예제 #1
파일: units.py 프로젝트: Tarrasch/windward
    def __init__(self, element, companies):
        """Create a passenger from XML and a list of Company objects.

        name -- The name of this passenger.
        pointsDelivered -- The number of points a player get for delivering this passenger.
        car -- The limo the passenger is currently in. None if they are not in a limo.
        lobby -- The bus stop the passenger is currently waiting in. None if they
            are in a limo or if they have arrived at their final destination.
        destination -- The company the passenger wishes to go to next. This is
            valid both at a bus stop and in a car. It is None of they have been
            delivered to their final destination.
        route -- The remaining companies the passenger wishes to go to after
            destination, in order. This does not include their current destination.
        enemies -- List of other Passenger objects. If any of them are at a bus
            stop, this passenger will not exit the limo at that stop. If a
            passenger at the bus stop has this passenger as an enemy, this
            passenger can still exit the car.

        self.name = element.get('name')
        self.pointsDelivered = int(element.get('points-delivered'))
        lobby = element.get('lobby')
        self.lobby = ([c for c in companies if c.name == lobby][0]
                      if lobby is not None else None)
        dest = element.get('destination')
        self.destination = ([c for c in companies if c.name == dest][0]
                            if dest is not None else None)
        route = []
        for routeElement in element.findall('route'):
            route.append([c for c in companies if c.name == routeElement.text][0])
        self.route = route
        self.enemies = []
        self.car = None
예제 #2
파일: units.py 프로젝트: Tarrasch/windward
def updatePassengersFromXml (passengers, companies, element):
    for psgrElement in element.findall('passenger'):
        #debug.bugprint('updatePassengers XML:', ET.tostring(psgrElement))
        #debug.bugprint('  passengers: ' + str(passengers))
        passenger = [p for p in passengers if p.name == psgrElement.get('name')][0]
        dest = psgrElement.get('destination')
        if dest is not None:
            passenger.destination = [c for c in companies if c.name == dest][0]
            # remove from the route
            if passenger.destination in passenger.route:
        # set props based on waiting, travelling, done
        switch = psgrElement.get('status')
        if   switch == "lobby":
            passenger.lobby = [c for c in companies if c.name == psgrElement.get('lobby')][0]
            passenger.car = None
        elif switch == "travelling":
            passenger.lobby = None
            # passenger.car set in Player update
        elif switch == "done":
            passenger.destination = None
            passenger.lobby = None
            passenger.car = None
            raise TypeError("Invalid passenger status in XML: %r" % switch)
def getData(socket, callback):
        # compute the length of the message (4 byte, little-endian)
        recstr = socket.recv(4)
        while len(recstr) < 4:
            recstr += socket.recv(4 - len(recstr))
        assert len(recstr) == 4
        lenstr = ["{:02x}".format(ord(char)) for char in recstr]
        length = int(''.join(lenstr), 16)
        # receive message into buffer
        data = socket.recv(length)
        received = len(data)
        buff = []
        while received < length:
            data = socket.recv(length - received)
            received += len(data)
            assert received == length
            if buff:
                data = ''.join(buff)
        return data
    except sock.timeout:
        trap("Socket operation (receive) timed out")
        return None
    except sock.error as err: # fix this
        if err.errno == 10054: # The connection has been reset.
            printrap("WARNING - socket error on receive: " + str(err)) # fix this
            raise err
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, element, companies):
        """Create a passenger from XML and a list of Company objects.

        name -- The name of this passenger.
        pointsDelivered -- The number of points a player get for delivering this passenger.
        car -- The limo the passenger is currently in. None if they are not in a limo.
        lobby -- The bus stop the passenger is currently waiting in. None if they
            are in a limo or if they have arrived at their final destination.
        destination -- The company the passenger wishes to go to next. This is
            valid both at a bus stop and in a car. It is None of they have been
            delivered to their final destination.
        route -- The remaining companies the passenger wishes to go to after
            destination, in order. This does not include their current destination.
        enemies -- List of other Passenger objects. If any of them are at a bus
            stop, this passenger will not exit the limo at that stop. If a
            passenger at the bus stop has this passenger as an enemy, this
            passenger can still exit the car.

