def main_cli(): description = "%s %s %s" % (_program_name, _program_version, _program_subtitle) usage = "%prog [options] -t <TARGET-TREE-FILE> <TREES-FILE> [TREES-FILE [TREES-FILE [...]]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, add_help_option=True, version = _program_version, description=description) parser.add_option("-t","--target", dest="target_tree_filepath", default=None, help="path to file with tree (Newick or NEXUS format) " + "to which labels will be written") parser.add_option("--preserve-target-labels", action="store_true", dest="preserve_target_labels", default=False, help="keep any existing labels on target tree (by default, these will be cleared before writing the new labels)") parser.add_option("--rooted", action="store_true", dest="rooted_trees", default=None, help="treat trees as rooted") parser.add_option("--unrooted", action="store_false", dest="rooted_trees", default=None, help="treat trees as unrooted") parser.add_option("--ignore-missing-source", action="store_true", dest="ignore_missing_source", default=False, help="ignore missing source tree files (at least one must exist!)") parser.add_option("-o","--output", dest="output_filepath", default=None, help="path to output file (if not given, will print to standard output)") parser.add_option("-s","--separator", dest="separator", default="/", help="string to use to separate labels from different source trees (default='%default')") parser.add_option("--no-taxa-block", action="store_false", dest="include_taxa_block", default=True, help="do not include a taxa block in the output treefile (otherwise will create taxa block by default)") parser.add_option("-c", "--additional-comments", action="store", dest="additional_comments", default=None, help="additional comments to be added to the summary file") parser.add_option("--to-newick", action="store_true", dest="to_newick_format", default=False, help="save results in NEWICK (PHYLIP) format (default is to save in NEXUS format)") parser.add_option("--to-phylip", action="store_true", dest="to_newick_format", default=False, help="same as --newick") parser.add_option("-r", "--replace", action="store_true", dest="replace", default=False, help="replace/overwrite output file without asking if it already exists ") parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet", default=False, help="suppress ALL logging, progress and feedback messages") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() if opts.quiet: messaging_level = ConsoleMessenger.ERROR_MESSAGING_LEVEL else: messaging_level = ConsoleMessenger.INFO_MESSAGING_LEVEL messenger = ConsoleMessenger(name="SumLabels", messaging_level=messaging_level) # splash if not opts.quiet: show_splash(prog_name=_program_name, prog_subtitle=_program_subtitle, prog_version=_program_version, prog_author=_program_author, prog_copyright=_program_copyright, dest=sys.stderr, extended=False) ################################################### # Source file idiot checking source_filepaths = [] if len(args) > 0: for fpath in args: fpath = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(fpath)) if not os.path.exists(fpath): if opts.ignore_missing_source: messenger.send_warning("Source file not found: '%s'" % fpath) else: messenger.send_error("Terminating due to missing source files. " + "Use the '--ignore-missing-source' option to continue even " + "if some files are missing.") sys.exit(1) else: source_filepaths.append(fpath) if len(source_filepaths) == 0: messenger.send_error("No valid sources of input trees specified. " + "Please provide the path to at least one (valid and existing) file " + "containing trees") sys.exit(1) else: messenger.send_info("No sources of input trees specified. " + "Please provide the path to at least one (valid and existing) file " + "containing tree samples to summarize. See '--help' for other options.") sys.exit(1) ################################################### # Lots of other idiot-checking ... # target tree if opts.target_tree_filepath is not None: target_tree_filepath = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(opts.target_tree_filepath)) if not os.path.exists(target_tree_filepath): messenger.send_error("Target tree file not found: '%s'" % target_tree_filepath) sys.exit(1) else: messenger.send_error("Target tree file not specified: use the '-t' or '--target' option to provide path to target tree") sys.exit(1) # output if opts.output_filepath is None: output_dest = sys.stdout else: output_fpath = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(opts.output_filepath)) if confirm_overwrite(filepath=output_fpath, replace_without_asking=opts.replace): output_dest = open(output_fpath, "w") else: sys.exit(1) # taxon set to handle target trees master_taxon_set = dendropy.TaxonSet() is_rooted = opts.rooted_trees messenger.send_info("Reading target tree: '%s'" % target_tree_filepath) target_tree = None for tree in tree_source_iter( open(target_tree_filepath, "rU"), schema='nexus/newick', taxon_set=master_taxon_set, as_rooted=is_rooted): target_tree = tree break split_labels = {} for src_fpath in source_filepaths: messenger.send_info("Reading source tree(s) from: '%s'" % src_fpath) for tree in tree_source_iter( open(src_fpath, "rU"), schema='nexus/newick', taxon_set=master_taxon_set, as_rooted=is_rooted): tree.update_splits() for split, edge in tree.split_edges.items(): label = edge.head_node.label print label if not label: continue try: split_labels[split].append(label) except KeyError: split_labels[split] = [label] messenger.send_info("Mapping labels") target_tree.update_splits() for split, edge in target_tree.split_edges.items(): label = [] if opts.preserve_target_labels and edge.head_node.label: label.append(edge.head_node.label) elif not opts.preserve_target_labels: edge.head_node.label = None if split in split_labels: label.extend(split_labels[split]) else: pass # messenger.send_warning("Split on target tree not found in source trees: ignoring") if label: edge.head_node.label = opts.separator.join(label) output_dataset = dendropy.DataSet(dendropy.TreeList([target_tree], taxon_set=master_taxon_set)) if opts.to_newick_format: output_dataset.write(output_dest, "newick", suppress_rooting=False, suppress_edge_lengths=False, unquoted_underscores=False, preserve_spaces=False, store_tree_weights=False, suppress_annotations=False, annotations_as_nhx=False, suppress_item_comments=False, suppress_leaf_taxon_labels=False, suppress_leaf_node_labels=True, suppress_internal_taxon_labels=False, suppress_internal_node_labels=False, node_label_element_separator=' ', node_label_compose_func=None) else: if opts.include_taxa_block: simple = False else: simple = True comment = [] try: username = getpass.getuser() except: username = "******" comment.append("%s %s by %s." % (_program_name, _program_version, _program_author)) comment.append("Using DendroPy Version %s by Jeet Sukumaran and Mark T. Holder." % dendropy.__version__) python_version = sys.version.replace("\n", "").replace("[", "(").replace("]",")") comment.append("Running under Python %s on %s." % (python_version, sys.platform)) comment.append("Executed on %s by %s@%s." % (platform.node(), username, socket.gethostname())) if opts.additional_comments: comment.append("\n") comment.append(opts.additional_comments) output_dataset.write(output_dest, "nexus", simple=simple, file_comments=comment, suppress_rooting=False, unquoted_underscores=False, preserve_spaces=False, store_tree_weights=False, suppress_annotations=False, annotations_as_nhx=False, suppress_item_comments=False, suppress_leaf_taxon_labels=False, suppress_leaf_node_labels=True, suppress_internal_taxon_labels=False, suppress_internal_node_labels=False, node_label_element_separator=' ', node_label_compose_func=None) if not opts.output_filepath: pass else: messenger.send_info("Results written to: '%s'." % (output_fpath))
def main_cli(): description = "%s %s %s" % (_program_name, _program_version, _program_subtitle) usage = "%prog [options] TREES-FILE [TREES-FILE [TREES-FILE [...]]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, add_help_option=True, version=_program_version, description=description) sum_tree_optgroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Source Treatment Options") parser.add_option_group(sum_tree_optgroup) sum_tree_optgroup.add_option( "-b", "--burnin", action="store", dest="burnin", type="int", default=0, help="number of trees to skip from the beginning of *each tree file* when counting support [default=%default]", ) source_tree_optgroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Source Tree Options") parser.add_option_group(source_tree_optgroup) source_tree_optgroup.add_option( "--rooted", action="store_true", dest="rooted_trees", default=None, help="treat trees as rooted" ) source_tree_optgroup.add_option( "--unrooted", action="store_false", dest="rooted_trees", default=None, help="treat trees as unrooted" ) source_tree_optgroup.add_option( "--ultrametric", action="store_true", dest="ultrametric_trees", default=False, help="assume trees are ultrametric (implies '--rooted' ; will result in node ages being summarized; will result in error if trees are not ultrametric)", ) source_tree_optgroup.add_option( "--weighted-trees", action="store_true", dest="weighted_trees", default=False, help="use weights of trees as indicated by '[&W m/n]' comment to weight contribution of splits found on each tree to overall split frequencies", ) source_tree_optgroup.add_option( "--from-newick-stream", action="store_true", dest="from_newick_stream", default=False, help="support trees will be streamed in newick format", ) source_tree_optgroup.add_option( "--from-nexus-stream", action="store_true", dest="from_nexus_stream", default=False, help="support trees will be streamed in NEXUS format", ) target_tree_optgroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Target Tree Options") parser.add_option_group(target_tree_optgroup) target_tree_optgroup.add_option( "-t", "--target", dest="target_tree_filepath", default=None, help="path to optional target, model or best topology tree file (Newick or NEXUS format) " + "to which support will be mapped; " + "if not given, then a majority-rule clade consensus tree will be constructed based on the " + "all the trees given in the support tree files (except for those discarded as burn-ins), " + "and this will be used as the target tree", ) target_tree_optgroup.add_option( "-f", "--min-clade-freq", dest="min_clade_freq", type="float", default=0.50, metavar="#.