예제 #1
def warn_missing_interface(value, data, field, is_no, obj_value, many=False):
    if not is_no:
        bigdb = bigsh.bigdb

        if debug.description() or debug.cli():
            print 'warn_missing_interface:', value, data, field, is_no, \
                                             obj_value, many
        # need switch, if_name
        pk_data = {}
        switch = pk_data.get('switch')
        if switch == None:
            switch = pk_data.get('dpid')
        if switch == None:
            switch = data.get('switch')
        if switch == None:
            switch = data.get('dpid')
        if bigdb.enabled and switch == None:
            for (n, v) in data.items() + pk_data.items():
                if n.find('/') >= 0:
                    parts = n.split('/')
                    for suffix in ['switch', 'switch-dpid', 'switch-id']:
                        if parts[-1] == suffix:
                            switch = v
        if switch == None:
            if debug.description():
                print 'warn_missing_interface:', data
            raise error.ArgumentValidationError(
                "Can't identify switch for validation")
        force = True if data.get('force', '') != '' else False
        # check to see if the interface is a list or a range,
        ifs = value.split(',')
        range_re = re.compile(r'([A-Za-z0-9-/\.:]*?)(\d+)-(\d+)$')
        if many:
            interfaces = []
            remedy = ''
            for if_name in ifs:
                # check for trailing "-<integer>" which is intended to
                # identify a range, if so split that into multiple entites
                m = range_re.match(if_name)
                if m:
                    print 'TAIL MATCH', m.group(1), m.group(2), m.group(3)
                    for suffix in range(int(m.group(2)), int(m.group(3)) + 1):
                        interfaces.append('%s%s' % (m.group(1), suffix))
            remedy = '\nUse \"exit; no interface %s\" to remove' % value
            interfaces = [value]

        check_missing_interface(switch, interfaces, remedy)
    data[field] = value
def warn_missing_interface(value, data, field, is_no, obj_value, many = False):
    if not is_no:
        bigdb = bigsh.bigdb

        if debug.description() or debug.cli():
            print 'warn_missing_interface:', value, data, field, is_no, \
                                             obj_value, many
        # need switch, if_name 
        pk_data = {}
        switch = pk_data.get('switch')
        if switch == None:
            switch = pk_data.get('dpid')
        if switch == None:
            switch = data.get('switch')
        if switch == None:
            switch = data.get('dpid')
        if bigdb.enabled and switch == None:
            for (n,v) in data.items() + pk_data.items():
                if n.find('/') >= 0:
                    parts = n.split('/')
                    for suffix in ['switch', 'switch-dpid', 'switch-id']:
                        if parts[-1] == suffix:
                            switch = v
        if switch == None:
            if debug.description():
                print 'warn_missing_interface:', data
            raise error.ArgumentValidationError("Can't identify switch for validation")
        force = True if data.get('force', '') != '' else False
        # check to see if the interface is a list or a range, 
        ifs = value.split(',')
        range_re = re.compile(r'([A-Za-z0-9-/\.:]*?)(\d+)-(\d+)$')
        if many:
            interfaces = []
            remedy = ''
            for if_name in ifs:
                # check for trailing "-<integer>" which is intended to
                # identify a range, if so split that into multiple entites
                m = range_re.match(if_name)
                if m:
                    print 'TAIL MATCH', m.group(1), m.group(2), m.group(3)
                    for suffix in range(int(m.group(2)), int(m.group(3))+1):
                        interfaces.append('%s%s' % (m.group(1), suffix))
            remedy = '\nUse \"exit; no interface %s\" to remove' % value
            interfaces = [value]
        check_missing_interface(switch, interfaces, remedy)
    data[field] = value
예제 #3
def alias_to_value_handler(value, data, field, path=None, other_path=None):
    Compute the alias value for the named field for the path.
    Place the resulting converted field into the data dictionary.

    Since this is a data-handler, the data dict must be updated
    even if this isn't an alias, otherwise the field value is lost.
    global bigsh
    if debug.description():
        print 'alias_to_value_handler: ', value, path, other_path, data, field

    if path == None and other_path == None:
        raise error.CommandInternalError(
            "alias_to_value_handler path or other-path requred")

