def on_game_start(self, config): """ Read in config and perform any initial setup here """ gamelib.debug_write('Configuring your custom algo strategy...') self.config = config global FILTER, ENCRYPTOR, DESTRUCTOR, PING, EMP, SCRAMBLER self.filter,self.encryptor,self.destructor,,self.emp,self.scrambler = [i for i in range(6)] FILTER = config["unitInformation"][0]["shorthand"] ENCRYPTOR = config["unitInformation"][1]["shorthand"] DESTRUCTOR = config["unitInformation"][2]["shorthand"] PING = config["unitInformation"][3]["shorthand"] EMP = config["unitInformation"][4]["shorthand"] SCRAMBLER = config["unitInformation"][5]["shorthand"] self.defences = Defences(config)
class AlgoStrategy(gamelib.AlgoCore): def __init__(self): super().__init__() random.seed() def on_game_start(self, config): """ Read in config and perform any initial setup here """ gamelib.debug_write('Configuring your custom algo strategy...') self.config = config global FILTER, ENCRYPTOR, DESTRUCTOR, PING, EMP, SCRAMBLER self.filter, self.encryptor, self.destructor,, self.emp, self.scrambler = [i for i in range(6)] FILTER = config["unitInformation"][0]["shorthand"] ENCRYPTOR = config["unitInformation"][1]["shorthand"] DESTRUCTOR = config["unitInformation"][2]["shorthand"] PING = config["unitInformation"][3]["shorthand"] EMP = config["unitInformation"][4]["shorthand"] SCRAMBLER = config["unitInformation"][5]["shorthand"] self.unique_locs = [] self.emp_num = 0 self.defences = Defences(config) self.prev_state = None def on_turn(self, turn_state): """ This function is called every turn with the game state wrapper as an argument. The wrapper stores the state of the arena and has methods for querying its state, allocating your current resources as planned unit deployments, and transmitting your intended deployments to the game engine. """ game_state = gamelib.AdvancedGameState(self.config, turn_state) gamelib.debug_write('Performing turn {} of your custom algo strategy'.format(game_state.turn_number)) game_state.suppress_warnings(True) # Uncomment this line to suppress warnings. emp_cheese = True if self.emp_num > 1 and len(self.unique_locs) == 1 else False if emp_cheese: d, f = self.can_block(self.unique_locs[0], copy.deepcopy(turn_state)) self.defences.build_template(game_state, self.prev_state, emp_cheese) self.prev_state = copy.deepcopy(game_state) if game_state.turn_number != 0: try: self.best_spawn(game_state) except Exception: self.attack(game_state) game_state.submit_turn() def can_block(self, loc, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState): target = state.game_map.BOTTOM_LEFT if loc[1] > 13 else state.game_map.BOTTOM_RIGHT path = state.find_path_to_edge(loc, target) for i in path: if i[1] < 17: f = -1 if target == state.game_map.BOTTOM_RIGHT else 1 return [i[0], 13], [i[0] + f, 13] return None, None def on_initial_action(self, game_state): if 'events' in game_state: if 'spawn' not in game_state['events'] or len(game_state['events']['spawn']) == 0: return # if 'spawn' in curr['events']: self.emp_num = 0 self.unique_locs = [] for unit in game_state['events']['spawn']: loc, typ, _, player = unit if typ == EMP and player == 2 and loc[1] > 13: # debug_write(loc, player) self.emp_num += 1 if loc not in self.unique_locs: self.unique_locs.add(loc) def best_spawn(self, state): self.time_start = time.time() locs = [[24, 10], [3, 10], [13, 0], [11, 2], [22, 8]] units = [EMP, PING, SCRAMBLER] bits = state.get_resource(state.BITS) # og_map = copy.deepcopy(state.game_map) best = (0, None) for loc in locs: for unit in units: cost = 3 if unit == EMP else 1 if not state.can_spawn(unit, loc): continue if time.time() - self.time_start < 2: val = self.simulate(copy.deepcopy(state), unit, loc, int(bits / cost)) if val > best[0]: best = (val, (loc, unit, int(bits / cost))) else: break top = 9 if state.turn_number <= 6 else 15 if best[0] > 0: loc, unit, num = best[1] if best[0] > num * cost or state.get_resource(state.BITS) >= top: state.attempt_spawn(unit, loc, num) else: self.attack(state) def simulate(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState, unit_type, spawn_loc=(13, 0), num_units=1): map = state.game_map """ TODO: ENCRYPTORS """ target_edge = map.TOP_RIGHT if spawn_loc[0] < 14 else map.TOP_LEFT path = state.find_path_to_edge(spawn_loc, target_edge) total_dmg = 0 total_cores = 0 frames = 2 if unit_type == PING else 4 dmg = 0 if unit_type == SCRAMBLER else (1 if unit_type == PING else 3) for i in range(num_units): map.add_unit(unit_type, spawn_loc) idx = 0 remaining = map[spawn_loc] map.remove_unit(spawn_loc) pings = 0 while idx < len(path): loc = path[idx] for i in remaining: i.x = loc[0] i.y = loc[1] map[loc].append(i) for i in range(frames): defense_dmg = 4 * len(state.get_attackers(loc, 0)) our_dmg = len(map[loc]) * dmg initial = len(map[loc]) if map[loc]: target = state.get_target(map[loc][0]) else: break if target: target.stability -= our_dmg total_dmg += our_dmg total_cores += (our_dmg / target.max_stability) * target.cost if target.stability < 0: map.remove_unit([target.x, target.y]) dead = 0 for i in range(initial): if defense_dmg <= 0 or dead == len(map[loc]): break # Killed one, did they kill more if defense_dmg >= map[loc][dead].stability: defense_dmg -= map[loc][dead].stability dead += 1 # They didn't kill this one else: map[loc][dead].stability -= defense_dmg break # kill the dead ones for i in range(dead): map[loc].pop(0) remaining = map[loc] pings = remaining if len(remaining) == 0: break map.remove_unit(loc) idx += 1 if loc[1] > 14: mod_path = state.find_path_to_edge(spawn_loc, target_edge) if path != mod_path and loc in mod_path: idx = mod_path.index(loc) + 1 path = mod_path return 3.5 * len(pings) + total_cores # Attack with EMPs lol def attack(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState): emp_loc = [3, 10] while state.can_spawn(EMP, emp_loc, 1): state.attempt_spawn(EMP, emp_loc, 1) # Build our static defence template def build_defences(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState): # When we're at full build, do nothing! while state.get_resource(state.CORES) > 0 and not self.defences.build_done(): loc, defence_type = self.defences.get_next_defence() if state.can_spawn(defence_type, loc): state.attempt_spawn(defence_type, loc) # Check if we need to do an anti-blackbeard defence def anti_blackbeard(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState): return True def blackbeard(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState, left=False): # Do initial first turn setup # Spawn front destructors and encryptors destr = [[23, 13], [24, 13]] encr = [[23, 12], [24, 12], [25, 13], [23, 11]] for i in destr: if state.can_spawn(DESTRUCTOR, i): state.attempt_spawn(DESTRUCTOR, i) for i in encr: if state.can_spawn(ENCRYPTOR, i): state.attempt_spawn(ENCRYPTOR, i) end = 12 if state.turn_number > 0 else 19 # open = False # spawn remaining filters for i in range(22, end, -1): # if not state.contains_stationary_unit([i,i-12]) and state.get_resource(state.CORES) < 1: # open = True if state.can_spawn(FILTER, [i, i - 12]): state.attempt_spawn(FILTER, [i, i - 12]) # if we have extra cores use some of them18,13,9,5 then filters between prio = [[1, 13], [1, 12], [0, 13], [18, 10], [18, 11], [13, 11], [9, 10], [9, 11], [5, 11]] which = [DESTRUCTOR, DESTRUCTOR, FILTER, DESTRUCTOR, FILTER, DESTRUCTOR, DESTRUCTOR, FILTER, DESTRUCTOR] for i in range(len(prio)): if state.get_resource(state.CORES) > 4: if state.can_spawn(which[i], prio[i]): state.attempt_spawn(which[i], prio[i]) i = 0 # Try to