def migrate(self, revision): """ Perform any migration operations that need to be executed. """ self.step_sub_label('Running database migration.') with paths.cd_release(revision): django.manage('syncdb')
def migrate(migration=None, revision=None, user=DeployUser, **kwargs): """ Apply migrations. :param revision: revision of the application to run show migrations from. :param migration: name of the migration to revert to, leave None to apply all migrations. """ args = [migration] if migration else None django.manage('migrate', args, revision, user=user, **kwargs)
def show_migrations(revision=None, non_applied_only=False): """ Print report of migrations. :param revision: revision of the application to run show migrations from. :param non_applied_only: only show un-applied migrations. """ if non_applied_only: with settings(hide('warnings'), warn_only=True): result = django.manage('migrate', args=['--list | grep -v "(\*)"'], revision=revision, use_sudo=False) if result: if result.find('( )') != -1: print('*'*34)) print('* Migrations need to be applied! *')) print('*'*34)) else: print('Migrations up to date.')) else: print(colors.magenta('No migrations defined/or not using south.')) else: django.manage('migrate', ['--list'], revision=revision, use_sudo=False)
def test_django_manage_simple_command(self): django.manage('test') self.assertSudo('python test --noinput', user=DeployUser.sudo_identity())
def test_django_manage_use_sudo_with_user(self): django.manage('test', use_sudo=True, user='******') self.assertSudo('python test --noinput', user='******')
def test_django_manage_dont_use_sudo(self): django.manage('test', use_sudo=False) self.assertRun('python test --noinput')
def test_django_manage_command_with_input(self): django.manage('test', ['--arg1 234', '--arg2 foo'], noinput=False) self.assertSudo('python test --arg1 234 --arg2 foo', user=DeployUser.sudo_identity())