def drawGlyphBackground(self, painter, glyph, rect, selected=False): if == ".notdef": painter.fillRect(QRectF(*rect), self._notdefBackgroundColor) if selected: if self._glyphSelectionColor is not None: selectionColor = self._glyphSelectionColor else: palette = self.palette() active = palette.currentColorGroup() != QPalette.Inactive opacityMultiplier = platformSpecific.colorOpacityMultiplier() selectionColor = palette.color(QPalette.Highlight) selectionColor.setAlphaF(0.2 * opacityMultiplier if active else 0.9) xMin, yMin, width, height = rect if self._drawMetrics: pen = painter.pen() pen.setStyle(Qt.DotLine) pen.setColor(self._metricsColor) painter.setPen(pen) drawing.drawLine(painter, xMin, yMin, xMin, yMin + height) drawing.drawLine(painter, xMin + width, yMin, xMin + width, yMin + height) painter.fillRect(xMin, yMin, width, -26, selectionColor) painter.restore()
def drawGlyphBackground(self, painter, glyph, rect, selected=False): if == ".notdef": painter.fillRect(QRectF(*rect), self._notdefBackgroundColor) if selected: if self._glyphSelectionColor is not None: selectionColor = self._glyphSelectionColor else: palette = self.palette() active = palette.currentColorGroup() != QPalette.Inactive opacityMultiplier = platformSpecific.colorOpacityMultiplier() selectionColor = palette.color(QPalette.Highlight) selectionColor.setAlphaF( .2 * opacityMultiplier if active else .9) xMin, yMin, width, height = rect if self._drawMetrics: pen = painter.pen() pen.setStyle(Qt.DotLine) pen.setColor(self._metricsColor) painter.setPen(pen) drawing.drawLine(painter, xMin, yMin, xMin, yMin + height) drawing.drawLine( painter, xMin + width, yMin, xMin + width, yMin + height) painter.fillRect(xMin, yMin, width, -26, selectionColor) painter.restore()
def drawCellHorizontalMetrics(self, painter, rect): xMin, yMin, width, height = rect font = self.font scale = self.scale yOffset = self.yOffset lines = set((0,,,, painter.setPen(cellMetricsLineColor) for y in lines: if y is None: continue y = round((y * scale) + yMin + yOffset) drawing.drawLine(painter, xMin, y, xMin + width, y)
def drawCellHeaderBackground(self, painter, rect): xMin, yMin, width, height = rect # background baseColor = cellHeaderBaseColor sidebearingsColor = cellHeaderSidebearingsColor if self.glyph.dirty: baseColor = baseColor.darker(125) sidebearingsColor = sidebearingsColor.darker(110) painter.fillRect(xMin, yMin, width, height, baseColor) # sidebearings realPixel = 1 / self.pixelRatio painter.fillRect(QRectF(xMin, yMin, realPixel, height), sidebearingsColor) painter.fillRect( QRectF(xMin + width - 2 * realPixel, yMin, 2 * realPixel, height), sidebearingsColor) # bottom line y = yMin + height painter.setPen(cellHeaderLineColor) drawing.drawLine(painter, xMin, y, xMin + width, y)
def lineNumberAreaPaintEvent(self, event): painter = QPainter() painter.begin(self.lineNumbers) rect = event.rect() painter.fillRect(rect, self.palette().color(QPalette.Base)) d = rect.topRight() a = rect.bottomRight() painter.setPen(QColor(150, 150, 150)) # Alright. Since we just did setPen() w the default color constructor # it set the pen to a cosmetic width (of zero), i.e. drawing one pixel # regardless of screen density. # The thing is, we want to paint the last pixels at width boundary. # So if devicePixelRatio is e.g. 3 (3 device pixels per screen pixel), # then we need to translate by 3-1 pixels, but since 3 device pixels # is just one pixel is painter units, we'd have to divide by device # pixels after, so we would translate by 2/3 "software" pixels. pixelRatio = self.lineNumbers.devicePixelRatio() delta = (pixelRatio - 1) / pixelRatio drawing.drawLine(painter, d.x() + delta, d.y(), a.x() + delta, a.y()) painter.setFont(self.font()) block = self.firstVisibleBlock() blockNumber = block.blockNumber() top = int( self.blockBoundingGeometry(block).translated( self.contentOffset()).top()) bottom = top + int(self.blockBoundingRect(block).height()) while block.isValid() and top <= event.rect().bottom(): if block.isVisible() and bottom >= event.rect().top(): number = str(blockNumber + 1) painter.drawText(4, top, self.lineNumbers.width() - 8, self.fontMetrics().height(), Qt.AlignRight, number) block = top = bottom bottom = top + int(self.blockBoundingRect(block).height()) blockNumber += 1 painter.end()
def drawLineBackground(self, painter, rect): if self._drawMetrics: descender = self._descender ascender = self._upm + descender x, _, width, _ = rect pen = painter.pen() pen.setColor(self._metricsColor) painter.setPen(pen) drawing.drawLine(painter, x, ascender, width, ascender) drawing.drawLine(painter, x, 0, width, 0) drawing.drawLine(painter, x, descender, width, descender) painter.restore()
def paintEvent(self, event): painter = QPainter(self) visibleRect = event.rect() columnCount, rowCount = self._columnCount, self._rowCount cellWidth, cellHeight = self._cellWidth, self._cellHeight glyphCount = len(self._glyphs) if columnCount: paintHeight = math.ceil(glyphCount / columnCount) * cellHeight paintWidth = min(glyphCount, columnCount) * cellWidth else: paintHeight = paintWidth = 0 left = 0 top = cellHeight realPixel = 1 / self.devicePixelRatio() for index, glyph in enumerate(self._glyphs): t = top - cellHeight rect = (left, t, cellWidth, cellHeight) painter.fillRect(*(rect+(backgroundColor,))) if visibleRect.intersects(visibleRect.__class__(*rect)): pixmap = self._getCurrentRepresentation(glyph) painter.drawPixmap(left, t, pixmap) if index in self._selection: palette = self.palette() active = palette.currentColorGroup() != QPalette.Inactive opacityMultiplier = platformSpecific.colorOpacityMultiplier() selectionColor = palette.color(QPalette.Highlight) # TODO: alpha values somewhat arbitrary (here and in # glyphLineView) selectionColor.setAlphaF( .2 * opacityMultiplier if active else .6) pixelRatio = self.devicePixelRatio() painter.fillRect(QRectF( left + realPixel, t + realPixel, cellWidth - 3 * realPixel, cellHeight - 3 * realPixel), selectionColor) left += cellWidth if left + cellWidth > paintWidth: left = 0 top += cellHeight # h/v lines emptyCells = columnCount * rowCount - len(self._glyphs) rem = columnCount - emptyCells painter.setPen(cellGridColor) for i in range(1, self._rowCount+1): top = i * cellHeight - realPixel # don't paint on empty cells w = paintWidth - realPixel if i == self._rowCount: w -= cellWidth * emptyCells drawing.drawLine(painter, 0, top, w, top) for i in range(1, self._columnCount+1): left = i * cellWidth - realPixel # don't paint on empty cells h = paintHeight - realPixel if i > rem: h -= cellHeight drawing.drawLine(painter, left, 0, left, h) # drop insertion position dropIndex = self._currentDropIndex if dropIndex is not None: if columnCount: x = (dropIndex % columnCount) * cellWidth y = (dropIndex // columnCount) * cellHeight # special-case the end-column if dropIndex == glyphCount and \ glyphCount < self.width() // self._cellWidth or \ self.mapFromGlobal(QCursor.pos()).y() < y: x = columnCount * cellWidth y -= cellHeight else: x = y = 0 path = QPainterPath() path.addRect(x - 2, y, 3, cellHeight) path.addEllipse(x - 5, y - 5, 9, 9) path.addEllipse(x - 5, y + cellHeight - 5, 9, 9) path.setFillRule(Qt.WindingFill) pen = painter.pen() pen.setColor(Qt.white) pen.setWidth(2) painter.setPen(pen) painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) painter.drawPath(path) painter.fillPath(path, insertionPositionColor)