def analyse(fraction_to_stim, size, file_to_save='rates.png', show=True, detailed_also=False, average_prev_runs=False, legend=False): print("Will plot average of previous runs: %s" % average_prev_runs) # transient time to discard the data (ms) Ttrans = defaultParams.Ttrans # simulation time before perturbation (ms) Tblank = defaultParams.Tblank # simulation time of perturbation (ms) Tstim = defaultParams.Tstim # time after perturbation Tpost = defaultParams.Tpost T = Ttrans + Tblank + Tstim + Tpost defaultParams.set_total_population_size(size) N = defaultParams.N NE = defaultParams.NE # num exc point neurons NE2 = 0 # num detailed cells if detailed_also: NE2 = 10 NE = NE - NE2 NI = defaultParams.NI # num inh neurons NI_pert = int(NI * fraction_to_stim) NI_nonpert = NI - NI_pert spd = pl.loadtxt('ISN-nest-EI-0.gdf') spt = spd[:, 0] spi = spd[:, 1] e_spt = [] e_spi = [] e2_spt = [] e2_spi = [] pi_spt = [] pi_spi = [] npi_spt = [] npi_spi = [] for k in range(len(spt)): t = spt[k] i = spi[k] if i < NE: e_spi.append(i) e_spt.append(t) elif i < NE + NE2: e2_spi.append(i) e2_spt.append(t) elif i < NE + NE2 + NI_pert: pi_spi.append(i) pi_spt.append(t) else: npi_spi.append(i) npi_spt.append(t) if not detailed_also: fig0, (ax1, ax2) = pl.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True) else: fig0, (ax1, ax1b, ax2) = pl.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True, gridspec_kw={'height_ratios': [3, 1, 4]}) fig0.set_size_inches(12, 8, forward=True) red = '#ff0000' lblue = '#99c2ff' lgrey = '#dddddd' green = '#00cc00' dgreen = '#008800' dblue = '#0047b3' dblue2 = '#444444' ax1.plot(pi_spt, pi_spi, '.', color=dblue, markersize=2) ax1.plot(npi_spt, npi_spi, '.', color=lblue, markersize=2) if NE2 > 0: ax1.plot(e2_spt, e2_spi, '.', color=green, markersize=7) ax1.plot(e_spt, e_spi, '.', color=red, markersize=2) if NE2 > 0: ax1b.plot(e2_spt, e2_spi, '.', color=green, markersize=5) ax1b.set_ylabel('Cell index') ax1.set_ylabel('Cell index') yl = ax1.get_ylim() ax1.set_ylim([yl[1], yl[0]]) if NE2 > 0: ylb = ax1b.get_ylim() #ax1b.set_ylim([ylb[1]-1,ylb[0]+1]) ax1b.set_yticks([NE, NE + NE2 - 1]) bw = 1 #0 hst = np.histogram2d(spt, spi, range=((0, T), (0, N - 1)), bins=(T / bw, N)) tt = hst[1][0:-1] + np.diff(hst[1])[0] / 2 rr = hst[0] / (bw / 1000) r_exc = rr[:, 0:NE] r_exc2 = rr[:, NE:NE + NE2] r_inh_pert = rr[:, NE + NE2:NE + NE2 + NI_pert] r_inh_nonpert = rr[:, N - NI_nonpert:] sm_len = 151.0 r_exc_m = mySmooth(np.nanmean(r_exc, 1), sm_len)[0:rr.shape[0]] r_exc2_m = mySmooth(np.nanmean(r_exc2, 1), sm_len)[0:rr.shape[0]] r_inh_pert_m = mySmooth(np.nanmean(r_inh_pert, 1), sm_len)[0:rr.shape[0]] r_inh_nonpert_m = mySmooth(np.nanmean(r_inh_nonpert, 1), sm_len)[0:rr.shape[0]] ks = open('kernelseed') kernelseed = int( print('kernelseed from last simulation: %i' % kernelseed) file_rates = 'pertinh.rate.%i.dat' % kernelseed pertinh = open(file_rates, 'w') print("Saving to file %s list of rates for this seed: %s" % (pertinh, r_inh_pert_m)) for r in r_inh_pert_m: pertinh.write('%s\n' % r) pertinh.close() if detailed_also: file_rates2 = 'exc2.rate.