예제 #1
    def testPlottingMethods(self):
        Test suite for the plotting methods inherited from Axes

        figure = figure_wrapper.FigureWrapper(1, 1)
        with self.subTest("plot"):
            figure = figure.plot("XY Series", self.table.where("Sym=`MSFT`"), "timestamp", "price")

        figure = figure_wrapper.FigureWrapper(1, 1)
        with self.subTest("catPlot"):
            figure = figure.catPlot("Category", self.table, "Sym", "price")

        figure = figure_wrapper.FigureWrapper(1, 1)
        with self.subTest("histPlot"):
            figure = figure.histPlot("Histogram", self.table.where("Sym=`MSFT`"), "price", 10)

        figure = figure_wrapper.FigureWrapper(1, 1)
        with self.subTest("catHistPlot"):
            figure = figure.catHistPlot("Category Histogram", self.table, "Sym")

        figure = figure_wrapper.FigureWrapper(1, 1)
        with self.subTest("piePlot"):
            figure = figure.piePlot("Pie", self.table.by(
                ComboAggregateFactory.AggCombo(ComboAggregateFactory.AggAvg("price")), "Sym"), "Sym", "price")

        figure = figure_wrapper.FigureWrapper(1, 1)
        with self.subTest("ohlcPlot"):
            # dumbest ohlc ever
            figure = figure.ohlcPlot("OHLC", self.table.where("Sym=`MSFT`"), "timestamp", "price", "price", "price", "price")

        figure = figure_wrapper.FigureWrapper(1, 1)
        with self.subTest("errorBarX"):
            figure = figure.errorBarX("Error X", self.table.where("Sym=`MSFT`"), "timestamp", "price", "timestamp", "timestamp")

        figure = figure_wrapper.FigureWrapper(1, 1)
        with self.subTest("errorBarY"):
            figure = figure.errorBarY("Error Y", self.table.where("Sym=`MSFT`"), "timestamp", "price", "price", "price")

        figure = figure_wrapper.FigureWrapper(1, 1)
        with self.subTest("errorBarXY"):
            figure = figure.errorBarXY("Error XY", self.table.where("Sym=`MSFT`"), "timestamp", "timestamp", "timestamp", "price", "price", "price")

        figure = figure_wrapper.FigureWrapper(1, 1)
        with self.subTest("catErrorBar"):
            figure = figure.catErrorBar("Cat Error Bar",
                                            ComboAggregateFactory.AggMax("maxPrice=price")), "Sym"),
                                        "Sym", "avgPrice", "minPrice", "maxPrice")
        del figure
예제 #2
    def testAxisMethods(self):
        Test suite for methods inherited from Axis - do these apply said methods to every axis? Seems silly.

        figure = figure_wrapper.FigureWrapper()
        # How do I get it to select an axes?

        with self.subTest(msg="axisColor(string)"):
            figure = figure.axisColor("#000000")
        with self.subTest(msg="axisColor(Paint)"):
            figure = figure.axisColor(Plot.colorRGB(0, 0, 255))
        with self.subTest(msg="axisFormatPattern()"):
            figure = figure.axisFormat(
                "###,###.00")  # decimal formatting pattern
        with self.subTest(msg="axisLabel(string)"):
            figure = figure.axisLabel("axis")  # decimal formatting pattern
        with self.subTest(msg="axisLabelFont(string, string, int)"):
            figure = figure.axisLabelFont("Arial", "P", 11)

        with self.subTest(msg="businessTime()"):
            figure = figure.businessTime()

        with self.subTest(msg="businessTime(calendar)"):
            figure = figure.businessTime(Calendars.calendar())

        with self.subTest(msg="min(double)"):
            figure = figure.min(1.0)
        with self.subTest(msg="max(double)"):
            figure = figure.max(10.0)
        with self.subTest(msg="range(double, double)"):
            figure = figure.range(1.0, 10.0)
        with self.subTest(msg="ticks(double)"):
            figure = figure.ticks(1.0)
        with self.subTest(msg="ticks(double[])"):
            figure = figure.ticks([1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0])
        with self.subTest(msg="tickFont(string, string, int)"):
            figure = figure.ticksFont("Arial", "I", 9)
        with self.subTest(msg="ticksVisible(boolean)"):
            figure = figure.ticksVisible(True)
        with self.subTest(msg="tickLabelAngle(double)"):
            figure = figure.tickLabelAngle(45.0)  # I'm guessing degrees?
        with self.subTest(msg="minorTicks(int)"):
            figure = figure.minorTicks(2)
        with self.subTest(msg="minorTicksVisible(boolean)"):
            figure = figure.minorTicksVisible(True)

