예제 #1
    def _implicit_fuse(x_bar, P_bar, x_hat, P, x_ref, C, R, delta, h_x_hat,
                       h_x_bar, h_x_ref, angle_meas):
        mu = h_x_hat - h_x_bar
        Qe = np.dot(C, np.dot(P_bar, C.T)) + R
        alpha = h_x_ref - h_x_bar

        Qf = lambda x: 1 - normaldist.cdf(x)

        if angle_meas:
            nu_minus = normalize_angle(-delta + alpha - mu) / np.sqrt(Qe)
            nu_plus = normalize_angle(delta + alpha - mu) / np.sqrt(Qe)
            nu_minus = (-delta + alpha - mu) / np.sqrt(Qe)
            nu_plus = (delta + alpha - mu) / np.sqrt(Qe)

        tmp = (normaldist.pdf(nu_minus) -
               normaldist.pdf(nu_plus)) / (Qf(nu_minus) - Qf(nu_plus))
        z_bar = tmp * np.sqrt(Qe)
        tmp2 = (nu_minus * normaldist.pdf(nu_minus) - nu_plus *
                normaldist.pdf(nu_plus)) / (Qf(nu_minus) - Qf(nu_plus))
        curly_theta = tmp**2 - tmp2
        K = np.dot(P, np.dot(C.T, inv(np.dot(C, np.dot(P, C.T)) + R)))
        x_hat = x_hat + K * z_bar
        P = P - curly_theta * np.dot(K, np.dot(C, P))

        return x_hat, P
예제 #2
    def _fuse_azimuth_from_untracked(x_hat, P, startx1, position, meas_value,
        NUM_STATES = x_hat.shape[0]

        x1 = x_hat[startx1, 0]
        y1 = x_hat[startx1 + 1, 0]
        x2 = position[0]
        y2 = position[1]

        delta_pred = np.array([[x1 - x2], [y1 - y2]])
        if norm(delta_pred) < 1e-3:
            delta_pred[0, 0] = 1e-3
            delta_pred[1, 0] = 1e-3
        pred = np.arctan2(delta_pred[1, 0], delta_pred[0, 0])

        dadx = -delta_pred[1, 0] / norm(delta_pred)**2
        dady = delta_pred[0, 0] / norm(delta_pred)**2
        H = np.zeros((1, NUM_STATES))
        H[0, startx1] = dadx
        H[0, startx1 + 1] = dady

        innovation = normalize_angle(meas_value - pred)
        if abs(innovation) < np.radians(90):
            x_hat, P = KalmanFilter._fuse(x_hat, P, H, R, innovation)
            print("Modem azimuth innovation too large, rejecting: {}".format(

        return x_hat, P
예제 #3
    def _fuse_azimuth_tracked(x_hat, P, startx1, startx2, meas_value, R):
        pred, H = KalmanFilter._predict_azimuth(x_hat, startx1, startx2)

        innovation = normalize_angle(meas_value - pred)
        x_hat, P = KalmanFilter._fuse(x_hat, P, H, R, innovation)

        return x_hat, P
예제 #4
def scan_control(scan_angle, my_pos, agent_dict, prototrack, scan_size,
                 ping_thresh, lost_thresh):
    scan_angle in inertial frame
    - float: the start scan region in inertial frame
    - bool: whether scanning 360
    # Determine if an agent needs pinging
    lost_agent = False
    for agent in agent_dict:
        mean = agent_dict[agent][0]
        cov = agent_dict[agent][1]
        if np.trace(cov) > lost_thresh:
            lost_agent = True
        elif np.trace(cov) > ping_thresh:  # Agent is lost and attempt to scan
            print("Pinging: {}".format(agent))
            return scan_agent(mean, my_pos, scan_size), False

    # Check if we have a lost agent, scan 360 deg
    if lost_agent:

        if prototrack is not None:  # If we have any prototracks scan there first
            print("Prototrack started, rescanning")
            mean = prototrack[0]
            return scan_agent(mean, my_pos, scan_size), False
            print("Agent lost: scanning")
            return normalize_angle(scan_angle + scan_size), True
        # ping agent with highest uncertainty
        agents, unc = [], []
        for agent in agent_dict:
            cov = agent_dict[agent][1]

        max_index = np.argmax(unc)
        agent = agents[max_index]
        print("Pinging: {}".format(agent))
        mean = agent_dict[agent][0]
        return scan_agent(mean, my_pos, scan_size), False
예제 #5
 def _gradian2radian(self, grad):
     return normalize_angle((np.pi / 200.0) * (200 - grad))
예제 #6
def scan_agent(mean, my_pos, scan_size):
    delta = mean[:2] - np.reshape(my_pos[:2], (-1, 1))
    x_delta = delta[0]
    y_delta = delta[1]
    world_angle = np.arctan2(y_delta, x_delta)
    return normalize_angle(world_angle + scan_size / 2.0)
예제 #7
    def pull_buffer(self, mults, delta_dict, position_process_noise,
                    velocity_process_noise, modem_loc, buffer_size):
        mults : list of floats/ints
        delta_dict : dict{"meas_type" -> base_delta }
        middle_index = int(len(mults) / 2)
        mult = mults[middle_index]

        x_common_start = self.x_common
        P_common_start = self.P_common

        ledger_mat = KalmanFilter._get_ledger_mat(self.ledger)

        while True:

            x_common = x_common_start
            P_common = P_common_start

            share_buffer = []

