def updateCombinedStandLogic(self): if self.sentStandUtime is not None: if self.startupStage == 1: if getUtime() > self.sentStandUtime + 6e6: # print "Sending SE Init" self.sendInitAtZero() self.startupStage = 2 elif self.startupStage == 2: if getUtime() > self.sentStandUtime + 10e6: self.sendBehaviorCommand("user") self.sendMITStandCommand() # print "Sending BDI User & MIT Stand commands" self.startupStage = 0
def updateCombinedStandLogic(self): if (self.sentStandUtime is not None): if (self.startupStage == 1): if (getUtime() > self.sentStandUtime + 6E6): # print "Sending SE Init" self.sendInitAtZero() self.startupStage = 2 elif (self.startupStage == 2): if (getUtime() > self.sentStandUtime + 10E6): self.sendBehaviorCommand('user') self.sendMITStandCommand() # print "Sending BDI User & MIT Stand commands" self.startupStage = 0
def updateCombinedStandLogic(self): if (self.sentStandUtime is not None): if (self.startupStage == 1): if ( getUtime() > self.sentStandUtime + 6E6 ): # print "Sending SE Init" self.sendInitAtZero() self.startupStage = 2 elif (self.startupStage == 2): if ( getUtime() > self.sentStandUtime + 10E6 ): self.sendBehaviorCommand('user') self.sendMITStandCommand() # print "Sending BDI User & MIT Stand commands" self.startupStage = 0
def sendElectricArmEnabledState(self, enabledState): msg = lcmdrc.atlas_electric_arm_enable_t() msg.utime = getUtime() msg.num_electric_arm_joints = 6 assert len(enabledState) == msg.num_electric_arm_joints msg.enable = enabledState lcmUtils.publish("ATLAS_ELECTRIC_ARM_ENABLE", msg)
def sendControlMessage(command, data=None, channel='DRILL_CONTROL'): m = drill_control_t() m.utime = getUtime() m.control_type = command = data if data is not None else [] m.data_length = len( lcmUtils.publish(channel, m)
def sendFingerControl(self, positionA, positionB, positionC, force, velocity, scissor, mode): assert 0.0 <= positionA <= 254.0 assert 0.0 <= positionB <= 254.0 assert 0.0 <= positionC <= 254.0 assert 0.0 <= force <= 100.0 assert 0.0 <= velocity <= 100.0 assert 0 <= int(mode) <= 4 if not scissor is None: assert 0.0 <= scissor <= 254.0 msg = lcmrobotiq.command_t() msg.utime = getUtime() msg.activate = 1 msg.emergency_release = 0 msg.do_move = 1 msg.ifc = 1 msg.positionA = int(positionA) msg.positionB = int(positionB) msg.positionC = int(positionC) msg.force = int(254 * (force / 100.0)) msg.velocity = int(254 * (velocity / 100.0)) msg.mode = int(mode) if not scissor is None: msg.isc = 1 msg.positionS = int(scissor) channel = 'ROBOTIQ_%s_COMMAND' % self.side.upper() lcmUtils.publish(channel, msg)
def publish(self): messages = self.reader.getMessages() for message in messages: channel = message[2] val = message[3] / 127.0 if channel is 102: self.msg.slider1 = val elif channel is 103: self.msg.slider2 = val elif channel is 104: self.msg.slider3 = val elif channel is 105: self.msg.slider4 = val elif channel is 106: self.msg.knob1 = val elif channel is 107: self.msg.knob2 = val elif channel is 108: self.msg.knob3 = val elif channel is 109: self.msg.knob4 = val elif channel is 110: self.msg.knob5 = val elif channel is 111: self.msg.knob6 = val elif channel is 112: self.msg.knob7 = val elif channel is 113: self.msg.knob8 = val if len(messages) is not 0: self.msg.utime = getUtime() lcmUtils.publish(self.lcmChannel, self.msg)