        self.name = element.get('name')
        self.pointsDelivered = int(element.get('points-delivered'))
        lobby = element.get('lobby')
        self.lobby = ([c for c in companies
                       if c.name == lobby][0] if lobby is not None else None)
        dest = element.get('destination')
        self.destination = ([c for c in companies if c.name == dest][0]
                            if dest is not None else None)
        route = []
        for routeElement in element.findall('route'):
            route.append([c for c in companies
                          if c.name == routeElement.text][0])
        self.route = route
        self.enemies = []
        self.car = None
예제 #5
def updatePassengersFromXml(passengers, players, companies, element):
    for psgrElement in element.findall('passenger'):
        #debug.bugprint('updatePassengers XML:', ET.tostring(psgrElement))
        #debug.bugprint('  passengers: ' + str(passengers))
        passenger = [p for p in passengers if p.name == psgrElement.get('name')][0]
        dest = psgrElement.get('destination')
        if dest is not None:
            passenger.destination = [c for c in companies if c.name == dest][0]
            # remove from the route
            if passenger.destination in passenger.route:
        passenger.route = []
        dest = psgrElement.get("route")
        if dest is not None:
            companyNames = dest.split(";")
            companyNames = [x for x in companyNames if x]
            for nameOn in companyNames:
                passenger.route.append([c for c in companies if c.name == nameOn])

        # set props based on waiting, travelling, done
        switch = psgrElement.get('status')
        assert switch in PSNGR_STATUS

        if switch == "lobby":
            cmpny = [c for c in companies if c.name == psgrElement.get('lobby')][0]
            passenger.lobby = cmpny
            passenger.car = None

            if not (passenger in cmpny.passengers):
            for plyrOn in players:
                if plyrOn.limo.passenger == passenger:
                    plyrOn.limo.passenger = None
            for cmpyOn in companies:
                if cmpyOn != cmpny:
                    if passenger in cmpyOn.passengers:

        elif switch == "travelling":
            plyr = [p for p in players if p.name == psgrElement.get('limo-driver')][0]
            passenger.car = plyr.limo
            passenger.lobby = None

            for plyrOn in players:
                if (plyrOn != plyr and plyrOn.limo.passenger == passenger):
                    plyrOn.limo.passenger = None
            for cmpyOn in companies:
                if passenger in cmpyOn.passengers:
                    # passenger.car set in Player update
        elif switch == "done":
            passenger.destination = None
            passenger.lobby = None
            passenger.car = None
            raise TypeError("Invalid passenger status in XML: %r" % switch)
예제 #6
def cardDestination(gameMap, startLocation, cards):
    '''Return the MovePoint resulting from applying cards at startLocation.
    Ignores all robots on the map but does take into account walls, conveyor 
    belts and gears.  Returns the final location of the move.
    gameMap -- the current state of the game map.
    startLocation -- the starting BoardLocation of the move.
    cards -- list of robot Card moves, to be applied in order.
    points = cardPath(gameMap, startLocation, cards)
    if points is None or len(points) == 0:
        return None
        return points[-1]
예제 #7
def updatePassengersFromXml(passengers, companies, element):
    for psgrElement in element.findall('passenger'):
        #debug.bugprint('updatePassengers XML:', ET.tostring(psgrElement))
        #debug.bugprint('  passengers: ' + str(passengers))
        passenger = [
            p for p in passengers if p.name == psgrElement.get('name')
        dest = psgrElement.get('destination')
        if dest is not None:
            passenger.destination = [c for c in companies if c.name == dest][0]
            # remove from the route
            if passenger.destination in passenger.route:
        # set props based on waiting, travelling, done
        switch = psgrElement.get('status')

        if switch == "lobby":
            cmpny = [
                c for c in companies if c.name == psgrElement.get('lobby')
            if passenger.lobby != cmpny:
                passenger.lobby = cmpny
                if not (passenger in passenger.lobby.passengers):
            passenger.car = None