        with self.subTest(msg="log()"):
            figure = figure.log()
        # TODO: where would I get an AxisTransform object?
        # with self.subTest(msg="transform(AxisTransform)"):
        #     figure = figure.transform(what)

        with self.subTest(msg="invert()"):
            figure = figure.invert()
        with self.subTest(msg="invert(boolean)"):
            figure = figure.invert(False)

        del figure
예제 #3
    def testChartMethods(self):
        Test suite for methods inherited from Chart

        figure = figure_wrapper.FigureWrapper(2, 2)
        with self.subTest(msg="chartTitle(string)"):
            figure = figure.chartTitle("Chart Title")
        with self.subTest(msg="chartTitleColor(string"):
            figure = figure.chartTitleColor("BLUE")
        with self.subTest(msg="chartTitleColor(Paint)"):
            figure = figure.chartTitleColor(Plot.colorRGB(0, 0, 255))
        with self.subTest(msg="chartTitleFont(string, string, int)"):
            figure = figure.chartTitleFont("Arial", "B", 20)
        with self.subTest(msg="span(int, int"):
            figure.span(2, 2)
        with self.subTest(msg="colSpan(int)"):
        with self.subTest(msg="rowSpan(int)"):

        axes = None
        # maybe the wrapping for these is dumb? Should be returning an axes reference?
        with self.subTest(msg="newAxes()"):
            axes = figure.newAxes()
        with self.subTest(msg="newAxes(string)"):
            axes = figure.newAxes("new_axis")
        with self.subTest(msg="newAxes(int)"):
            axes = figure.newAxes(2)
        with self.subTest(msg="newAxes(string, int)"):
            axes = figure.newAxes("new_axis", 2)
        with self.subTest(msg="axes(string)"):
        with self.subTest(msg="axes(int)"):
            axes.axes(0)  # I'm assuming that 0 will always work?
        del axes

        # TODO: what are the possibilities here? I'm guessing ["horizontal", "vertical"]? Documentation?
        with self.subTest(msg="plotOrientation(string)"):
            figure = figure.plotOrientation("vertical")

        # I have to put a series in here
        figure = figure.plot("Microsoft", self.table.where("Sym=`MSFT`"),
                             "timestamp", "price")
        with self.subTest(msg="legendVisible(boolean)"):
            figure = figure.legendVisible(True)
        with self.subTest(msg="legendFont(string, string, int)"):
            figure = figure.legendFont("Arial", "P", 8)
        with self.subTest(msg="legendColor(string)"):
            # I'm guessing that this is the background color?
            figure = figure.legendColor("#A0A0A0")
        with self.subTest(msg="legendColor(Paint)"):
            figure = figure.legendColor(Plot.colorRGB(200, 200, 200))
        with self.subTest(msg="chartRemoveSeries(*string)"):
        del figure
예제 #4
    def testBasicMethods(self):
        Test suite for some basic FigureWrapper methods
        figure1, figure2, figure3, figure4 = None, None, None, None
        with self.subTest(msg="FigureWrapper()"):
            figure1 = figure_wrapper.FigureWrapper()
        with self.subTest(msg="FigureWrapper(int, int)"):
            figure2 = figure_wrapper.FigureWrapper(1, 2)
        with self.subTest(msg="FigureWrapper.show()"):
            figure4 = figure2.show()  # NB: figure3.figure_ is a FigureWidget versus Figure...
        with self.subTest(msg="FigureWrapper.getWidget()"):
            # NB: method name should have been switched to getWidget() from getwidget()

        # TODO: I'm fairly sure that this is not working as I would hope...I can't call figure3.show()
        with self.subTest(msg="FigureWrapper(figure=figure)"):
            figure3 = figure_wrapper.FigureWrapper(figure=figure2)

        # tidy up by destroying these objects - probably only necessary after show, but JIC
        del figure1, figure2, figure3, figure4
예제 #5
    def testBaseFigure(self):
        Test suite for methods inherited from BaseFigure

        figure = figure_wrapper.FigureWrapper(2, 2)
        with self.subTest(msg="figureTitle(string)"):
            figure = figure.figureTitle("Super Title")
        with self.subTest(msg="figureTitleFont(string, string, int)"):
            figure = figure.figureTitleFont("Arial", "B", 24)
        with self.subTest(msg="figureTitleColor(string)"):
            figure = figure.figureTitleColor(
                "#FF0000")  # named color or RGB hex-string
        with self.subTest(msg="figureTitleColor(Paint)"):
            figure = figure.figureTitleColor(Plot.colorRGB(
                0.0, 1.0,
                0.0))  # create an RGB color using plot convenience function
        with self.subTest(msg="updateInterval(long)"):
            figure = figure.updateInterval(1000)  # in milliseconds

