'--default', help='output format: tuples', dest='formatter', action='store_const', const=ExecuteWriter) group.add_argument( '-I', '--insert', help='output format: SQL insert statements', dest='formatter', action='store_const', const=SqlInsertWriter) parser = create_parser( prog='dbexec', description='Executes the SQL statements from the given file on the ' 'database specified by the given URI', parents=[parent]) parser.add_argument( 'uri', help='the URI to parse (format for PostgreSQL/MySQL: user@host/database; ' 'for SQLite: databasefile.db)') parser.add_argument( 'infile', default='-', help='the path to the file containing the SQL query to execute', type=argparse.FileType('r'), nargs='?') parser.add_argument( '-s', '--statements',
from .writer import StatementActivityWriter parent = parent_parser() group = format_group(parent) group.add_argument( '-D', '--default', help='output format: default', dest='formatter', action='store_const', const=StatementActivityWriter) parser = create_parser( prog='dbstat', description='A database status tool', parents=[parent]) parser.add_argument( 'uri', help='the URI to a DBMS') parser.add_argument( '-u', '--username', default='', help='filter the user') parser.add_argument( '-p', '--pids', action=CommaSeparatedPlainList, default=-1, help='filter the process ids of the activity; multiple columns can be '
'--yaml', help='output format: YAML data', dest='formatter', action='store_const', const=YamlWriter) group.add_argument( '-F', '--formatted', help='output format: given with the -f/--format option', dest='formatter', action='store_const', const=FormattedWriter) parser = create_parser( prog='dbexport', description='An export tool that exports database rows in different ' 'formats.', parents=[parent]) parser.add_argument( 'uri', help='the URI to parse (format for PostgreSQL/MySQL: ' 'user@host/database/table?column=value; for SQLite: ' 'databasefile.db/table?column=value)') parser.add_argument( '-i', '--include', help='include specified columns; referenced rows, if any, can be included ' 'by adding a dot after the column name; multiple columns can be ' 'specified by separating them with a comma') parser.add_argument( '-x',
'-J', '--json', help='output format: JSON', dest='formatter', action='store_const', const=JsonWriter) group.add_argument( '-A', '--autocomplete', help='output format: autocomplete', dest='formatter', action='store_const', const=AutocompleteWriter) parser = create_parser( prog='dbnav', description='A database navigation tool that shows database structure and' ' content', parents=[parent]) parser.add_argument( 'uri', help='the URI to parse (format for PostgreSQL/MySQL: ' 'user@host/database/table?filter; for SQLite: ' 'databasefile.db/table?filter)', nargs='?') parser.add_argument( '-s', '--simplify', dest='simplify', default=True, help='simplify the output', action='store_true')
default=True, help='output format: human readable hierarchical text', dest='formatter', action='store_const', const=DiffWriter) group.add_argument( '-S', '--side-by-side', help='output format: compare side-by-side in two columns', dest='formatter', action='store_const', const=DiffColumnWriter) parser = create_parser( prog='dbdiff', description='A diff tool that compares the structure of two database ' 'tables with each other.', parents=[parent]) parser.add_argument( 'left', help='the left URI to parse (format for PostgreSQL/MySQL: ' 'user@host/database/table; for SQLite: databasefile.db/table)') parser.add_argument( 'right', help='the right URI to parse (format for PostgreSQL/MySQL: ' 'user@host/database/table; for SQLite: databasefile.db/table)') parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', action='count', help='specify the verbosity of the output, increase the number of '
# # This file is part of Database Navigator. # # Database Navigator is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Database Navigator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Database Navigator. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # from dbnav.args import parent_parser, create_parser parent = parent_parser(daemonable=True, daemon=True) parser = create_parser( prog='dbdaemon', description='The daemon background process.', parents=[parent]) parser.add_argument( 'command', choices=['start', 'stop', 'restart', 'status'], help='the command to issue' )
default=True, help='output format: human readable hierarchical text', dest='formatter', action='store_const', const=GraphWriter) group.add_argument( '-G', '--graphviz', help='output format: a Graphviz graph', dest='formatter', action='store_const', const=GraphvizWriter) parser = create_parser( prog='dbgraph', description='A database visualisation tool that creates graphs from the ' 'database structure', parents=[parent]) parser.add_argument( 'uri', help='the URI to parse (format for PostgreSQL/MySQL: ' 'user@host/database/table; for SQLite: databasefile.db/table)') parser.add_argument( '-c', '--columns', dest='include_columns', default=False, help='include columns in output', action='store_true') parser.add_argument( '-C',