class RadixEnschedeBot: db = None TOKEN = "" URL = "{}/".format(TOKEN) ADMIN = 0 help_text = """ === Basic commands === (commands marked with "*" will be answered privately) /help * --- shows all commands. /info * --- some info about Tally /nick henk --- change your nickname in this group to "henk" (max 12 letters). /nicks --- overview of all nicknames /products --- overview of all added products /all_tallies --- overview of all tallies /tallies * --- overview of your tallies /debtors --- list of people with a positive amount of (normal) tallies. /add grolschbier --- add a product named "grolschbier" (max 12 letters) /all_history 10 --- show last 10 transactions (default 5, max. 99) /history 5 * --- show last 5 transactions by you (default 10, max. 99) /thanks henk --- give henk a tally to thank him for something. (-1 for henk +1 for you) === Tally-ing === You can Tally positivly and negatively between 1 and 99 Examples: +1 --- add one tally 16 --- add 16 tallies -4 --- remove 4 tallies You can also tally some specific product Example: +1 coke --- add one coke You can also tally some for someone else Example: sjaak 5 --- add 5 tallies for sjaak You can also tally some specific product for someone else Example: sjaak -3 beer --- remove 3 beers for sjaak === STFU Tally === If you start your sentence with a dot, Tally will ignore it. Example . hey Tally! Tally! hey Tally! TALLY!!!""" info_text = """Tally is a simple Telegram-bot He is created because someone was to lazy to stand up and tally his beer. This someone rather preferred program a complete Telegram-bot. You're free to use Tally for your own purposes, however Tally is confronted with alcoholic beverages on a regular basis. Therefore Tally, nor it's maker can guarantee that Tally is and will stay functioning at a socially acceptable level. Honestly, we wouldn't be surprised if Tally would get Korsakoff, or have some troubles with (temporary) black-outs. Let alone that he stays alive. - Wouter ([email protected])""" NOT_WHITESPACE = re.compile(r'[^s]') def __init__(self): self.stdin_path = '/dev/null' self.stdout_path = '/home/wouter/tally_out' self.stderr_path = '/home/wouter/tally_err' self.pidfile_path = '/tmp/' self.pidfile_timeout = 5 self.db = DBHelper() with open("config.json", "r") as data_file: data = json.load(data_file) self.ADMIN = data['ADMIN'] self.TOKEN = data['TOKEN'] self.URL = "{}/".format(self.TOKEN) def get_url(self, url): response = requests.get(url) content = response.content.decode("utf8") return content def get_json_from_url(self, url): content = self.get_url(url) js = json.loads(content) return js def get_updates(self, offset=None): url = self.URL + "getUpdates?timeout=1000" if offset: url += "&offset={}".format(offset) js = self.get_json_from_url(url) return js def get_last_chat_id_and_text(self, updates): num_updates = len(updates["result"]) last_update = num_updates - 1 text = updates["result"][last_update]["message"]["text"] chat_id = updates["result"][last_update]["message"]["chat"]["id"] return (text, chat_id) def get_last_update_id(self, updates): update_ids = [] for update in updates["result"]: update_ids.append(int(update["update_id"])) return max(update_ids) def send_message(self, text, chat_id, reply_markup=None): text = urllib.parse.quote_plus(text) url = self.URL + "sendMessage?text={}&chat_id={}".format(text, chat_id) if reply_markup: url += "&reply_markup={}".format(reply_markup) self.get_url(url) def run(self): last_update_id = None while True: try: updates = self.get_updates(last_update_id) if "result" in updates: if len(updates["result"]) > 0: last_update_id = self.get_last_update_id(updates) + 1 self.extract_messages(updates) except ConnectionError as e: continue json_path = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/post.json' jsonFile = Path(json_path) print(jsonFile.is_file()) if jsonFile.is_file(): with open(json_path, 'r') as f: data ='\n', '') for tallyPost in self.decode_stacked(data): x = tallyPost["amount"] + " " + tallyPost["product"] self.handle_message(tallyPost["group"], x, tallyPost["user"], "", 'group') f.close() os.remove(json_path) def decode_stacked(self, document, pos=0, decoder=json.JSONDecoder()): while True: match =, pos) if not match: return pos = match.start() try: obj, pos = decoder.raw_decode(document, pos) except json.JSONDecodeError: # do something sensible if there's some error raise yield obj def extract_messages(self, updates): for update in updates["result"]: try: text = update["message"]["text"] chat = update["message"]["chat"]["id"] telegram_id = update["message"]["from"]["id"] name = update["message"]["from"]["first_name"] type = update["message"]["chat"]["type"] self.handle_message(chat, text, telegram_id, name, type) except Exception as e: print(e) traceback.print_stack() print(update) print("") def personal_message(self, chat, text, telegram_id, name): if str(telegram_id) != str(self.ADMIN): self.send_message("Add me to a group :)", telegram_id) return split_text = text.split() switcher = {'/add_chat': self.add_chat} fun = switcher.get(split_text[0], self.command_not_found) fun(chat, split_text, telegram_id) def add_chat(self, chat, split_text, telegram_id): self.db.add_chat(int(split_text[1])) self.send_message("Added " + str(split_text[1]), self.ADMIN) def handle_message(self, chat, text, telegram_id, name, type): text = text.lower() # Check if in group if type != 'group' and type != 'supergroup': self.personal_message(chat, text, telegram_id, name) return # Check if chat allowed if not self.db.check_chat(chat): self.send_message( "Ask Wouter van Harten (+31)6 833 24 277 to whitelist <" + str(chat) + ">", chat) self.send_message( "Activity from unknown chat <" + str(chat) + ">, maybe you can whitelist it with '/add_chat " + str(chat) + "' ?", self.ADMIN) return # Check for STFU if text[0] == ".": return # Check for command if text[0] == '/': self.handle_command(chat, text, telegram_id) return split_text = text.split() nsp = NumericStringParser() try: int(nsp.eval(split_text[0]).real) self.tally(split_text, chat, telegram_id, name) return except Exception as e: print(e) # Try for username user = self.db.get_user_by_name(chat, split_text[0]) if user != False: del split_text[0] try: int(nsp.eval(split_text[0]).real) self.tally(split_text, chat, user.telegram_id, split_text[0], False) return except Exception: self.send_message("unknown amount: " + split_text[0], chat) pass return self.send_message("Que? (" + text + ")", chat) def tally(self, split_text, chat, telegram_id, name, make_new_user=True): nsp = NumericStringParser() # We only drink an integer amount of real beer amount = int(nsp.eval(split_text[0]).real) if abs(amount) > 99: self.send_message( "Tally between -100 and 100, " + str(amount) + " given", chat) return if abs(amount) < 0.5: self.send_message("That's a bunch of nothing you have there", chat) return user = self.db.get_user_by_telegram_id(telegram_id) if (not make_new_user) & (user == False): self.send_message("Unknown user: "******"Unknown product: " + split_text[1], chat) return purchase = Purchase(user, product, amount, self.db.get_chat(chat)) # Get old score and new score all_tallies = self.db.get_all_tallies(chat, user) if in all_tallies.keys(): new_score = copy.copy(all_tallies[]) old_score = new_score - amount else: old_score = 0 new_score = amount # Tallied and balance message: message = "Tallied {1!s} {3!s} for {0!s} (current balance is {2!s} {3!s}).".format(, amount, new_score, # Attach some additional message if called for If user remains on the wrong end with a positive tally, # add a simple notification & sometimes a personal message: if (old_score >= 0) and (new_score > 0) and (amount > 0): message += "\n{0!s} has run out of {3!s} and is consuming another person's {3!s}!".format(, amount, new_score, # Every fourth product or tally of at least 4 products, remind the user personally if new_score % 4 == 0: self.snark(user, new_score, product) elif amount >= 4: self.snark(user, new_score, product) # If a user remains on the wrong end with a negative tally, a more encouraging message: elif (old_score >= 0) and (new_score > 0) and (amount < 0): message += "\n{0!s}, thank you for adding some {3!s} to your stock. You did not add enough to return to " \ "Tally's good graces, though!".format(, amount, new_score, # Notify those who add exactly enough: elif (old_score >= 0) and (new_score == 0) and (amount < 0): message += "\n{0!s}, thank you for adding some {3!s} to your stock. Tally likes those who do their " \ "bookkeeping to the letter!".format(, amount, new_score, # Warn a user if their last item is tallied: elif (old_score < 0) and (new_score >= 0): message += "\nBetter enjoy that {3!s}, {0!s}! You've depleted your stock!".format(, amount, new_score, self.send_message( "{0!s}, your last {3!s} was just tallied!".format(, amount, new_score,, telegram_id) # Send message & commit purchase to database self.send_message(message, chat) self.db.add_purchase(purchase) return def snark(self, user, new_score, product): # Unpack input productname = telegram_id, username = user.telegram_id, # Messages messages = [ "Beste {0!s}, ter ere van deze speciale gelegenheid wil ik graag iets van de wijsheid van onze voormalige " "koningin met je delen:\n'Hee majesteit, ga eens {1!s} halen!'". format(username, productname), "Beste {0!s}, wat advies: {1!s} {2!s} schuld is {1!s} {2!s} schuld teveel!" .format(username, new_score, productname), "Beste {0!s}, wist je dat Albert Heijn XL tot 22:00 open is en ze daar {2!s} hebben?" .format(username, new_score, productname), "Beste {0!s}, voor jou is het geen {2!s}tijd, maar supermarkttijd!" .format(username, new_score, productname), "Je creëert nu een {2!s}probleem, en nee dat is geen poar neem". format(username, new_score, productname), "2 woorden, {3!s} letters: {2!s} halen!".format( username, new_score, productname, len(productname) + 5) ] # Random integer i = randint(0, len(messages)) message = messages[i] # Alexcheck if (new_score > 19): extra_message = "\n\nOverweeg alsjeblieft het volgende zelfhulp nummer te bellen: Alex bierservice " \ "053-4338460 " message += extra_message else: extra_message = "\n\nRaadpleeg je agenda en om dit probleem op " \ "te lossen. " message += extra_message # Send random message self.send_message(message, telegram_id) return def handle_command(self, chat, text, telegram_id): switcher = { '/help': self.show_help, '/info': self.show_info, '/nick': self.set_nick, '/nicks': self.show_nicks, '/products': self.show_products, '/debtors': self.show_debtors, '/all_tallies': self.show_all_tallies, '/tallies': self.show_tallies, '/add': self.add_product, '/all_history': self.show_all_history, '/history': self.show_history, '/thanks': self.thank_user, '/update': self.update_tally } split_text = text.split() command = split_text[0].split("@")[0] fun = switcher.get(command, self.command_not_found) fun(chat, split_text, telegram_id) return def command_not_found(self, chat, split_text, telegram_id): self.send_message("Command not found: " + split_text[0], chat) def show_help(self, chat, split_text, telegram_id): self.send_message(self.help_text, telegram_id) self.send_message( "Message answered privately. \nIf you didn't get my message, send me a private message and try again.", chat) def show_info(self, chat, split_text, telegram_id): self.send_message(self.info_text, telegram_id) self.send_message( "Message answered privately. \nIf you didn't get my message, send me a private message and try again.", chat) def set_nick(self, chat, split_text, telegram_id): if len(split_text) < 2: self.send_message("Provide new nick", chat) return if len(split_text[1]) > 12: self.send_message("Nick too long", chat) return if len(split_text[1]) < 2: self.send_message("Nick too short", chat) return user = self.db.get_user_by_telegram_id(telegram_id) old_nick = = split_text[1] self.db.add_user(user) self.send_message("Nick changed from " + old_nick + " to " +, chat) def show_nicks(self, chat, split_text, telegram_id): users = self.db.get_all_users(chat) message = "=== NICKS === \n" for user in users: message += str(user.telegram_id) + ": " + + "\n" self.send_message(message, chat) def show_products(self, chat, split_text, telegram_id): products = self.db.get_all_products(chat) message = "=== PRODUCTS ===\n" for product in products: message += + "\n" self.send_message(message, chat) def show_debtors(self, chat, split_text, telegram_id): users = self.db.get_all_users(chat) message = "=== DEBTORS ===\n" for user in users: shown_name = False totals = self.db.get_all_tallies(chat, user) for key, value in totals.items(): if value > 0: if not