예제 #1
 def _get_classnames(self, condition):
     result = []
     for c in rules.classnames():
         uc = self.unit_class(c)
         if uc is not None and condition(uc):
     return result
예제 #2
 def _get_classnames(self, condition):
     result = []
     for c in rules.classnames():
         uc = self.unit_class(c)
         if uc is not None and condition(uc):
     return result
예제 #3
 def _play(self):
     if not self._plan: return
     if self.watchdog and self.world.time > \
        self._previous_linechange + self.watchdog * 1000:
         self._line_nb += 1
     self._line_nb %= len(self._plan)
     line = self._plan[self._line_nb]
     cmd = line.split()
     if cmd:
         if cmd[0] == "goto":
             if re.match("^[+-][0-9]+$", cmd[1]):
                 self._line_nb += int(cmd[1])
             elif "label " + cmd[1] in self._plan:
                 self._line_nb = self._plan.index("label " + cmd[1])
             elif re.match("^[0-9]+$", cmd[1]):
                 self._line_nb = int(cmd[1])
                 warning("goto: wrong destination: %s", cmd[1])
                 self._line_nb += 1
         elif cmd[0] == "label":
             self._line_nb += 1
         elif cmd[0] == "goto_random":
             dest = worldrandom.choice(cmd[1:])
             if "label " + dest in self._plan:
                 self._line_nb = self._plan.index("label " + dest)
                 warning("goto_random: label not found: %s", dest)
                 self._line_nb += 1
         elif cmd[0] == "attack":
             self._line_nb += 1
         elif cmd[0] in ("retaliate", "watchdog", "constant_attacks",
                         "research", "teleportation", "send_soldiers_to_base", "raise_dead"):
             setattr(self, cmd[0], int(cmd[1]))
             self._line_nb += 1
         elif cmd[0] == "get":
             n = 1
             done = True
             for w in cmd[1:]:
                 if re.match("^[0-9]+$", w):
                     n = int(w)
                 elif w in rules.classnames():
                     if not self.get(n, self.equivalent(w)):
                         done = False
                     n = 1
                     warning("get: unknown unit: '%s' (in ai.txt)", w)
                     n = 1
             if done:
                 self._line_nb += 1
             warning("unknown command: '%s' (in ai.txt)", cmd[0])
             self._line_nb += 1
예제 #4
 def get_factions(self):
     return [
         c for c in rules.classnames()
         if rules.get(c, "class") == ["faction"]
예제 #5
    def _load_map(self, map):
        def random_choice_repl(matchobj):
            return worldrandom.choice(

        def check_squares(squares):
            for sq in squares:
                if re.match("^[a-z]+[0-9]+$", sq) is None:
                    map_error(line, "%s is not a square" % sq)

        self.objective = []
        self.intro = []
        self.timer_coefficient = 1
        triggers = []

        self.map_objects = []

        self.computers_starts = []
        self.players_starts = []
        self.starting_units = []

        squares_words = [
            "starting_squares", "additional_meadows", "remove_meadows",

        self.square_width = 12  # default value
        self.nb_lines = 0
        self.nb_columns = 0
        self.nb_rows = 0  # deprecated (was incorrectly used for columns instead of lines)
        self.nb_meadows_by_square = 0

        self.west_east = []
        self.south_north = []

        # "squares words"
        self.starting_squares = []
        self.additional_meadows = []
        self.remove_meadows = []
        self.high_grounds = []

        self.starting_resources = [0 for _ in range(self.nb_res)]
        self.nb_players_min = 1
        self.nb_players_max = 1

