def fetch_dependencies(dependency_names=None, platform=None, env=None, fetch=True, nuget=True, clean=True, source=False, logfile=None, list_details=False, local_overrides=True, verbose=False): ''' Fetch all the dependencies defined in projectdata/dependencies.json and in projectdata/packages.config. platform: Name of target platform. E.g. 'Windows-x86', 'Linux-x64', 'Mac-x64'... env: Extra variables referenced by the dependencies file. fetch: True to fetch the listed dependencies, False to skip. nuget: True to fetch nuget packages listed in packages.config, False to skip. clean: True to clean out directories before fetching, False to skip. source: True to fetch source for the listed dependencies, False to skip. logfile: File-like object for log messages. ''' if env is None: env = {} if platform is not None: env['platform'] = platform if 'platform' not in env: platform = env['platform'] = default_platform() if '-' in platform: env['system'], env['architecture'] = platform.split('-', 2) if platform is None: raise Exception('Platform not specified and unable to guess.') if clean and not list_details: clean_dirs = [] if fetch: clean_dirs += [ 'dependencies/AnyPlatform', 'dependencies/' + platform ] if nuget: clean_dirs += ['dependencies/nuget'] clean_directories(clean_dirs) overrides_filename = '../dependency_overrides.json' if local_overrides else None dependencies = read_json_dependencies_from_filename( 'projectdata/dependencies.json', overrides_filename, env=env, logfile=logfile) if list_details: for name, dependency in dependencies.items(): print "Dependency '{0}':".format(name) print " fetches from: {0!r}".format( dependency['archive-path']) print " unpacks to: {0!r}".format(dependency['dest']) print " local override: {0}".format( "YES (see '../dependency_overrides.json')" if dependency. has_overrides else 'no') if verbose: print " all keys:" for key, value in sorted(dependency.items()): print " {0} = {1!r}".format(key, value) print "" else: if fetch: dependencies.fetch(dependency_names) if nuget: if not os.path.exists('projectdata/packages.config'): print "Skipping NuGet invocation because projectdata/packages.config not found." else: nuget_exes = [ os.path.normpath(p) for p in glob( 'dependencies/AnyPlatform/NuGet.[0-9]*/NuGet.exe') ] if len(nuget_exes) == 0: raise Exception( "'NuGet.exe' not found, cannot fetch NuGet dependencies." ) nuget_exe = nuget_exes[0] if len(nuget_exes) > 1: print "Warning: multiple copies of 'NuGet.exe' found. Using:" print " " + nuget_exe cli([ nuget_exe, 'install', 'projectdata/packages.config', '-OutputDirectory', 'dependencies/nuget' ]) if source: dependencies.checkout(dependency_names) return dependencies
def fetch_dependencies(dependency_names=None, platform=None, env=None, fetch=True, nuget_packages=None, nuget_sln=None, nuget_config='nuget.config', clean=True, source=False, logfile=None, list_details=False, local_overrides=True, verbose=False): ''' Fetch all the dependencies defined in projectdata/dependencies.json and in projectdata/packages.config. platform: Name of target platform. E.g. 'Windows-x86', 'Linux-x64', 'Mac-x64'... env: Extra variables referenced by the dependencies file. fetch: True to fetch the listed dependencies, False to skip. nuget: True to fetch nuget packages listed in packages.config, False to skip. clean: True to clean out directories before fetching, False to skip. source: True to fetch source for the listed dependencies, False to skip. logfile: File-like object for log messages. ''' nuget = nuget_packages is not None or nuget_sln is not None if env is None: env = {} if platform is not None: env['platform'] = platform if 'platform' not in env: platform = env['platform'] = default_platform() if '-' in platform: env['system'], env['architecture'] = platform.split('-',2) if platform is None: raise Exception('Platform not specified and unable to guess.') if clean and not list_details: try: os.unlink('dependencies/loadedDeps.json') except: pass clean_dirs = ['dependencies'] clean_directories(clean_dirs) overrides_filename = '../dependency_overrides.json' if local_overrides else None dependencies = read_json_dependencies_from_filename('projectdata/dependencies.json', overrides_filename, env=env, logfile=logfile) if list_details: for name, dependency in dependencies.items(): print "Dependency '{0}':".format(name) print " fetches from: {0!r}".format(dependency['archive-path']) print " unpacks to: {0!r}".format(dependency['dest']) print " local override: {0}".format("YES (see '../dependency_overrides.json')" if dependency.has_overrides else 'no') if verbose: print " all keys:" for key, value in sorted(dependency.items()): print " {0} = {1!r}".format(key, value) print "" else: if fetch: if not dependencies.fetch(dependency_names): raise Exception("Failed to load requested dependencies") if source: dependencies.checkout(dependency_names) if nuget_packages: # follow the legacy behaviour if a valid nuget packages.config file has been specified if not os.path.exists(nuget_packages): print "Skipping NuGet invocation because projectdata/packages.config not found." else: print "Fetching dependencies based on {0}".format(nuget_packages) nuget_exes = [os.path.normpath(p) for p in glob('dependencies/AnyPlatform/NuGet.