import os import discord from dbconnect import db from discord.ext import commands from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() TOKEN = os.getenv('DISCORD_TOKEN') db1 = db() bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='sb.') @bot.command(name='hi', help='It doesnt') async def hello(ctx): response = 'Hello' await ctx.send(response) await ctx.message.add_reaction(":python3:833046001475780609") @bot.command(name='ty', help='It doesnt') async def danke(ctx): response = 'You\'re welcome' await ctx.send(response) @bot.command(name='start', help="Initializes your user in the DB and gives you coins to start playing with!") async def init_user(ctx): response = db1.init_user( await ctx.send(response) @bot.command(name='nextup', help="Shows x number of next games (max x = 8)", aliases = ['nextmatches', 'nm', 'nextmatch'])
FEEDCHECKPATTERNS = [ re.compile('latest feed from (.*)\?', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile('the (.*?) feed (?:last :?)?updated', re.IGNORECASE), ] STATUSPATTERN = re.compile('your (status|situation|20|condition)', re.IGNORECASE) GRUMBLEPATTERN = re.compile( '(grumble|stupid|argh|ugh|barf|bad bot|bad robot) ', re.IGNORECASE) TITLECLEANPATTERN = re.compile( '^(\d\:\d\d)-(cr|cv|mi|mc|ms|misc|sw)-([\d\-]{4,}) ', re.IGNORECASE) FAMOUSPATTERN = re.compile('re famous', re.IGNORECASE) TRYINGPATTERN = re.compile( '(keep trying|keep at it|find it later|look for it later|keep looking)', re.IGNORECASE) db = dbconnect.db() case_file = open('bigcases.json') case_data = json.load(case_file) cases = case_data['cases'] cases_sct = case_data['supreme_court_cases'] # Do the formatting and stff on a list of message choices; return message and images # Note that the recipient identifier should travel WITH THE @ SYMBOL ATTACHED def postreply(l, sender, id=None, recipient=None): global tw images = [] media_id = None reply = {} print 'ok'
chrome_options.add_experimental_option('prefs',profile) START = '' ACCESS = 'public' URL = re.compile('"(http.*?)"', re.IGNORECASE) COSTS =[ re.compile('Cost: </FONT></TH><TD ALIGN=LEFT><FONT SIZE=-1 COLOR=DARKBLUE>(.*?)<', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile('Cost: </font></th><td align="LEFT"><font size="-1" color="DARKBLUE">(.*?)<', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile('Cost: .{50,80}>([\s\d\.]{3,7})<', re.IGNORECASE) ] dc = DocumentCloud(settings.dc_user, settings.dc_pass) db = dbconnect.db(host=settings.db_host, user=settings.db_user, pwd=settings.db_pass, port=settings.db_port) def handleLogin(): print "# Renewing login" global br br.get(START) br.find_element_by_name('login:loginName').send_keys(settings.pacer_user) br.find_element_by_name('login:password').send_keys(settings.pacer_pass) br.find_element_by_name('login:clientCode').send_keys(settings.pacer_client) br.find_element_by_name('login:clientCode').send_keys(Keys.RETURN) time.sleep(3) def getDocument(pid, url): global waittime global br
class caseShare: VERBOSE = True DONOTTWEET = [ 'Notice of Appearance', 'Pro Hac Vice', 'Appear Pro Hac Vice', 'Appearance', 'LCvR 7.1 Certificate of Disclosure - Corporate Affiliations/Financial Interests' ] DONOTTWEETRE = re.compile( '(pro hac vice|notice of appearance|certificate of disclosure|corporate disclosure|add and terminate attorneys)', re.IGNORECASE) tw = Twython() db = dbconnect.db() dc = DocumentCloud('EMAIL', 'PASS') ROOM = 'CF1RKUUAV' bigcases = dict((item['court'] + item['case_number'], item) for item in bigcases_list.cases) def __init__(self): if self.VERBOSE: self.bigCasesMessage() self.listNew() return def listNew(self): cases = self.db.getDict(""" SELECT * FROM court.pacer_raw WHERE bigcase = 1 ORDER BY pid DESC LIMIT 100 """) for case in cases: self.share(case) self.update(case) return def update(self, case): """ UPDATE court.pacer_raw SET bigcase = 2 WHERE pid = %s """, (case['pid'], )) def twitter_upload(self, image_list): media_ids = [] for image in image_list: try: res = requests.get(image) res.raise_for_status() uploadable = BytesIO(res.content) response = media_ids.append(response['media_id']) except: pass return media_ids def share(self, case): uid = case['court'] + case['case_number'] DP1 = re.compile('\[(.*?)\].*?<a href="(.*?)"', re.IGNORECASE) DP2 = re.compile('\[(.*?)\]', re.IGNORECASE) d = case['description'] media_ids = [] typ = if case['dcid'] is not None: link = '' + case['dcid'] nd = + '\n\n' + link doc = self.dc.documents.get(case['dcid']) images = doc.normal_image_url_list[:4] if len(images) > 0: media_ids = self.twitter_upload(images) elif link = nd = + '\n\nDoc. on PACER: ' + link elif nd = + '\n\nPACER Docket: ' + case['link'] else: nd = False if nd: # Post everything to slack print 'Sending to Slack' try: msg = 'TRACKED CASE: New filing in *%s*: %s' % ( self.bigcases[uid]['name'], nd) #sc = SlackClient(dbinfo.sl_token_newsalertsbot) #sc.rtm_connect() #sc.rtm_send_message(self.ROOM, msg) except Exception, e: with open('/data/s/bigcases-err.log', 'a') as logfile: logfile.write('SLACK ERROR: ' + str(e) + '\n') if not msg = 'New filing in %s: %s' % (self.bigcases[uid]['name'], nd) try: if len(media_ids) > 0:, media_ids=media_ids) else: # x = 0 except Exception, e: print '##' + str(e) pass print '-----------------------------' print media_ids print '' + msg