        elif switch == "travelling":
            if passenger.lobby != None:
                passenger.lobby = None
        # passenger.car set in Player update
        elif switch == "done":
            passenger.destination = None
            passenger.lobby = None
            passenger.car = None
            raise TypeError("Invalid passenger status in XML: %r" % switch)
예제 #8
    def recalculateDistance(self, mapTileCaller, remainingSteps):
        neighbors = self.neighbors
        trap(self.costToEnd == 0)
        # if no neighbors then this is in notEvaluated and so can't recalculate.
        if len(neighbors) == 0:

        shortestDistance = None
        # if just one neighbor, then it's a dead end
        if len(neighbors) == 1:
            shortestDistance = DEAD_END
            shortestDistance = min(neighbors, key=lambda n: n.costToEnd).costToEnd
            # it's 1+ lowest neighbor value (unless a dead end)
            if shortestDistance != DEAD_END:
                shortestDistance += 1

        # no change, no need to recalc neighbors
        if shortestDistance == self.costToEnd:
        # new value (could be shorter or longer)
        self.costToEnd = shortestDistance
        # if gone too far, no more recalculate
        if remainingSteps < 0:
        remainingSteps -= 1
        # need to tell our neighbors - except the one that called us
        newNeighbors = [n for n in neighbors if n.mapTile != mapTileCaller]
        for neighborOn in newNeighbors:
            neighborOn.recalculateDistance(self.mapTile, remainingSteps)
        # and we re-calc again because that could have changed our neighbors' values
        shortestDistance = min(neighbors, key=lambda n: n.costToEnd).costToEnd
        # it's 1+ lowest neighbor value (unless a dead end)
        if shortestDistance != DEAD_END:
            shortestDistance += 1
        self.costToEnd = shortestDistance
예제 #9
    def recalculateDistance(self, mapTileCaller, remainingSteps):
        neighbors = self.neighbors
        trap(self.distance == 0)
        # if no neighbors then this is in notEvaluated and so can't recalculate.
        if len(neighbors) == 0:

        shortestDistance = None
        # if just one neighbor, then it's a dead end
        if len(neighbors) == 1:
            shortestDistance = DEAD_END
            shortestDistance = min(neighbors, key=lambda n: n.distance).distance
            # it's 1+ lowest neighbor value (unless a dead end)
            if shortestDistance != DEAD_END:
                shortestDistance += 1

        # no change, no need to recalc neighbors
        if shortestDistance == self.distance:
        # new value (could be shorter or longer)
        self.distance = shortestDistance
        # if gone too far, no more recalculate
        if remainingSteps < 0:
        remainingSteps -= 1
        # need to tell our neighbors - except the one that called us
        newNeighbors = [n for n in neighbors if n.mapTile != mapTileCaller]
        for neighborOn in newNeighbors:
            neighborOn.recalculateDistance(self.mapTile, remainingSteps)
        # and we re-calc again because that could have changed our neighbors' values
        shortestDistance = min(neighbors, key=lambda n: n.distance).distance
        # it's 1+ lowest neighbor value (unless a dead end)
        if shortestDistance != DEAD_END:
            shortestDistance += 1
        self.distance = shortestDistance
    def incomingMessage(self, message):
            startTime = time.clock()
            # get the XML - we assume we always get a valid message from the server.
            xml = ET.XML(message)

            name = xml.tag
            if name == "setup":
                print("Received setup message")
                # TODO: logging
                players = api.units.playersFromXml(xml.find("players"))
                companies = api.map.companiesFromXml(xml.find("companies"))
                passengers = api.units.passengersFromXml(xml.find("passengers"), companies)
                map = api.map.Map(xml.find("map"), companies)
                self.guid = xml.attrib["my-guid"]
                me2 = [p for p in players if p.guid == self.guid][0]

                self._brain.setup(map, me2, players, companies, passengers, self.client)

            elif name == "status":
                # may be here because re-started and got this message before
                # the re-send of setup
                if self.guid is None or len(self.guid) == 0:

