def get_ip(self, log, options): """Implement AddressPlugin.get_ip().""" opts = dict_of_opts(options) if 'if' not in opts: raise AddressError('Required option if= missing, giving up.') if_ = opts['if'] address = IpAddr() output = subprocess.getoutput('ip address show dev ' + if_) address.parse_ifconfig_output(output) return address
def get_ip(self, log, options): """Implement AddressPlugin.get_ip().""" addr = IpAddr() opts = dict_of_opts(options) if 'ip' not in opts and 'ip6' not in opts: raise AddressError('Required option ip= or ip6= missing, giving up.') if 'ip' in opts: addr.v4 = opts['ip'] if 'ip6' in opts: addr.v6 = opts['ip6'] return addr
def get_ip(self, log: Logger, options: [str]) -> Optional[IpAddr]: """Implements AddressPlugin.get_ip().""" urls = [DeDnshomeAddressURL.IP4, DeDnshomeAddressURL.IP6] ip = IpAddr(None, None) for url in urls: result = DeDnshomeWebPlugin.load_ip(log, url.value) if result: if not ip.v4 and result.v4: ip.v4 = result.v4 if not ip.v6 and result.v6: ip.v6 = result.v6 log.debug("Returning ip: " + str(ip)) return ip if not ip.empty() else None
def get_ip(self, log, options): """Implement AddressPlugin.get_ip().""" def check_url(url): """Get reply from host and decode.""" log.debug('trying ' + url) try: with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as response: if response.getcode() != 200: log.debug("Bad response at %s (ignored)" % url) return None html ='ascii') except (urllib.error.HTTPError, urllib.error.URLError) as err: raise AddressError("Error reading %s :%s" % (url, err)) log.debug("Got response: %s", html) pat = re.compile(r"\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}") match = if match: return html[match.start():match.end()] log.debug("Cannot parse address reply") return None for ix, url in enumerate(_URLS): ip = check_url(url) if ip: return IpAddr(ip) if ix + 1 < len(_URLS):"Falling back to %s", _URLS[ix + 1]) raise AddressError("Cannot obtain ip address (%s, %s and %s tried)" % tuple(_URLS))
def get_ip(self, log, options): """ Get default interface using ip route and address using ifconfig. """ if_ = None for line in subprocess.getoutput('ip route').split('\n'): words = line.split() if words[0] == 'default': if_ = self.find_device(words) break if if_ is None: raise AddressError("Cannot find default interface, giving up") address = IpAddr() output = subprocess.getoutput('ip address show dev ' + if_) address.parse_ifconfig_output(output) return address
def get_ip(self, log, options): """Implement AddressPlugin.get_ip().""" def check_url(url): """Get reply from host and decode.""" log.debug('trying ' + url) try: with urllib.request.urlopen(url, None, TIMEOUT) as response: if response.getcode() != 200: log.debug("Bad response at %s (ignored)" % url) return None html = except urllib.error.URLError as err: log.debug("Got URLError: %s", err) return None log.debug("Got response: %s", html) pat = re.compile(r'[:0-9a-f]{12,}(\s|\Z)') match = if match: return html[match.start():match.end()] log.debug("Cannot parse ipv6 address reply") return None urls = [ '', '', '' ] for ix, url in enumerate(urls):'Trying: %s', url) ip = check_url(url) if ip: return IpAddr(None, ip) if ix + 1 < len(urls):"Falling back to %s", urls[ix + 1]) raise AddressError("Cannot obtain ip6 address (%s, %s and %s tried)" % tuple(urls))
def get_ip(self, log, options): """Implement AddressPlugin.get_ip().""" opts = dict_of_opts(options) if 'cmd' not in opts: raise AddressError('Required option cmd= missing, giving up.') cmd = opts['cmd'] log.debug('Running: %s', cmd) addr = IpAddr() result = subprocess.getoutput(cmd).strip() log.debug('result: %s', result) pat = re.compile(r'\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}') pat6 = re.compile(r'[:0-9a-f]{12,}(\s|\Z)') for word in result.split(): if pat.fullmatch(word): addr.v4 = word elif pat6.fullmatch(word): addr.v6 = word else: raise AddressError('Cannot parse command output: ' + result) return addr
def extract_ip(data: AnyStr) -> IpAddr: """Extracts the IPs from data Expects `data` to be an UTF-8 string holding either an single IPv4 or an IPv6 address. Args: data: Data to extract the IP from Returns: An `IpAddr` which may hold the IPv4 or IPv6 Address found. """ try: ip = ipaddress.ip_address(data.strip()) if isinstance(ip, ipaddress.IPv4Address): return IpAddr(ip.exploded, None) if isinstance(ip, ipaddress.IPv6Address): return IpAddr(None, ip.exploded) except ValueError: return IpAddr(None, None)
def ip_cache_data(opts, log, default=(IpAddr(ipv4=""), 100000)): """ Return an (address, cache age in minute) tuple. If not existing, the default value is returned. """ path = ip_cache_setup(opts) if not os.path.exists(path): return default mtime = os.stat(path)[stat.ST_MTIME] now = time.time() delta = math.floor((now - mtime) / 60) with open(path) as f: astr = try: ll = ast.literal_eval(astr) ip = IpAddr(ipv4=ll[0], ipv6=ll[1]) except SyntaxError: log.debug("SyntaxError while reading ip cache.") ip_cache_clear(opts, log) ip, delta = default return ip, delta
def get_ip(self, log, options): """Implement AddressPlugin.get_ip().""" # Documentation refers to testing on 3.4 # f-strings are from 3.6 and exception chaining from 3.9 # pylint: disable=raise-missing-from log.debug("trying " + _URL) try: with urllib.request.urlopen(_URL) as response: if response.getcode() != 200: raise AddressError("Bad response %s from %s" % (response.getcode(), _URL)) status = json.loads("utf-8")) except (urllib.error.HTTPError, urllib.error.URLError) as err: raise AddressError("Error reading %s :%s" % (_URL, err)) log.debug("Got response: %s", json.dumps(status)) log.debug("WAN online: %s", status["wan"]["online"]) return IpAddr(status["wan"]["localIpAddress"])
def ip_cache_set(opts, ip): """Set the cached address to IpAddr ip.""" path = ip_cache_setup(opts) ip = ip if ip else IpAddr(ipv4="") with open(path, "w") as f: f.write(str(ip))
def get_ip(self, log, options): """Implement AddressPlugin.get_ip().""" return IpAddr()