예제 #1
  def translates_to(self, logic, expectedSQL):
    print 'Logic Recieved: ' + logic
    # Create a Logic Tree from the Logic
    logicTree = p.parse_input(logic)
    print "|*** LOGIC AST ***|\n"
    print str(logicTree)
    # Run dat semantic analysis bro
    dbSchema = schema.Schema()
    semanticAnalyser = sa.SemanticAnalyser(logicTree, dbSchema)

    # Generate the Symbol Table from the Logic Tree
    symbolTable = st.SymTable()

    # Generate an IR from the Logic Tree (uses Symbol Table)
    irGenerator = irg.IRGenerator(dbSchema)

    # Pull out the SQL IR
    ir = irGenerator.getIR()

    # Translate the IR to an SQL string
    sqlGenerator = sg.SQLGenerator()
    translatedSQL = sqlGenerator.getSQL()

    # If the query result does not match the expectation, let the user know.
    if translatedSQL.replace('\n', ' ') != expectedSQL.replace('\n', ' '):
      print "WARNING: Translated SQL does not match the expected result"
      print "Translated SQL: {"
      print translatedSQL
      print "}"
      print "Expected SQL: {"
      print expectedSQL
      print "}"

    # Run translated and expected SQL queries and compare results.
    # Force decode to ASCII as unicode SQL throws a massive wobbly.
    configData = cp.parse_file('dbbackend/db.cfg')
    con = pg.connect(configData)
    translatedResult = pg.query(con, translatedSQL.decode('ascii', 'ignore'))
    expectedResult = pg.query(con, expectedSQL)
    result = translatedResult == expectedResult
    if not result:
      print translatedResult, " != ", expectedResult

    return result
예제 #2
def generate_db_schema(con):
  # Create schema entries for each table
  tables = pg.query(con, table_query).get('rows')
  if tables is None:
    msg = "ERROR: Tables query returned no data in generate_db_schema."
    print msg
    raise Exception(msg)

  dbname = pg.query(con, dbname_query)['rows'][0][0]
  root = etree.Element("root")
  dbname_node = etree.SubElement(root, "dbname")
  dbname_node.text = dbname

  for table in (table[0] for table in tables):
    # Create a structure with the name of the table
    xmltable = etree.SubElement(root, "table")
    xmltable.set("name", table)

    # Fetch all the primary keys and update the XML accordingly
    keys = pg.query(con, primary_key_query % table)['rows']
    for key in (key[0] for key in keys):
      xml_primary_key = etree.SubElement(xmltable, "primaryKey")
      xml_primary_key.text = key

    # Fetch all the columns and update the XML accordingly
    columns = pg.query(con, columns_query % table)['rows']
    for column in columns:
      xml_column = etree.SubElement(xmltable, "column")
      xml_column.set("name", column[0])
      xml_column_type = etree.SubElement(xml_column, "type")
      xml_column_type.text = column[1]
      xml_column_ordinal = etree.SubElement(xml_column, "ordinal")
      xml_column_ordinal.text = column[2]

  # Write the xml to a file
  tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
예제 #3
파일: task.py 프로젝트: Tedworthy/ATLAST
    sqlGeneratorVisitor = sg.SQLGenerator()
    sql = sqlGeneratorVisitor.getSQL()
  except Exception, e:
    # Handle SQL generation errors
    response['status'] = 'sqlgen_error'
    print 'SQLGENERATOR', str(e)
    return response

  # TODO - Save the config_data to a session variable and use that instead
  # TODO - Check for database connection issues
  # Parse the database config file, open a connection to the database, and
  # finally run the SQL query
  # configData = cp.parse_file('dbbackend/db.cfg')
  con = pg.connect(configData)
  queryResult = pg.query(con, sql)

  # Check if the query ran OK, and set the response either way
  if queryResult['status'] == 'ok':
    response['status'] = 'ok'
    response['sql'] = sql
    response['query_columns'] = queryResult['columns']
    response['query_rows'] = queryResult['rows']
    response['error'] = ''
    response['status'] = 'db_error'
    response['sql'] = sql
    response['error'] = queryResult['error']

  return response
예제 #4
 def test_query_validcon_invaliddata(self):
   config_data = cp.parse_file('dbbackend/db.cfg')
   con = pg.connect(config_data)
예제 #5
 def test_query_validcon_validdata(self):
   config_data = cp.parse_file('dbbackend/db.cfg')
   con = pg.connect(config_data)
   pg.query(con,'SELECT * FROM films')
예제 #6
 def test_query_nocon_validdata(self):
   pg.query(None,'SELECT * FROM films')