예제 #1
def construct_center_polygon(n: int, k: int, quasiregular: bool) -> Polygon:
  # Initialize P as the center polygon in an n-k regular or quasiregular tiling.
  # Let ABC be a triangle in a regular (n,k0-tiling, where
  #    A is the center of an n-gon (also center of the disk),
  #    B is a vertex of the n-gon, and
  #    C is the midpoint of a side of the n-gon adjacent to B.
  angle_a = pi / n
  angle_b = pi / k
  angle_c = pi / 2
  # For a regular tiling, we need to compute the distance s from A to B.
  sin_a = sin(angle_a)
  sin_b = sin(angle_b)
  s = sin(angle_c - angle_b - angle_a) / sqrt(Decimal(1) - sin_b * sin_b - sin_a * sin_a)
  # But for a quasiregular tiling, we need the distance s from A to C.
  if quasiregular:
    s = (s * s + Decimal(1)) / (Decimal(2) * s * cos(angle_a))
    s = s - sqrt(s * s - Decimal(1))
  # Now determine the coordinates of the n vertices of the n-gon.
  # They're all at distance s from the center of the Poincare disk.
  poly = [Point(s, s) for _ in range(n)]
  for i, pt in enumerate(poly):
    pt.x *= cos(Decimal(3 + 2 * i) * angle_a)
    pt.y *= sin(Decimal(3 + 2 * i) * angle_a)
  return poly
예제 #2
파일: calc.py 프로젝트: ktt3ja/plymexp
def p_expression_function(t):
    'expression : FUNCTION LPAREN expression RPAREN'
    if t[1] == 'sqrt':
        t[0] = t[3].sqrt()
    elif t[1] == 'sin':
        t[0] = sin(t[3])
    elif t[1] == 'cos':
        t[0] = cos(t[3])
    elif t[1] == 'ln':
        t[0] = t[3].ln()
    elif t[1] == 'log':
        t[0] = t[3].log10()
    elif t[1][:4] == 'log_':
            b = Decimal(t[1][4:])
            t[0] = t[3].log10() / b.log10()
        except decimal.InvalidOperation:
            print "Cannot evaluate %s%s%s%s. " \
                  "Setting it to 0." % (t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4])
            t[0] = Decimal(0)
예제 #3
파일: calc.py 프로젝트: pombreda/plymexp
def p_expression_function(t):
    'expression : FUNCTION LPAREN expression RPAREN'
    if t[1] == 'sqrt':
        t[0] = t[3].sqrt()
    elif t[1] == 'sin':
        t[0] = sin(t[3])
    elif t[1] == 'cos':
        t[0] = cos(t[3])
    elif t[1] == 'ln':
        t[0] = t[3].ln()
    elif t[1] == 'log':
        t[0] = t[3].log10()
    elif t[1][:4] == 'log_':
            b = Decimal(t[1][4:])
            t[0] = t[3].log10() / b.log10()
        except decimal.InvalidOperation:
            print "Cannot evaluate %s%s%s%s. " \
                  "Setting it to 0." % (t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4])
            t[0] = Decimal(0)
예제 #4
    def _eval_power(b, e):
        b is Real but not equal to rationals, integers, 0.5, oo, -oo, nan
        e is symbolic object but not equal to 0, 1

        (-p) ** r -> exp(r * log(-p)) -> exp(r * (log(p) + I*Pi)) ->
                  -> p ** r * (sin(Pi*r) + cos(Pi*r) * I)
        if isinstance(e, Number):
            if isinstance(e, Integer):
                e = e.p
                return Real(decimal_math.pow(b.num, e))

            e2 = e._as_decimal()
            if b.is_negative and not e.is_integer:
                m = decimal_math.pow(-b.num, e2)
                a = decimal_math.pi() * e2
                s = m * decimal_math.sin(a)
                c = m * decimal_math.cos(a)
                return Real(s) + Real(c) * S.ImaginaryUnit
            return Real(decimal_math.pow(b.num, e2))
예제 #5
 def _eval_power(b, e):
     if e.is_odd: return S.NegativeOne
     if e.is_even: return S.One
     if isinstance(e, Number):
         if isinstance(e, Real):
             a = e.num * decimal_math.pi()
             s = decimal_math.sin(a)
             c = decimal_math.cos(a)
             return Real(s) + Real(c) * S.ImaginaryUnit
         if isinstance(e, NaN):
             return S.NaN
         if isinstance(e, (Infinity, NegativeInfinity)):
             return S.NaN
         if isinstance(e, Half):
             return S.ImaginaryUnit
         if isinstance(e, Rational):
             if e.q == 2:
                 return S.ImaginaryUnit ** Integer(e.p)
             q = int(e)
             if q:
                 q = Integer(q)
                 return b ** q * b ** (e - q)
예제 #6
 def y(self, t: Decimal) -> Decimal:
   return self._y + self._r * sin(t)
예제 #7
 def sin(self): return Real(decimal_math.sin(self._as_decimal()))
 def cos(self): return Real(decimal_math.cos(self._as_decimal()))