예제 #1
파일: control.py 프로젝트: oxyzen8/dejavu
    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = config

        # create components
        self.converter = Converter()
        self.fingerprinter = Fingerprinter(self.config)

        # get songs previously indexed
        self.songs = self.fingerprinter.db.get_songs()
        self.songnames_set = set() # to know which ones we've computed before
        if self.songs:
            for song in self.songs:
                song_id = song[SQLDatabase.FIELD_SONG_ID]
                song_name = song[SQLDatabase.FIELD_SONGNAME]
                print "Added: %s to the set of fingerprinted songs..." % song_name
예제 #2
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: Bevinsky/dejavu
    def __init__(self, config):

        self.config = config

        # initialize db
        self.db = SQLDatabase(**config.get("database", {}))

        # create components
        self.converter = Converter()
        #self.fingerprinter = Fingerprinter(self.config)

        # get songs previously indexed
        self.songs = self.db.get_songs()
        self.songnames_set = set() # to know which ones we've computed before

        for song in self.songs:
            song_name = song[self.db.FIELD_SONGNAME]

            print "Added: %s to the set of fingerprinted songs..." % song_name
예제 #3
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: Bevinsky/dejavu
class Dejavu(object):
    def __init__(self, config):

        self.config = config

        # initialize db
        self.db = SQLDatabase(**config.get("database", {}))

        # create components
        self.converter = Converter()
        #self.fingerprinter = Fingerprinter(self.config)

        # get songs previously indexed
        self.songs = self.db.get_songs()
        self.songnames_set = set() # to know which ones we've computed before

        for song in self.songs:
            song_name = song[self.db.FIELD_SONGNAME]

            print "Added: %s to the set of fingerprinted songs..." % song_name

    def chunkify(self, lst, n):
            Splits a list into roughly n equal parts.
        return [lst[i::n] for i in xrange(n)]

    def do_fingerprint(self, path, output, extensions, nprocesses):

        # convert files, shuffle order
        files = self.converter.find_files(path, extensions)
        files_split = self.chunkify(files, nprocesses)

        # split into processes here
        processes = []
        for i in range(nprocesses):

            # create process and start it
            p = Process(target=self.fingerprint_worker,
                        args=(files_split[i], self.db, output))

        # wait for all processes to complete
        for p in processes:

        # delete orphans
        # print "Done fingerprinting. Deleting orphaned fingerprints..."
        # TODO: need a more performant query in database.py for the

    def fingerprint_worker(self, files, sql_connection, output):

        for filename, extension in files:

            # if there are already fingerprints in database, don't re-fingerprint or convert
            song_name = os.path.basename(filename).split(".")[0]
            if DEBUG and song_name in self.songnames_set:
                print("-> Already fingerprinted, continuing...")

            # convert to WAV
            wavout_path = self.converter.convert(filename, extension, Converter.WAV, output, song_name)

            # insert song name into database
            song_id = sql_connection.insert_song(song_name)

            # for each channel perform FFT analysis and fingerprinting
            channels, Fs = self.extract_channels(wavout_path)
            for c in range(len(channels)):
                channel = channels[c]
                print "-> Fingerprinting channel %d of song %s..." % (c+1, song_name)
                hashes = fingerprint.fingerprint(channel, Fs=Fs)
                sql_connection.insert_hashes(song_id, hashes)

            # only after done fingerprinting do confirm

    def extract_channels(self, path):
            Reads channels from disk.
            Returns a tuple with (channels, sample_rate)
        channels = []
        Fs, frames = wavfile.read(path)
        wave_object = wave.open(path)
        nchannels, sampwidth, framerate, num_frames, comptype, compname = wave_object.getparams()
        #assert Fs == self.fingerprinter.Fs

        for channel in range(nchannels):
            channels.append(frames[:, channel])
        return (channels, Fs)

    def fingerprint_file(self, filepath, song_name=None):
        # TODO: replace with something that handles all audio formats
        channels, Fs = self.extract_channels(path)
        if not song_name:
            song_name = os.path.basename(filename).split(".")[0]
        song_id = self.db.insert_song(song_name)

        for data in channels:
            hashes = fingerprint.fingerprint(data, Fs=Fs)
            self.db.insert_hashes(song_id, hashes)

    def find_matches(self, samples, Fs=fingerprint.DEFAULT_FS):
        hashes = fingerprint.fingerprint(samples, Fs=Fs)
        return self.db.return_matches(hashes)

    def align_matches(self, matches):
            Finds hash matches that align in time with other matches and finds
            consensus about which hashes are "true" signal from the audio.

