예제 #1
 def test_contains(self):
     """TODO: Modify this test after changing the input data"""
     tree = DecimalSearchTree()
     tree.insert('00', 1)
     assert tree.contains('00') is True
     assert tree.contains('0') is True
     assert tree.contains('01') is False
예제 #2
 def test_insert(self):
     """TODO: Modify this test after changing the input data"""
     tree = DecimalSearchTree()
     # Insert one item to the tree
     tree.insert('0', ("hello", 1))
     assert tree.size == 1
     assert tree.height() == 1
     child = tree.root.next[0]
     assert child is not None
     assert child.data == ("hello", 1)
     # Insert a grandchild
     tree.insert('01', ("hello", 1))
     assert child.next[1] is not None
     assert child.next[1].data == ("hello", 1)
     assert tree.height() == 2
예제 #3
 def test_inserting_lower_price(self):
     """TODO: Modify this test after changing the input data"""
     tree = DecimalSearchTree()
     # Insert one item to the tree
     tree.insert('00', ("hello", 1))
     tree.insert('00', ("hello", 0.3))
     child_node = tree.root.next[0]
     # Change the data since it is larger
     assert child_node.next[0].data == ("hello", 0.3)
     tree.insert('01', ("hello", 34))
     assert child_node.next[1].data == ("hello", 34)
     # Doesn't change the data since it is larger
     tree.insert('01', ("hello", 43))
     assert child_node.next[1].data == ("hello", 34)
예제 #4
    def test_search(self):
        tree = DecimalSearchTree()
        tree.insert('00', ('hello', 1))

        assert tree.search('00') == ('hello', 1)
        assert tree.search('001') is None
class CallRouting:
    def __init__(self, phone_number_files, carriers):
        self.carriers = self._format_carriers(carriers)  # A dictionary of {'carrier name', file path}

        self.phone_numbers_paths = []
        self.decimal_search_tree = DecimalSearchTree()
        for file in phone_number_files:
            self.phone_numbers_paths.append(os.path.join(THIS_FOLDER, file + '.txt'))  # A path string of to the phone number file

        self.dict_of_routes = {}  # dictionary of string : double  {carrier : [(route number, price)]}
        self.list_of_numbers = []  # list of strings  [phone numbers]

    def run(self):
        start_creating_dict = time.time()
        end = time.time()
        print("Runtime to create dictionary of carriers and routes, and phone number: " + str(end - start_creating_dict))

        start_creating_tree = time.time()
        end_tree = time.time()
        print('Runtime for creating tree: ' + str(end_tree - start_creating_tree))

        start_searching = time.time()
        end_searching = time.time()
        print("Runtime for searching phone number: " + str(end_searching - start_searching))

    def _get_phone_numbers(self):
        """Convert the given phone numbers file to a list of phone number [String]"""
        for path in self.phone_numbers_paths:
            with open(path) as f:
                self.list_of_numbers = f.read().splitlines()

    def _format_carriers(self, carriers):
        """Format the carrier dictionary value into a proper file path."""
        new_dict = {}
        # Create new dictionary with the proper file path
        for pair in carriers:
            new_dict[pair[0]] = os.path.join(THIS_FOLDER, pair[1] + '.txt')

        return new_dict

    def _get_routes_from_carriers(self):
        """Must be call after self._format_carriers is done."""
        for key in self.carriers.keys():
            with open(self.carriers[key]) as f:
                file = f.read().splitlines()
                for line in file:
                    route_number, price = line.split(',')
                    tup = (route_number, float(price))
                    if key in self.dict_of_routes:
                        self.dict_of_routes[key] = [tup]

    def popuplate_tree(self):
        """Convert the dictionary of routes prices into a tree"""
        for key in self.dict_of_routes.keys():
            list_of_route_prices = self.dict_of_routes[key]
            for item in list_of_route_prices:
                number = item[0][1:]
                data = (key, item[1])
                self.decimal_search_tree.insert(number, data)

    def check_prices(self):
        """Check the price of the phone numbers in the tree"""
        result_prices = []  # [(phone number, (carrier name, price))]
        for number in self.list_of_numbers:
            search_result = self.decimal_search_tree.get_price(number[1:])
            if search_result is None:  # signalling that there is no matching prefix for the current number
                result_prices.append((number, ('None', 0)))  # Appending this way to keep everything consistent
                result_prices.append((number, search_result))  # Found the longest matching prefix and got a price

        return result_prices