%i.dat' % kernelseed exc2 = open(file_rates2, 'w') print("Saving to file %s list of rates for this seed: %s" % (exc2, r_exc2_m)) for r in r_exc2_m: exc2.write('%s\n' % r) exc2.close() all_ri = [] all_re2 = [] if average_prev_runs: # Load all rates files in & average for f in os.listdir('.'): if f.startswith('pertinh.rate'): r = pl.loadtxt(f) all_ri.append(r) print("Loaded rates from %s: %s" % (f, r)) if f.startswith('exc2.rate'): r = pl.loadtxt(f) all_re2.append(r) print("Loaded rates from %s: %s" % (f, r)) #ax2.plot(tt, r, lgrey, lw=0.3) avg_ri = [] avg_re2 = [] if len(all_ri) > 0: for i_t in range(len(all_ri[0])): r = 0 for i_r in range(len(all_ri)): r += all_ri[i_r][i_t] r /= len(all_ri) avg_ri.append(r) if len(all_re2) > 0: for i_t in range(len(all_re2[0])): r = 0 for i_r in range(len(all_re2)): r += all_re2[i_r][i_t] r /= len(all_re2) avg_re2.append(r) if len(all_ri) > 0: ax2.plot(tt, avg_ri, dblue2, lw=4, linestyle=':') if NE2 > 0: ax2.plot(tt, avg_re2, dgreen, lw=4, linestyle=':') ax2.plot(tt, r_exc_m, red, lw=2) if NE2 > 0: ax2.plot(tt, r_exc2_m, green, lw=2) ax2.plot(tt, r_inh_pert_m, dblue, lw=2) ax2.plot(tt, r_inh_nonpert_m, lblue, lw=2) pl.ylabel('Firing rate (Hz)') pl.xlabel('Time (ms)') height = ax2.get_ylim()[1] if detailed_also: height = 12 pl.xlim([0, T]) pl.ylim([0, height]) ax2.add_patch( patches.Rectangle( (Ttrans + Tblank, 0), # (x,y) Tstim, # width height, # height facecolor='#f8f5dd')) t1 = (tt > Ttrans) * (tt < (Ttrans + Tblank)) t2 = (tt > (Ttrans + Tblank)) * (tt < (Ttrans + Tblank + Tstim)) if legend: j = 3 matplotlib.pyplot.text(100, j + 17, 'Exc.', color=red) i = 0 if detailed_also: matplotlib.pyplot.text(100, j + 15, 'Detailed Exc.', color=green) matplotlib.pyplot.text(100, j + 13, 'Detailed Exc. avg %s' % len(all_re2), color=dgreen) i = -4 matplotlib.pyplot.text(100, j + 15 + i, 'Inh. (non pert.)', color=lblue) matplotlib.pyplot.text(100, j + 13 + i, 'Inh. (pert.)', color=dblue) matplotlib.pyplot.text(100, j + 11 + i, 'Inh. (pert.) avg %s' % len(all_ri), color=dblue2) print('before vs after perturbation') print('exc: ', np.nanmean(r_exc[t1]), np.nanmean(r_exc[t2])) print('inh (pert): ', np.nanmean(r_inh_pert_m[t1]), np.nanmean(r_inh_pert_m[t2])) print('inh (non-pert): ', np.nanmean(r_inh_nonpert_m[t1]), np.nanmean(r_inh_nonpert_m[t2])) all_ax = [ax1, ax2] if detailed_also: all_ax.append(ax1b) for ax in all_ax: ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') fig0.savefig(file_to_save, dpi=150, bbox_inches='tight') if show:
"Voltage traces: Be=%s; Bi=%s; N=%s; p=%s" % (Be, Bi, N, nn_stim), xaxis="Time (s)", yaxis="Membrane potential (V)", colors=colors, grid=False, show_plot_already=False) if __name__ == '__main__': Be = 0.1 Bi = -0.2 if '-small' in sys.argv: defaultParams.set_total_population_size(100) Be = .1 Bi = -.1 nn_stim_rng = (np.array([0.1, .25, .5, .75, 1]) * defaultParams.NI).astype('int') nn_stim_rng = (np.array([.75]) * defaultParams.NI).astype('int') if '-small' in sys.argv: nn_stim_rng = (np.array([0.75]) * defaultParams.NI).astype('int') if '-nogui' in sys.argv: show_gui = False else: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt show_gui = True