    # ought to assert bigsh.bigsb.enabled()
    items = {}
    alias_path = other_path if other_path else path
    alias_path = alias_path.split('|')[0]  # other_path may have trailing keys
    for (key, alias) in bigsh.bigdb.alias_key_value(alias_path, field, data):
        if alias == value:
            data[field] = key
        data[field] = value
예제 #4
def convert_tag_to_parts(value, data, namespace_key, name_key, value_key):
    Split a tag of the form [ns].name=value into the three
    component parts

    if debug.description():
        print "convert_tag_to_parts: %s %s %s %s %s" % (
            value, data, namespace_key, name_key, value_key)

    tag_and_value = value.split('=')
    if len(tag_and_value) != 2:
        raise error.ArgumentValidationError(
            "tag <[tag-namespace.]name>=<value>")

    tag_parts = tag_and_value[0].split('.')
    if len(tag_parts) == 1:
        tag_namespace = "default"
        tag_name = tag_parts[0]
    elif len(tag_parts) >= 2:
        tag_namespace = '.'.join(tag_parts[:-1])
        tag_name = tag_parts[-1]

    # should the names have some specific validation?
    data[namespace_key] = tag_namespace
    data[name_key] = tag_name
    data[value_key] = tag_and_value[1]
def alias_to_value_handler(value, data, field,
                           path = None, other_path = None):
    Compute the alias value for the named field for the path.
    Place the resulting converted field into the data dictionary.

    Since this is a data-handler, the data dict must be updated
    even if this isn't an alias, otherwise the field value is lost.
    global bigsh
    if debug.description():
        print 'alias_to_value_handler: ', value, path, other_path, data, field

    if path == None and other_path == None:
        raise error.CommandInternalError("alias_to_value_handler path or other-path requred")

    # ought to assert bigsh.bigsb.enabled()
    items = {}
    alias_path = other_path if other_path else path
    alias_path = alias_path.split('|')[0] # other_path may have trailing keys
    for (key, alias) in bigsh.bigdb.alias_key_value(alias_path, field, data):
        if alias == value:
            data[field] = key
        data[field] = value
def convert_tag_to_parts(value, data, namespace_key, name_key, value_key):
    Split a tag of the form [ns].name=value into the three
    component parts

    if debug.description():
        print "convert_tag_to_parts: %s %s %s %s %s" % (
                value, data, namespace_key, name_key, value_key)

    tag_and_value = value.split('=')
    if len(tag_and_value) != 2:
        raise error.ArgumentValidationError("tag <[tag-namespace.]name>=<value>")

    tag_parts = tag_and_value[0].split('.')
    if len(tag_parts) == 1:
        tag_namespace = "default"
        tag_name = tag_parts[0]
    elif len(tag_parts) >= 2:
        tag_namespace = '.'.join(tag_parts[:-1])
        tag_name = tag_parts[-1]

    # should the names have some specific validation?
    data[namespace_key] = tag_namespace
    data[name_key]      = tag_name
    data[value_key]     = tag_and_value[1]
def complete_object_field(field, data, completions,
                          path = None,
                          other_path = None,
                          mode = None,
                          parent_field = None,
                          parent_id = None,
                          prefix = None,
                          no_command = None,
                          scoped = None):
    Populate 'completions' with  the values of the primary key for
    the particular path
    if debug.description():
        print "complete_object_field: ", path, other_path, mode, field, data, scoped

    if path == None:
        top = bigsh.mode_stack[-1]
        path = top.get('path')
        if path == None:
            raise error.CommandDescriptionError("path required")
    filter = {}
    if scoped:
        filter = dict(data) # completion version of data

    if no_command:
        bigsh.bigdb.completions(completions, path, field, prefix, filter)
        # Include complete-config-field as a second completion,
        # it will remove items which are already configured from the
        # other choices which currently exist.
        deletions = {}
        bigsh.bigdb.completions(deletions, path, field, prefix, filter)
        if debug.description():
            print 'complete_object_field: removing ', deletions
        for delete in deletions:
            if delete in completions:
                del completions[delete]
예제 #8
def check_missing_interface(switch, interfaces, remedy):
    # The switch value could be a compound key reference to a
    # switch, if there's a '|' in the switch valud, try to guess
    # which entry is the switch

    if type(interfaces) == str or type(interfaces) == unicode:
        interfaces = [interfaces]

    parts = switch.split('|')
    if len(parts) > 1:
        for part in parts:
            if utif.COMMAND_DPID_RE.match(part):
                switch = part
            switch = part[0]

    bigdb = bigsh.bigdb
        (schema, result) = \
            bigdb.schema_and_result('core/switch', {'dpid' : switch })

        final_result = result.expect_single_result()
        if final_result == None:
            raise error.ArgumentValidationError("switch not connected")
        # no switch
        if debug.description() or debug.cli():
        bigsh.warning('switch %s currently not active, '
                      'interface %s may not exist' %
                      (switch, ', '.join(interfaces)))

    if not 'interface' in final_result:
        bigsh.warning('switch %s currently not active, '
                      'interface %s may not exist' %
                      (switch, ', '.join(interfaces)))