##", help="minimum frequency or probability for a clade or a split to be " + "included in the consensus tree, if used [default=%default]", ) support_summarization_optgroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Support Summarization Options") parser.add_option_group(support_summarization_optgroup) support_summarization_optgroup.add_option( "-l", "--support-as-labels", action="store_const", dest="support_annotation_target", default=1, const=1, help="in addition to node metadata, indicate branch support as internal node labels [default]", ) support_summarization_optgroup.add_option( "-v", "--support-as-lengths", action="store_const", dest="support_annotation_target", default=1, const=2, help="in addition to node metadata, indicate branch support as branch lengths", ) support_summarization_optgroup.add_option( "-x", "--no-support", action="store_const", dest="support_annotation_target", default=1, const=0, help="""\ do not indicate support with internal node labels or edge lengths (support will still be indicated as node metadata unless '--no-summary-metadata' is specified)""", ) support_summarization_optgroup.add_option( "-p", "--percentages", action="store_true", dest="support_as_percentages", default=False, help="indicate branch support as percentages (otherwise, will report as proportions by default)", ) support_summarization_optgroup.add_option( "-d", "--decimals", dest="support_label_decimals", type="int", metavar="#", default=2, help="number of decimal places in indication of support values [default=%default]", ) edge_summarization_optgroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Edge Length Summarization Options") parser.add_option_group(edge_summarization_optgroup) edge_summarization_choices = ["mean-length", "median-length", "mean-age", "median-age", "keep", "unweighted"] edge_summarization_optgroup.add_option( "-e", "--edges", type="choice", dest="edge_summarization", metavar="<%s>" % ("|".join(edge_summarization_choices)), choices=edge_summarization_choices, default=None, help="""\ set edge lengths of target tree(s) to mean/median lengths/ages of corresponding splits or edges of input trees (note that using 'mean-age' or 'median-age' require rooted ultrametric input trees, and will behave as if '--ultrametric' and '--with-node-ages' are specified"); default is to 'keep' if target trees are specified (i.e., target trees will have their branch lengths preserved by default), 'median-age' if no target trees are specified but the '--ultrametric' directive is given (a consensus tree should be constructed to summarize support and input trees are ultrametric), and 'mean-length' if no target trees are specified and the '--ultrametric' directive is *not* given (a consensus tree should be constructed to summarize support and input trees are *not* assumed to be ultrametric), """, ) edge_summarization_optgroup.add_option( "--collapse-negative-edges", action="store_true", dest="collapse_negative_edges", default=False, help="(if setting edge lengths) force parent node ages to be at least as old as its oldest child when summarizing node ages", ) other_summarization_optgroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Other Summarization Options") parser.add_option_group(other_summarization_optgroup) # other_summarization_optgroup.add_option("--with-node-ages", # action="store_true", # dest="calc_node_ages", # default=None, # help="summarize node ages as well as edge lengths (implies '--rooted' and '--ultrametric'; automatically enabled if '--ultrametric' is specified; will result in error if trees are not ultrametric)") other_summarization_optgroup.add_option( "--trprobs", "--calc-tree-probabilities", dest="trprobs_filepath", default=None, metavar="FILEPATH", help="if specified, a file listing tree (topologies) and the " + "frequencies of their occurrences will be saved to FILEPATH", ) other_summarization_optgroup.add_option( "--extract-edges", dest="split_edges_filepath", default=None, metavar="FILEPATH", help="if specified, a tab-delimited file of splits and their edge " + "lengths across input trees will be saved to FILEPATH", ) other_summarization_optgroup.add_option( "--no-node-ages", action="store_false", dest="calc_node_ages", default=None, help="do not calculate/summarize node ages, even if '--ultrametric' is specified", ) other_summarization_optgroup.add_option( "--no-summary-metadata", action="store_true", dest="suppress_summary_metadata", default=False, help="do not annotate nodes with ranges, 5%/95 quartiles, 95% HPD's etc. of edge lengths and node ages", ) other_summarization_optgroup.add_option( "--ultrametricity-precision", default=0.0000001, type="float", help="precision when checking ultrametricity" ) output_filepath_optgroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Output File Options") parser.add_option_group(output_filepath_optgroup) output_filepath_optgroup.add_option( "-o", "--output", dest="output_filepath", default=None, help="path to output file (if not given, will print to standard output)", ) output_filepath_optgroup.add_option( "--no-taxa-block", action="store_false", dest="include_taxa_block", default=True, help="do not include a taxa block in the output treefile (otherwise will create taxa block by default)", ) output_filepath_optgroup.add_option( "--no-meta-comments", action="store_false", dest="include_meta_comments", default=True, help="do not include initial file comment annotating details of scoring operation", ) output_filepath_optgroup.add_option( "-c", "--additional-comments", action="store", dest="additional_comments", default=None, help="additional comments to be added to the summary file", ) output_filepath_optgroup.add_option( "--to-newick", action="store_true", dest="to_newick_format", default=False, help="save results in NEWICK (PHYLIP) format (default is to save in NEXUS format)", ) output_filepath_optgroup.add_option( "--to-phylip", action="store_true", dest="to_newick_format", default=False, help="same as --newick" ) output_filepath_optgroup.add_option( "-r", "--replace", action="store_true", dest="replace", default=False, help="replace/overwrite output file without asking if it already exists ", ) run_optgroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Program Run Options") parser.add_option_group(run_optgroup) if _MP: run_optgroup.add_option( "-m", "--multiprocessing", action="store", dest="multiprocess", metavar="NUM-PROCESSES", default=None, help="run in parallel mode with up to a maximum of NUM-PROCESSES processes " + "(specify '*' to run in as many processes as there are cores on the " + "local machine)", ) run_optgroup.add_option( "-g", "--log-frequency", type="int", metavar="LOG-FREQUENCY", dest="log_frequency", default=500, help="tree processing progress logging frequency (default=%default; set to 0 to suppress)", ) run_optgroup.add_option( "-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet", default=False, help="suppress ALL logging, progress and feedback messages", ) run_optgroup.add_option( "--ignore-missing-support", action="store_true", dest="ignore_missing_support", default=False, help="ignore missing support tree files (at least one must exist!)", ) run_optgroup.add_option( "--ignore-missing-target", action="store_true", dest="ignore_missing_target", default=False, help="ignore missing target tree file (will construct majority rule consensus tree if missing)", ) (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() if opts.quiet: messaging_level = ConsoleMessenger.ERROR_MESSAGING_LEVEL else: messaging_level = ConsoleMessenger.INFO_MESSAGING_LEVEL messenger = ConsoleMessenger(name="SumTrees", messaging_level=messaging_level) # splash if not opts.quiet: show_splash( prog_name=_program_name, prog_subtitle=_program_subtitle, prog_version=_program_version, prog_author=_program_author, prog_copyright=_program_copyright, dest=sys.stderr, extended=False, ) ################################################### # Support file idiot checking support_filepaths = [] if len(args) > 0: for fpath in args: fpath = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(fpath)) if not os.path.exists(fpath): if opts.ignore_missing_support: messenger.send_warning("Support file not found: '%s'" % fpath) else: messenger.send_error( "Terminating due to missing support files. " + "Use the '--ignore-missing-support' option to continue even " + "if some files are missing." ) sys.exit(1) else: support_filepaths.append(fpath) if len(support_filepaths) == 0: messenger.send_error( "No valid sources of input trees specified. " + "Please provide the path to at least one (valid and existing) file " + "containing tree samples to summarize." ) sys.exit(1) else: if not opts.from_newick_stream and not opts.from_nexus_stream: messenger.send_info( "No sources of input trees specified. " + "Please provide the path to at least one (valid and existing) file " + "containing tree samples to summarize. See '--help' for other options." ) sys.exit(1) ################################################### # Lots of other idiot-checking ... # target tree if opts.target_tree_filepath is not None: target_tree_filepath = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(opts.target_tree_filepath)) if not os.path.exists(target_tree_filepath): if opts.ignore_missing_target: if not opts.quiet: messenger.send_warning( "Target tree file not found: '%s': using majority-rule consensus tree instead." % target_tree_filepath ) target_tree_filepath = None else: messenger.send_error("Target tree file not found: '%s'" % target_tree_filepath) sys.exit(1) else: target_tree_filepath = None ### TODO: these will be command-line options in the future ### here we just set it assert not hasattr(opts, "outgroup") opts.outgroup = None assert not hasattr(opts, "root_target") opts.root_target = None ### TODO: idiot-check edge length summarization # edge lengths if opts.edge_summarization: opts.edge_summarization = opts.edge_summarization.lower() if opts.edge_summarization not in edge_summarization_choices: messenger.send_error( "'%s' is not a valid edge summarization choice; must be one of: %s" % (opts.edge_summarization, edge_summarization_choices) ) sys.exit(1) if opts.edge_summarization == "mean-age" or opts.edge_summarization == "median-age": opts.ultrametric_trees = True opts.rooted_trees = True if opts.calc_node_ages is None: opts.calc_node_ages = True else: if opts.ultrametric_trees: opts.rooted_trees = True if opts.calc_node_ages is None: opts.calc_node_ages = True else: if opts.calc_node_ages is True: opts.ultrametric_trees = True opts.rooted_trees = True else: opts.calc_node_ages = False # output if opts.output_filepath is None: output_dest = sys.stdout else: output_fpath = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(opts.output_filepath)) if confirm_overwrite(filepath=output_fpath, replace_without_asking=opts.replace): output_dest = open(output_fpath, "w") else: sys.exit(1) if opts.trprobs_filepath: trprobs_filepath = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(opts.trprobs_filepath)) if confirm_overwrite(filepath=trprobs_filepath, replace_without_asking=opts.replace): trprobs_dest = open(trprobs_filepath, "w") else: sys.exit(1) opts.calc_tree_probs = True else: trprobs_dest = None opts.calc_tree_probs = False if opts.split_edges_filepath: split_edges_filepath = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(opts.split_edges_filepath)) if confirm_overwrite(filepath=split_edges_filepath, replace_without_asking=opts.replace): split_edges_dest = open(split_edges_filepath, "w") else: sys.exit(1) else: split_edges_dest = None if opts.from_newick_stream: schema = "newick" elif opts.from_nexus_stream: schema = "nexus" else: schema = "nexus/newick" ################################################### # Main work begins here: Count the splits start_time = master_split_distribution = None if (support_filepaths is not None and len(support_filepaths) > 1) and _MP and opts.multiprocess: if opts.multiprocess is not None: if opts.multiprocess == "*": num_processes = multiprocessing.cpu_count() elif opts.multiprocess == "@": num_processes = len(support_filepaths) else: try: num_processes = int(opts.multiprocess) except ValueError: messenger.send_error( "'%s' is not a valid number of processes (must be a positive integer)." % opts.multiprocess ) sys.exit(1) if num_processes <= 0: messenger.send_error( "Maximum number of processes set to %d: cannot run SumTrees with less than 1 process" % num_processes ) sys.exit(1) if num_processes == 1: messenger.send_warning( "Running in parallel processing mode but limited to only 1 process: probably more efficient to run in serial mode!" ) master_split_distribution, master_topology_counter = process_sources_parallel( num_processes=num_processes, support_filepaths=support_filepaths, schema=schema, is_rooted=opts.rooted_trees, ignore_node_ages=not opts.calc_node_ages, ultrametricity_precision=opts.ultrametricity_precision, calc_tree_probs=opts.calc_tree_probs, weighted_trees=opts.weighted_trees, tree_offset=opts.burnin, log_frequency=opts.log_frequency, messenger=messenger, ) else: if _MP and opts.multiprocess is not None and len(support_filepaths) == 1: messenger.send_warning( "Parallel processing mode requested but only one source specified: defaulting to serial mode." ) if opts.from_newick_stream or opts.from_nexus_stream: support_filepaths = None master_split_distribution, master_topology_counter = process_sources_serial( support_filepaths=support_filepaths, schema=schema, is_rooted=opts.rooted_trees, ignore_node_ages=not opts.calc_node_ages, ultrametricity_precision=opts.ultrametricity_precision, calc_tree_probs=opts.calc_tree_probs, weighted_trees=opts.weighted_trees, tree_offset=opts.burnin, log_frequency=opts.log_frequency, messenger=messenger, ) ################################################### # Compose post-counting report # if not splits counted or the taxon set was not populated for any reason, # we just produce an empty block so we don't crash as we report nothing of interest if master_split_distribution.taxon_set is None: assert master_split_distribution.total_trees_counted == 0 master_split_distribution.taxon_set = dendropy.TaxonSet() # taxon set to handle target trees master_taxon_set = master_split_distribution.taxon_set report = [] report.append( "%d trees considered in total for split support assessment." % (master_split_distribution.total_trees_counted) ) if opts.rooted_trees is None: report.append("Tree rooting as given by tree statement (defaults to unrooted).") elif opts.rooted_trees: report.append("Trees treated as rooted.") else: report.append("Trees treated as unrooted.") if opts.ultrametric_trees: report.append("Trees are expected to be ultrametric.") if opts.weighted_trees: report.append("Trees treated as weighted (default weight = 1.0).") else: report.append("Trees treated as unweighted.") n_taxa = len(master_taxon_set) report.append("%d unique taxa across all trees." % n_taxa) num_splits, num_unique_splits, num_nt_splits, num_nt_unique_splits = master_split_distribution.splits_considered() report.append("%d unique splits out of %d total splits counted." % (num_unique_splits, num_splits)) report.append( "%d unique non-trivial splits out of %d total non-trivial splits counted." % (num_nt_unique_splits, num_nt_splits) ) comments = [] comments.extend(report) messenger.send_info("Split counting completed:") messenger.send_info_lines(report, prefix=" - ") ################################################### # Target tree and mapping if not opts.support_as_percentages and opts.support_label_decimals < 2: messenger.send_warning( "Reporting support by proportions require that support will be reported to at least 2 decimal places" ) opts.support_label_decimals = 2 tsum = treesum.TreeSummarizer() tsum.add_node_metadata = not opts.suppress_summary_metadata if opts.support_annotation_target == 1: tsum.support_as_labels = True tsum.support_as_edge_lengths = False support_show = "indicated by node labels" if tsum.add_node_metadata: support_show += " and node metadata" elif opts.support_annotation_target == 2: tsum.support_as_labels = False tsum.support_as_edge_lengths = True support_show = "indicated by branch lengths" if tsum.add_node_metadata: support_show += " and node metadata" elif opts.support_annotation_target == 0: tsum.support_as_labels = False tsum.support_as_edge_lengths = False if tsum.add_node_metadata: support_show = "indicated by node metadata (only)" else: support_show = "not indicated" else: raise Exception("Unexpected value for support annotation target: %s" % opts.support_annotation_target) tsum.support_as_percentages = opts.support_as_percentages tsum.support_label_decimals = opts.support_label_decimals tsum.weighted_splits = opts.weighted_trees if opts.support_as_percentages: support_units = "Percentage" else: support_units = "Proportion (frequency or probability)" support_summarization = "%s of support for each split %s" % (support_units, support_show) tt_trees = [] support_comment_pattern = re.compile(r"support\s*=\s*[0-9.eE-]+,?", re.I) if target_tree_filepath is not None: messenger.send_info("Mapping support to target tree ...") # if adding node metadata, we extract it from the target tree first for tree in tree_source_iter( stream=open(target_tree_filepath, "r"), schema="nexus/newick", taxon_set=master_taxon_set, as_rooted=opts.rooted_trees, extract_comment_metadata=tsum.add_node_metadata, ): if opts.root_target: if opts.outgroup: pass else: tree.root_at_midpoint(splits=True) if opts.rooted_trees and not tree.is_rooted: messenger.send_error( "Support trees are treated as rooted, but target tree is unrooted. Root target tree(s) and re-run, or run using the '--root-target' flag." ) sys.exit(1) # strip out existing support statement # if tsum.add_node_metadata: # for nd in tree.postorder_node_iter(): # for nd_comment_idx, comment in enumerate(nd.comments): # nd.comments[nd_comment_idx] = support_comment_pattern.sub("", nd.comments[nd_comment_idx]) stree = tsum.map_split_support_to_tree(tree, master_split_distribution) tt_trees.append(stree) messenger.send_info("Parsed '%s': %d tree(s) in file" % (target_tree_filepath, len(tt_trees))) comments.append("Split support mapped to trees in:") comments.append(" - '%s' (%d trees)" % (os.path.abspath(target_tree_filepath), len(tt_trees))) if opts.root_target: if opts.outgroup: comments.append("Target tree(s) rooted using outgroup: %s." % opts.outgroup) else: comments.append("Target tree(s) rooted at midpoint.") comments.append(support_summarization + ".") else: messenger.send_info("Constructing clade consensus tree ...") if opts.min_clade_freq > 1.0: messenger.send_warning("Maximum frequency threshold for clade inclusion is 1.0: reset to 1.0.") min_freq = 1.0 else: min_freq = opts.min_clade_freq stree = tsum.tree_from_splits(master_split_distribution, min_freq=min_freq, include_edge_lengths=False) # include_edge_lengths=not opts.no_branch_lengths) if opts.root_target: stree.reroot_at_midpoint(update_splits=True) report = [] report.append("Consensus tree (%f clade frequency threshold) constructed from splits." % min_freq) tt_trees.append(stree) if opts.root_target: if opts.outgroup: report.append("Consensus tree rooted using outgroup: %s." % opts.outgroup) else: report.append("Consensus tree rooted at midpoint.") report.append(support_summarization + ".") messenger.send_info_lines(report) comments.extend(report) if not opts.suppress_summary_metadata: messenger.send_info("Summarizing node ages and lengths ...") for stree in tt_trees: tsum.annotate_nodes_and_edges(tree=stree, split_distribution=master_split_distribution) if opts.edge_summarization is None: if target_tree_filepath is not None: opts.edge_summarization = "keep" else: if opts.ultrametric_trees: opts.edge_summarization = "median-age" else: opts.edge_summarization = "mean-length" if opts.edge_summarization is not None and opts.edge_summarization == "unweighted": for stree in tt_trees: for edge in stree.postorder_edge_iter(): edge.length = None elif opts.edge_summarization is not None and opts.edge_summarization != "keep": if opts.edge_summarization.startswith("mean"): summary_func_desc = "mean" summarization_func = lambda x: statistics.mean_and_sample_variance(x)[0] else: summary_func_desc = "median" summarization_func = statistics.median if opts.edge_summarization.endswith("age"): messenger.send_info("Mapping node ages ...") comments.append( "Setting node ages of output tree(s) to %s ages of corresponding nodes of input trees." % summary_func_desc ) if opts.collapse_negative_edges: comments.append("Parent node ages coerced to be at least as old as oldest daughter node age.") collapse_negative_edges = True allow_negative_edges = False else: comments.append("Parent node ages not adjusted: negative edge lengths allowed.") collapse_negative_edges = False allow_negative_edges = True for stree in tt_trees: tsum.summarize_node_ages_on_tree( tree=stree, split_distribution=master_split_distribution, set_edge_lengths=True, collapse_negative_edges=collapse_negative_edges, allow_negative_edges=allow_negative_edges, summarization_func=summarization_func, ) elif opts.edge_summarization.endswith("length"): messenger.send_info("Mapping edge lengths ...") comments.append( "Setting edge lengths of output tree(s) to %s length of corresponding edges of input trees." % summary_func_desc ) for stree in tt_trees: tsum.summarize_edge_lengths_on_tree( tree=stree, split_distribution=master_split_distribution, summarization_func=summarization_func ) else: comments.append("Not setting edge lengths on output tree(s).") end_time = ################################################### # RESULTS messenger.send_info("Writing results ...") final_run_report = [] final_run_report.append("Began at: %s." % (start_time.isoformat(" "))) final_run_report.append("Ended at: %s." % (end_time.isoformat(" "))) hours, mins, secs = str(end_time - start_time).split(":") run_time = "Run time: %s hour(s), %s minute(s), %s second(s)." % (hours, mins, secs) final_run_report.append(run_time) output_dataset = dendropy.DataSet(dendropy.TreeList(tt_trees, taxon_set=master_taxon_set)) if opts.to_newick_format: output_dataset.write( output_dest, "newick", suppress_rooting=False, suppress_edge_lengths=False, unquoted_underscores=False, preserve_spaces=False, store_tree_weights=False, suppress_annotations=False, annotations_as_nhx=False, suppress_item_comments=False, suppress_leaf_taxon_labels=False, suppress_leaf_node_labels=True, suppress_internal_taxon_labels=False, suppress_internal_node_labels=False, node_label_element_separator=" ", node_label_compose_func=None, ) else: if opts.include_taxa_block: simple = False else: simple = True if opts.include_meta_comments: comment = [] try: username = getpass.getuser() except: username = "******" comment.append("%s %s by %s." % (_program_name, _program_version, _program_author)) comment.append("Using DendroPy Version %s by Jeet Sukumaran and Mark T. Holder." % dendropy.__version__) python_version = sys.version.replace("\n", "").replace("[", "(").replace("]", ")") comment.append("Running under Python %s on %s." % (python_version, sys.platform)) comment.append("Executed on %s by %s@%s." % (platform.node(), username, socket.gethostname())) if support_filepaths is not None and len(support_filepaths) > 0: comment.append("Basis of split support:") for support_file in support_filepaths: comment.append(" - '%s'" % os.path.abspath(support_file)) else: comment.append("Basis of split support: trees read from standard input.") comment.extend(final_run_report) comment.extend(comments) if opts.additional_comments: comment.append("\n") comment.append(opts.additional_comments) output_dataset.write( output_dest, "nexus", simple=simple, file_comments=comment, suppress_rooting=False, suppress_edge_lengths=opts.edge_summarization == "unweighted", unquoted_underscores=False, preserve_spaces=False, store_tree_weights=False, suppress_annotations=False, annotations_as_nhx=False, suppress_item_comments=False, suppress_leaf_taxon_labels=False, suppress_leaf_node_labels=True, suppress_internal_taxon_labels=False, suppress_internal_node_labels=False, node_label_element_separator=" ", node_label_compose_func=None, ) if trprobs_dest: messenger.send_info("Writing tree probabilities ...") tree_list = dendropy.TreeList(taxon_set=master_split_distribution.taxon_set) tree_freqs = master_topology_counter.calc_tree_freqs(tree_list.taxon_set) cumulative_prob = 0.0 for idx, (tree, (count, prop)) in enumerate(tree_freqs.items()): tree_list.append(tree) cumulative_prob += prop tree.probability = prop tree.count = count tree.cumulative_probability = cumulative_prob tree.annotations.add_bound_attribute("count") tree.annotations.add_bound_attribute("probability") tree.annotations.add_bound_attribute("cumulative_probability") tree.label = "Tree%d" % (idx + 1) tree_list.write_to_stream( trprobs_dest, "nexus", simple=simple, suppress_rooting=True, suppress_edge_lengths=True, suppress_internal_labels=True, unquoted_underscores=False, preserve_spaces=False, store_tree_weights=False, suppress_annotations=False, annotations_as_nhx=False, suppress_item_comments=True, suppress_leaf_taxon_labels=False, suppress_leaf_node_labels=True, suppress_internal_taxon_labels=False, suppress_internal_node_labels=False, node_label_element_separator=" ", node_label_compose_func=None, ) if split_edges_dest: messenger.send_info("Writing split edge lengths ...") for split in master_split_distribution.splits: row = [] row.append(master_split_distribution.taxon_set.split_as_newick_string(split)) for edge_length in master_split_distribution.split_edge_lengths[split]: row.append("%s" % edge_length) split_edges_dest.write("%s\n" % ("\t".join(row))) if not opts.output_filepath: pass else: messenger.send_info("Results written to: '%s'." % (output_fpath)) ################################################### # WRAP UP messenger.send_info("Summarization completed.") messenger.send_info_lines(final_run_report) messenger.silent = True
def main_cli(): description = "%s %s %s" % (_program_name, _program_version, _program_subtitle) usage = "%prog [options] TREES-FILE [TREES-FILE [TREES-FILE [...]]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, add_help_option=True, version=_program_version, description=description) sum_tree_optgroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Source Treatment Options") parser.add_option_group(sum_tree_optgroup) sum_tree_optgroup.add_option( "-b", "--burnin", action="store", dest="burnin", type="int", default=0, help= 'number of trees to skip from the beginning of *each tree file* when counting support [default=%default]' ) source_tree_optgroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Source Tree Options") parser.add_option_group(source_tree_optgroup) source_tree_optgroup.add_option("--rooted", action="store_true", dest="rooted_trees", default=None, help="treat trees as rooted") source_tree_optgroup.add_option("--unrooted", action="store_false", dest="rooted_trees", default=None, help="treat trees as unrooted") source_tree_optgroup.add_option( "--ultrametric", action="store_true", dest="ultrametric_trees", default=False, help= "assume trees are ultrametric (implies '--rooted' ; will result in node ages being summarized; will result in error if trees are not ultrametric)" ) source_tree_optgroup.add_option( "--weighted-trees", action="store_true", dest="weighted_trees", default=False, help= "use weights of trees as indicated by '[&W m/n]' comment to weight contribution of splits found on each tree to overall split frequencies" ) source_tree_optgroup.add_option( "--from-newick-stream", action="store_true", dest="from_newick_stream", default=False, help="support trees will be streamed in newick format") source_tree_optgroup.add_option( "--from-nexus-stream", action="store_true", dest="from_nexus_stream", default=False, help="support trees will be streamed in NEXUS format") target_tree_optgroup = OptionGroup(parser, 'Target Tree Options') parser.add_option_group(target_tree_optgroup) target_tree_optgroup.add_option( "-t", "--target", dest="target_tree_filepath", default=None, help= "path to optional target, model or best topology tree file (Newick or NEXUS format) " + "to which support will be mapped; " + "if not given, then a majority-rule clade consensus tree will be constructed based on the " + "all the trees given in the support tree files (except for those discarded as burn-ins), " + "and this will be used as the target tree") target_tree_optgroup.add_option("-f", "--min-clade-freq", dest="min_clade_freq", type="float", default=0.50, metavar="#.##", help="minimum frequency or probability for a clade or a split to be "\ + "included in the consensus tree, if used [default=%default]") support_summarization_optgroup = OptionGroup( parser, "Support Summarization Options") parser.add_option_group(support_summarization_optgroup) support_summarization_optgroup.add_option( "-l", "--support-as-labels", action="store_const", dest="support_annotation_target", default=1, const=1, help= "in addition to node metadata, indicate branch support as internal node labels [default]" ) support_summarization_optgroup.add_option( "-v", "--support-as-lengths", action="store_const", dest="support_annotation_target", default=1, const=2, help= "in addition to node metadata, indicate branch support as branch lengths" ) support_summarization_optgroup.add_option("-x", "--no-support", action="store_const", dest="support_annotation_target", default=1, const=0, help="""\ do not indicate support with internal node labels or edge lengths (support will still be indicated as node metadata unless '--no-summary-metadata' is specified)""") support_summarization_optgroup.add_option( "-p", "--percentages", action="store_true", dest="support_as_percentages", default=False, help= "indicate branch support as percentages (otherwise, will report as proportions by default)" ) support_summarization_optgroup.add_option( "-d", "--decimals", dest="support_label_decimals", type="int", metavar="#", default=2, help= "number of decimal places in indication of support values [default=%default]" ) edge_summarization_optgroup = OptionGroup( parser, "Edge Length Summarization Options") parser.add_option_group(edge_summarization_optgroup) edge_summarization_choices = [ "mean-length", "median-length", "mean-age", "median-age", "keep", "unweighted" ] edge_summarization_optgroup.add_option( "-e", "--edges", type="choice", dest="edge_summarization", metavar="<%s>" % ("|".join(edge_summarization_choices)), choices=edge_summarization_choices, default=None, help="""\ set edge lengths of target tree(s) to mean/median lengths/ages of corresponding splits or edges of input trees (note that using 'mean-age' or 'median-age' require rooted ultrametric input trees, and will behave as if '--ultrametric' and '--with-node-ages' are specified"); default is to 'keep' if target trees are specified (i.e., target trees will have their branch lengths preserved by default), 'median-age' if no target trees are specified but the '--ultrametric' directive is given (a consensus tree should be constructed to summarize support and input trees are ultrametric), and 'mean-length' if no target trees are specified and the '--ultrametric' directive is *not* given (a consensus tree should be constructed to summarize support and input trees are *not* assumed to be