        s = map.read()  # "universal newlines"
        s = re.sub("(?m);.*$", "", s)  # remove comments
        s = re.sub("(?m)^[ \t]*$\n", "", s)  # remove empty lines
        s = re.sub(r"(?m)\\[ \t]*$\n", " ", s)  # join lines ending with "\"
        s = s.replace("(", " ( ")
        s = s.replace(")", " ) ")
        s = re.sub(r"\s*\n\s*", r"\n", s)  # strip lines
        s = re.sub(r"(?ms)^#random_choice\n(.*?)\n#end_random_choice$",
                   random_choice_repl, s)
        s = re.sub(r"(?m)^(goldmine|wood)s\s+([0-9]+)\s+(.*)$", r"\1 \2 \3", s)
        s = re.sub(r"(south_north|west_east)_paths", r"\1 path", s)
        s = re.sub(r"(south_north|west_east)_bridges", r"\1 bridge", s)
        for line in s.split("\n"):  # TODO: error msg
            words = line.strip().split()
            if not words:
                continue  # empty line
            w = words[0]
            if w[0:1] == ";":
                continue  # comment
            for _w in words[1:]:
                if w in ["south_north", "west_east"]:
                    continue  # TODO: check that the exit type_name is defined in style
                for _w in _w.split(","):
                    if _w and _w[0] == "-": _w = _w[1:]
                    if re.match("^([a-z]+[0-9]+|[0-9]+(.[0-9]*)?|.[0-9]+)$", _w) is None and \
                       not hasattr(Player, "lang_" + _w) and \
                       _w not in rules.classnames() and \
                       _w not in get_ai_names() and \
                       _w not in ["(", ")", "all", "players", "computers"] and \
                       _w not in ORDERS_DICT:
                        map_error(line, "unknown: %s" % _w)
            if w in ["title", "objective", "intro"]:
                setattr(self, w,
                         for x in words[1:]])  # TODO: error msg (sounds)
            elif w in [
                    "square_width", "nb_rows", "nb_columns", "nb_lines",
                    "nb_players_min", "nb_players_max", "scenario",
                    "nb_meadows_by_square", "global_food_limit",
                    setattr(self, w, int(words[1]))
                    if w == "nb_rows":
                        self.nb_columns = self.nb_rows
                            "nb_rows is deprecated, use nb_columns instead")
                    map_error(line, "%s must be an integer" % w)
            elif w in ["south_north", "west_east"]:
                squares = words[2:]
                getattr(self, w).append((words[1], squares))
            elif w in squares_words:
                squares = words[1:]
                getattr(self, w).extend(squares)
            elif w in ["starting_resources"]:
                self.starting_resources = []
                for c in words[1:]:
                        map_error(line, "expected an integer but found %s" % c)
            elif rules.get(w, "class") == ["deposit"]:
                for sq in words[2:]:  # TODO: error msg (squares)
                    self.map_objects.append([sq, w, words[1]])
            elif w in ["starting_units"]:
                getattr(self, w).extend(words[1:])  # TODO: error msg (types)
            elif w in ["player", "computer_only", "computer"]:
                self._add_start(w, words, line)
            elif w == "trigger":
                map_error(line, "unknown command: %s" % w)
        # build self.players_starts
        for sq in self.starting_squares:
            self._add_start_to(self.players_starts, self.starting_resources,
                               self.starting_units, sq)
        if self.nb_players_min > self.nb_players_max:
            map_error("", "nb_players_min > nb_players_max")
        if len(self.players_starts) < self.nb_players_max:
            map_error("", "not enough starting places for nb_players_max")
        # 2 multiplayer map types: with or without standard triggers
        # TODO: select in a menu: User Map Settings, melee, free for all, etc
        if not triggers and self.default_triggers:
            triggers = self.default_triggers
        for t in triggers:
예제 #6
 def get_races(self):
     return [c for c in rules.classnames()
             if rules.get(c, "class") == ["race"]]
예제 #7
    def _load_map(self, map):
        def random_choice_repl(matchobj):
            return worldrandom.choice(matchobj.group(1).split("\n#end_choice\n"))

        def check_squares(squares):
            for sq in squares:
                if re.match("^[a-z]+[0-9]+$", sq) is None:
                    map_error(line, "%s is not a square" % sq)

        self.objective = []
        self.intro = []
        self.timer_coefficient = 1
        triggers = []

        self.map_objects = []

        self.computers_starts = []
        self.players_starts = []
        self.starting_units = []

        squares_words = ["starting_squares",
                         "additional_meadows", "remove_meadows",

        self.square_width = 12 # default value
        self.nb_lines = 0
        self.nb_columns = 0
        self.nb_rows = 0 # deprecated (was incorrectly used for columns instead of lines)
        self.nb_meadows_by_square = 0

        self.west_east = []
        self.south_north = []