string="" fo = open("../android/out_black_white.txt", "r+") In =; fo.close() string_bw="" for i in In: if len(i)>5: string_bw = i fo = open("../android/out_original.txt", "r+") In =; fo.close() string_o="" for i in In: if len(i)>5: string_o = i #print string,len(string) if len(string_bw)>len(string_o): string =string_bw.replace(" ", "") else: string =string_o.replace(" ", "") print string print len(string) parameter_list = dbconnect.db(string,lat,lon) print parameter_list ans = if not ans: print "Failed"
class caseShare: VERBOSE = True # List of filing types that should not be tweeted (because they're routine and seldom interesting) DONOTTWEET = [ 'Notice of Appearance', 'Pro Hac Vice', 'Appear Pro Hac Vice', 'Appearance', 'LCvR 7.1 Certificate of Disclosure - Corporate Affiliations/Financial Interests' ] tw = Twython(settings.twitter_app_key, settings.twitter_app_secret, settings.twitter_oauth_key, settings.twitter_oauth_secret) db = dbconnect.db(host=settings.db_host, user=settings.db_user, pwd=settings.db_pass, port=settings.db_port) dc = DocumentCloud(settings.dc_user, settings.dc_pass) # Re-arrange list of big cases into a dict with a unique ID bigcases = dict((item['court'] + item['case_number'], item) for item in bigcases_list.cases) def __init__(self): if self.VERBOSE: self.bigCasesMessage() self.listNew() return def listNew(self): # List new filings in selected cases that haven't been tweeted yet cases = self.db.getDict(""" SELECT * FROM court.pacer_raw WHERE bigcase = 1 ORDER BY pid DESC LIMIT 100 """) for case in cases: self.share(case) self.update(case) return def update(self, case): # Update a case after it's tweeted """ UPDATE court.pacer_raw SET bigcase = 2 WHERE pid = %s """, (case['pid'], )) def twitter_upload(self, image_list): # Upload images of first four pages media_ids = [] for image in image_list: try: res = requests.get(image) res.raise_for_status() uploadable = BytesIO(res.content) response = media_ids.append(response['media_id']) except: pass return media_ids def share(self, case): # Post a new filing to Twitter uid = case['court'] + case['case_number'] DP1 = re.compile('\[(.*?)\].*?<a href="(.*?)"', re.IGNORECASE) DP2 = re.compile('\[(.*?)\]', re.IGNORECASE) d = case['description'] media_ids = [] typ = if case['dcid'] is not None: # Best case: We have the document on DC, and probably attached images link = case['document_location'] nd = + '\n\n' + link doc = self.dc.documents.get(case['dcid']) images = doc.normal_image_url_list[:4] if len(images) > 0: media_ids = self.twitter_upload(images) elif # If the document hasn't made it to DC, send the PACER link link = nd = + '\n\nDoc. on PACER: ' + link elif # If there is no document, send a link to the PACER docket for the case nd = + '\n\nPACER Docket: ' + case['link'] else: nd = False if nd: if typ not in self.DONOTTWEET: msg = 'New filing in %s: %s' % (self.bigcases[uid]['name'], nd) try: if len(media_ids) > 0:, media_ids=media_ids) else: except Exception, e: print '##' + str(e) pass return
from io import BytesIO import requests import sys import dbconnect import bigcases_list from pacer_rss_feeds import courts from bigcases_settings import settings multitask = settings.multitask threads = settings.multitask_threads TIMEOUT = settings.http_timeout TITLEPATTERN = re.compile('^(.*?) (.*?)', re.IGNORECASE) db = dbconnect.db(host=settings.db_host, user=settings.db_user, pwd=settings.db_pass, port=settings.db_port, database=settings.db_database) def bigCaseList(): l = [] for case in bigcases_list.cases: l.append(case['court'] + case['case_number']) return l def checkBigCase(court, case_number): if case_number is not None: if court + case_number in bigcases: return 1
string = "" fo = open("../android/out_black_white.txt", "r+") In = fo.close() string_bw = "" for i in In: if len(i) > 5: string_bw = i fo = open("../android/out_original.txt", "r+") In = fo.close() string_o = "" for i in In: if len(i) > 5: string_o = i #print string,len(string) if len(string_bw) > len(string_o): string = string_bw.replace(" ", "") else: string = string_o.replace(" ", "") print string print len(string) parameter_list = dbconnect.db(string, lat, lon) print parameter_list ans = if not ans: print "Failed"