예제 #1
def iterateTransitions() :
    #2529 insterting into flop trans
    transitions = {}
    conn = db.Conn("localhost")
    street = 'river'
    len_street = 5
    #permutations v combinations is important for transitions because the 
    #way in which you go from 3 to 4 card board matters
    for i, board_prime in enumerate( permutations( range(52), len_street ) ):
        if i < 0 or i >= 60000000  : continue

        #if i < 60000000 or i >= 120000000: continue

        #if i < 120000000 or i >= 180000000: continue  #finished

        #if i < 180000000 or i >= 240000000: continue

        #if i < 240000000 : continue

        #print i
        if street == 'flop' :
            cboards = cboard_prime
        else :
            board = board_prime[:-1]
            cboard = collapseBoard(board)
            cboard_prime = collapseBoard(board_prime)
        cboards = "%s|%s" % (cboard, cboard_prime)

        #print board_prime
        #better but untested in this context
        cboard,cboardp = board2cboards( board_prime, globles.streetname2Int(street)  )
        cboards = canonicalizeCboards( cboard, cboardp )

        ##until tested
        #assert False

        if cboards not in transitions :
            transitions[cboards] = True

            q = "select count(*) from TRANSITIONS_%s where cboards = '%s'" % \
            count = conn.queryScalar(q, int)
            if count == 0 :
                print "missing: ", cboards
                computeBucketTransitions( conn, cboard, cboard_prime )
            else :
                print "skipping:", cboards

    print len(transitions)       
예제 #2
def setupEvidence( board, actions ) :
    street_cboards = {}
    for street in range(4) :
        if street == 0 :
            street_cboards[0] = "n/a"
        else :
            (cboard,cboardp) = deck.board2cboards( board, street )
            cboards = deck.canonicalizeCboards( cboard,cboardp )
            street_cboards[street] = cboards

    evidence = [street_cboards, actions]
    return evidence
예제 #3
            q = "select count(*) from TRANSITIONS_%s where cboards = '%s'" % \
            count = conn.queryScalar(q, int)
            if count == 0 :
                print "missing: ", cboards
                computeBucketTransitions( conn, cboard, cboard_prime )
            else :
                print "skipping:", cboards

    print len(transitions)       

if __name__ == '__main__' :
    board = ['9h','3h','6h','5c'] #'As', 'Ac', '3s', 'Jc', '4s']
    print canonicalizeCboards( *board2cboards( board, 2 ) )
    print makeMachine( board )
    #assert False
    #conn = db.Conn("localhost")
    assert False

    #getTransitionProbs_DB( conn, \
                           #['2h','2c','2d','2s'], 'turn', \
                           #['2h','2c','2d','2s','As'], 'river' )
                            ##['2h','4h','7d'], 'flop', \
                            ##['2h','4h','7d','Td'], 'turn' )

    #sampleTransitionProbs( "flop", 5, globles.BUCKET_PERCENTILES )