                status = xml.attrib["status"]
                attr = xml.attrib["player-guid"]
                guid = attr if attr is not None else self.guid

                brain = self._brain

                if self.lock.acquire(False):
                        api.units.updatePlayersFromXml(brain.players, brain.passengers, xml.find("players"))
                        api.units.updatePassengersFromXml(brain.passengers, brain.companies, xml.find("passengers"))
                        # update my path & pick-up
                        playerStatus = [p for p in brain.players if p.guid == guid][0]
                        elem = xml.find("path")
                        # bugprint('framework.py: path element ->', ET.tostring(elem))
                        if elem is not None and elem.text is not None:
                            path = [item.strip() for item in elem.text.split(";") if len(item.strip()) > 0]
                            del playerStatus.limo.path[:]
                            for stepOn in path:
                                pos = stepOn.index(",")
                                playerStatus.limo.path.append((int(stepOn[:pos]), int(stepOn[pos + 1 :])))

                        elem = xml.find("pick-up")
                        # bugprint('framework.py: pick-up element ->', ET.tostring(elem))
                        if elem is not None and elem.text is not None:
                            names = [item.strip() for item in elem.text.split(";") if len(item) > 0]
                            playerStatus.pickup = [p for p in brain.passengers if p.name in names]

                        # pass in to generate new orders
                        brain.gameStatus(status, playerStatus, brain.players, brain.passengers)
                    # except Exception as e:
                    #    raise e
                    # failed to acquire the lock - we're throwing this message away.
            elif name == "exit":
                print("Received exit message")
                # TODO: logging
                printrap("ERROR: bad message (XML) from server - root node %r" % name)

            turnTime = time.clock() - startTime
            prefix = "" if turnTime < 0.8 else "WARNING - "
            prefix = "!DANGER! - " if turnTime >= 1.2 else prefix
            print(prefix + "turn took %r seconds" % turnTime)
            # TODO: logging
        except Exception as e:
            printrap("Error on incoming message.  Exception: %r" % e)
 def statusMessage(self, message):
예제 #12
    def incomingMessage(self, message):
            startTime = time.clock()
            # get the XML - we assume we always get a valid message from the server.
            xml = ET.XML(message)

            name = xml.tag
            if name == 'setup':
                players = None
                companies = None
                passengers = None
                stores = None
                powerups = None
                map = None
                print ("Received setup message")
                players = api.units.playersFromXml(xml.find("players"))
                companies = api.map.companiesFromXml(xml.find("companies"))
                passengers = api.units.passengersFromXml(xml.find("passengers"), companies)
                stores = api.map.coffeeFromXml(xml.find("stores"))
                powerups = api.units.powerUpFromXml(xml.find("powerups"), companies, passengers)
                map = api.map.Map(xml.find("map"), companies)
                self.guid = xml.attrib["my-guid"]
                me2 = [p for p in players if p.guid == self.guid][0]

                self.brain.setup(map, me2, players, companies, passengers, self.client, stores, powerups, framework)

            elif name == 'status':
                # may be here because re-started and got this message before
                # the re-send of setup
                if self.guid is None or len(self.guid) == 0:

                status = xml.attrib["status"]
                attr = xml.attrib["player-guid"]
                guid = attr if attr is not None else self.guid

                brain = self.brain

                if self.lock.acquire(False):
                        # update my path & pick-up
                        playerStatus = [p for p in brain.players
                                        if p.guid == guid][0]
                        elem = xml.find("path")
                        #bugprint('framework.py: path element ->', ET.tostring(elem))
                        if elem is not None and elem.text is not None:
                            path = [item.strip() for item in elem.text.split(';')
                                    if len(item.strip()) > 0]
                            del playerStatus.limo.path[:]
                            for stepOn in path:
                                pos = stepOn.index(',')
                                                               int(stepOn[pos + 1:])))

                        elem = xml.find("pick-up")
                        #bugprint('framework.py: pick-up element ->', ET.tostring(elem))
                        if elem is not None and elem.text is not None:
                            names = [item.strip() for item in elem.text.split(';')
                                     if len(item) > 0]
                            playerStatus.pickup = [p for p in brain.passengers if p.name in names]