        # Maybe the wrapping for these is dumb?
        chart1, chart2, chart3 = None, None, None
        with self.subTest(msg="newChart()"):
            chart1 = figure.newChart()
        with self.subTest(msg="newChart(int)"):
            chart2 = figure.newChart(0)
        with self.subTest(msg="newChart(int, int)"):
            chart3 = figure.newChart(0, 1)

        with self.subTest(msg="chart(int)"):
            chart1 = chart2.chart(0)
        with self.subTest(msg="chart(int, int)"):
            chart1 = chart3.chart(0, 1)

        with self.subTest(msg="removeChart(int, int)"):
            chart1 = chart3.removeChart(0, 1)
        with self.subTest(msg="removeChart(int)"):
            chart1 = chart2.removeChart(0)
        del chart1, chart2, chart3

        # I have to put a series in here
        figure = figure.plot("Microsoft", self.table.where("Sym=`MSFT`"),
                             "timestamp", "price")

        with self.subTest(msg="figureRemoveSeries(*string)"):
            figure = figure.figureRemoveSeries("Microsoft")
        del figure
예제 #6
    def testAxesMethods(self):
        Test suite for methods for non-plotting methods inherited from Axes

        # TODO: x/yTransform(AxisTransform)?, x/yBusinessTime(BusinessCalendar)?

        figure = figure_wrapper.FigureWrapper()  # is there an axes at this point?

        axis = None
        # maybe the wrapping for these is dumb?
        with self.subTest(msg="axis fetchers"):
            axis = figure.axis(0)
            axis = figure.xAxis()
            axis = figure.yAxis()
        del axis

        axes = None
        # maybe the wrapping for these is dumb?
        with self.subTest(msg="twin axis methods"):
            axes = figure.twin()
            axes = figure.twin("new")
            axes = figure.twin(0)
            axes = figure.twin("new", 0)
            axes = figure.twinX()
            axes = figure.twinX("new")
            axes = figure.twinY()
            axes = figure.twinY("new")
        del axes

        with self.subTest(msg="axis formatter methods"):
            figure = figure.xFormatPattern("###,###.00").yFormatPattern("###,###.00")
        with self.subTest(msg="axis color methods"):
            figure = figure.xColor("#202020").yColor("#202020")
            figure.xColor(Plot.colorRGB(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)).yColor(Plot.colorRGB(1.0, 0.0, 0.0))
        with self.subTest(msg="axis labelling methods"):
            figure = figure.xLabel("x axis").yLabel("y axis")
        with self.subTest(msg="axis label font methods"):
            figure = figure.xLabelFont("Arial", "P", 11).yLabelFont("Arial", "P", 11)
        with self.subTest(msg="axis tick font methods"):
            figure = figure.xTicksFont("Arial", "I", 9).yTicksFont("Arial", "I", 9)
        with self.subTest(msg="axis range methods"):
            figure = figure.xRange(1.0, 10.0).yRange(1.0, 10.0)
        with self.subTest(msg="axis ticks methods"):
            figure = figure.xTicks(1.0).yTicks(1.0)
            figure.xTicks([1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0]).yTicks([1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0])
        with self.subTest(msg="tick visibility methods"):
            figure = figure.xTicksVisible(True).yTicksVisible(True)
            figure = figure.xMinorTicksVisible(True).yMinorTicksVisible(True)
        with self.subTest(msg="minor ticks"):
            figure = figure.xMinorTicks(2).yMinorTicks(2)
        with self.subTest(msg="tick label angles"):
            figure = figure.xTickLabelAngle(45.0).yTickLabelAngle(45.0)

        with self.subTest(msg="axis business time methods"):

        with self.subTest(msg="axis log methods"):
        with self.subTest(msg="axis inversion methods"):
            figure = figure.xInvert().yInvert()
            figure = figure.xInvert(True).yInvert(True)

        # I have to put a series in here
        figure = figure.plot("Microsoft", self.table.where("Sym=`MSFT`"), "timestamp", "price")
        with self.subTest(msg="plotStyle"):
            figure = figure.plotStyle("Area")  # does this just apply the style to all applicable series? Or?

        # maybe the wrapping for these is dumb?
        series = None
        with self.subTest(msg="series(int)"):
            series = figure.series(0)  # I'm guessing that the int id starts at 0?
        with self.subTest(msg="series(string"):
            series = figure.series("Microsoft")
        del series

        with self.subTest(msg="axesRemoveSeries(*string)"):
            figure = figure.axesRemoveSeries("Microsoft")

        del figure