ultrametric), """) edge_summarization_optgroup.add_option( "--collapse-negative-edges", action="store_true", dest="collapse_negative_edges", default=False, help= "(if setting edge lengths) force parent node ages to be at least as old as its oldest child when summarizing node ages" ) other_summarization_optgroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Other Summarization Options") parser.add_option_group(other_summarization_optgroup) #other_summarization_optgroup.add_option("--with-node-ages", # action="store_true", # dest="calc_node_ages", # default=None, # help="summarize node ages as well as edge lengths (implies '--rooted' and '--ultrametric'; automatically enabled if '--ultrametric' is specified; will result in error if trees are not ultrametric)") other_summarization_optgroup.add_option("--trprobs", "--calc-tree-probabilities", dest="trprobs_filepath", default=None, metavar="FILEPATH", help="if specified, a file listing tree (topologies) and the " \ + "frequencies of their occurrences will be saved to FILEPATH") other_summarization_optgroup.add_option("--extract-edges", dest="split_edges_filepath", default=None, metavar="FILEPATH", help="if specified, a tab-delimited file of splits and their edge " \ + "lengths across input trees will be saved to FILEPATH") other_summarization_optgroup.add_option( "--no-node-ages", action="store_false", dest="calc_node_ages", default=None, help= "do not calculate/summarize node ages, even if '--ultrametric' is specified" ) other_summarization_optgroup.add_option( "--no-summary-metadata", action="store_true", dest="suppress_summary_metadata", default=False, help= "do not annotate nodes with ranges, 5%/95 quartiles, 95% HPD's etc. of edge lengths and node ages" ) output_filepath_optgroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Output File Options") parser.add_option_group(output_filepath_optgroup) output_filepath_optgroup.add_option( "-o", "--output", dest="output_filepath", default=None, help="path to output file (if not given, will print to standard output)" ) output_filepath_optgroup.add_option( "--no-taxa-block", action="store_false", dest="include_taxa_block", default=True, help= "do not include a taxa block in the output treefile (otherwise will create taxa block by default)" ) output_filepath_optgroup.add_option( "--no-meta-comments", action="store_false", dest="include_meta_comments", default=True, help= "do not include initial file comment annotating details of scoring operation" ) output_filepath_optgroup.add_option( "-c", "--additional-comments", action="store", dest="additional_comments", default=None, help="additional comments to be added to the summary file") output_filepath_optgroup.add_option( "--to-newick", action="store_true", dest="to_newick_format", default=False, help= "save results in NEWICK (PHYLIP) format (default is to save in NEXUS format)" ) output_filepath_optgroup.add_option("--to-phylip", action="store_true", dest="to_newick_format", default=False, help="same as --newick") output_filepath_optgroup.add_option( "-r", "--replace", action="store_true", dest="replace", default=False, help= "replace/overwrite output file without asking if it already exists ") run_optgroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Program Run Options") parser.add_option_group(run_optgroup) if _MP: run_optgroup.add_option("-m", "--multiprocessing", action="store", dest="multiprocess", metavar="NUM-PROCESSES", default=None, help="run in parallel mode with up to a maximum of NUM-PROCESSES processes " \ + "(specify '*' to run in as many processes as there are cores on the "\ + "local machine)") run_optgroup.add_option( "-g", "--log-frequency", type="int", metavar="LOG-FREQUENCY", dest="log_frequency", default=500, help= "tree processing progress logging frequency (default=%default; set to 0 to suppress)" ) run_optgroup.add_option( "-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet", default=False, help="suppress ALL logging, progress and feedback messages") run_optgroup.add_option( "--ignore-missing-support", action="store_true", dest="ignore_missing_support", default=False, help="ignore missing support tree files (at least one must exist!)") run_optgroup.add_option( "--ignore-missing-target", action="store_true", dest="ignore_missing_target", default=False, help= "ignore missing target tree file (will construct majority rule consensus tree if missing)" ) (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() if opts.quiet: messaging_level = ConsoleMessenger.ERROR_MESSAGING_LEVEL else: messaging_level = ConsoleMessenger.INFO_MESSAGING_LEVEL messenger = ConsoleMessenger(name="SumTrees", messaging_level=messaging_level) # splash if not opts.quiet: show_splash(prog_name=_program_name, prog_subtitle=_program_subtitle, prog_version=_program_version, prog_author=_program_author, prog_copyright=_program_copyright, dest=sys.stderr, extended=False) ################################################### # Support file idiot checking support_filepaths = [] if len(args) > 0: for fpath in args: fpath = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(fpath)) if not os.path.exists(fpath): if opts.ignore_missing_support: messenger.send_warning("Support file not found: '%s'" % fpath) else: messenger.send_error( "Terminating due to missing support files. " + "Use the '--ignore-missing-support' option to continue even " + "if some files are missing.") sys.exit(1) else: support_filepaths.append(fpath) if len(support_filepaths) == 0: messenger.send_error( "No valid sources of input trees specified. " + "Please provide the path to at least one (valid and existing) file " + "containing tree samples to summarize.") sys.exit(1) else: if not opts.from_newick_stream and not opts.from_nexus_stream: messenger.send_info( "No sources of input trees specified. " + "Please provide the path to at least one (valid and existing) file " + "containing tree samples to summarize. See '--help' for other options." ) sys.exit(1) ################################################### # Lots of other idiot-checking ... # target tree if opts.target_tree_filepath is not None: target_tree_filepath = os.path.expanduser( os.path.expandvars(opts.target_tree_filepath)) if not os.path.exists(target_tree_filepath): if opts.ignore_missing_target: if not opts.quiet: messenger.send_warning( "Target tree file not found: '%s': using majority-rule consensus tree instead." % target_tree_filepath) target_tree_filepath = None else: messenger.send_error("Target tree file not found: '%s'" % target_tree_filepath) sys.exit(1) else: target_tree_filepath = None ### TODO: these will be command-line options in the future ### here we just set it assert not hasattr(opts, 'outgroup') opts.outgroup = None assert not hasattr(opts, 'root_target') opts.root_target = None ### TODO: idiot-check edge length summarization # edge lengths if opts.edge_summarization: opts.edge_summarization = opts.edge_summarization.lower() if opts.edge_summarization not in edge_summarization_choices: messenger.send_error( "'%s' is not a valid edge summarization choice; must be one of: %s" % (opts.edge_summarization, edge_summarization_choices)) sys.exit(1) if opts.edge_summarization == "mean-age" or opts.edge_summarization == "median-age": opts.ultrametric_trees = True opts.rooted_trees = True if opts.calc_node_ages is None: opts.calc_node_ages = True else: if opts.ultrametric_trees: opts.rooted_trees = True if opts.calc_node_ages is None: opts.calc_node_ages = True else: if opts.calc_node_ages is True: opts.ultrametric_trees = True opts.rooted_trees = True else: opts.calc_node_ages = False # output if opts.output_filepath is None: output_dest = sys.stdout else: output_fpath = os.path.expanduser( os.path.expandvars(opts.output_filepath)) if confirm_overwrite(filepath=output_fpath, replace_without_asking=opts.replace): output_dest = open(output_fpath, "w") else: sys.exit(1) if opts.trprobs_filepath: trprobs_filepath = os.path.expanduser( os.path.expandvars(opts.trprobs_filepath)) if confirm_overwrite(filepath=trprobs_filepath, replace_without_asking=opts.replace): trprobs_dest = open(trprobs_filepath, "w") else: sys.exit(1) opts.calc_tree_probs = True else: trprobs_dest = None opts.calc_tree_probs = False if opts.split_edges_filepath: split_edges_filepath = os.path.expanduser( os.path.expandvars(opts.split_edges_filepath)) if confirm_overwrite(filepath=split_edges_filepath, replace_without_asking=opts.replace): split_edges_dest = open(split_edges_filepath, "w") else: sys.exit(1) else: split_edges_dest = None if opts.from_newick_stream: schema = "newick" elif opts.from_nexus_stream: schema = "nexus" else: schema = 'nexus/newick' ################################################### # Main work begins here: Count the splits start_time = master_split_distribution = None if (support_filepaths is not None and len(support_filepaths) > 1) \ and _MP \ and opts.multiprocess: if opts.multiprocess is not None: if opts.multiprocess == "*": num_processes = multiprocessing.cpu_count() elif opts.multiprocess == "@": num_processes = len(support_filepaths) else: try: num_processes = int(opts.multiprocess) except ValueError: messenger.send_error( "'%s' is not a valid number of processes (must be a positive integer)." % opts.multiprocess) sys.exit(1) if num_processes <= 0: messenger.send_error( "Maximum number of processes set to %d: cannot run SumTrees with less than 1 process" % num_processes) sys.exit(1) if num_processes == 1: messenger.send_warning( "Running in parallel processing mode but limited to only 1 process: probably more efficient to run in serial mode!" ) master_split_distribution, master_topology_counter = process_sources_parallel( num_processes=num_processes, support_filepaths=support_filepaths, schema=schema, is_rooted=opts.rooted_trees, ignore_node_ages=not opts.calc_node_ages, calc_tree_probs=opts.calc_tree_probs, weighted_trees=opts.weighted_trees, tree_offset=opts.burnin, log_frequency=opts.log_frequency, messenger=messenger) else: if (_MP and opts.multiprocess is not None and len(support_filepaths) == 1): messenger.send_warning( "Parallel processing mode requested but only one source specified: defaulting to serial mode." ) if opts.from_newick_stream or opts.from_nexus_stream: support_filepaths = None master_split_distribution, master_topology_counter = process_sources_serial( support_filepaths=support_filepaths, schema=schema, is_rooted=opts.rooted_trees, ignore_node_ages=not opts.calc_node_ages, calc_tree_probs=opts.calc_tree_probs, weighted_trees=opts.weighted_trees, tree_offset=opts.burnin, log_frequency=opts.log_frequency, messenger=messenger) ################################################### # Compose