spawn some random stuff while i < 10 and state.get_resource(state.CORES) > 6: row = random.randint(10, 11) col = random.randint(13 - row, 19) type = DESTRUCTOR if random.randint(0, 1) else FILTER if state.can_spawn(type, [row, col]): state.attempt_spawn(type, [row, col]) if state.turn_number == 0: state.attempt_spawn(PING, [13, 0], 2) state.attempt_spawn(PING, [14, 0], 2) # elif open: # state.attempt_spawn(EMP, [17, 3]) elif state.turn_number % 2: bits = state.get_resource(state.BITS) if bits > 4: state.attempt_spawn(PING, [14, 0], 4) state.attempt_spawn(PING, [13, 0], int(state.get_resource(state.BITS))) def filter_blocked_locations(self, locations, game_state): filtered = [] for location in locations: if not game_state.contains_stationary_unit(location): filtered.append(location) return filtered
class AlgoStrategy(gamelib.AlgoCore): def __init__(self): super().__init__() random.seed() def on_game_start(self, config): """ Read in config and perform any initial setup here """ gamelib.debug_write('Configuring your custom algo strategy...') self.config = config global FILTER, ENCRYPTOR, DESTRUCTOR, PING, EMP, SCRAMBLER self.filter,self.encryptor,self.destructor,,self.emp,self.scrambler = [i for i in range(6)] FILTER = config["unitInformation"][0]["shorthand"] ENCRYPTOR = config["unitInformation"][1]["shorthand"] DESTRUCTOR = config["unitInformation"][2]["shorthand"] PING = config["unitInformation"][3]["shorthand"] EMP = config["unitInformation"][4]["shorthand"] SCRAMBLER = config["unitInformation"][5]["shorthand"] self.defences = Defences(config) def on_turn(self, turn_state): """ This function is called every turn with the game state wrapper as an argument. The wrapper stores the state of the arena and has methods for querying its state, allocating your current resources as planned unit deployments, and transmitting your intended deployments to the game engine. """ game_state = gamelib.AdvancedGameState(self.config, turn_state) gamelib.debug_write('Performing turn {} of your custom algo strategy'.format(game_state.turn_number)) game_state.suppress_warnings(True) #Uncomment this line to suppress warnings. self.defences.build_template(game_state) if game_state.turn_number != 0: self.attack(game_state) game_state.submit_turn() def attack(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState): emp_loc = [3, 10] while state.can_spawn(EMP, emp_loc, 1): state.attempt_spawn(EMP, emp_loc, 1) def build_defences(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState): # When we're at full build, do nothing! while state.get_resource(state.CORES) > 0 and not self.defences.build_done(): loc, defence_type = self.defences.get_next_defence() if state.can_spawn(defence_type, loc): state.attempt_spawn(defence_type, loc) # Spawns as many pings/scramblers at the given location def attack_hole(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState, rush_loc, rush_unit): if state.can_spawn(rush_unit, rush_loc): # Find out the proper amount for the amount of bits to spend state.attempt_spawn(rush_unit, rush_loc, state.my_bits()) # Finds the side where they have the most defences. Checks the first 5 rows and determines # if it's left-heavy or right-heavy. Returns left-heavy by default def scan_opponent_defences(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState): return True # Sawtooth defence def sawtooth(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState): # Find the defences that were destroyed destroyed = self.find_destroyed_defences(state) # Find the defences that were destroyed last term def find_destroyed_defences(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState): return [] # Set up the classic sawtooth defence def sawtooth_setup(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState): # Almost