def sendWalkingPlanRequest(self, footstepPlan, startPose, waitForResponse=False, waitTimeout=5000, req_type='traj'): msg = lcmdrc.walking_plan_request_t() msg.utime = getUtime() state_msg = robotstate.drakePoseToRobotState(startPose) msg.initial_state = state_msg msg.new_nominal_state = msg.initial_state msg.use_new_nominal_state = True msg.footstep_plan = footstepPlan if req_type == 'traj': requestChannel = 'WALKING_TRAJ_REQUEST' responseChannel = 'WALKING_TRAJ_RESPONSE' response_type = lcmdrc.robot_plan_t elif req_type == 'controller': requestChannel = 'WALKING_CONTROLLER_PLAN_REQUEST' responseChannel = 'WALKING_CONTROLLER_PLAN_RESPONSE' response_type = lcmdrc.walking_plan_t elif req_type == 'simulate_drake': requestChannel = 'WALKING_SIMULATION_DRAKE_REQUEST' responseChannel = 'WALKING_SIMULATION_TRAJ_RESPONSE' response_type = lcmdrc.robot_plan_t else: raise ValueError("Invalid request type: {:s}".format(req_type)) if waitForResponse: if waitTimeout == 0: helper = lcmUtils.MessageResponseHelper(responseChannel, response_type) lcmUtils.publish(requestChannel, msg) return helper return lcmUtils.MessageResponseHelper.publishAndWait(requestChannel, msg, responseChannel, response_type, waitTimeout) else: lcmUtils.publish(requestChannel, msg)
def sendDesiredPumpPsi(self, desiredPsi): msg = lcmdrc.atlas_pump_command_t() msg.utime = getUtime() msg.k_psi_p = 0.0 # Gain on pressure error (A/psi) msg.k_psi_i = 0.0 # Gain on the integral of the pressure error (A/(psi/s) msg.k_psi_d = 0.0 # Gain on the derivative of the pressure error (A/(psi s) msg.k_rpm_p = 0.0 # Gain on rpm error (A / rpm) msg.k_rpm_i = 0.0 # Gain on the integral of the rpm error (A / (rpm s)) msg.k_rpm_d = 0.0 # Gain on the derivative of the rpm error (A / (rpm/s) msg.ff_rpm_d = 0.0 # Feed-forward gain on the desired rpm (A / rpm) msg.ff_psi_d = 0.0 # Feed-forward gain on the desired pressure (A / psi) msg.ff_const = 0.0 # Constant current term (Amps) msg.psi_i_max = 0.0 # Max. abs. value to which the integral psi error is clamped (psi s) msg.rpm_i_max = 0.0 # Max. abs. value to which the integral rpm error is clamped (rpm s) # Max. command output (A). Default is 60 Amps. # This value may need to be lower than the default in order to avoid # causing the motor driver to fault. msg.cmd_max = 60 msg.desired_psi = desiredPsi # default should be 1500 msg.desired_rpm = 5000 # default should be 5000 lcmUtils.publish("ATLAS_PUMP_COMMAND", msg)
def sendElectricArmEnabledState(self, enabledState): msg = lcmdrc.atlas_electric_arm_enable_t() msg.utime = getUtime() msg.num_electric_arm_joints = 6 assert len(enabledState) == msg.num_electric_arm_joints msg.enable = enabledState lcmUtils.publish('ATLAS_ELECTRIC_ARM_ENABLE', msg)
def sendDesiredPumpPsi(self, desiredPsi): msg = lcmdrc.atlas_pump_command_t() msg.utime = getUtime() msg.k_psi_p = 0.0 # Gain on pressure error (A/psi) msg.k_psi_i = 0.0 # Gain on the integral of the pressure error (A/(psi/s) msg.k_psi_d = 0.0 # Gain on the derivative of the pressure error (A/(psi s) msg.k_rpm_p = 0.0 # Gain on rpm error (A / rpm) msg.k_rpm_i = 0.0 # Gain on the integral of the rpm error (A / (rpm s)) msg.k_rpm_d = 0.0 # Gain on the derivative of the rpm error (A / (rpm/s) msg.ff_rpm_d = 0.0 # Feed-forward gain on the desired rpm (A / rpm) msg.ff_psi_d = 0.0 # Feed-forward gain on the desired pressure (A / psi) msg.ff_const = 0.0 # Constant current term (Amps) msg.psi_i_max = 0.0 # Max. abs. value to which the integral psi error is clamped (psi s) msg.rpm_i_max = 0.0 # Max. abs. value to which the integral rpm error is clamped (rpm s) # Max. command output (A). Default is 60 Amps. # This value may need to be lower than the default in order to avoid # causing the motor driver to fault. msg.cmd_max = 60 msg.desired_psi = desiredPsi # default should be 1500 msg.desired_rpm = 5000 # default should be 5000 lcmUtils.publish('ATLAS_PUMP_COMMAND', msg)