        # "squares words"
        self.starting_squares = []
        self.additional_meadows = []
        self.remove_meadows = []
        self.high_grounds = []

        self.starting_resources = [0 for _ in range(self.nb_res)]
        self.nb_players_min = 1
        self.nb_players_max = 1

        s = map.read() # "universal newlines"
        s = re.sub("(?m);.*$", "", s) # remove comments
        s = re.sub("(?m)^[ \t]*$\n", "", s) # remove empty lines
        s = re.sub(r"(?m)\\[ \t]*$\n", " ", s) # join lines ending with "\"
        s = s.replace("(", " ( ")
        s = s.replace(")", " ) ")
        s = re.sub(r"\s*\n\s*", r"\n", s) # strip lines
        s = re.sub(r"(?ms)^#random_choice\n(.*?)\n#end_random_choice$", random_choice_repl, s)
        s = re.sub(r"(?m)^(goldmine|wood)s\s+([0-9]+)\s+(.*)$", r"\1 \2 \3", s)
        s = re.sub(r"(south_north|west_east)_paths", r"\1 path", s)
        s = re.sub(r"(south_north|west_east)_bridges", r"\1 bridge", s)
        for line in s.split("\n"): # TODO: error msg
            words = line.strip().split()
            if not words:
                continue # empty line
            w = words[0]
            if w[0:1] == ";":
                continue # comment
            for _w in words[1:]:
                if w in ["south_north", "west_east"]:
                    continue # TODO: check that the exit type_name is defined in style
                for _w in _w.split(","):
                    if _w and _w[0] == "-": _w = _w[1:]
                    if re.match("^([a-z]+[0-9]+|[0-9]+(.[0-9]*)?|.[0-9]+)$", _w) is None and \
                       not hasattr(Player, "lang_" + _w) and \
                       _w not in rules.classnames() and \
                       _w not in get_ai_names() and \
                       _w not in ["(", ")", "all", "players", "computers"] and \
                       _w not in ORDERS_DICT:
                        map_error(line, "unknown: %s" % _w)
            if w in ["title", "objective", "intro"]:
                setattr(self, w, [int(x) for x in words[1:]]) # TODO: error msg (sounds)
            elif w in ["square_width", "nb_rows", "nb_columns", "nb_lines",
                       "nb_players_min", "nb_players_max", "scenario",
                    setattr(self, w, int(words[1]))
                    if w == "nb_rows":
                        self.nb_columns = self.nb_rows
                        warning("nb_rows is deprecated, use nb_columns instead")
                    map_error(line, "%s must be an integer" % w)
            elif w in ["south_north", "west_east"]:
                squares = words[2:]
                getattr(self, w).append((words[1], squares))
            elif w in squares_words:
                squares = words[1:]
                getattr(self, w).extend(squares)
            elif w in ["starting_resources"]:
                self.starting_resources = []
                for c in words[1:]:
                        map_error(line, "expected an integer but found %s" % c)
            elif rules.get(w, "class") == ["deposit"]:
                for sq in words[2:]: # TODO: error msg (squares)
                    self.map_objects.append([sq, w, words[1]])
            elif w in ["starting_units"]:
                getattr(self, w).extend(words[1:]) # TODO: error msg (types)
            elif w in ["player", "computer_only", "computer"]:
                self._add_start(w, words, line)
            elif w == "trigger":
                map_error(line, "unknown command: %s" % w)
        # build self.players_starts
        for sq in self.starting_squares:
                               self.starting_resources, self.starting_units, sq)
        if self.nb_players_min > self.nb_players_max:
            map_error("", "nb_players_min > nb_players_max")
        if len(self.players_starts) < self.nb_players_max:
            map_error("", "not enough starting places for nb_players_max")
        # 2 multiplayer map types: with or without standard triggers
        # TODO: select in a menu: User Map Settings, melee, free for all, etc
        if not triggers and self.default_triggers:
            triggers = self.default_triggers
        for t in triggers:
예제 #8
 def get_factions(self):
     return [c for c in rules.classnames()
             if rules.get(c, "class") == ["faction"]]