예제 #1
    def test_run_bandit_success(self, linter_obj: Linter, lint_files: List[Path], mocker):
        from demisto_sdk.commands.lint import linter

        mocker.patch.object(linter, 'run_command_os')
        linter.run_command_os.return_value = ('', '', 0)

        exit_code, output = linter_obj._run_bandit(lint_files=lint_files)

        assert exit_code == 0b0, "Exit code should be 0"
        assert output == '', "Output should be empty"
예제 #2
    def test_run_bandit_usage_stderr(self, linter_obj: Linter, lint_files: List[Path], mocker):
        from demisto_sdk.commands.lint import linter

        mocker.patch.object(linter, 'run_command_os')
        expected_output = 'Error code found'
        linter.run_command_os.return_value = ('not good', expected_output, 1)

        exit_code, output = linter_obj._run_bandit(lint_files=lint_files)

        assert exit_code == 0b1, "Exit code should be 1"
        assert output == expected_output, "Output should be empty"