def onStartNewMapButton(self): ''' Send a trigger to the Create Octomap process to start a new map ''' msg = lcmdrc.utime_t() msg.utime = getUtime() lcmUtils.publish('STATE_EST_START_NEW_MAP', msg)
def getSupportLCMFromListOfSupports(self, supportsList,ts): supports = [0]*len(ts) for i in xrange(len(ts)): supportElement = lcmdrc.support_element_t() supportElement.utime = getUtime() numBodies = len(supportsList[i]) supportElement.num_bodies = numBodies supportBodies = [] for j in xrange(numBodies): name = supportsList[i][j] if name is 'l_foot': supportBodies.append(self.getFootSupportBodyMsg('left')) elif name is 'r_foot': supportBodies.append(self.getFootSupportBodyMsg('right')) elif name is 'l_hand': supportBodies.append(self.getHandSupportBodyMsg('left')) elif name is 'r_hand': supportBodies.append(self.getHandSupportBodyMsg('right')) elif name is 'pelvis': supportBodies.append(self.getPelvisSupportBodyMsg()) else: print "passed a support that isn't allowed" supportElement.support_bodies = supportBodies supports[i] = supportElement return supports
def onUseNewMapButton(self): ''' Send a trigger to the GPF to use the newly created map ''' msg = lcmdrc.utime_t() msg.utime = getUtime() lcmUtils.publish('STATE_EST_USE_NEW_MAP', msg)
def autoIRISSegmentation(self, xy_lb=[-2, -2], xy_ub=[2, 2], max_num_regions=10, default_yaw=np.nan, max_slope_angle=np.nan, max_height_variation=np.nan, plane_distance_tolerance=np.nan, plane_angle_tolerance=np.nan): msg = lcmdrc.auto_iris_segmentation_request_t() msg.utime = getUtime() A = np.vstack((np.eye(2), -np.eye(2))) b = np.hstack((xy_ub, -np.asarray(xy_lb))) msg.xy_bounds = irisUtils.encodeLinCon(A, b) msg.initial_state = robotstate.drakePoseToRobotState(self.jointController.q) msg.map_mode = self.map_mode_map[] msg.num_seed_poses = 0 msg.max_num_regions = max_num_regions msg.region_id = self.getNewUIDs(max_num_regions) msg.default_yaw = default_yaw msg.max_slope_angle = max_slope_angle msg.max_height_variation = max_height_variation msg.plane_distance_tolerance = plane_distance_tolerance msg.plane_angle_tolerance = plane_angle_tolerance lcmUtils.publish('AUTO_IRIS_SEGMENTATION_REQUEST', msg)
def getSupports(self): if self.publishPlansWithSupports: supportElement = lcmdrc.support_element_t() supportElement.utime = getUtime() numBodies = 0 supportBodies = [] if self.pelvisSupportEnabled: numBodies += 1 supportBodies.append(self.getPelvisSupportBodyMsg()) if self.leftFootSupportEnabled: numBodies += 1 supportBodies.append(self.getFootSupportBodyMsg('left')) if self.rightFootSupportEnabled: numBodies += 1 supportBodies.append(self.getFootSupportBodyMsg('right')) if self.leftHandSupportEnabled: #numBodies += 2 numBodies += 1 supportBodies.append(self.getHandSupportBodyMsg('left', [0, 0, 1, 0])) #supportBodies.append(self.getHandSupportBodyMsg('left', [0, 0, -1, 0])) if self.rightHandSupportEnabled: #numBodies += 2 numBodies += 1 supportBodies.append(self.getHandSupportBodyMsg('right', [0, 0, 1, 0])) #supportBodies.append(self.getHandSupportBodyMsg('right', [0, 0, -1, 0])) supportElement.num_bodies = numBodies supportElement.support_bodies = supportBodies return [supportElement]