symmetrical setup, just need filter on <14, 10> dest_locs = [[2, 11], [6, 11], [11, 11], [16, 11], [21, 11], [25, 11]] filter_locs = [[0, 13], [1, 12], [26, 12], [27, 13]] for dest in destr_locs: if state.can_spawn(DESTRUCTOR, dest): state.attempt_spawn(DESTRUCTOR, dest) for f in filter_locs: if state.can_spawn(FILTER, f): state.attempt_spawn(FILTER, f) # Idea behind escort strategy --> 2 EMPs + 2 Scramblers + Rerouting with filters # Finds out the optimal side to attack from as well # For now, hardcode it to be the LHS def escort_strategy(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState, defensive_side='left'): # See if we need to use more filters here # This should be dynamic, depending on the board state, kind of like # What stage of the game are we in filter_locs = [[6, 10], [11, 10], [16, 10], [22, 10]] # Spawn 2 EMPs and 2 Scramblers. Again, this should be dynamic emp_locs = [[3, 10], [3, 10]] scrambler_locs = [[4, 9], [4, 9]] for e in emp_locs: if state.can_spawn(EMP, e): state.attempt_spawn(EMP, e) for s in scrambler_locs: if state.can_spawn(SCRAMBLER, s): state.attempt_spawn(SCRAMBLER, s) def blackbeard(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState, left=False): # Do initial first turn setup # Spawn front destructors and encryptors destr = [[23,13], [24, 13]] encr = [[23,12], [24,12], [25,13], [23,11]] for i in destr: if state.can_spawn(DESTRUCTOR, i): state.attempt_spawn(DESTRUCTOR, i) for i in encr: if state.can_spawn(ENCRYPTOR, i): state.attempt_spawn(ENCRYPTOR, i) end = 12 if state.turn_number > 0 else 19 # open = False #spawn remaining filters for i in range(22,end,-1): # if not state.contains_stationary_unit([i,i-12]) and state.get_resource(state.CORES) < 1: # open = True if state.can_spawn(FILTER, [i,i-12]): state.attempt_spawn(FILTER, [i,i-12]) # if we have extra cores use some of them18,13,9,5 then filters between prio = [[1,13], [1,12], [0,13],[18,10], [18,11], [13,11], [9,10], [9,11],[5,11]] which = [DESTRUCTOR, DESTRUCTOR, FILTER, DESTRUCTOR, FILTER, DESTRUCTOR, DESTRUCTOR, FILTER, DESTRUCTOR] for i in range(len(prio)): if state.get_resource(state.CORES) > 4: if state.can_spawn(which[i], prio[i]): state.attempt_spawn(which[i], prio[i]) i = 0 # Try to spawn some random stuff while i < 10 and state.get_resource(state.CORES) > 6: row = random.randint(10,11) col = random.randint(13-row, 19) type = DESTRUCTOR if random.randint(0,1) else FILTER if state.can_spawn(type, [row,col] ): state.attempt_spawn(type, [row,col]) if state.turn_number == 0: state.attempt_spawn(PING, [13,0],2) state.attempt_spawn(PING, [14,0],2) # elif open: # state.attempt_spawn(EMP, [17, 3]) elif state.turn_number % 2: bits = state.get_resource(state.BITS) if bits > 4: state.attempt_spawn(PING, [14,0], 4) state.attempt_spawn(PING, [13,0], int(state.get_resource(state.BITS))) def filter_blocked_locations(self, locations, game_state): filtered = [] for location in locations: if not game_state.contains_stationary_unit(location): filtered.append(location) return filtered
class AlgoStrategy(gamelib.AlgoCore): def __init__(self): super().__init__() random.seed() self.prev_state = None def on_game_start(self, config): """ Read in config and perform any initial setup here """ gamelib.debug_write('Configuring your custom algo strategy...') self.config = config global FILTER, ENCRYPTOR, DESTRUCTOR, PING, EMP, SCRAMBLER self.filter, self.encryptor, self.destructor,, self.emp, self.scrambler = [ i for i in range(6) ] FILTER = config["unitInformation"][0]["shorthand"] ENCRYPTOR = config["unitInformation"][1]["shorthand"] DESTRUCTOR = config["unitInformation"][2]["shorthand"] PING = config["unitInformation"][3]["shorthand"] EMP = config["unitInformation"][4]["shorthand"] SCRAMBLER = config["unitInformation"][5]["shorthand"] self.defences = Defences(config) self.time_start = 0 def on_turn(self, turn_state): """ This function is called every turn with the game state wrapper as an argument. The wrapper stores the state of the arena and has methods for querying its state, allocating your current resources as planned unit deployments, and transmitting your intended deployments to the game engine. """ game_state = gamelib.AdvancedGameState(self.config, turn_state) gamelib.debug_write( 'Performing turn {} of your custom algo strategy'.format( game_state.turn_number)) game_state.suppress_warnings( True) # Uncomment this line to suppress warnings. self.build_defences(game_state, self.prev_state) if game_state.turn_number != 0: self.prev_state = copy.deepcopy(game_state) self.best_spawn(game_state) game_state.submit_turn() def attack(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState): emp_loc = [3, 10] while state.can_spawn(EMP, emp_loc, 1): state.attempt_spawn(EMP, emp_loc, 1) def build_defences(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState, prev_state): self.defences.build_template(state, prev_state) # Spawns as many pings/scramblers at the given location def attack_hole(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState, rush_loc, rush_unit): if state.can_spawn(rush_unit, rush_loc): # Find out the proper amount for the amount of bits to spend state.attempt_spawn(rush_unit, rush_loc, state.my_bits()) # Finds the side where they have the most defences. Checks the first 5 rows and determines # if it's left-heavy or right-heavy. Returns left-heavy by default def scan_opponent_defences(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState): return True # Sawtooth defence def sawtooth(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState): # Find the defences that were destroyed destroyed = self.find_destroyed_defences(state) # Find the defences that were destroyed last term def find_destroyed_defences(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState): return [] # Set up the classic sawtooth defence def sawtooth_setup(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState): # Almost symmetrical setup, just need filter on <14, 10> dest_locs = [[2, 11], [6, 11], [11, 11], [16, 11], [21, 11], [25, 11]] filter_locs = [[0, 13], [1, 12], [26, 12], [27, 13]] for dest in dest_locs: if state.can_spawn(DESTRUCTOR, dest): state.attempt_spawn(DESTRUCTOR, dest) for f in filter_locs: if state.can_spawn(FILTER, f): state.attempt_spawn(FILTER, f) # Idea behind escort strategy --> 2 EMPs + 2 Scramblers + Rerouting with filters # Finds out the optimal side to attack from as well # For now, hardcode it to be the LHS def escort_strategy(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState, defensive_side='left'): # See if we need to use more filters here # This should be dynamic, depending on the board state, kind of like # What stage of the game are we in filter_locs = [[6, 10], [11, 10], [16, 10], [22, 10]] # Spawn 2 EMPs and 2 Scramblers. Again, this should be dynamic emp_locs = [[3, 10], [3, 10]] scrambler_locs = [[4, 9], [4, 9]] for e in emp_locs: if state.can_spawn(EMP, e): state.attempt_spawn(EMP, e) for s in scrambler_locs: if state.can_spawn(SCRAMBLER, s): state.attempt_spawn(SCRAMBLER, s) def blackbeard(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState, left=False): # Do initial first turn setup # Spawn front destructors and encryptors destr = [[23, 13], [24, 13]] encr = [[23, 12], [24, 12], [25, 13], [23, 11]] for i in destr: if state.can_spawn(DESTRUCTOR, i): state.attempt_spawn(DESTRUCTOR, i) for i in encr: if state.can_spawn(ENCRYPTOR, i): state.attempt_spawn(ENCRYPTOR, i) end = 12 if state.turn_number > 0 else 19 # open = False # spawn remaining