예제 #1
# and fits a stress stiffening equation to the data 
# The results such as maximum flow speed, cell mechanical parameters, etc. are stored in 
# the file 'all_data.txt' located at the same directory as this script 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
from deformationcytometer.includes.includes import getInputFile, getConfig, getData
from deformationcytometer.evaluation.helper_functions import  getVelocity, filterCells, correctCenter, getStressStrain, fitStiffness
from deformationcytometer.evaluation.helper_functions import initPlotSettings, plotVelocityProfile, plotStressStrain, plotMessurementStatus
from deformationcytometer.evaluation.helper_functions import storeEvaluationResults
from deformationcytometer.evaluation.helper_functions import load_all_data

""" loading data """
# get the results file (by config parameter or user input dialog)
datafile = getInputFile(filetype=[("txt file", '*_result.txt')])

# load the data and the config
data, config = load_all_data(datafile)

fitStiffness(data, config)

""" plotting data """


# add multipage plotting
pp = PdfPages(datafile[:-11] + '.pdf')

# generate the velocity profile plot
plotVelocityProfile(data, config)
예제 #2
            # update the count of the progressbar with the current batch

    # save the results
    save_cells_to_file(Path(video[:-3] + '_result.txt'), cells)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
    from deformationcytometer.includes.includes import getInputFile, read_args_detect_cells

    # reading commandline arguments if executed from terminal
    file, network_weight = read_args_detect_cells()

    video = getInputFile(settings_name="detect_cells.py", video=file)

    # initialize the queues
    image_batch_queue = Queue(2)
    mask_queue = Queue(2)

    # initialize the processes
    processes = [
        Process(target=process_load_images, args=(video, image_batch_queue)),
                args=(video, image_batch_queue, mask_queue)),
        Process(target=process_find_cells, args=(video, mask_queue)),
    # start the processes
    for p in processes:
예제 #3
def getArcLength(points, major_axis, minor_axis, ellipse_angle, center):
    p = points - np.array(center)#[None, None]
    alpha = np.deg2rad(ellipse_angle)
    p = p @ np.array([[np.cos(alpha), -np.sin(alpha)], [np.sin(alpha), np.cos(alpha)]])

    distance_from_center = np.linalg.norm(p, axis=-1)
    angle = np.arctan2(p[..., 0], p[..., 1])
    angle = np.arctan2(np.sin(angle) / (major_axis / 2), np.cos(angle) / (minor_axis / 2))
    angle = np.unwrap(angle)

    r = np.linalg.norm([major_axis / 2 * np.sin(angle), minor_axis / 2 * np.cos(angle)], axis=0)

    length = getEllipseArcSegment(angle, minor_axis/2, major_axis/2)
    return length, distance_from_center/r

video = getInputFile()
#video = r"\\\biophysDS\emirzahossein\microfluidic cell rhemeter data\microscope_1\september_2020\2020_09_15_alginate2%_NIH_tanktreading_1\2\2020_09_15_10_30_43.tif"#getInputFile()
id = 8953

id = 5084

id = 4115

config = getConfig(video)

target_folder = Path(video[:-4])

data = pd.read_csv(target_folder / "output.csv")
getStressStrain(data, config)
예제 #4
from deformationcytometer.includes.includes import getInputFile, read_args_evaluate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path

from deformationcytometer.evaluation.helper_functions import plotDensityScatter, load_all_data_new, get_cell_properties
from deformationcytometer.evaluation.helper_functions import plot_velocity_fit, plot_density_hist, \
    plotDensityLevels, plotBinnedData
settings_name = "strain_vs_stress_clean"
""" loading data """

# reading commandline arguments if executed from terminal
file, irregularity_threshold, solidity_threshold = read_args_evaluate()

# get the results file (by command line parameter or user input dialog)
datafile = getInputFile(filetype="csv file (*_evaluated_new.csv)", settings_name=settings_name, video=file)
print("evaluate file", datafile)
# load the data and the config
data, config = load_all_data_new(datafile)

plt.figure(0, (10, 8))

plt.subplot(2, 3, 1)
plt.text(0.9, 0.9, f"$\\eta_0$ {data.eta0[0]:.2f}\n$\\delta$ {data.delta[0]:.2f}\n$\\tau$ {data.tau[0]:.2f}", transform=plt.gca().transAxes, va="top", ha="right")

plt.subplot(2, 3, 2)
plotDensityScatter(data.stress, data.epsilon)
plotBinnedData(data.stress, data.epsilon, bins=np.arange(0, 300, 10))
    num = 20
    num = np.round(sp.special.ellipeinc(2.0 * np.pi, e))
    angles = 2 * np.pi * np.arange(num) / num
    if a != b:
        tot_size = sp.special.ellipeinc(2.0 * np.pi, e)
        arc_size = tot_size / num
        arcs = np.arange(num) * arc_size
        res = sp.optimize.root(lambda x: (sp.special.ellipeinc(x, e) - arcs),
        angles = res.x
    return angles

r_min = 5  #cells smaller than r_min (in um) will not be analyzed
file = read_args_tank_treading()
video = getInputFile(settings_name=settings_name, video=file)

config = getConfig(video)
config["channel_width_m"] = 0.00019001261833616293

data = getData(video)
getVelocity(data, config)

# take the mean of all values of each cell
#data = data.groupby(['cell_id']).mean()

correctCenter(data, config)

data = data[(data.solidity > 0.96) & (data.irregularity < 1.06)]
예제 #6
from pathlib import Path
import tqdm
import pandas as pd
from scipy.ndimage import shift
import skimage.registration

from deformationcytometer.includes.includes import getInputFile, read_args_tank_treading
from deformationcytometer.evaluation.helper_functions import getConfig, getData, getVelocity, correctCenter
from deformationcytometer.evaluation.helper_functions import fit_func_velocity
import scipy as sp
import scipy.optimize
import tifffile
from deformationcytometer.tanktreading.helpers import getCroppedImages, doTracking, CachedImageReader

file = read_args_tank_treading()
video = getInputFile(settings_name="extract_cell_snippets.py", video=file)

config = getConfig(video)
config["channel_width_m"] = 0.00019001261833616293

data = getData(video)
getVelocity(data, config)

correctCenter(data, config)

data = data[(data.solidity > 0.96) & (data.irregularity < 1.06)]
data.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)

ids = pd.unique(data["cell_id"])