def compensated_residual(s, coeffs1, t, coeffs2): x1, dx1 = de_casteljau._compensated_k(s, coeffs1[0, :], 2) y1, dy1 = de_casteljau._compensated_k(s, coeffs1[1, :], 2) x2, dx2 = de_casteljau._compensated_k(t, coeffs2[0, :], 2) y2, dy2 = de_casteljau._compensated_k(t, coeffs2[1, :], 2) dx, sigma = eft.add_eft(x1, -x2) tau = (dx1 - dx2) + sigma dx += tau dy, sigma = eft.add_eft(y1, -y2) tau = (dy1 - dy2) + sigma dy += tau return np.array([[dx], [dy]])
def main(filename=None): s_vals = np.linspace(ROOT - DELTA_S, ROOT + DELTA_S, NUM_POINTS) evaluated1 = [] evaluated2 = [] evaluated3 = [] for s in s_vals: b, db, d2b = de_casteljau._compensated_k(s, BEZIER_COEFFS, 3) evaluated1.append(b) b2 = b + db evaluated2.append(b2) b3 = b2 + d2b evaluated3.append(b3) figure, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(1, 3, sharex=True) ax1.plot(s_vals, evaluated1) ax2.plot(s_vals, evaluated2) ax3.plot(s_vals, evaluated3) # Since ``sharex=True``, ticks only need to be set once. ax1.set_xticks( [ ROOT - DELTA_S, ROOT - 0.5 * DELTA_S, ROOT, ROOT + 0.5 * DELTA_S, ROOT + DELTA_S, ] ) ax1.set_title(r"$\mathtt{DeCasteljau}$") ax2.set_title(r"$\mathtt{CompDeCasteljau}$") ax3.set_title(r"$\mathtt{CompDeCasteljau3}$") if filename is None: else: figure.set_size_inches(13.65, 6.41) figure.subplots_adjust( left=0.04, bottom=0.10, right=0.97, top=0.95, wspace=0.15, hspace=0.19, ) path = plot_utils.get_path(filename) figure.savefig(path, bbox_inches="tight") print("Saved {}".format(filename)) plt.close(figure)
def _main(): s_vals = np.linspace(ROOT - DELTA_S, ROOT + DELTA_S, NUM_POINTS) evaluated1 = [] evaluated2 = [] evaluated3 = [] for s in s_vals: b, db, d2b = de_casteljau._compensated_k(s, BEZIER_COEFFS, 3) evaluated1.append(b) b2 = b + db evaluated2.append(b2) b3 = b2 + d2b evaluated3.append(b3) figure, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(1, 3, sharex=True) ax1.plot(s_vals, evaluated1) ax2.plot(s_vals, evaluated2) ax3.plot(s_vals, evaluated3) # Since ``sharex=True``, ticks only need to be set once. ax1.set_xticks([ROOT - 0.8 * DELTA_S, ROOT, ROOT + 0.8 * DELTA_S]) ax1.set_title(r"$\mathtt{DeCasteljau}$", fontsize=plot_utils.TEXT_SIZE, pad=16.0) ax2.set_title(r"$\mathtt{CompDeCasteljau}$", fontsize=plot_utils.TEXT_SIZE, pad=16.0) ax3.set_title(r"$\mathtt{CompDeCasteljau3}$", fontsize=plot_utils.TEXT_SIZE, pad=16.0) filename = "de_casteljau_smooth_drawing.pdf" figure.set_size_inches(6.0, 3.0) figure.subplots_adjust(left=0.07, bottom=0.13, right=0.98, top=0.87, wspace=0.21, hspace=0.2) path = plot_utils.get_path("k-compensated", filename) figure.savefig(path) print("Saved {}".format(filename)) plt.close(figure)