[0-9]*/NuGet.exe')] if len(nuget_exes) == 0: raise Exception("'NuGet.exe' not found, cannot fetch NuGet dependencies.") nuget_exe = nuget_exes[0] if len(nuget_exes) > 1: print "Warning: multiple copies of 'NuGet.exe' found. Using:" print " " + nuget_exe cli([nuget_exe, 'install', nuget_packages, '-OutputDirectory', 'dependencies/nuget']) elif nuget_sln: if not os.path.exists(nuget_sln): print "Skipping NuGet invocation because {0} not found.".format(nuget_sln) else: print "Fetching dependencies based on {0}".format(nuget_sln) # recursive lookup of the nuget.config file does not work on linux... So, # the location of the file needs to be specified explicitly args = ['../ohdevtools/nuget/nuget.exe', 'restore', nuget_sln] if nuget_config is not None and os.path.isfile(nuget_config): args += ['-ConfigFile', nuget_config] cli(args) # Finally perform cross-check of (major.minor) dependency versions to ensure that these are in sync # across this (current) repo and all its pulled-in dependencies. Done as totally seperate operation # to isolate from the main fetcher code to assist with any future maintenance if not clean: xcheck = deps_cross_checker.DepsCrossChecker( platform ) result = xcheck.execute() if result != 0: raise Exception( 'Failed: dependency cross-checker detected problem(s)' ) return dependencies
def fetch_dependencies(dependency_names=None, platform=None, env=None, fetch=True, clean=True, source=False, list_details=False, local_overrides=True, verbose=False): ''' Fetch all the dependencies defined in projectdata/dependencies.json and in projectdata/packages.config. platform: Name of target platform. E.g. 'Windows-x86', 'Linux-x64', 'Mac-x64'... env: Extra variables referenced by the dependencies file. fetch: True to fetch the listed dependencies, False to skip. clean: True to clean out directories before fetching, False to skip. source: True to fetch source for the listed dependencies, False to skip. ''' if env is None: env = {} if platform is not None: env['platform'] = None fName = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'platforms.txt') f = open(fName, 'rt') supported = f.readlines() f.close() for entry in supported: if platform in entry: env['platform'] = platform if not env['platform']: raise Exception( 'Platform not supported (%s) - see %s for list of supported platforms' % (platform, fName)) if 'platform' not in env: platform = env['platform'] = default_platform() if '-' in platform: env['system'], env['architecture'] = platform.split('-', 2) if platform is None: raise Exception('Platform not specified and unable to guess.') if clean and not list_details: try: os.unlink('dependencies/loadedDeps.json') except: pass clean_dirs('dependencies') overrides_filename = '../dependency_overrides.json' if local_overrides else None dependencies = read_json_dependencies_from_filename( 'projectdata/dependencies.json', overrides_filename, env=env) if list_details: for name, dependency in dependencies.items(): print("Dependency '{0}':".format(name)) print(" fetches from: {0!r}".format( dependency['archive-path'])) print(" unpacks to: {0!r}".format(dependency['dest'])) print(" local override: {0}".format( "YES (see '../dependency_overrides.json')" if dependency. has_overrides else 'no')) if verbose: print(" all keys:") for key, value in sorted(dependency.items()): print(" {0} = {1!r}".format(key, value)) print("") else: if fetch: if not dependencies.fetch(dependency_names): raise Exception("Failed to load requested dependencies") if source: dependencies.checkout(dependency_names) # Finally perform cross-check of (major.minor) dependency versions to ensure that these are in sync # across this (current) repo and all its pulled-in dependencies. Done as totally seperate operation # to isolate from the main fetcher code to assist with any future maintenance if not clean: xcheck = deps_cross_checker.DepsCrossChecker(platform) result = xcheck.execute() if result != 0: raise Exception( 'Failed: dependency cross-checker detected problem(s)') return dependencies
'archive-suffix': '', 'binary-repo': '', 'mirror-repo': '', 'archive-directory': '${binary-repo}/${name}/', 'archive-filename': '${archive-prefix}${name}-${version}-${archive-platform}${archive-suffix}${archive-extension}', 'remote-archive-path': '${archive-directory}${archive-filename}', 'use-local-archive': False, 'archive-path': '${use-local-archive?local-archive-path:remote-archive-path}', 'mirror-path': '${mirror-repo}/${name}/${archive-filename}', 'source-path': '${linn-git-user}', 'repo-name': '${name}', 'source-git': '${source-path}/${repo-name}.git', 'tag': '${repo-name}_${version}', 'any-platform': 'AnyPlatform', 'platform-specific': True, 'host-platform': default_platform(), 'archive-platform': '${platform-specific?platform:any-platform}', 'dest': 'dependencies/${archive-platform}/', 'configure-args': [], 'strip-archive-dirs': 0 }, # Internal dependencies are named and structured in a similar manner # to those of type 'openhome', but are considered private, and held # on # # Must define, at minimum: # name # version # # Commonly overridden:
'archive-suffix': '', 'binary-repo': '', 'archive-directory': '${binary-repo}/${name}/', 'archive-filename': '${archive-prefix}${name}-${version}-${archive-platform}${archive-suffix}${archive-extension}', 'remote-archive-path': '${archive-directory}${archive-filename}', 'use-local-archive': False, 'archive-path': '${use-local-archive?local-archive-path:remote-archive-path}', 'source-path': '${linn-git-user}', 'repo-name': '${name}', 'source-git': '${source-path}/${repo-name}.git', 'tag': '${repo-name}_${version}', 'any-platform': 'AnyPlatform', 'platform-specific': True, 'host-platform': default_platform(), 'archive-platform': '${platform-specific?platform:any-platform}', 'dest': 'dependencies/${archive-platform}/', 'configure-args': [] }, # Internal dependencies are named and structured in a similar manner # to those of type 'openhome', but are considered private, and held # in a non-public location # # Must define, at minimum: # name # version # # Commonly overridden: # archive-suffix