예제 #1
def main(argv):

    # Instantiates taxon set object for tree list
    taxa = TaxonSet()

    # Reads in tree string from the command line
    focalTree = Tree(stream=StringIO(argv[0]),

    # Iterates over all internal nodes in the focal tree (generating one constraint each)
    for i in focalTree.internal_nodes():

        # Defines a list that initially contains all the leaf nodes from focal tree
        fullTaxonSet = focalTree.leaf_nodes()

        # Iterates over all internal nodes that are not the root
        if i is not focalTree.seed_node:

            # Instantiates string (conTree) to hold the constraint tree string
            conTree = "(("

            # Iterates over leaf nodes that are descendants of the current internal node
            for j in i.leaf_nodes():

                # Appropriately adds the taxon name to the constraint tree string
                if j is i.leaf_nodes()[0]:
                    conTree = conTree + str(j.taxon)
                    conTree = conTree + "," + str(j.taxon)

            # Closes out the part of the constraint for taxa descended from the focal node
            conTree = conTree + ")"

            # Takes all leaves and removes those descended from the focal node
            for j in i.leaf_nodes():

            # Adds all leaves not descended from the focal node to the constraint tree string
            for j in fullTaxonSet:
                conTree = conTree + "," + str(j.taxon)

            # Closes constraint tree string
            conTree = conTree + ")"

            # Prints constraint tree string to the screen
            print conTree