post-counting report # if not splits counted or the taxon set was not populated for any reason, # we just produce an empty block so we don't crash as we report nothing of interest if master_split_distribution.taxon_set is None: assert (master_split_distribution.total_trees_counted == 0) master_split_distribution.taxon_set = dendropy.TaxonSet() # taxon set to handle target trees master_taxon_set = master_split_distribution.taxon_set report = [] report.append( "%d trees considered in total for split support assessment." % (master_split_distribution.total_trees_counted)) if opts.rooted_trees is None: report.append( "Tree rooting as given by tree statement (defaults to unrooted).") elif opts.rooted_trees: report.append("Trees treated as rooted.") else: report.append("Trees treated as unrooted.") if opts.ultrametric_trees: report.append("Trees are expected to be ultrametric.") if opts.weighted_trees: report.append("Trees treated as weighted (default weight = 1.0).") else: report.append("Trees treated as unweighted.") n_taxa = len(master_taxon_set) report.append("%d unique taxa across all trees." % n_taxa) num_splits, num_unique_splits, num_nt_splits, num_nt_unique_splits = master_split_distribution.splits_considered( ) report.append("%d unique splits out of %d total splits counted." % (num_unique_splits, num_splits)) report.append( "%d unique non-trivial splits out of %d total non-trivial splits counted." % (num_nt_unique_splits, num_nt_splits)) comments = [] comments.extend(report) messenger.send_info("Split counting completed:") messenger.send_info_lines(report, prefix=" - ") ################################################### # Target tree and mapping if not opts.support_as_percentages and opts.support_label_decimals < 2: messenger.send_warning( "Reporting support by proportions require that support will be reported to at least 2 decimal places" ) opts.support_label_decimals = 2 tsum = treesum.TreeSummarizer() tsum.add_node_metadata = not opts.suppress_summary_metadata if opts.support_annotation_target == 1: tsum.support_as_labels = True tsum.support_as_edge_lengths = False support_show = "indicated by node labels" if tsum.add_node_metadata: support_show += " and node metadata" elif opts.support_annotation_target == 2: tsum.support_as_labels = False tsum.support_as_edge_lengths = True support_show = "indicated by branch lengths" if tsum.add_node_metadata: support_show += " and node metadata" elif opts.support_annotation_target == 0: tsum.support_as_labels = False tsum.support_as_edge_lengths = False if tsum.add_node_metadata: support_show = "indicated by node metadata (only)" else: support_show = "not indicated" else: raise Exception("Unexpected value for support annotation target: %s" % opts.support_annotation_target) tsum.support_as_percentages = opts.support_as_percentages tsum.support_label_decimals = opts.support_label_decimals tsum.weighted_splits = opts.weighted_trees if opts.support_as_percentages: support_units = "Percentage" else: support_units = "Proportion (frequency or probability)" support_summarization = "%s of support for each split %s" % (support_units, support_show) tt_trees = [] if target_tree_filepath is not None: messenger.send_info("Mapping support to target tree ...") for tree in tree_source_iter(stream=open(target_tree_filepath, 'r'), schema="nexus/newick", taxon_set=master_taxon_set, as_rooted=opts.rooted_trees): if opts.root_target: if opts.outgroup: pass else: tree.root_at_midpoint(splits=True) if opts.rooted_trees and not tree.is_rooted: messenger.send_error( "Support trees are treated as rooted, but target tree is unrooted. Root target tree(s) and re-run, or run using the '--root-target' flag." ) sys.exit(1) stree = tsum.map_split_support_to_tree(tree, master_split_distribution) tt_trees.append(stree) messenger.send_info("Parsed '%s': %d tree(s) in file" % (target_tree_filepath, len(tt_trees))) comments.append("Split support mapped to trees in:") comments.append(" - '%s' (%d trees)" % (os.path.abspath(target_tree_filepath), len(tt_trees))) if opts.root_target: if opts.outgroup: comments.append("Target tree(s) rooted using outgroup: %s." % opts.outgroup) else: comments.append("Target tree(s) rooted at midpoint.") comments.append(support_summarization + '.') else: messenger.send_info("Constructing clade consensus tree ...") if opts.min_clade_freq > 1.0: messenger.send_warning( "Maximum frequency threshold for clade inclusion is 1.0: reset to 1.0." ) min_freq = 1.0 else: min_freq = opts.min_clade_freq stree = tsum.tree_from_splits(master_split_distribution, min_freq=min_freq, include_edge_lengths=False) #include_edge_lengths=not opts.no_branch_lengths) if opts.root_target: stree.reroot_at_midpoint(update_splits=True) report = [] report.append( "Consensus tree (%f clade frequency threshold) constructed from splits." % min_freq) tt_trees.append(stree) if opts.root_target: if opts.outgroup: report.append("Consensus tree rooted using outgroup: %s." % opts.outgroup) else: report.append("Consensus tree rooted at midpoint.") report.append(support_summarization + ".") messenger.send_info_lines(report) comments.extend(report) if not opts.suppress_summary_metadata: messenger.send_info("Summarizing node ages and lengths ...") for stree in tt_trees: tsum.annotate_nodes_and_edges( tree=stree, split_distribution=master_split_distribution) if opts.edge_summarization is None: if target_tree_filepath is not None: opts.edge_summarization = 'keep' else: if opts.ultrametric_trees: opts.edge_summarization = 'median-age' else: opts.edge_summarization = 'mean-length' if opts.edge_summarization is not None and opts.edge_summarization == 'unweighted': for stree in tt_trees: for edge in stree.postorder_edge_iter(): edge.length = None elif opts.edge_summarization is not None and opts.edge_summarization != 'keep': if opts.edge_summarization.startswith('mean'): summary_func_desc = "mean" summarization_func = lambda x: statistics.mean_and_sample_variance( x)[0] else: summary_func_desc = "median" summarization_func = statistics.median if opts.edge_summarization.endswith("age"): messenger.send_info("Mapping node ages ...") comments.append( "Setting node ages of output tree(s) to %s ages of corresponding nodes of input trees." % summary_func_desc) if opts.collapse_negative_edges: comments.append( "Parent node ages coerced to be at least as old as oldest daughter node age." ) collapse_negative_edges = True allow_negative_edges = False else: comments.append( "Parent node ages not adjusted: negative edge lengths allowed." ) collapse_negative_edges = False allow_negative_edges = True for stree in tt_trees: tsum.summarize_node_ages_on_tree( tree=stree, split_distribution=master_split_distribution, set_edge_lengths=True, collapse_negative_edges=collapse_negative_edges, allow_negative_edges=allow_negative_edges, summarization_func=summarization_func) elif opts.edge_summarization.endswith("length"): messenger.send_info("Mapping edge lengths ...") comments.append( "Setting edge lengths of output tree(s) to %s length of corresponding edges of input trees." % summary_func_desc) for stree in tt_trees: tsum.summarize_edge_lengths_on_tree( tree=stree, split_distribution=master_split_distribution, summarization_func=summarization_func) else: comments.append("Not setting edge lengths on output tree(s).") end_time = ################################################### # RESULTS messenger.send_info("Writing results ...") final_run_report = [] final_run_report.append("Began at: %s." % (start_time.isoformat(' '))) final_run_report.append("Ended at: %s." % (end_time.isoformat(' '))) hours, mins, secs = str(end_time - start_time).split(":") run_time = "Run time: %s hour(s), %s minute(s), %s second(s)." % ( hours, mins, secs) final_run_report.append(run_time) output_dataset = dendropy.DataSet( dendropy.TreeList(tt_trees, taxon_set=master_taxon_set)) if opts.to_newick_format: output_dataset.write(output_dest, "newick", suppress_rooting=False, suppress_edge_lengths=False, unquoted_underscores=False, preserve_spaces=False, store_tree_weights=False, suppress_annotations=False, annotations_as_nhx=False, suppress_item_comments=False, suppress_leaf_taxon_labels=False, suppress_leaf_node_labels=True, suppress_internal_taxon_labels=False, suppress_internal_node_labels=False, node_label_element_separator=' ', node_label_compose_func=None) else: if opts.include_taxa_block: simple = False else: simple = True if opts.include_meta_comments: comment = [] try: username = getpass.getuser() except: username = "******" comment.append("%s %s by %s." % (_program_name, _program_version, _program_author)) comment.append( "Using DendroPy Version %s by Jeet Sukumaran and Mark T. Holder." % dendropy.__version__) python_version = sys.version.replace("\n", "").replace("[", "(").replace( "]", ")") comment.append("Running under Python %s on %s." % (python_version, sys.platform)) comment.append("Executed on %s by %s@%s." % (platform.node(), username, socket.gethostname())) if support_filepaths is not None and len(support_filepaths) > 0: comment.append("Basis of split support:") for support_file in support_filepaths: comment.append(" - '%s'" % os.path.abspath(support_file)) else: comment.append( "Basis of split support: trees read from standard input.") comment.extend(final_run_report) comment.extend(comments) if opts.additional_comments: comment.append("\n") comment.append(opts.additional_comments) output_dataset.write( output_dest, "nexus", simple=simple, file_comments=comment, suppress_rooting=False, suppress_edge_lengths=opts.edge_summarization == 'unweighted', unquoted_underscores=False, preserve_spaces=False, store_tree_weights=False, suppress_annotations=False, annotations_as_nhx=False, suppress_item_comments=False, suppress_leaf_taxon_labels=False, suppress_leaf_node_labels=True, suppress_internal_taxon_labels=False, suppress_internal_node_labels=False, node_label_element_separator=' ', node_label_compose_func=None) if trprobs_dest: messenger.send_info("Writing tree probabilities ...") tree_list = dendropy.TreeList( taxon_set=master_split_distribution.taxon_set) tree_freqs = master_topology_counter.calc_tree_freqs( tree_list.taxon_set) cumulative_prob = 0.0 for idx, (tree, (count, prop)) in enumerate(tree_freqs.items()): tree_list.append(tree) cumulative_prob += prop tree.probability = prop tree.count = count tree.cumulative_probability = cumulative_prob tree.annotate('count') tree.annotate('probability') tree.annotate('cumulative_probability') tree.label = "Tree%d" % (idx + 1) tree_list.write_to_stream(trprobs_dest, 'nexus', simple=simple, suppress_rooting=True, suppress_edge_lengths=True, suppress_internal_labels=True, unquoted_underscores=False, preserve_spaces=False, store_tree_weights=False, suppress_annotations=False, annotations_as_nhx=False, suppress_item_comments=True, suppress_leaf_taxon_labels=False, suppress_leaf_node_labels=True, suppress_internal_taxon_labels=False, suppress_internal_node_labels=False, node_label_element_separator=' ', node_label_compose_func=None) if split_edges_dest: messenger.send_info("Writing split edge lengths ...") for split in master_split_distribution.splits: row = [] row.append( master_split_distribution.taxon_set.split_as_newick_string( split)) for edge_length in master_split_distribution.split_edge_lengths[ split]: row.append("%s" % edge_length) split_edges_dest.write("%s\n" % ("\t".join(row))) if not opts.output_filepath: pass else: messenger.send_info("Results written to: '%s'." % (output_fpath)) ################################################### # WRAP UP messenger.send_info("Summarization completed.") messenger.send_info_lines(final_run_report) messenger.silent = True