def autoIRISSegmentation(self, xy_lb=[-2, -2], xy_ub=[2, 2], max_num_regions=10, default_yaw=np.nan, max_slope_angle=np.nan, max_height_variation=np.nan, plane_distance_tolerance=np.nan, plane_angle_tolerance=np.nan): msg = lcmdrc.auto_iris_segmentation_request_t() msg.utime = getUtime() A = np.vstack((np.eye(2), -np.eye(2))) b = np.hstack((xy_ub, -np.asarray(xy_lb))) msg.xy_bounds = irisUtils.encodeLinCon(A, b) msg.initial_state = robotstate.drakePoseToRobotState( self.jointController.q) msg.map_mode = self.map_mode_map[] msg.num_seed_poses = 0 msg.max_num_regions = max_num_regions msg.region_id = self.getNewUIDs(max_num_regions) msg.default_yaw = default_yaw msg.max_slope_angle = max_slope_angle msg.max_height_variation = max_height_variation msg.plane_distance_tolerance = plane_distance_tolerance msg.plane_angle_tolerance = plane_angle_tolerance lcmUtils.publish('AUTO_IRIS_SEGMENTATION_REQUEST', msg)
def sendFingerControl(self, positionA, positionB, positionC, force, velocity, scissor, mode): assert 0.0 <= positionA <= 254.0 assert 0.0 <= positionB <= 254.0 assert 0.0 <= positionC <= 254.0 assert 0.0 <= force <= 100.0 assert 0.0 <= velocity <= 100.0 assert 0 <= int(mode) <= 4 if not scissor is None: assert 0.0 <= scissor <= 254.0 msg = lcmrobotiq.command_t() msg.utime = getUtime() msg.activate = 1 msg.emergency_release = 0 msg.do_move = 1 msg.ifc = 1 msg.positionA = int(positionA) msg.positionB = int(positionB) msg.positionC = int(positionC) msg.force = int(254 * (force/100.0)) msg.velocity = int(254 * (velocity/100.0)) msg.mode = int(mode) if not scissor is None: msg.isc = 1 msg.positionS = int(scissor) channel = 'ROBOTIQ_%s_COMMAND' % self.side.upper() lcmUtils.publish(channel, msg)
def applyAllButtonClicked(self, event): msg = data_request_list_t() msg.utime = getUtime() msg.requests = [] for name in self.groups: msg.requests.append(self.groups[name].getMessage()) msg.num_requests = len(msg.requests) lcmUtils.publish('DATA_REQUEST', msg)
def applyAllButtonClicked(self,event): msg = data_request_list_t() msg.utime = getUtime() msg.requests = [] for name in self.groups: msg.requests.append(self.groups[name].getMessage()) msg.num_requests = len(msg.requests) lcmUtils.publish('DATA_REQUEST',msg)
def immediateRequestClicked(self, event): req = self.getMessage() req.period = 0 msg = data_request_list_t() msg.utime = getUtime() msg.requests = [req] msg.num_requests = len(msg.requests) lcmUtils.publish('DATA_REQUEST', msg)
def immediateRequestClicked(self,event): req = self.getMessage() req.period = 0 msg = data_request_list_t() msg.utime = getUtime() msg.requests = [req] msg.num_requests = len(msg.requests) lcmUtils.publish('DATA_REQUEST',msg)
def sendClose(self, percentage=100.0): assert 0.0 <= percentage <= 100.0 msg = lcmirobot.position_control_close_t() msg.utime = getUtime() msg.valid = [True, True, True, False] msg.close_fraction = percentage / 100.0 channel = 'IROBOT_%s_POSITION_CONTROL_CLOSE' % self.side.upper() lcmUtils.publish(channel, msg)
def setLidarRpm(rpm): m = lcmmultisense.command_t() m.utime = getUtime() m.fps = -1 m.gain = -1 m.agc = -1 m.rpm = rpm lcmUtils.publish('MULTISENSE_COMMAND', m)
def getPelvisSupportBodyMsg(self): linkname = 'pelvis' supportBody = lcmdrc.support_body_t() supportBody.utime = getUtime() supportBody.body_id = int(self.ikPlanner.ikServer.comm.getFloatArray('links.%s' % linkname)[0]) supportBody.contact_pts = np.array(self.ikPlanner.ikServer.comm.getFloatArray('pelvis_pts(:)')).reshape((3,-1), order='F') supportBody.num_contact_pts = len(supportBody.contact_pts[0]) supportBody.use_support_surface = False supportBody.override_contact_pts = True return supportBody