filters for i in range(22, end, -1): # if not state.contains_stationary_unit([i,i-12]) and state.get_resource(state.CORES) < 1: # open = True if state.can_spawn(FILTER, [i, i - 12]): state.attempt_spawn(FILTER, [i, i - 12]) # if we have extra cores use some of them18,13,9,5 then filters between prio = [[1, 13], [1, 12], [0, 13], [18, 10], [18, 11], [13, 11], [9, 10], [9, 11], [5, 11]] which = [ DESTRUCTOR, DESTRUCTOR, FILTER, DESTRUCTOR, FILTER, DESTRUCTOR, DESTRUCTOR, FILTER, DESTRUCTOR ] for i in range(len(prio)): if state.get_resource(state.CORES) > 4: if state.can_spawn(which[i], prio[i]): state.attempt_spawn(which[i], prio[i]) i = 0 # Try to spawn some random stuff while i < 10 and state.get_resource(state.CORES) > 6: row = random.randint(10, 11) col = random.randint(13 - row, 19) type = DESTRUCTOR if random.randint(0, 1) else FILTER if state.can_spawn(type, [row, col]): state.attempt_spawn(type, [row, col]) if state.turn_number == 0: state.attempt_spawn(PING, [13, 0], 2) state.attempt_spawn(PING, [14, 0], 2) # elif open: # state.attempt_spawn(EMP, [17, 3]) elif state.turn_number % 2: bits = state.get_resource(state.BITS) if bits > 4: state.attempt_spawn(PING, [14, 0], 4) state.attempt_spawn(PING, [13, 0], int(state.get_resource(state.BITS))) def filter_blocked_locations(self, locations, game_state): filtered = [] for location in locations: if not game_state.contains_stationary_unit(location): filtered.append(location) return filtered def best_spawn(self, state): self.time_start = time.time() locs = [[24, 10], [3, 10], [13, 0], [11, 12], [15, 12]] units = [PING, EMP, SCRAMBLER] bits = state.get_resource(state.BITS) best = (0, None) for loc in locs: for unit in units: cost = 3 if unit == EMP else 1 if not state.can_spawn(unit, loc): continue if time.time() - self.time_start < 2: val = self.simulate(copy.deepcopy(state), unit, loc, int(bits / cost)) if val > best[0]: best = (val, (loc, unit, int(bits / cost))) else: break if best[0] > 0: loc, unit, num = best[1] if best[0] > num * 2: state.attempt_spawn(unit, loc, num) else: self.attack(state) def simulate(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState, unit_type, spawn_loc=(13, 0), num_units=1): map = state.game_map """ TODO: ENCRYPTORS """ target_edge = map.TOP_RIGHT if spawn_loc[0] < 14 else map.TOP_LEFT path = state.find_path_to_edge(spawn_loc, target_edge) total_dmg = 0 total_cores = 0 frames = 2 if unit_type == PING else 4 dmg = 0 if unit_type == SCRAMBLER else (1 if unit_type == PING else 3) for i in range(num_units): map.add_unit(unit_type, spawn_loc) idx = 0 remaining = map[spawn_loc] map.remove_unit(spawn_loc) pings = 0 while idx < len(path): loc = path[idx] for i in remaining: i.x = loc[0] i.y = loc[1] map[loc].append(i) for i in range(frames): defense_dmg = 4 * len(state.get_attackers(loc, 0)) our_dmg = len(map[loc]) * dmg initial = len(map[loc]) if map[loc]: target = state.get_target(map[loc][0]) else: break if target: target.stability -= our_dmg total_dmg += our_dmg total_cores += (our_dmg / target.max_stability) * target.cost if target.stability < 0: map.remove_unit([target.x, target.y]) dead = 0 for i in range(initial): if defense_dmg <= 0 or dead == len(map[loc]): break # Killed one, did they kill more if defense_dmg >= map[loc][dead].stability: defense_dmg -= map[loc][dead].stability dead += 1 # They didn't kill this one else: map[loc][dead].stability -= defense_dmg break # kill the dead ones for i in range(dead): map[loc].pop(0) remaining = map[loc] pings = remaining if len(remaining) == 0: break map.remove_unit(loc) idx += 1 if loc[1] > 14: mod_path = state.find_path_to_edge(spawn_loc, target_edge) if path != mod_path and loc in mod_path: idx = mod_path.index(loc) + 1 path = mod_path return 3.5 * len(pings) + total_cores