    known_interfaces = [x['name'] for x in final_result['interface']]
    if_names = [x.lower() for x in known_interfaces]
    for interface in interfaces:
        if not interface.lower() in if_names:
            # pre-servce case, try to identify unique ranges
            ranges = interface_ranges(known_interfaces)

            bigsh.warning('active switch has no interface "%s", '
                          'known: %s' % (interface, ', '.join(ranges)) +
def check_missing_interface(switch, interfaces, remedy):
    # The switch value could be a compound key reference to a
    # switch, if there's a '|' in the switch valud, try to guess
    # which entry is the switch

    if type(interfaces) == str or type(interfaces) == unicode:
        interfaces = [interfaces]

    parts = switch.split('|')
    if len(parts) > 1:
        for part in parts:
            if utif.COMMAND_DPID_RE.match(part):
                switch = part
            switch = part[0]

    bigdb = bigsh.bigdb
        (schema, result) = \
            bigdb.schema_and_result('core/switch', {'dpid' : switch })

        final_result = result.expect_single_result()
        if final_result == None:
            raise error.ArgumentValidationError("switch not connected")
        # no switch
        if debug.description() or debug.cli():
        bigsh.warning('switch %s currently not active, '
                      'interface %s may not exist' %
                      (switch, ', '.join(interfaces)))

    if not 'interface' in final_result:
        bigsh.warning('switch %s currently not active, '
                      'interface %s may not exist' %
                      (switch, ', '.join(interfaces)))
    known_interfaces = [x['name'] for x in final_result['interface']]
    if_names = [x.lower() for x in known_interfaces]
    for interface in interfaces:
        if not interface.lower() in if_names:
            # pre-servce case, try to identify unique ranges
            ranges = interface_ranges(known_interfaces)

            bigsh.warning( 'active switch has no interface "%s", ' 
                      'known: %s' % (interface, ', '.join(ranges)) + 
예제 #10
def feature_enabled(feature):
    Return True when a particular feature is enabled.
    @param feature name of the feature ('bvs', 'bigtap', 'ha', etc)

    if feature in feature_registry:
        (enabled, initializer, args) = feature_registry[feature]
        # initialized?
        if initializer and not feature in feature_registry_initialized:
            feature_registry_initialized[feature] = True
            (initializer)(featrue, **args)

        return (enabled)(feature, **args)

    if debug.cli() or debug.description():
        print 'feature_enabled: missing configuration for:', feature
    return False
예제 #11
def feature_enabled(feature):
    Return True when a particular feature is enabled.
    @param feature name of the feature ('bvs', 'bigtap', 'ha', etc)

    if feature in feature_registry:
        (enabled, initializer, args) = feature_registry[feature]
        # initialized?
        if initializer and not feature in feature_registry_initialized:
            feature_registry_initialized[feature] = True
            (initializer)(featrue, **args)

        return (enabled)(feature, **args)

    if debug.cli() or debug.description():
        print 'feature_enabled: missing configuration for:', feature
    return False
def complete_alias_choice(field, data, prefix, completions, no_command,
                          path = None, other_path = None, scoped = None):
    Complete selections from an external object (unlreated to this
    object stack's details), only returning unique keys, either
    aliases for the path, or primary keys.

    This ought to be improved, objects_starting_with() in
    the bigcli.py, is primarily intended to be use within bigcli.py
    if debug.description():
        print "complete_alias_choice:", path, other_path, field, data, prefix, scoped

    if path == None:
        raise error.CommandDescriptionError("path requrired")

    filter = data if scoped else {}
    # XXX scoped <- need data from submode stack.
    bigdb_path = other_path if other_path else path
    bigsh.bigdb.completions(completions, bigdb_path, field, prefix, filter)
def complete_from_another(field, data, completions, no_command,
                          path = None,
                          other_path = None,
                          prefix = None,
                          parent_field = None,
                          parent_id = None,
                          scoped = None,
                          mode_switch = None,
    Completion function used when another path is used to populate
    values for the current path

    the 'other-path' field identifies the path to use to collect choices from,
    it can consist of two parts  other|field.  When field isn't described here,
    it comes from the description parameter, however, the 'field' value there may
    be in use to describe the value of the associated action.

    if debug.description():
        print "complete_from_another:", path, other_path, field, data, parent_field, parent_id

    # complete_from_another is intended to include other fields, which
    # shouldn't apply for a no command.
    if no_command:

    bigdb = bigsh.bigdb
    filter = data if scoped else {}
    # XXX scoped <- need data from submode stack.
    if other_path.find('|') >= 0:
        parts = other_path.split('|')
        other_path = parts[0]
        field = parts[1]
    bigdb.completions(completions, other_path, field,
                      prefix, filter, mode_switch = mode_switch)