def getFootSupportBodyMsg(self, side): linkname = 'l_foot' if side == 'left' else 'r_foot' supportBody = lcmdrc.support_body_t() supportBody.utime = getUtime() supportBody.body_id = int(self.ikPlanner.ikServer.comm.getFloatArray('links.%s' % linkname)[0]) supportBody.contact_pts = np.array(self.ikPlanner.ikServer.comm.getFloatArray('%s_pts(:)' % linkname)).reshape((3,-1), order='F') supportBody.num_contact_pts = len(supportBody.contact_pts[0]) supportBody.use_support_surface = False supportBody.override_contact_pts = True return supportBody
def _newCommandMessage(self, commandName, **commandArgs): commandId = newUUID() self.sentCommands.add(commandId) commandArgs['commandId'] = commandId commandArgs['collectionId'] = self.collectionId commandArgs['command'] = commandName msg = lcmdrc.affordance_collection_t() = numpyjsoncoder.encode(commandArgs) msg.utime = getUtime() return msg
def getHandSupportBodyMsg(self, side, support_surface): linkname = 'l_hand' if side == 'left' else 'r_hand' supportBody = lcmdrc.support_body_t() supportBody.utime = getUtime() supportBody.body_id = int(self.ikPlanner.ikServer.comm.getFloatArray('links.%s' % linkname)[0]) supportBody.contact_pts = self.ikPlanner.getPalmPoint(side=side).reshape(3,1) supportBody.num_contact_pts = 1 supportBody.use_support_surface = True supportBody.override_contact_pts = True supportBody.support_surface = support_surface return supportBody
def sendDataRequest(requestType, repeatTime=0.0): msg = lcmdrc.data_request_t() msg.type = requestType msg.period = int(repeatTime*10) # period is specified in tenths of a second msgList = lcmdrc.data_request_list_t() msgList.utime = getUtime() msgList.requests = [msg] msgList.num_requests = len(msgList.requests) lcmUtils.publish('DATA_REQUEST', msgList)
def sendDrop(self): msg = lcmrobotiq.command_t() msg.utime = getUtime() msg.activate = 1 msg.emergency_release = 1 msg.do_move = 0 msg.mode = 0 msg.position = 0 msg.force = 0 msg.velocity = 0 channel = 'ROBOTIQ_%s_COMMAND' % self.side.upper() lcmUtils.publish(channel, msg)
def requestIRISRegion(self, tform, uid, bounding_box_width=2): start = np.asarray(tform.GetPosition()) A_bounds, b_bounds = self.getXYBounds(start, bounding_box_width) msg = lcmdrc.iris_region_request_t() msg.utime = getUtime() msg.initial_state = robotstate.drakePoseToRobotState(self.jointController.q) msg.map_mode = self.map_mode_map[] msg.num_seed_poses = 1 msg.seed_poses = [transformUtils.positionMessageFromFrame(tform)] msg.region_id = [uid] msg.xy_bounds = [irisUtils.encodeLinCon(A_bounds, b_bounds)] lcmUtils.publish(self.request_channel, msg)
def setLidarRevolutionTime(secondsPerRevolution): assert secondsPerRevolution >= 1.0 m = lcmmultisense.command_t() m.utime = getUtime() m.fps = -1 m.gain = -1 m.agc = -1 m.rpm = 60.0 / (secondsPerRevolution) lcmUtils.publish('MULTISENSE_COMMAND', m)
def sendClose(self, percentage=100.0): assert 0.0 <= percentage <= 100.0 msg = lcmrobotiq.command_t() msg.utime = getUtime() msg.activate = 1 msg.emergency_release = 0 msg.do_move = 1 msg.position = int(254 * (percentage / 100.0)) msg.force = 254 msg.velocity = 254 channel = 'ROBOTIQ_%s_COMMAND' % self.side.upper() lcmUtils.publish(channel, msg)
def sendClose(self, percentage=100.0): assert 0.0 <= percentage <= 100.0 msg = lcmrobotiq.command_t() msg.utime = getUtime() msg.activate = 1 msg.emergency_release = 0 msg.do_move = 1 msg.position = int(254 * (percentage/100.0)) msg.force = 254 msg.velocity = 254 channel = 'ROBOTIQ_%s_COMMAND' % self.side.upper() lcmUtils.publish(channel, msg)
