue, db_user)
    disc_ui_locales = issue_dict['lang']

    _ddh = DiscussionDictHelper(disc_ui_locales, db_user.nickname, history, slug=db_issue.slug)
    _idh = ItemDictHelper(disc_ui_locales, db_issue, path=path, history=history)
    discussion_dict = _ddh.get_dict_for_jump(db_argument.uid)
    item_dict = _idh.get_array_for_jump(db_argument.uid, db_issue.slug)

    return {
        'issues': issue_dict,
        'discussion': discussion_dict,
        'items': item_dict,
        'title': issue_dict['title']
예제 #7
def support(db_issue: Issue, db_user: User, db_arg_user: Argument, db_arg_sys: Argument, history: str,
            path: str) -> dict:
    Initialize the support step for the end of a branch in a discussion. Creates helper and returns a dictionary
    containing the first elements needed for the discussion.

    :param db_issue:
    :param db_user:
    :param db_arg_user:
    :param db_arg_sys:
    :param history:
    :param path:
    logger('Core', 'Entering discussion.support')
    issue_dict = issue_helper.prepare_json_of_issue(db_issue, db_user)
    disc_ui_locales = issue_dict['lang']

    _ddh = DiscussionDictHelper(disc_ui_locales, db_user.nickname, history, slug=db_issue.slug)
    _idh = ItemDictHelper(disc_ui_locales, db_issue, path=path, history=history)
    discussion_dict = _ddh.get_dict_for_supporting_each_other(db_arg_sys.uid, db_arg_user.uid, db_user.nickname)
    item_dict = _idh.get_array_for_support(db_arg_sys.uid, db_issue.slug)

    return {
        'issues': issue_dict,
        'discussion': discussion_dict,
        'items': item_dict,
        'title': issue_dict['title']
예제 #8
def reaction(db_issue: Issue, db_user: User, db_arg_user: Argument, db_arg_sys: Argument, relation: Relations, history,
             path) -> dict:
    Initialize the reaction step for a position in a discussion. Creates helper and returns a dictionary containing
    different feedback options for the confrontation with an argument in a discussion.

    :param db_issue:
    :param db_user:
    :param db_arg_user:
    :param db_arg_sys:
    :param relation:
    :param history:
    :param path:
    logger('Core', 'Entering discussion.reaction')
    # set votes and reputation
    add_rep, broke_limit = add_reputation_for(db_user, reason=rep_reason_first_argument_click)
    add_click_for_argument(db_arg_user, db_user)

    _ddh = DiscussionDictHelper(db_issue.lang, db_user.nickname, history, slug=db_issue.slug, broke_limit=broke_limit)
    _idh = ItemDictHelper(db_issue.lang, db_issue, path=path, history=history)
    discussion_dict = _ddh.get_dict_for_argumentation(db_arg_user, db_arg_sys.uid, relation, history, db_user)
    item_dict = _idh.get_array_for_reaction(db_arg_sys.uid, db_arg_user.uid, db_arg_user.is_supportive, relation,

    return {
        'issues': issue_helper.prepare_json_of_issue(db_issue, db_user),
        'discussion': discussion_dict,
        'items': item_dict,
        'title': db_issue.title
예제 #9
def init(db_issue: Issue, db_user: User) -> dict:
    Initialize the discussion. Creates helper and returns a dictionary containing the first elements needed for the

    :param db_issue: Issue
    :param db_user: User
    :return: prepared collection with first elements for the discussion
    logger('Core', 'main')
    slug = db_issue.slug

    issue_dict = issue_helper.prepare_json_of_issue(db_issue, db_user)
    disc_ui_locales = issue_dict['lang']

    _ddh = DiscussionDictHelper(disc_ui_locales, nickname=db_user.nickname, slug=slug)

    item_dict = ItemDictHelper(disc_ui_locales, db_issue).get_array_for_start(db_user)
    discussion_dict = _ddh.get_dict_for_start(position_count=(len(item_dict['elements'])))

    return {
        'issues': issue_dict,
        'discussion': discussion_dict,
        'items': item_dict,
        'title': issue_dict['title']
예제 #10
def finish(db_issue: Issue, db_user: User, db_argument: Argument, history: str) -> dict:
    issue_dict = issue_helper.prepare_json_of_issue(db_issue, db_user)

    _ddh = DiscussionDictHelper(db_issue.lang, db_user.nickname, history, slug=db_issue.slug)
    discussion_dict = _ddh.get_dict_for_argumentation(db_argument, None, None, history, db_user)
    item_dict = ItemDictHelper.get_empty_dict()

    return {
        'issues': issue_dict,
        'discussion': discussion_dict,
        'items': item_dict,
        'title': issue_dict['title']
예제 #11
파일: core.py 프로젝트: tbsschroeder/dbas
def choose(db_issue: Issue, db_user: User, pgroup_ids: [int], history: str,
           path: str) -> dict:
    Initialize the choose step for more than one premise in a discussion. Creates helper and returns a dictionary
    containing several feedback options regarding this argument.

    :param db_issue:
    :param db_user:
    :param pgroup_ids:
    :param history:
    :param path:
    LOG.debug("Entering choose function")
    issue_dict = issue_helper.prepare_json_of_issue(db_issue, db_user)
    disc_ui_locales = issue_dict['lang']

    created_argument: Argument = DBDiscussionSession.query(Argument).filter(
        Argument.premisegroup_uid == pgroup_ids[0]).one()
    is_supportive = created_argument.is_supportive
    conclusion_is_argument = created_argument.attacks is not None
    if conclusion_is_argument:
        conclusion = created_argument.attacks
        conclusion = created_argument.conclusion

    _ddh = DiscussionDictHelper(disc_ui_locales,
    _idh = ItemDictHelper(disc_ui_locales,
    discussion_dict = _ddh.get_dict_for_choosing(conclusion.uid,
    item_dict = _idh.get_array_for_choosing(conclusion.uid, pgroup_ids,
                                            is_supportive, db_user.nickname)

    return {
        'issues': issue_dict,
        'discussion': discussion_dict,
        'items': item_dict,
        'title': issue_dict['title']
예제 #12
def jump(db_issue: Issue, db_user: User, db_argument: Argument, history: str,
         path: str) -> dict:
    Initialize the jump step for an argument in a discussion. Creates helper and returns a dictionary containing
    several feedback options regarding this argument.

    :param db_issue: The issue that shall be jumped to
    :param db_user: The concerning user
    :param db_argument:
    :param history:
    :param path:
    :rtype: dict
    :return: prepared collection matchdict for the discussion
    LOG.debug("Entering jump function")

    issue_dict = issue_helper.prepare_json_of_issue(db_issue, db_user)
    disc_ui_locales = issue_dict['lang']

    _ddh = DiscussionDictHelper(disc_ui_locales,
    _idh = ItemDictHelper(disc_ui_locales,
    discussion_dict = _ddh.get_dict_for_jump(db_argument.uid)
    item_dict = _idh.get_array_for_jump(db_argument.uid, db_issue.slug)

    return {
        'issues': issue_dict,
        'discussion': discussion_dict,
        'items': item_dict,
        'title': issue_dict['title']