def main(): n = 8 gamma2n = (2 * n * U) / (1 - 2 * n * U) bound_coeff1 = float(gamma2n) bound_coeff2 = 3 * n * (3 * n + 7) * U ** 2 / 2 bound_coeff2 = float(bound_coeff2) bound_coeff3 = 3 * n * (3 * n ** 2 + 36 * n + 61) * U ** 3 / 2 bound_coeff3 = float(bound_coeff3) bound_coeff4 = ( 9 * n * (3 * n ** 3 + 102 * n ** 2 + 773 * n + 1122) * U ** 4 / 8 ) bound_coeff4 = float(bound_coeff4) cond_nums = [] forward_errs1 = [] forward_errs2 = [] forward_errs3 = [] forward_errs4 = [] for j in range(-5, -90 - 1, -1): s = ROOT - POWER_VAL ** j exact_s = F(s) # Compute the condition number. exact_p = (exact_s - 1) * (4 * exact_s - 3) ** 7 / 16384 # p_tilde(s) = SUM_j |b_j| B_{j, 8}(s) = (s - 1) (s/2 - 3/4)^7 exact_p_tilde = (exact_s - 1) * (2 * exact_s - 3) ** 7 / 16384 exact_cond = abs(exact_p_tilde / exact_p) cond_nums.append(float(exact_cond)) # Compute the forward error for uncompensated de Casteljau. b, db, d2b, d3b = de_casteljau._compensated_k(s, BEZIER_COEFFS, 4) exact_b1 = F(b) exact_forward_err1 = abs((exact_b1 - exact_p) / exact_p) forward_errs1.append(float(exact_forward_err1)) # Compute the forward error for compensated de Casteljau. b2 = b + db exact_b2 = F(b2) exact_forward_err2 = abs((exact_b2 - exact_p) / exact_p) forward_errs2.append(float(exact_forward_err2)) # Compute the forward error for K-compensated de Casteljau (K=3). b3 = b2 + d2b exact_b3 = F(b3) exact_forward_err3 = abs((exact_b3 - exact_p) / exact_p) forward_errs3.append(float(exact_forward_err3)) # Compute the forward error for K-compensated de Casteljau (K=3). b4 = b3 + d3b exact_b4 = F(b4) exact_forward_err4 = abs((exact_b4 - exact_p) / exact_p) forward_errs4.append(float(exact_forward_err4)) # Set a tight ``x``-limit. min_exp = np.log(min(cond_nums)) max_exp = np.log(max(cond_nums)) delta_exp = max_exp - min_exp min_x = np.exp(min_exp - 0.01 * delta_exp) max_x = np.exp(max_exp + 0.01 * delta_exp) figure = plt.figure() ax = figure.gca() ax.loglog( cond_nums, forward_errs1, marker="v", linestyle="none", zorder=2, label=r"$\mathtt{DeCasteljau}$", color=plot_utils.BLUE, ) ax.loglog( cond_nums, forward_errs2, marker="d", linestyle="none", zorder=2, label=r"$\mathtt{CompDeCasteljau}$", color=plot_utils.GREEN, ) ax.loglog( cond_nums, forward_errs3, marker="P", linestyle="none", zorder=1.5, # Beneath ``K=2``. label=r"$\mathtt{CompDeCasteljau3}$", color=plot_utils.RED, ) ax.loglog( cond_nums, forward_errs4, marker="o", linestyle="none", zorder=1.25, # Beneath ``K=2, 3``. label=r"$\mathtt{CompDeCasteljau4}$", color=plot_utils.PURPLE, ) # Figure out the bounds before adding the bounding lines. min_y, max_y = ax.get_ylim() # Plot the lines of the a priori error bounds. ax.loglog( [min_x, max_x], [bound_coeff1 * min_x, bound_coeff1 * max_x], color="black", alpha=ALPHA, zorder=1, ) ax.loglog( [min_x, max_x], [bound_coeff2 * min_x, bound_coeff2 * max_x], color="black", alpha=ALPHA, zorder=1, ) ax.loglog( [min_x, max_x], [bound_coeff3 * min_x, bound_coeff3 * max_x], color="black", alpha=ALPHA, zorder=1, ) ax.loglog( [min_x, max_x], [bound_coeff4 * min_x, bound_coeff4 * max_x], color="black", alpha=ALPHA, zorder=1, ) # Add the ``x = 1/u^k`` vertical lines. delta_y = max_y - min_y for exponent in (1, 2, 3, 4): u_inv = 1.0 / float(U) ** exponent ax.loglog( [u_inv, u_inv], [min_y - 0.05 * delta_y, max_y + 0.05 * delta_y], color="black", linestyle="dashed", alpha=ALPHA, zorder=1, ) # Add the ``y = u`` horizontal