def sendMultisenseCommand(fps, gain, exposure, agc, rpm, led_flash, led_duty): m = lcmmultisense.command_t() m.utime = getUtime() m.fps = fps m.gain = gain m.exposure_us = exposure m.agc = agc m.rpm = rpm m.leds_flash = led_flash m.leds_duty_cycle = led_duty lcmUtils.publish('MULTISENSE_COMMAND', m)
def requestIRISRegion(self, tform, uid, bounding_box_width=2): start = np.asarray(tform.GetPosition()) A_bounds, b_bounds = self.getXYBounds(start, bounding_box_width) msg = lcmdrc.iris_region_request_t() msg.utime = getUtime() msg.initial_state = robotstate.drakePoseToRobotState( self.jointController.q) msg.map_mode = self.map_mode_map[] msg.num_seed_poses = 1 msg.seed_poses = [transformUtils.positionMessageFromFrame(tform)] msg.region_id = [uid] msg.xy_bounds = [irisUtils.encodeLinCon(A_bounds, b_bounds)] lcmUtils.publish(self.request_channel, msg)
def onStartMappingButton(self): msg = map_command_t() msg.timestamp = getUtime() msg.command = 0 lcmUtils.publish('KINECT_MAP_COMMAND', msg) utime = self.queue.getCurrentImageTime('KINECT_RGB') self.cameraToLocalInit = vtk.vtkTransform() self.queue.getTransform('KINECT_RGB', 'local', utime, self.cameraToLocalInit) vis.updateFrame(self.cameraToLocalInit, 'initial cam' ) print "starting mapping", utime print self.cameraToLocalInit.GetPosition() print self.cameraToLocalInit.GetOrientation()
def publishConstraints(self, constraints, messageName='PLANNER_REQUEST'): poses = getPlanPoses(constraints, self.ikPlanner) #poseJsonStr = json.dumps(poses, indent=4) #constraintsJsonStr = encodeConstraints(constraints, indent=4) poseJsonStr = json.dumps(poses) constraintsJsonStr = encodeConstraints(constraints) msg = lcmdrc.planner_request_t() msg.utime = getUtime() msg.poses = poseJsonStr msg.constraints = constraintsJsonStr lcmUtils.publish(messageName, msg)
def publishConstraints(self,constraints,messageName='PLANNER_REQUEST'): poses = getPlanPoses(constraints, self.ikPlanner) #poseJsonStr = json.dumps(poses, indent=4) #constraintsJsonStr = encodeConstraints(constraints, indent=4) poseJsonStr = json.dumps(poses) constraintsJsonStr = encodeConstraints(constraints) msg = lcmdrc.planner_request_t() msg.utime = getUtime() msg.poses = poseJsonStr msg.constraints = constraintsJsonStr lcmUtils.publish(messageName, msg)
def setMode(self, mode): assert 0 <= int(mode) <= 4 msg = lcmrobotiq.command_t() msg.utime = getUtime() msg.activate = 1 msg.emergency_release = 0 msg.do_move = 0 msg.position = 0 msg.force = 0 msg.velocity = 0 msg.mode = int(mode) channel = 'ROBOTIQ_%s_COMMAND' % self.side.upper() lcmUtils.publish(channel, msg)
def constructFootstepPlanRequest(self, pose, goalFrame=None): msg = lcmdrc.footstep_plan_request_t() msg.utime = getUtime() state_msg = robotstate.drakePoseToRobotState(pose) msg.initial_state = state_msg if goalFrame is None: goalFrame = vtk.vtkTransform() msg.goal_pos = transformUtils.positionMessageFromFrame(goalFrame) msg = self.applyParams(msg) msg = self.applySafeRegions(msg) return msg
def drakePoseToQPInput(pose, atlasVersion=5): if atlasVersion == 4: numPositions = 34 else: numPositions = 36 msg = lcmt_qp_controller_input() msg.timestamp = getUtime() msg.num_support_data = 0 msg.num_tracked_bodies = 0 msg.num_external_wrenches = 0 msg.num_joint_pd_overrides = 0 msg.param_set_name = 'position_control' whole_body_data = lcmt_whole_body_data() whole_body_data.timestamp = getUtime() whole_body_data.num_positions = numPositions whole_body_data.q_des = pose whole_body_data.num_constrained_dofs = numPositions - 6 whole_body_data.constrained_dofs = range(7, numPositions + 1) msg.whole_body_data = whole_body_data return msg