def test_deck_empty_after_filling(self):
     test_deck_path = os.path.join("..", "decks", "testdeckold.json")
     df = Deck("Some Dude", test_deck_path)
     while not df.is_empty():
 def test_remove_top_card_object(self):
     test_deck_path = os.path.join("..", "decks", "testdeckold.json")
     deck = Deck("Some Dude", test_deck_path)
     deck_size = len(deck.deck)
     card = deck.get_top_card_and_remove_card()
     self.assertEqual(deck_size, len(deck.deck) + 1)
예제 #3
class Player:
    def __init__(self, name, deck_file_path, number_of_rounds): = name
        self.deck = Deck(, deck_file_path)
        self.hand = Deck(
        self.play_pile = Deck(
        self.discard_pile = Deck(
        self.out_of_play_pile = Deck(
        self.can_go_out = False
        self.last_played_card_denomination = 0
        self.last_played_card_power = None
        self._number_of_rounds = number_of_rounds
        self.additional_action = None

        self.score = {}
        for i in range(0, self._number_of_rounds):
            self.score["round%s" % (i + 1)] = 0  # { "round1" : 0, "round2" : 0}

    # methods to get the state of a player

    def state_of_all_deterministic_actions(self, last_card_played, is_chain_broken=False):
        Creates a tree of tuples of the form (card_played, player) where a tuple represents the card played and the
        player object that would exist after that card is played.  We generate the entire tree of all deterministic
        actions and return it.
        root = GameStateNode(None, self)  # The tree begins with a root node with only the current player's state
        # The None represents that the player hasn't played a card yet.

        for each_card in self.hand.get_all_unique_cards():
            if each_card.is_playable(last_card_played, is_chain_broken):
                player_state = self.get_copy()
                card_played = each_card.get_copy()

                root.add_child(GameStateNode(card_played, player_state))

        # the root now has all the first level children and the player will state in "self.additional_action" some
        # additional follow-up action that could cause the player to play an additional card.  To deal with this,
        # we recursively go through each player state and populate this root with all possible follow-up actions.

        for each_child_node in root.children:
        return root

    def _populate_children_for_node(self, node):
        last_played_card = node.value[0].get_copy()
        last_player_state = node.value[1].get_copy()
        if last_player_state.additional_action == Power.Rescue:

            if not last_player_state.discard_pile.is_empty():

                for each_card in last_player_state.discard_pile.get_all_unique_cards():
                    if each_card.is_playable(last_played_card):
                        card_played = each_card.get_copy()
                        new_node = GameStateNode(card_played, last_player_state)

        if last_player_state.additional_action == Power.Go:
            if not last_player_state.hand.is_empty():
                for each_card in last_player_state.hand.get_all_unique_cards():
                    if each_card.is_playable(last_played_card):
                        card_played = each_card.get_copy()
                        new_node = GameStateNode(card_played, last_player_state)

    def get_state_minimum_cards_in_hand(self, last_card_played, expected_value_of_poison, is_chain_broken=False):
        Finds all the deterministic states the player can be in.  Looking only at
        nodes at the end of the tree (The nodes where the player has no more possible
        moves), returns the node where the player has the fewest cards in hand, the most
        expected bonus points, and, If a tie is determined, then then the state with the most
        cards in the discard pile is chosen.  If a tie remains, then the state with the
        largest sum of denominations in the play pile is performed. If a tie is still determined, then the node
        will be determined randomly from the final tie.
        tree = self.state_of_all_deterministic_actions(last_card_played, is_chain_broken)
        # get a list of all of the end nodes.

        list_of_all_final_outcomes = tree.get_all_end_nodes()

        best_state = list_of_all_final_outcomes[0]

        for each_state in list_of_all_final_outcomes:
            each_state_player_object = each_state.value[1]
            best_state_player_object = best_state.value[1]
            if len(each_state_player_object.hand.deck) < len(best_state_player_object.hand.deck):
                best_state = each_state
            elif len(each_state_player_object.hand.deck) == len(best_state_player_object.hand.deck):
                if each_state_player_object.additional_action == Power.Poison:
                    poison_value = expected_value_of_poison
                    poison_value = 0
                if (
                    each_state_player_object.get_players_score() + poison_value) > best_state_player_object.get_players_score():
                    best_state = each_state
                elif each_state_player_object.get_players_score() == best_state_player_object.get_players_score():
                    if len(each_state_player_object.discard_pile.deck) > len(
                        best_state = each_state
                    elif each_state_player_object.play_pile.get_denomination_sum() > best_state_player_object.play_pile.get_denomination_sum():
                        best_state = each_state
                    elif each_state_player_object.play_pile.get_denomination_sum == best_state_player_object.play_pile.get_denomination_sum():
                        if random.randrange(2) == 0:  # simulate a coin flip.
                            best_state = each_state

        if len(tree.children) > 0:
            top_play_card = best_state.value[1].play_pile.get_top_card_and_remove_card()
            best_state.value[1].last_played_card_denomination = top_play_card.denomination
            best_state.value[1].last_played_card_power = top_play_card.power
        return best_state

    # actions the player can take

    def action_draw_card(self):
        simply moves the top card of the deck to the hand.
        card_to_hand = self.deck.get_top_card_and_remove_card()

    def action_play_card(self, card):
        No checking is done to ensure the playing of the card is legal.