lines. ax.loglog( [min_x, max_x], [float(U), float(U)], color="black", linestyle="dashed", alpha=ALPHA, zorder=1, ) # Make sure the ``y``-limit stays set (the bounds lines exceed). ax.set_ylim(min_y, 1.0) ax.set_xlim(min_x, max_x) # Add the legend. ax.legend( loc="lower right", framealpha=1.0, frameon=True, fontsize=plot_utils.TEXT_SIZE, ) # Set "nice" ticks. ax.set_xticks([10.0 ** n for n in range(5, 65 + 10, 10)]) ax.set_yticks([10.0 ** n for n in range(-18, 0 + 2, 2)]) # Set special ``xticks`` for ``1/u^k``. u_xticks = [] u_xticklabels = [] for exponent in (1, 2, 3, 4): u_xticks.append(1.0 / float(U) ** exponent) if exponent == 1: u_xticklabels.append(r"$1/\mathbf{u}$") else: u_xticklabels.append(r"$1/\mathbf{{u}}^{}$".format(exponent)) ax.set_xticks(u_xticks, minor=True) ax.set_xticklabels(u_xticklabels, minor=True) ax.tick_params( axis="x", which="minor", direction="out", top=1, bottom=0, labelbottom=0, labeltop=1, ) # Set special ``yticks`` for ``u``. ax.set_yticks([float(U)], minor=True) ax.set_yticklabels([r"$\mathbf{u}$"], minor=True) ax.tick_params( axis="y", which="minor", direction="out", left=0, right=1, labelleft=0, labelright=1, ) # Label the axes. ax.set_xlabel("Condition Number", fontsize=plot_utils.TEXT_SIZE) ax.set_ylabel("Relative Forward Error", fontsize=plot_utils.TEXT_SIZE) ax.tick_params(labelsize=plot_utils.TICK_SIZE) ax.tick_params(labelsize=plot_utils.TEXT_SIZE, which="minor") figure.set_size_inches(5.2, 3.9) figure.subplots_adjust( left=0.12, bottom=0.11, right=0.95, top=0.92, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.2 ) filename = "de_casteljau_rel_error.pdf" path = plot_utils.get_path("k-compensated", filename) figure.savefig(path) print("Saved {}".format(filename)) plt.close(figure)
def main_jlcs10(): """This recreates the plot from `JLCS10`_. .. _JLCS10: Note that it is essentially a copy of :func:`main` (and much of the code could be shared, but it isn't worth the effort). This seeks to recreate the plot from the original paper, but to show what happens as the exponent on ``POWER_VAL`` decreases from ``-44`` down to ``-64``. In particular, it shows that the compensated de Casteljau algorithm produces exactly zero. """ n = 8 gamma2n = (2 * n * U) / (1 - 2 * n * U) bound_coeff1 = float(gamma2n) bound_coeff2 = 3 * n * (3 * n + 7) * U ** 2 / 2 bound_coeff2 = float(bound_coeff2) cond_nums = [] forward_errs1 = [] forward_errs2 = [] for j in range(-5, -64 - 1, -1): s = ROOT - POWER_VAL ** j exact_s = F(s) # Compute the condition number. exact_p = (exact_s - 1) * (4 * exact_s - 3) ** 7 / 16384 # p_tilde(s) = SUM_j |b_j| B_{j, 8}(s) = (s - 1) (s/2 - 3/4)^7 exact_p_tilde = (exact_s - 1) * (2 * exact_s - 3) ** 7 / 16384 exact_cond = abs(exact_p_tilde / exact_p) cond_nums.append(float(exact_cond)) # Compute the forward error for uncompensated de Casteljau. b, db = de_casteljau._compensated_k(s, BEZIER_COEFFS, 2) exact_b1 = F(b) exact_forward_err1 = abs((exact_b1 - exact_p) / exact_p) forward_errs1.append(float(exact_forward_err1)) # Compute the forward error for compensated de Casteljau. b2 = b + db exact_b2 = F(b2) exact_forward_err2 = abs((exact_b2 - exact_p) / exact_p) forward_errs2.append(float(exact_forward_err2)) # Set a tight ``x``-limit. min_exp = np.log(min(cond_nums)) max_exp = np.log(max(cond_nums)) delta_exp = max_exp - min_exp min_x = np.exp(min_exp - 0.01 * delta_exp) max_x = np.exp(max_exp + 0.01 * delta_exp) figure = plt.figure() ax = figure.gca() ax.loglog( cond_nums, forward_errs1, marker="v", linestyle="none", zorder=2, label=r"$\mathtt{DeCasteljau}$", color=plot_utils.BLUE, ) ax.loglog( cond_nums, forward_errs2, marker="d", linestyle="none", zorder=2, label=r"$\mathtt{CompDeCasteljau}$", color=plot_utils.GREEN, ) # Figure out the bounds before adding the bounding lines. min_y, max_y = ax.get_ylim() # Plot the lines of the a priori error bounds. ax.loglog( [min_x, max_x], [bound_coeff1 * min_x, bound_coeff1 * max_x], color="black", alpha=ALPHA, zorder=1, ) ax.loglog( [min_x, max_x], [bound_coeff2 * min_x, bound_coeff2 * max_x], color="black", alpha=ALPHA, zorder=1, ) # Add the ``x = 1/u^k`` vertical lines. delta_y = max_y - min_y for exponent in (1, 2): u_inv = 1.0 / float(U) ** exponent ax.loglog( [u_inv, u_inv], [min_y - 0.05 * delta_y, max_y + 0.05 * delta_y], color="black", linestyle="dashed", alpha=ALPHA, zorder=1, ) # Add the ``y = u`` and ``y = 1`` horizontal lines. ax.loglog( [min_x, max_x], [float(U), float(U)], color="black", linestyle="dashed", alpha=ALPHA, zorder=1, ) ax.loglog( [min_x, max_x], [1.0, 1.0], color="black", linestyle="dashed", alpha=ALPHA, zorder=1, ) # Make sure the ``y``-limit stays set (the bounds lines exceed). ax.set_ylim(min_y, 10.0 ** 18) ax.set_xlim(min_x, max_x) # Add the legend. ax.legend( loc="lower right", framealpha=1.0, frameon=True, fontsize=plot_utils.TEXT_SIZE, ) # Set "nice" ticks. ax.set_xticks([10.0 ** n for n in range(5, 45 + 5, 5)]) ax.set_yticks([10.0 ** n for n in range(-18, 14 + 4, 4)]) # Set special ``xticks`` for ``1/u`` and ``1/u^2``. ax.set_xticks([1.0 / float(U), 1.0 / float(U) ** 2], minor=True) ax.set_xticklabels([r"$1/\mathbf{u}$", r"$1/\mathbf{u}^2$"], minor=True) ax.tick_params( axis="x", which="minor", direction="out", top=1, bottom=0, labelbottom=0, labeltop=1, ) # Set special ``yticks`` for ``u`` and ``1``. ax.set_yticks([float(U), 1.0], minor=True) ax.set_yticklabels([r"$\mathbf{u}$", "$1$"], minor=True) ax.tick_params( axis="y", which="minor", direction="out", left=0, right=1, labelleft=0, labelright=1, ) # Label the axes. ax.set_xlabel("Condition Number", fontsize=plot_utils.TEXT_SIZE) ax.set_ylabel("Relative Forward Error", fontsize=plot_utils.TEXT_SIZE) # Make sure the ticks are sized appropriately. ax.tick_params(labelsize=plot_utils.TICK_SIZE) ax.tick_params(labelsize=plot_utils.TEXT_SIZE, which="minor") figure.set_size_inches(5.2, 3.9) figure.subplots_adjust( left=0.12, bottom=0.11, right=0.95, top=0.92, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.2 ) filename = "jlcs10_plot.pdf" path = plot_utils.get_path("k-compensated", filename) figure.savefig(path) print("Saved {}".format(filename)) plt.close(figure)