shown_name: message += + ":\n" shown_name = True message += key + ": " + str(value) + "\n" if shown_name: message += "\n" self.send_message(message, chat) def show_all_tallies(self, chat, split_text, telegram_id): users = self.db.get_all_users(chat) message = "=== All tallies ===\n" for user in users: shown_name = False totals = self.db.get_all_tallies(chat, user) for key, value in totals.items(): if value != 0: if not shown_name: message += + ":\n" shown_name = True message += key + ": " + str(value) + "\n" if shown_name: message += "\n" message += "Total:\n" allTallies = self.db.get_total_tallies(chat) for key, value in allTallies.items(): message += key + ": " + str(value) + "\n" self.send_message(message, chat) def show_tallies(self, chat, split_text, telegram_id): message = "=== Tallies ===\n" user = self.db.get_user_by_telegram_id(telegram_id) totals = self.db.get_all_tallies(chat, user) for key, value in totals.items(): message += key + ": " + str(value) + "\n" self.send_message(message, telegram_id) self.send_message( "Message answered privately. \nIf you didn't get my message, send me a private message and try again.", chat) def add_product(self, chat, split_text, telegram_id): if telegram_id != self.ADMIN: self.send_message( "🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕erw", chat) return self.db.add_product(Product(split_text[1], self.db.get_chat(chat))) self.show_products(chat, split_text, telegram_id) return def show_all_history(self, chat, split_text, telegram_id): if len(split_text) > 1: try: amount = int(split_text[1]) except ValueError: self.send_message( "Enter integer amount smaller than 99, " + str(split_text[1]) + " given.", chat) return else: amount = 10 purchases = self.db.get_last_purchases(chat, amount) message = "=== All history ===\n" for purchase in purchases: message += "(" + parse("%m/%d %H:%M") + ") " + str(purchase.amount) + " " + \ + " by " + + "\n" self.send_message(message, chat) def show_history(self, chat, split_text, telegram_id): if len(split_text) > 1: try: amount = int(split_text[1]) except ValueError: self.send_message( "Enter integer amount, " + split_text[1] + " given.", chat) return else: amount = 10 user = self.db.get_user_by_telegram_id(telegram_id) if not user: self.send_message("User not found", chat) return purchases = self.db.get_last_purchases(chat, amount, user) message = "=== History ===\n" for purchase in purchases: message += "(" + parse("%m/%d %H:%M") + ") " + str(purchase.amount) + " " + \ + " by " + + "\n" self.send_message(message, telegram_id) self.send_message( "Message answered privately. \nIf you didn't get my message, send me a private message and try again.", chat) def thank_user(self, chat, split_text, telegram_id): if len(split_text) < 2: self.send_message("No receiver given", chat) return receiver = self.db.get_user_by_name(chat, split_text[1]) if receiver == False: self.send_message("Unknown user: "******"Thanks " + + "! \nI don't know what you did " + + ", but " + + \ " would like to thank you! \n" + + \ " has granted you a tally from his/her own pocket \nEnjoy, Tally" self.send_message(message, chat) def update_tally(self, chat, split_text, telegram_id): if telegram_id != self.ADMIN: self.send_message("🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕", chat) return f = open( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/" + "update_tally", "w+") self.send_message("I will update shortly..", chat) f.close() def test(self): jsonFile = Path('post.json') if jsonFile.is_file(): with open('post.json', 'r') as f: data ='\n', '') for tallyPost in self.decode_stacked(data): x = tallyPost["amount"] + " " + tallyPost["product"] self.handle_message(tallyPost["group"], x, tallyPost["user"], "", 'group') f.close() os.remove('post.json')
conn = None try: conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file) except sqlite3.Error as e: print(e) return conn db = DBHelper() con = create_connection('radix.sqlite') purchases = con.execute("SELECT * FROM purchase").fetchall() group = db.get_chat(-1001487022745) for tup in purchases: u = db.get_user(tup[1]) pr = db.get_product(tup[2]) amount = tup[3] p = Purchase(u, pr, amount, group, date=tup[5]) db.add_purchase(p)