            # Loop through all time indices
            for index in range(self.last_share_index, self.index + 1):
                measurements = self._get_measurements_at_time(
                    ledger_mat, index)

                x_common, P_common = KalmanFilter._propogate(x_common, P_common, \
                    position_process_noise, velocity_process_noise, self.BLUE_NUM, self.RED_NUM,\

                x_common_bar = x_common
                P_common_bar = P_common

                for mi in range(measurements.shape[0]):
                    meas = measurements[mi, :]
                    meas_type = MEAS_TYPES_INDICES[int(
                    startx1 = int(meas[MEAS_COLUMNS.index("startx1")])
                    startx2 = int(meas[MEAS_COLUMNS.index("startx2")])
                    data = meas[MEAS_COLUMNS.index("data")]
                    R = meas[MEAS_COLUMNS.index("R")]

                    # ["modem_range", "modem_azimuth", "sonar_range", "sonar_azimuth", "sonar_range_implicit", "sonar_azimuth_implicit"]
                    if meas_type == "modem_range":
                        x_common, P_common = KalmanFilter._fuse_range_from_untracked(
                            x_common, P_common, startx1, modem_loc, data, R)
                        # Don't add to shared_buffer
                    elif meas_type == "modem_azimuth":
                        x_common, P_common = KalmanFilter._fuse_azimuth_from_untracked(
                            x_common, P_common, startx1, modem_loc, data, R)
                        # Don't add to shared_buffer
                    elif meas_type == "sonar_range":
                        pred, H = KalmanFilter._predict_range(
                            x_common, startx1, startx2)
                        innovation = data - pred
                        delta = delta_dict["sonar_range"] * mult

                        # Fuse explicitly
                        if abs(innovation) > delta:
                            x_common, P_common = KalmanFilter._fuse_range_tracked(
                                x_common, P_common, startx1, startx2, data, R)

                            type_ind = MEAS_TYPES_INDICES.index("sonar_range")
                            meas_row = [
                                type_ind, index, startx1, startx2, data, R

                        else:  # Fuse implicitly
                            x_ref = x_common
                            h_x_hat = pred
                            h_x_bar, H_ = KalmanFilter._predict_range(
                                x_common_bar, startx1, startx2)
                            h_x_ref, H_ = KalmanFilter._predict_range(
                                x_ref, startx1, startx2)
                            x_common, P_common = KalmanFilter._implicit_fuse(
                                x_common_bar, P_common_bar, x_common, P_common,
                                x_ref, H, R, delta, h_x_hat, h_x_bar, h_x_ref,
                                P_common)  # Just check matrix isn't singular

                            type_ind = MEAS_TYPES_INDICES.index(
                            meas_row = [
                                type_ind, index, startx1, startx2, 0.0, R

                    elif meas_type == "sonar_azimuth":
                        pred, H = KalmanFilter._predict_azimuth(
                            x_common, startx1, startx2)
                        innovation = normalize_angle(data - pred)
                        delta = delta_dict["sonar_azimuth"] * mult

                        # Fuse explicitly
                        if abs(innovation) > delta:
                            x_common, P_common = KalmanFilter._fuse_azimuth_tracked(
                                x_common, P_common, startx1, startx2, data, R)

                            type_ind = MEAS_TYPES_INDICES.index(
                            meas_row = [
                                type_ind, index, startx1, startx2, data, R

                        else:  # Fuse implicitly
                            x_ref = x_common
                            h_x_hat = pred
                            h_x_bar, H_ = KalmanFilter._predict_azimuth(
                                x_common_bar, startx1, startx2)
                            h_x_ref, H_ = KalmanFilter._predict_azimuth(
                                x_ref, startx1, startx2)
                            x_common, P_common = KalmanFilter._implicit_fuse(
                                x_common_bar, P_common_bar, x_common, P_common,
                                x_ref, H, R, delta, h_x_hat, h_x_bar, h_x_ref,
                                P_common)  # Just check matrix isn't singular

                            type_ind = MEAS_TYPES_INDICES.index(
                            meas_row = [
                                type_ind, index, startx1, startx2, 0.0, R
                        raise ValueError("Unrecognized measurement type: " +

            if not share_buffer:  # We didn't take any shareable measurements!
                return mults[0], [], 0, 0
            # Check if share_buffer overflowed
            share_buffer_mat = KalmanFilter._get_ledger_mat(share_buffer)
            cost, explicit_cnt, implicit_cnt = self._get_buffer_size(
            if cost > buffer_size:
                if len(mults) == 1:  # There were no matches!
                    raise Exception("There were no matching deltatiers!")
                mults = mults[middle_index + 1:]
                if len(mults) == 1:  # We've found our multiplier!
                mults = mults[:middle_index + 1]

            # Pick the middle delta
            middle_index = int(len(mults) / 2) - 1
            mult = mults[middle_index]

        self.x_common = x_common
        self.P_common = P_common
        self.last_share_index = self.index + 1  # Don't share this index again

        return mult, share_buffer, explicit_cnt, implicit_cnt