        Finds a copy of the passed in card in self.hand.  removes it from that deck.  adds that card to the top of
        the play pile.

        if the played card is a card that has an actionable power, then set self.additional_action to the power enum.
            card_to_play = self.hand.remove_card(card)
            print("Couldn't find card %s tribbles %s in hand.  Hand: %s" % (card.denomination,
        if card_to_play.is_actionable_power():
            self.additional_action = card_to_play.power
        elif card_to_play.power == Power.Poison:
            self.additional_action = Power.Poison
            self.additional_action = None

    def action_play_card_from_discard_pile(self, card):
        No checking is done to ensure the playing of the card is legal.

        Finds a copy of the passed in card in self.discard_pile.  removes it from that deck.  adds that card to the top of
        the play pile.

        if the played card is a card that has an actionable power, then set self.additional_action to the power enum.
        card_to_play = self.discard_pile.remove_card(card)
        if card_to_play.is_actionable_power():
            self.additional_action = card_to_play.power

    def action_get_poisoned(self):
        Discard the top card of the deck and return the denomination of the card.
        card_to_discard = self.deck.get_top_card_and_remove_card()
        denomination = card_to_discard.denomination
        return denomination

    def action_use_discard_power(self, card):
        The discard power, when executed, discards a card from hand.

        This discards a copy of the card in parameters from hand.  This also assumes the card passed in is actually
          in hand.  It does NOT check for this.  If this occurs, the behavior is undefined.

        This does NOT force a round end if the hand is now 0 length.
        card_removed = self.hand.remove_card(card)

    def action_rescue_card(self, card):
        The Rescue power, when executed, returns a card to the top of the deck.  If that card can be played, it may
        be played if the player so decides.

        This function simply finds a copy of the passed in card from the discard pile and places it on top of the
        deck.  It does NOT somehow then play that card if it is possible.  It also assumes this action is only
        executed when the card passed into this function is actually in the discard pile.  If it is not, then the
        behavior is undefined.

    def action_end_turn(self):
        Resets the player's addtional_action to None.  Does NOT draw a card.
        self.additional_action = None

    def action_end_round(self, round_number, is_out=False):
        discards player's hand. Shuffles play pile into draw deck.

        if is_out set to True, then counts the play pile and adds the score from the play pile to this player's
        score (must pass in proper round_number to accomplish this as well).
        if is_out:
            self.score["round%s" % round_number] = self.play_pile.get_denomination_sum()

        if not self.hand.is_empty():
            for _ in range(0, len(self.hand.deck)):
                get_card = self.hand.get_top_card_and_remove_card()

        if not self.play_pile.is_empty():
            for _ in range(0, len(self.play_pile.deck)):
                get_card = self.play_pile.get_top_card_and_remove_card()

    ####### helper methods

    def get_players_score(self):
        score_to_return = 0
        for round_number, score in self.score.items():
            score_to_return += score

        return score_to_return

    def get_copy(self):
        """returns a new instance of this Player class in the same state as itself."""
        player_properties = {}
        player_properties["name"] =
        player_properties["number_of_rounds"] = self._number_of_rounds
        player_properties["can_go_out"] = self.can_go_out
        player_properties["additional_action"] = self.additional_action
        player_properties["last_card_played_denomination"] = self.last_played_card_denomination
        player_properties["last_played_card_power"] = self.last_played_card_power
        player_properties["score"] = self.score

        player_to_return = Player(player_properties["name"], None, 0) = player_properties["name"]
        player_to_return.deck = self.deck.get_copy()
        player_to_return.hand = self.hand.get_copy()
        player_to_return.play_pile = self.play_pile.get_copy()
        player_to_return.discard_pile = self.discard_pile.get_copy()
        player_to_return.out_of_play_pile = self.out_of_play_pile.get_copy()
        player_to_return.can_go_out = player_properties["can_go_out"]
        player_to_return.additional_action = player_properties["additional_action"]
        player_to_return.last_played_card_denomination = player_properties["last_card_played_denomination"]
        player_to_return.last_played_card_power = player_properties["last_played_card_power"]
        for key, value in self.score.items():
            player_to_return.score[key] = value

        return player_to_return