def main_cli(): description = '%s %s %s' % (_program_name, _program_version, _program_subtitle) usage = "%prog [options] <TREES FILE> [<TREES FILE> [<TREES FILE> [...]]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, add_help_option=True, version=_program_version, description=description) input_optgroup = OptionGroup(parser, 'Input File Options') parser.add_option_group(input_optgroup) input_optgroup.add_option( '-b', '--burnin', action='store', dest='burnin', type='int', # also 'float', 'string' etc. default=0, help= 'number of trees to skip from the beginning of *each tree file* when counting support [default=%default]' ) input_optgroup.add_option( '-s', '--stride', action='store', dest='stride', metavar="STRIDE", type='int', # also 'float', 'string' etc. default=1, help='resample rate: only include one out of every STRIDE trees') output_filepath_optgroup = OptionGroup(parser, 'Output File Options') parser.add_option_group(output_filepath_optgroup) output_filepath_optgroup.add_option( '-o', '--output', dest='output_filepath', default=None, help="path to output file (if not given, will print to standard output)" ) output_filepath_optgroup.add_option( '--no-taxa-block', action='store_false', dest='include_taxa_block', default=True, help= "do not include a taxa block in the output treefile (otherwise will create taxa block by default)" ) output_filepath_optgroup.add_option( '--no-meta-comments', action='store_false', dest='include_meta_comments', default=True, help= "include initial file comment annotating details of scoring operation") output_filepath_optgroup.add_option( '-m', '--additional_comments', action='store', dest='additional_comments', default=None, help="additional comments to be added to the summary file") output_filepath_optgroup.add_option( '--newick', action='store_true', dest='phylip_format', default=False, help= "save results in NEWICK (PHYLIP) format (default is to save in NEXUS format)" ) output_filepath_optgroup.add_option('--phylip', action='store_true', dest='phylip_format', default=False, help="same as --newick") output_filepath_optgroup.add_option( '-r', '--replace', action='store_true', dest='replace', default=False, help= "replace/overwrite output file without asking if it already exists ") run_optgroup = OptionGroup(parser, 'Program Run Options') parser.add_option_group(run_optgroup) run_optgroup.add_option('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', dest='quiet', default=False, help="suppress progress messages") run_optgroup.add_option( '--ignore-missing-support', action='store_true', dest='ignore_missing_support', default=False, help="ignore missing support tree files (at least one must exist!)") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() if opts.quiet: messaging_level = ConsoleMessenger.ERROR_MESSAGING_LEVEL else: messaging_level = ConsoleMessenger.INFO_MESSAGING_LEVEL messenger = ConsoleMessenger(name='', messaging_level=messaging_level) # splash if not opts.quiet: show_splash(prog_name=_program_name, prog_subtitle=_program_subtitle, prog_version=_program_version, prog_author=_program_author, prog_copyright=_program_copyright, dest=sys.stderr, extended=False) ################################################### # Tree file idiot checking tree_filepaths = [] for fpath in args: fpath = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(fpath)) if not os.path.exists(fpath): if opts.ignore_missing_support: messenger.send_warning('Tree file not found: "%s"' % fpath) else: messenger.send_error( 'Terminating due to missing tree files. ' + 'Use the "--ignore-missing-support" option to continue even ' + 'if some files are missing.') sys.exit(1) else: tree_filepaths.append(fpath) if len(tree_filepaths) == 0: messenger.send_error( "No sources of trees specified or could be found. " + "Please provide the path to at least one (valid and existing) file " + "containing trees.") sys.exit(1) tree_file_objs = [open(f, "r") for f in tree_filepaths] ################################################### # Other prepping... # output if opts.output_filepath is None: output_dest = sys.stdout else: output_fpath = os.path.expanduser( os.path.expandvars(opts.output_filepath)) if confirm_overwrite(filepath=output_fpath, replace_without_asking=opts.replace): output_dest = open(output_fpath, "w") else: sys.exit(1) ################################################### # write nexus header if neccessary if opts.phylip_format: pass else: output_dest.write("#NEXUS\n\n") output_dest.write("Begin Trees;\n") ################################################### # Main work begins here report = [] total_trees_added = 0 for tree_filepath_idx, tree_filepath in enumerate(tree_filepaths): messenger.send_info("-- Reading tree source %d of %d: %s" \ % (tree_filepath_idx+1, len(tree_filepaths), tree_filepath)) trees_added = 0 for tree_count, tree in enumerate( tree_source_iter(stream=open(tree_filepath, "rU"), schema='nexus/newick')): if tree_count >= opts.burnin and not (tree_count % opts.stride): trees_added += 1 if opts.phylip_format: output_dest.write(tree.as_string(schema="newick")) else: output_dest.write( "tree %d = %s" % (trees_added, tree.as_string(schema="newick"))) total_trees_added += trees_added message = ("%s: %d trees in file, sampling 1 tree of every %d trees after %d tree burn-in: %d trees added (current total = %d trees)" \ % (tree_filepath, tree_count+1, opts.stride, opts.burnin, trees_added, total_trees_added)) report.append(message) messenger.send_info(" " + message) if opts.phylip_format: pass else: output_dest.write("End;\n") if opts.include_meta_comments: output_dest.write("\n") output_dest.write("[Total of %d trees sourced from:]\n" % total_trees_added) maxlen = max([len(tf) for tf in report]) for tf in report: output_dest.write("[ %s ]\n" % tf.ljust(maxlen)) if opts.additional_comments: nexus_writer.comment.append("\n") nexus_writer.comment.append(opts.additional_comments)
def main_cli(): description = '%s %s %s' % (_program_name, _program_version, _program_subtitle) usage = "%prog [options] <TREES FILE> [<TREES FILE> [<TREES FILE> [...]]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, add_help_option=True, version = _program_version, description=description) input_optgroup = OptionGroup(parser, 'Input File Options') parser.add_option_group(input_optgroup) input_optgroup.add_option('-b', '--burnin', action='store', dest='burnin', type='int', # also 'float', 'string' etc. default=0, help='number of trees to skip from the beginning of *each tree file* when counting support [default=%default]') input_optgroup.add_option('-s', '--stride', action='store', dest='stride', metavar="STRIDE", type='int', # also 'float', 'string' etc. default=1, help='resample rate: only include one out of every STRIDE trees') output_filepath_optgroup = OptionGroup(parser, 'Output File Options') parser.add_option_group(output_filepath_optgroup) output_filepath_optgroup.add_option('-o','--output', dest='output_filepath', default=None, help="path to output file (if not given, will print to standard output)") output_filepath_optgroup.add_option('--no-taxa-block', action='store_false', dest='include_taxa_block', default=True, help="do not include a taxa block in the output treefile (otherwise will create taxa block by default)") output_filepath_optgroup.add_option('--no-meta-comments', action='store_false', dest='include_meta_comments', default=True, help="include initial file comment annotating details of scoring operation") output_filepath_optgroup.add_option('-m', '--additional_comments', action='store', dest='additional_comments', default=None, help="additional comments to be added to the summary file") output_filepath_optgroup.add_option('--newick', action='store_true', dest='phylip_format', default=False, help="save results in NEWICK (PHYLIP) format (default is to save in NEXUS format)") output_filepath_optgroup.add_option('--phylip', action='store_true', dest='phylip_format', default=False, help="same as --newick") output_filepath_optgroup.add_option('-r', '--replace', action='store_true', dest='replace', default=False, help="replace/overwrite output file without asking if it already exists ") run_optgroup = OptionGroup(parser, 'Program Run Options') parser.add_option_group(run_optgroup) run_optgroup.add_option('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', dest='quiet', default=False, help="suppress progress messages") run_optgroup.add_option('--ignore-missing-support', action='store_true', dest='ignore_missing_support', default=False, help="ignore missing support tree files (at least one must exist!)") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() if opts.quiet: messaging_level = ConsoleMessenger.ERROR_MESSAGING_LEVEL else: messaging_level = ConsoleMessenger.INFO_MESSAGING_LEVEL messenger = ConsoleMessenger(name='', messaging_level=messaging_level) # splash if not opts.quiet: show_splash(prog_name=_program_name, prog_subtitle=_program_subtitle, prog_version=_program_version, prog_author=_program_author, prog_copyright=_program_copyright, dest=sys.stderr, extended=False) ################################################### # Tree file idiot checking tree_filepaths = [] for fpath in args: fpath = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(fpath)) if not os.path.exists(fpath): if opts.ignore_missing_support: messenger.send_warning('Tree file not found: "%s"' % fpath) else: messenger.send_error('Terminating due to missing tree files. ' + 'Use the "--ignore-missing-support" option to continue even ' + 'if some files are missing.') sys.exit(1) else: tree_filepaths.append(fpath) if len(tree_filepaths) == 0: messenger.send_error("No sources of trees specified or could be found. " + "Please provide the path to at least one (valid and existing) file " + "containing trees.") sys.exit(1) tree_file_objs = [open(f, "r") for f in tree_filepaths] ################################################### # Other prepping... # output if opts.output_filepath is None: output_dest = sys.stdout else: output_fpath = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(opts.output_filepath)) if confirm_overwrite(filepath=output_fpath, replace_without_asking=opts.replace): output_dest = open(output_fpath, "w") else: sys.exit(1) ################################################### # write nexus header if neccessary if opts.phylip_format: pass else: output_dest.write("#NEXUS\n\n") output_dest.write("Begin Trees;\n") ################################################### # Main work begins here report = [] total_trees_added = 0 for tree_filepath_idx, tree_filepath in enumerate(tree_filepaths): messenger.send_info("-- Reading tree source %d of %d: %s" \ % (tree_filepath_idx+1, len(tree_filepaths), tree_filepath)) trees_added = 0 for tree_count, tree in enumerate(tree_source_iter(stream=open(tree_filepath, "rU"), schema='nexus/newick')): if tree_count >= opts.burnin and not (tree_count % opts.stride): trees_added += 1 if opts.phylip_format: output_dest.write(tree.as_string(schema="newick")) else: output_dest.write("tree %d = %s" % (trees_added, tree.as_string(schema="newick"))) total_trees_added += trees_added message = ("%s: %d trees in file, sampling 1 tree of every %d trees after %d tree burn-in: %d trees added (current total = %d trees)" \ % (tree_filepath, tree_count+1, opts.stride, opts.burnin, trees_added, total_trees_added)) report.append(message) messenger.send_info(" " + message) if opts.phylip_format: pass else: output_dest.write("End;\n") if opts.include_meta_comments: output_dest.write("\n") output_dest.write("[Total of %d trees sourced from:]\n" % total_trees_added) maxlen = max([len(tf) for tf in report]) for tf in report: output_dest.write("[ %s ]\n" % tf.ljust(maxlen)) if opts.additional_comments: nexus_writer.comment.append("\n") nexus_writer.comment.append(opts.additional_comments)
def main_cli(): description = "%s %s %s" % (_program_name, _program_version, _program_subtitle) usage = "%prog [options] -t <TARGET-TREE-FILE> <TREES-FILE> [TREES-FILE [TREES-FILE [...]]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, add_help_option=True, version=_program_version, description=description) parser.add_option("-t", "--target", dest="target_tree_filepath", default=None, help="path to file with tree (Newick or NEXUS format) " + "to which labels will be written") parser.add_option( "--preserve-target-labels", action="store_true", dest="preserve_target_labels", default=False, help= "keep any existing labels on target tree (by default, these will be cleared before writing the new labels)" ) parser.add_option("--rooted", action="store_true", dest="rooted_trees", default=None, help="treat trees as rooted") parser.add_option("--unrooted", action="store_false", dest="rooted_trees", default=None, help="treat trees as unrooted") parser.add_option( "--ignore-missing-source", action="store_true", dest="ignore_missing_source", default=False, help="ignore missing source tree files (at least one must exist!)") parser.add_option( "-o", "--output", dest="output_filepath", default=None, help="path to output file (if not given, will print to standard output)" ) parser.add_option( "-s", "--separator", dest="separator", default="/", help= "string to use to separate labels from different source trees (default='%default')" ) parser.add_option( "--no-taxa-block", action="store_false", dest="include_taxa_block", default=True, help= "do not include a taxa block in the output treefile (otherwise will create taxa block by default)" ) parser.add_option( "-c", "--additional-comments", action="store", dest="additional_comments", default=None, help="additional comments to be added to the summary file") parser.add_option( "--to-newick", action="store_true", dest="to_newick_format", default=False, help= "save results in NEWICK (PHYLIP) format (default is to save in NEXUS format)" ) parser.add_option("--to-phylip", action="store_true", dest="to_newick_format", default=False, help="same as --newick") parser.add_option( "-r", "--replace", action="store_true", dest="replace", default=False, help= "replace/overwrite output file without asking if it already exists ") parser.add_option( "-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet", default=False, help="suppress ALL logging, progress and feedback messages") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() if opts.quiet: messaging_level = ConsoleMessenger.ERROR_MESSAGING_LEVEL else: messaging_level = ConsoleMessenger.INFO_MESSAGING_LEVEL messenger = ConsoleMessenger(name="SumLabels", messaging_level=messaging_level) # splash if not opts.quiet: show_splash(prog_name=_program_name, prog_subtitle=_program_subtitle, prog_version=_program_version, prog_author=_program_author, prog_copyright=_program_copyright, dest=sys.stderr, extended=False) ################################################### # Source file idiot checking source_filepaths = [] if len(args) > 0: for fpath in args: fpath = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(fpath)) if not os.path.exists(fpath): if opts.ignore_missing_source: messenger.send_warning("Source file not found: '%s'" % fpath) else: messenger.send_error( "Terminating due to missing source files. " + "Use the '--ignore-missing-source' option to continue even " + "if some files are missing.") sys.exit(1) else: source_filepaths.append(fpath) if len(source_filepaths) == 0: messenger.send_error( "No valid sources of input trees specified. " + "Please provide the path to at least one (valid and existing) file " + "containing trees") sys.exit(1) else: messenger.send_info( "No sources of input trees specified. " + "Please provide the path to at least one (valid and existing) file " + "containing tree samples to summarize. See '--help' for other options." ) sys.exit(1) ################################################### # Lots of other idiot-checking ... # target tree if opts.target_tree_filepath is not None: target_tree_filepath = os.path.expanduser( os.path.expandvars(opts.target_tree_filepath)) if not os.path.exists(target_tree_filepath): messenger.send_error("Target tree file not found: '%s'" % target_tree_filepath) sys.exit(1) else: messenger.send_error( "Target tree file not specified: use the '-t' or '--target' option to provide path to target tree" ) sys.exit(1) # output if opts.output_filepath is None: output_dest = sys.stdout else: output_fpath = os.path.expanduser( os.path.expandvars(opts.output_filepath)) if confirm_overwrite(filepath=output_fpath, replace_without_asking=opts.replace): output_dest = open(output_fpath, "w") else: sys.exit(1) # taxon set to handle target trees master_taxon_set = dendropy.TaxonSet() is_rooted = opts.rooted_trees messenger.send_info("Reading target tree: '%s'" % target_tree_filepath) target_tree = None for tree in tree_source_iter(open(target_tree_filepath, "rU"), schema='nexus/newick', taxon_set=master_taxon_set, as_rooted=is_rooted): target_tree = tree break split_labels = {} for src_fpath in source_filepaths: messenger.send_info("Reading source tree(s) from: '%s'" % src_fpath) for tree in tree_source_iter(open(src_fpath, "rU"), schema='nexus/newick', taxon_set=master_taxon_set, as_rooted=is_rooted): tree.update_splits() for split, edge in tree.split_edges.items(): label = edge.head_node.label print label if not label: continue try: split_labels[split].append(label) except KeyError: split_labels[split] = [label] messenger.send_info("Mapping labels") target_tree.update_splits() for split, edge in target_tree.split_edges.items(): label = [] if opts.preserve_target_labels and edge.head_node.label: label.append(edge.head_node.label) elif not opts.preserve_target_labels: edge.head_node.label = None if split in split_labels: label.extend(split_labels[split]) else: pass # messenger.send_warning("Split on target tree not found in source trees: ignoring") if label: edge.head_node.label = opts.separator.join(label) output_dataset = dendropy.DataSet( dendropy.TreeList([target_tree], taxon_set=master_taxon_set)) if opts.to_newick_format: output_dataset.write(output_dest, "newick", suppress_rooting=False, suppress_edge_lengths=False, unquoted_underscores=False, preserve_spaces=False, store_tree_weights=False, suppress_annotations=False, annotations_as_nhx=False, suppress_item_comments=False, suppress_leaf_taxon_labels=False, suppress_leaf_node_labels=True, suppress_internal_taxon_labels=False, suppress_internal_node_labels=False, node_label_element_separator=' ', node_label_compose_func=None) else: if opts.include_taxa_block: simple = False else: simple = True comment = [] try: username = getpass.getuser() except: username = "******" comment.append("%s %s by %s." % (_program_name, _program_version, _program_author)) comment.append( "Using DendroPy Version %s by Jeet Sukumaran and Mark T. Holder." % dendropy.__version__) python_version = sys.version.replace("\n", "").replace("[", "(").replace( "]", ")") comment.append("Running under Python %s on %s." % (python_version, sys.platform)) comment.append("Executed on %s by %s@%s." % (platform.node(), username, socket.gethostname())) if opts.additional_comments: comment.append("\n") comment.append(opts.additional_comments) output_dataset.write(output_dest, "nexus", simple=simple, file_comments=comment, suppress_rooting=False, unquoted_underscores=False, preserve_spaces=False, store_tree_weights=False, suppress_annotations=False, annotations_as_nhx=False, suppress_item_comments=False, suppress_leaf_taxon_labels=False, suppress_leaf_node_labels=True, suppress_internal_taxon_labels=False, suppress_internal_node_labels=False, node_label_element_separator=' ', node_label_compose_func=None) if not opts.output_filepath: pass else: messenger.send_info("Results written to: '%s'." % (output_fpath))