                        # pass in to generate new orders
                        brain.gameStatus(status, playerStatus)
                    #except Exception as e:
                    #    raise e
                # failed to acquire the lock - we're throwing this message away.
            elif name == "powerup-status":
                brain = self.brain
                if self.guid is None:
                if self.lock.acquire(False):
                        puStatus = xml.attrib["status"]
                        puGuid = xml.attrib["played-by"] if xml.attrib["played-by"] is not None else self.guid

                        plyrPowerUp = next(g for g in brain.players if g.guid == puGuid)
                        cardPlayed = api.units.powerUpGenerateFlyweight(xml.find("card"), brain.companies,
                                                                        brain.passengers, brain.players)

                        # do we update the card deck?
                        if (cardPlayed == cardLastPlayed or (
                                datetime.datetime.now() > cardLastSendTime + datetime.timedelta(seconds=1))):
                            updateCards(brain, xml.find("cards-deck").findall("card"), brain.powerUpDeck,
                            updateCards(brain, xml.find("cards-hand").findall("card"), brain.powerUpHand, None)

                        brain.powerUpStatus(puStatus, plyrPowerUp, cardPlayed)
                # failed to acquire the lock - we're throwing this message away.

            elif name == 'exit':
                print("Received exit message")
                printrap("ERROR: bad message (XML) from server - root node %r" % name)

            turnTime = time.clock() - startTime
            prefix = '' if turnTime < 0.8 else "WARNING - "
            prefix = "!DANGER! - " if turnTime >= 1.2 else prefix
            # print(prefix + "turn took %r seconds" % turnTime) Enable this to see turn speed
        except Exception as e:
            printrap("Error on incoming message.  Exception: %r" % e)
예제 #13
def calculatePath(gmap, start, end):
    """Calculate and return a path from start to end.

    This implementation is intentionally stupid and is NOT guaranteed in any
    way. Specifically, although it may, it is not guaranteed to:
        ->Return the shortest possible path
        ->Return a legal path
        ->Return in a reasonable amount of time
        ->Be free of bugs

    Use unmodified at your own risk.

    map -- The game map.
    start -- The tile units of the start point (inclusive).
    end -- The tile units of the end point (inclusive).

    # should never happen but just to be sure
    if start == end:
        return [start]

    # nodes are points we have walked to
    nodes = {}
    # points we have in a trailPoint, but not yet evaluated
    notEvaluated = []

    tpOn = TrailPoint(start, end, 0)
    while True:
        nodes[tpOn.mapTile] = tpOn

        # get the neighbors
        tpClosest = None
        for ptOffset in OFFSETS:
            pointNeighbor = (tpOn.mapTile[0] + ptOffset[0], tpOn.mapTile[1] + ptOffset[1])
            square = gmap.squareOrDefault(pointNeighbor)
            # off the map or not a road/bus stop
            if square is None or (not square.isDriveable()):
            # already evaluated - add it in
            if pointNeighbor in nodes:
                tpAlreadyEvaluated = nodes[pointNeighbor]
                tpAlreadyEvaluated.cost = min(tpAlreadyEvaluated.cost, tpOn.cost+1)

            # add this one in
            tpNeighbor = TrailPoint(pointNeighbor, end, tpOn.cost+1)
            # may already be in notEvaluated. If so remove it as this is a more
            # recent cost estimate.
            if tpNeighbor in notEvaluated:

            # we only assign to tpClosest if it is closer to the destination.
            # If it's further away, then we use notEvaluated below to find the
            # one closest to the dest that we ahve not walked yet.
            if tpClosest is None:
                if tpNeighbor.distance < tpOn.distance:
                    # new neighbor is closer - work from this next
                    tpClosest = tpNeighbor
                    # this is further away - put in the list to try if a
                    # better route is not found
                if tpClosest.distance <= tpNeighbor.distance:
                    # this is further away - put in the list to try if a
                    # better route is not found
                    # this is closer than tpOn and another neighbor - use it next.
                    tpClosest = tpNeighbor
        # re-calc based on neighbors
        tpOn.recalculateDistance(POINT_OFF_MAP, gmap.width)

