예제 #1
	def testBasics(self):
		'''Testing the basics of the interface with a super-simple db'''

		# Create new, empty database without file-storage
		db = supersimpledb.MurmeliDb()

		# Lists should be empty
		self.assertEqual(len(DbI.getMessageableProfiles()), 0, "Should be 0 messageables")
		self.assertEqual(len(DbI.getTrustedProfiles()), 0, "Should be 0 trusted")
		self.assertFalse(DbI.hasFriends(), "Shouldn't have any friends")

		# Store some profiles
		DbI.updateProfile("abc123", {"keyid":"ZYXW987", "status":"self", "name":"That's me"})
		DbI.updateProfile("def123", {"keyid":"JKLM987", "status":"trusted", "name":"Jimmy"})
		DbI.updateProfile("ghi123", {"keyid":"TUVWX987", "status":"untrusted", "name":"Dave"})

		# Get my ids
		self.assertEqual(DbI.getOwnTorid(), "abc123", "Should find correct tor id")
		self.assertEqual(DbI.getOwnKeyid(), "ZYXW987", "Should find correct key id")

		# Get all profiles
		self.assertEqual(len(DbI.getProfiles()), 3, "Should be three profiles in total")
		self.assertEqual(len(DbI.getMessageableProfiles()), 2, "Should be two messageables")
		self.assertEqual(len(DbI.getTrustedProfiles()), 1, "Should be one trusted")
		self.assertEqual(DbI.getTrustedProfiles()[0]['displayName'], "Jimmy", "Jimmy should be trusted")
		self.assertTrue(DbI.hasFriends(), "Should have friends")

		# Update an existing profile
		DbI.updateProfile("def123", {"displayName":"Slippin' Jimmy"})
		self.assertEqual(len(DbI.getTrustedProfiles()), 1, "Should still be one trusted")
		self.assertEqual(DbI.getTrustedProfiles()[0]['displayName'], "Slippin' Jimmy", "Slippin' Jimmy should be trusted")

		# Finished
예제 #2
파일: postmen.py 프로젝트: bellyfat/Murmeli
 def broadcastOnlineStatus(self):
     '''Queue a status notification message for each of our trusted contacts'''
     print("Outgoing postman is broadcasting the status...")
     self._broadcasting = True
     profileList = DbI.getTrustedProfiles()
     if profileList:
         msg = StatusNotifyMessage(online=True, ping=True, profileHash=None)
         msg.recipients = [c['torid'] for c in profileList]
     self._broadcasting = False