            Returns a dictionary with match information.
        # align by diffs
        diff_counter = {}
        largest = 0
        largest_count = 0
        song_id = -1
        for tup in matches:
            sid, diff = tup
            if not diff in diff_counter:
                diff_counter[diff] = {}
            if not sid in diff_counter[diff]:
                diff_counter[diff][sid] = 0
            diff_counter[diff][sid] += 1

            if diff_counter[diff][sid] > largest_count:
                largest = diff
                largest_count = diff_counter[diff][sid]
                song_id = sid

        if DEBUG:
            print("Diff is %d with %d offset-aligned matches" % (largest, largest_count))

        # extract idenfication
        song = self.db.get_song_by_id(song_id)
        if song:
            songname = song.get(SQLDatabase.FIELD_SONGNAME, None)
            return None

        if DEBUG:
            print("Song is %s (song ID = %d) identification took %f seconds" % (songname, song_id, elapsed))

        # return match info
        song = {
            "song_id" : song_id,
            "song_name" : songname,
            "confidence" : largest_count

        return song
예제 #4
파일: control.py 프로젝트: oxyzen8/dejavu
class Dejavu():

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = config

        # create components
        self.converter = Converter()
        self.fingerprinter = Fingerprinter(self.config)

        # get songs previously indexed
        self.songs = self.fingerprinter.db.get_songs()
        self.songnames_set = set() # to know which ones we've computed before
        if self.songs:
            for song in self.songs:
                song_id = song[SQLDatabase.FIELD_SONG_ID]
                song_name = song[SQLDatabase.FIELD_SONGNAME]
                print "Added: %s to the set of fingerprinted songs..." % song_name

    def chunkify(self, lst, n):
            Splits a list into roughly n equal parts. 
        return [lst[i::n] for i in xrange(n)]

    def fingerprint(self, path, output, extensions, nprocesses):

        # convert files, shuffle order
        files = self.converter.find_files(path, extensions)
        files_split = self.chunkify(files, nprocesses)

        # split into processes here
        processes = []
        for i in range(nprocesses):

            # need database instance since mysql connections shouldn't be shared across processes
            sql_connection = SQLDatabase( 
                self.config.get(SQLDatabase.CONNECTION, SQLDatabase.KEY_HOSTNAME),
                self.config.get(SQLDatabase.CONNECTION, SQLDatabase.KEY_USERNAME),
                self.config.get(SQLDatabase.CONNECTION, SQLDatabase.KEY_PASSWORD),
                self.config.get(SQLDatabase.CONNECTION, SQLDatabase.KEY_DATABASE))

            # create process and start it
            p = Process(target=self.fingerprint_worker, args=(files_split[i], sql_connection, output))

        # wait for all processes to complete
        for p in processes:
        # delete orphans
        # print "Done fingerprinting. Deleting orphaned fingerprints..."
        # TODO: need a more performant query in database.py for the 

    def fingerprint_worker(self, files, sql_connection, output):

        for filename, extension in files:

            # if there are already fingerprints in database, don't re-fingerprint or convert
            song_name = os.path.basename(filename).split(".")[0]
            if song_name in self.songnames_set: 
                print "-> Already fingerprinted, continuing..."

            # convert to WAV
            wavout_path = self.converter.convert(filename, extension, Converter.WAV, output, song_name)

            # insert song name into database
            song_id = sql_connection.insert_song(song_name)

            # for each channel perform FFT analysis and fingerprinting
            channels = self.extract_channels(wavout_path)
            for c in range(len(channels)):
                channel = channels[c]
                print "-> Fingerprinting channel %d of song %s..." % (c+1, song_name)
                self.fingerprinter.fingerprint(channel, wavout_path, song_id, c+1)

            # only after done fingerprinting do confirm

    def extract_channels(self, path):
            Reads channels from disk.
        channels = []
        Fs, frames = wavfile.read(path)
        wave_object = wave.open(path)
        nchannels, sampwidth, framerate, num_frames, comptype, compname = wave_object.getparams()
        assert Fs == self.fingerprinter.Fs

        for channel in range(nchannels):
            channels.append(frames[:, channel])
        return channels
예제 #5
class Dejavu():