        # if no closest, then get from notEvaluated. This is where it
        # guarantees that we are getting the shortest route - we go in here
        # if the above did not move a step closer. This may not either as
        # the best choice may be the neighbor we didn't go with above - but
        # we drop into this to find the closest based on what we know.
        if tpClosest is None:
            if len(notEvaluated) == 0:
            # we need the closest one as that's how we find the shortest path
            tpClosest = notEvaluated[0]
            for tpNotEval in notEvaluated:
                if tpNotEval.distance < tpClosest.distance:
                    tpClosest = tpNotEval

        # if we're at the end - we're done!
        if tpClosest.mapTile == end:
            nodes[tpClosest.mapTile] = tpClosest

        # try this one next
        tpOn = tpClosest

    # create the return path - from end back to beginning
    tpOn = nodes[end]
    path = [tpOn.mapTile]
    while tpOn.mapTile != start:
        neighbors = tpOn.neighbors
        cost = tpOn.cost

        tpOn = min(neighbors, key=lambda n: n.cost)

        # we didn't get to the start.
        if tpOn.cost >= cost:
            return path
            path.insert(0, tpOn.mapTile)

    return path
예제 #14
    def incomingMessage(self, message):
            startTime = time.clock()
            # get the XML - we assume we always get a valid message from the server.
            xml = ET.XML(message)

            name = xml.tag
            if name == 'setup':
                print("Received setup message")
                #TODO: logging
                players = api.units.playersFromXml(xml.find("players"))
                companies = api.map.companiesFromXml(xml.find("companies"))
                passengers = api.units.passengersFromXml(
                    xml.find("passengers"), companies)
                map = api.map.Map(xml.find("map"), companies)
                self.guid = xml.attrib["my-guid"]
                me2 = [p for p in players if p.guid == self.guid][0]

                self._brain.setup(map, me2, players, companies, passengers,

            elif name == 'status':
                # may be here because re-started and got this message before
                # the re-send of setup
                if self.guid is None or len(self.guid) == 0:

                status = xml.attrib["status"]
                attr = xml.attrib["player-guid"]
                guid = attr if attr is not None else self.guid

                brain = self._brain

                if self.lock.acquire(False):
                            brain.passengers, brain.companies,
                        # update my path & pick-up
                        playerStatus = [
                            p for p in brain.players if p.guid == guid
                        elem = xml.find("path")
                        #bugprint('framework.py: path element ->', ET.tostring(elem))
                        if elem is not None and elem.text is not None:
                            path = [
                                item.strip() for item in elem.text.split(';')
                                if len(item.strip()) > 0
                            del playerStatus.limo.path[:]
                            for stepOn in path:
                                pos = stepOn.index(',')
                                    (int(stepOn[:pos]), int(stepOn[pos + 1:])))

                        elem = xml.find("pick-up")
                        #bugprint('framework.py: pick-up element ->', ET.tostring(elem))
                        if elem is not None and elem.text is not None:
                            names = [
                                item.strip() for item in elem.text.split(';')
                                if len(item) > 0
                            playerStatus.pickup = [
                                p for p in brain.passengers if p.name in names

                        # pass in to generate new orders
                        brain.gameStatus(status, playerStatus, brain.players,
                    #except Exception as e:
                    #    raise e
                    # failed to acquire the lock - we're throwing this message away.
            elif name == 'exit':
                print("Received exit message")
                #TODO: logging
                    "ERROR: bad message (XML) from server - root node %r" %

            turnTime = time.clock() - startTime
            prefix = '' if turnTime < 0.8 else "WARNING - "
            prefix = "!DANGER! - " if turnTime >= 1.2 else prefix
            print(prefix + "turn took %r seconds" % turnTime)
            #TODO: logging
        except Exception as e:
            printrap("Error on incoming message.  Exception: %r" % e)
예제 #15
 def statusMessage(self, message):