def ma_dataset(): TEST_DATA_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "data") cfg = read_plainconfig(os.path.join(TEST_DATA_DIR, "pose_cfg.yaml")) cfg["project_path"] = TEST_DATA_DIR cfg["dataset"] = "trimouse_train_data.pickle" return PoseDatasetFactory.create(cfg)
def display_dataset(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) cfg = load_config() dataset = PoseDatasetFactory.create(cfg) dataset.set_shuffle(False) while True: batch = dataset.next_batch() for frame_id in range(1): img = batch[Batch.inputs][frame_id, :, :, :] img = np.squeeze(img).astype("uint8") scmap = batch[Batch.part_score_targets][frame_id, :, :, :] scmap = np.squeeze(scmap) # scmask = batch[Batch.part_score_weights] # if scmask.size > 1: # scmask = np.squeeze(scmask).astype('uint8') # else: # scmask = np.zeros(img.shape) subplot_height = 4 subplot_width = 5 num_plots = subplot_width * subplot_height f, axarr = plt.subplots(subplot_height, subplot_width) for j in range(num_plots): plot_j = j // subplot_width plot_i = j % subplot_width curr_plot = axarr[plot_j, plot_i] curr_plot.axis("off") if j >= cfg["num_joints"]: continue scmap_part = scmap[:, :, j] scmap_part = imresize(scmap_part, 8.0, interp="nearest") scmap_part = np.lib.pad(scmap_part, ((4, 0), (4, 0)), "minimum") curr_plot.set_title("{}".format(j + 1)) curr_plot.imshow(img) curr_plot.hold(True) curr_plot.imshow(scmap_part, alpha=0.5) # figure(0) # plt.imshow(np.sum(scmap, axis=2)) # plt.figure(100) # plt.imshow(img) # plt.figure(2) # plt.imshow(scmask) plt.waitforbuttonpress()
def train( config_yaml, displayiters, saveiters, maxiters, max_to_keep=5, keepdeconvweights=True, allow_growth=False, ): start_path = os.getcwd() os.chdir( str(Path(config_yaml).parents[0]) ) # switch to folder of config_yaml (for logging) setup_logging() cfg = load_config(config_yaml) if cfg["optimizer"] != "adam": print( "Setting batchsize to 1! Larger batchsize not supported for this loader:", cfg["dataset_type"], ) cfg["batch_size"] = 1 if ( cfg["partaffinityfield_predict"] and "multi-animal" in cfg["dataset_type"] ): # the PAF code currently just hijacks the pairwise net stuff (for the batch feeding via Batch.pairwise_targets: 5) print("Activating limb prediction...") cfg["pairwise_predict"] = True dataset = PoseDatasetFactory.create(cfg) batch_spec = get_batch_spec(cfg) batch, enqueue_op, placeholders = setup_preloading(batch_spec) losses = PoseNetFactory.create(cfg).train(batch) total_loss = losses["total_loss"] for k, t in losses.items(): tf.compat.v1.summary.scalar(k, t) merged_summaries = tf.compat.v1.summary.merge_all() net_type = cfg["net_type"] stem = Path(cfg["init_weights"]).stem if "snapshot" in stem and keepdeconvweights: print("Loading already trained DLC with backbone:", net_type) variables_to_restore = slim.get_variables_to_restore() start_iter = int(stem.split("-")[1]) else: print("Loading ImageNet-pretrained", net_type) # loading backbone from ResNet, MobileNet etc. if "resnet" in net_type: variables_to_restore = slim.get_variables_to_restore(include=["resnet_v1"]) elif "mobilenet" in net_type: variables_to_restore = slim.get_variables_to_restore( include=["MobilenetV2"] ) elif "efficientnet" in net_type: variables_to_restore = slim.get_variables_to_restore( include=["efficientnet"] ) variables_to_restore = {"efficientnet/", "") + "/ExponentialMovingAverage": var for var in variables_to_restore } else: print("Wait for DLC 2.3.") start_iter = 0 restorer = tf.compat.v1.train.Saver(variables_to_restore) saver = tf.compat.v1.train.Saver( max_to_keep=max_to_keep ) # selects how many snapshots are stored, see if allow_growth: config = tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True sess = tf.compat.v1.Session(config=config) else: sess = tf.compat.v1.Session() coord, thread = start_preloading(sess, enqueue_op, dataset, placeholders) train_writer = tf.compat.v1.summary.FileWriter(cfg["log_dir"], sess.graph) learning_rate, train_op, tstep = get_optimizer(total_loss, cfg) restorer.restore(sess, cfg["init_weights"]) if maxiters is None: max_iter = int(cfg["multi_step"][-1][1]) else: max_iter = min(int(cfg["multi_step"][-1][1]), int(maxiters)) # display_iters = max(1,int(displayiters)) print("Max_iters overwritten as", max_iter) if displayiters is None: display_iters = max(1, int(cfg["display_iters"])) else: display_iters = max(1, int(displayiters)) print("Display_iters overwritten as", display_iters) if saveiters is None: save_iters = max(1, int(cfg["save_iters"])) else: save_iters = max(1, int(saveiters)) print("Save_iters overwritten as", save_iters) cumloss, partloss, locrefloss, pwloss = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 lr_gen = LearningRate(cfg) stats_path = Path(config_yaml).with_name("learning_stats.csv") lrf = open(str(stats_path), "w") print("Training parameters:") print(cfg) print("Starting multi-animal training....") max_iter += start_iter # max_iter is relative to start_iter for it in range(start_iter, max_iter + 1): if "efficientnet" in net_type: lr_dict = {tstep: it - start_iter} current_lr =, feed_dict=lr_dict) else: current_lr = lr_gen.get_lr(it - start_iter) lr_dict = {learning_rate: current_lr} # [_, loss_val, summary] =[train_op, total_loss, merged_summaries],feed_dict={learning_rate: current_lr}) [_, alllosses, loss_val, summary] = [train_op, losses, total_loss, merged_summaries], feed_dict=lr_dict ) partloss += alllosses["part_loss"] # scoremap loss if cfg["location_refinement"]: locrefloss += alllosses["locref_loss"] if cfg["pairwise_predict"]: # paf loss pwloss += alllosses["pairwise_loss"] cumloss += loss_val train_writer.add_summary(summary, it) if it % display_iters == 0 and it > start_iter: "iteration: {} loss: {} scmap loss: {} locref loss: {} limb loss: {} lr: {}".format( it, "{0:.4f}".format(cumloss / display_iters), "{0:.4f}".format(partloss / display_iters), "{0:.4f}".format(locrefloss / display_iters), "{0:.4f}".format(pwloss / display_iters), current_lr, ) ) lrf.write( "iteration: {}, loss: {}, scmap loss: {}, locref loss: {}, limb loss: {}, lr: {}\n".format( it, "{0:.4f}".format(cumloss / display_iters), "{0:.4f}".format(partloss / display_iters), "{0:.4f}".format(locrefloss / display_iters), "{0:.4f}".format(pwloss / display_iters), current_lr, ) ) cumloss, partloss, locrefloss, pwloss = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 lrf.flush() # Save snapshot if (it % save_iters == 0 and it != start_iter) or it == max_iter: model_name = cfg["snapshot_prefix"], model_name, global_step=it) lrf.close() sess.close() coord.request_stop() coord.join([thread]) # return to original path. os.chdir(str(start_path))
def ma_dataset(): cfg = read_plainconfig(os.path.join(TEST_DATA_DIR, "pose_cfg.yaml")) cfg["project_path"] = TEST_DATA_DIR cfg["dataset"] = "trimouse_train_data.pickle" return PoseDatasetFactory.create(cfg)
def train( config_yaml, displayiters, saveiters, maxiters, max_to_keep=5, keepdeconvweights=True, allow_growth=True, ): start_path = os.getcwd() os.chdir(str(Path(config_yaml).parents[0]) ) # switch to folder of config_yaml (for logging) setup_logging() cfg = load_config(config_yaml) net_type = cfg["net_type"] if cfg["dataset_type"] in ("scalecrop", "tensorpack", "deterministic"): print( "Switching batchsize to 1, as tensorpack/scalecrop/deterministic loaders do not support batches >1. Use imgaug/default loader." ) cfg["batch_size"] = 1 # in case this was edited for analysis.