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = config

        # create components
        self.converter = Converter(config)
        self.fingerprinter = Fingerprinter(self.config)

        # get songs previously indexed
        self.songs = self.fingerprinter.db.get_songs()
        self.songnames_set = set() # to know which ones we've computed before
        if self.songs:
            for song in self.songs:
                song_id = song[SQLDatabase.FIELD_SONG_ID]
                song_name = song[SQLDatabase.FIELD_SONGNAME]
                print "Added: %s to the set of fingerprinted songs..." % song_name

    def chunkify(self, lst, n):
            Splits a list into roughly n equal parts. 
        return [lst[i::n] for i in xrange(n)]

    def fingerprint(self, path, output, extensions, nprocesses, keep_wav=False):

        # convert files, shuffle order
        files = self.converter.find_files(path, extensions)
        files_split = self.chunkify(files, nprocesses)

        # split into processes here
        processes = []
        for i in range(nprocesses):

            # need database instance since mysql connections shouldn't be shared across processes
            sql_connection = SQLDatabase( 
                self.config.get(SQLDatabase.CONNECTION, SQLDatabase.KEY_HOSTNAME),
                self.config.get(SQLDatabase.CONNECTION, SQLDatabase.KEY_USERNAME),
                self.config.get(SQLDatabase.CONNECTION, SQLDatabase.KEY_PASSWORD),
                self.config.get(SQLDatabase.CONNECTION, SQLDatabase.KEY_DATABASE))

            # create process and start it
            p = Process(target=self.fingerprint_worker, args=(files_split[i], sql_connection, output, keep_wav))

        # wait for all processes to complete
            for p in processes:
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print "-> Exiting.."
            for worker in processes:
        # delete orphans
        # print "Done fingerprinting. Deleting orphaned fingerprints..."
        # TODO: need a more performant query in database.py for the 

    def fingerprint_worker(self, files, sql_connection, output, keep_wav):

        for filename, extension in files:
            # if there are already fingerprints in database, don't re-fingerprint or convert
            if filename in self.songnames_set: 
                print "-> Already fingerprinted, continuing..."

            # convert to WAV
            wavout_path = self.converter.convert(filename, extension, Converter.WAV, output)

            # for each channel perform FFT analysis and fingerprinting
                channels = self.extract_channels(wavout_path)
            except AssertionError, e:
                print "-> File not supported, skipping."

            # insert song name into database
            song_id = sql_connection.insert_song(filename)

            for c in range(len(channels)):
                channel = channels[c]
                print "-> Fingerprinting channel %d of song %s..." % (c+1, filename)
                self.fingerprinter.fingerprint(channel, wavout_path, song_id, c+1)

            # remove wav file if not required
            if not keep_wav:

            # only after done fingerprinting do confirm
예제 #6
def test_recording_lengths(recognizer):
    # settings for run
    RATE = 44100
    FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16
    padding_seconds = 10
    SONG_PADDING = RATE * padding_seconds
    OUTPUT_FILE = "output.wav"
    p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
    c = Converter()
    files = c.find_files("va_us_top_40/wav/", [".wav"])[-25:]
    total = len(files)
    recording_lengths = [4]
    correct = 0
    count = 0
    score = {}
    for r in recording_lengths:
        RECORD_LENGTH = RATE * r
        for tup in files:
            f, ext = tup 
            # read the file
            #print "reading: %s" % f
            Fs, frames = wavfile.read(f)
            wave_object = wave.open(f)
            nchannels, sampwidth, framerate, num_frames, comptype, compname = wave_object.getparams()
            # chose at random a segment of audio to play
            possible_end = num_frames - SONG_PADDING - RECORD_LENGTH
            possible_start = SONG_PADDING
            if possible_end - possible_start < RECORD_LENGTH:
                print "ERROR! Song is too short to sample based on padding and recording seconds preferences."
            start = random.randint(possible_start, possible_end)
            end = start + RECORD_LENGTH + 1
            # get that segment of samples
            channels = []
            frames = frames[start:end, :]
            wav_string = frames.tostring()
            # write to disk
            wf = wave.open(OUTPUT_FILE, 'wb')
            # play and test
            correctname = os.path.basename(f).replace(".wav", "").replace("_", " ")
            inp = raw_input("Click ENTER when playing %s ..." % OUTPUT_FILE)
            song = recognizer.listen(seconds=r+1, verbose=False)
            print "PREDICTED: %s" % song['song_name']
            print "ACTUAL: %s" % correctname
            if song['song_name'] == correctname:
                correct += 1
            count += 1
            print "Currently %d correct out of %d in total of %d" % (correct, count, total)
        score[r] = (correct, total)
        print "UPDATE AFTER %d TRIAL: %s" % (r, score)
    return score