- dataset = PoseDatasetFactory.create(cfg) batch_spec = get_batch_spec(cfg) batch, enqueue_op, placeholders = setup_preloading(batch_spec) losses = PoseNetFactory.create(cfg).train(batch) total_loss = losses["total_loss"] for k, t in losses.items(): tf.compat.v1.summary.scalar(k, t) merged_summaries = tf.compat.v1.summary.merge_all() stem = Path(cfg["init_weights"]).stem if "snapshot" in stem and keepdeconvweights: print("Loading already trained DLC with backbone:", net_type) variables_to_restore = slim.get_variables_to_restore() start_iter = int(stem.split("-")[1]) else: print("Loading ImageNet-pretrained", net_type) # loading backbone from ResNet, MobileNet etc. if "resnet" in net_type: variables_to_restore = slim.get_variables_to_restore( include=["resnet_v1"]) elif "mobilenet" in net_type: variables_to_restore = slim.get_variables_to_restore( include=["MobilenetV2"]) elif "efficientnet" in net_type: variables_to_restore = slim.get_variables_to_restore( include=["efficientnet"]) variables_to_restore = {"efficientnet/", "") + "/ExponentialMovingAverage": var for var in variables_to_restore } else: print("Wait for DLC 2.3.") start_iter = 0 restorer = tf.compat.v1.train.Saver(variables_to_restore) saver = tf.compat.v1.train.Saver( max_to_keep=max_to_keep ) # selects how many snapshots are stored, see if allow_growth: config = tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True sess = tf.compat.v1.Session(config=config) else: sess = tf.compat.v1.Session() coord, thread = start_preloading(sess, enqueue_op, dataset, placeholders) train_writer = tf.compat.v1.summary.FileWriter(cfg["log_dir"], sess.graph) if cfg.get("freezeencoder", False): if "efficientnet" in net_type: print("Freezing ONLY supported MobileNet/ResNet currently!!") learning_rate, train_op, tstep = get_optimizer(total_loss, cfg) print("Freezing encoder...") learning_rate, _, train_op = get_optimizer_with_freeze(total_loss, cfg) else: learning_rate, train_op, tstep = get_optimizer(total_loss, cfg) # Restore variables from disk. restorer.restore(sess, cfg["init_weights"]) if maxiters is None: max_iter = int(cfg["multi_step"][-1][1]) else: max_iter = min(int(cfg["multi_step"][-1][1]), int(maxiters)) # display_iters = max(1,int(displayiters)) print("Max_iters overwritten as", max_iter) if displayiters is None: display_iters = max(1, int(cfg["display_iters"])) else: display_iters = max(1, int(displayiters)) print("Display_iters overwritten as", display_iters) if saveiters is None: save_iters = max(1, int(cfg["save_iters"])) else: save_iters = max(1, int(saveiters)) print("Save_iters overwritten as", save_iters) cum_loss = 0.0 lr_gen = LearningRate(cfg) stats_path = Path(config_yaml).with_name("learning_stats.csv") lrf = open(str(stats_path), "w") print("Training parameter:") print(cfg) print("Starting training....") max_iter += start_iter # max_iter is relative to start_iter for it in range(start_iter, max_iter + 1): if "efficientnet" in net_type: lr_dict = {tstep: it - start_iter} current_lr =, feed_dict=lr_dict) else: current_lr = lr_gen.get_lr(it - start_iter) lr_dict = {learning_rate: current_lr} [_, loss_val, summary] =[train_op, total_loss, merged_summaries], feed_dict=lr_dict) cum_loss += loss_val train_writer.add_summary(summary, it) if it % display_iters == 0 and it > start_iter: average_loss = cum_loss / display_iters cum_loss = 0.0"iteration: {} loss: {} lr: {}".format( it, "{0:.4f}".format(average_loss), current_lr)) lrf.write("{}, {:.5f}, {}\n".format(it, average_loss, current_lr)) lrf.flush() # Save snapshot if (it % save_iters == 0 and it != start_iter) or it == max_iter: model_name = cfg["snapshot_prefix"], model_name, global_step=it) lrf.close() sess.close() coord.request_stop() coord.join([thread]) # return to original path. os.chdir(str(start_path))