예제 #1
def getorigin(ilat, ilong, popemp, mbta, zipscale, subwayscale):


    Compute features for where people live, work, and ride the subway.


    # locations of where people live
    latbyzip = popemp['latitude'].values
    longbyzip = popemp['longitude'].values

    # locations of where people work
    popbyzip = popemp['HD01'].values
    workbyzip = popemp['EMP'].values

    # replace nans with average value
    finite = workbyzip * 0 == 0
    mwork = workbyzip[finite].mean()
    nans = workbyzip * 0 != 0
    workbyzip[nans] = mwork

    # locations of where people ride the subway
    latbysubway = mbta['latitude']
    longbysubway = mbta['longitude']
    subwayrides = mbta['ridesperday'].values    

    # get the distance from given location to all zip codes
    distancevec = densitymetric.distvec(latbyzip, longbyzip, ilat, ilong)

    # compute the coupling factor to all zip codes
    couplingzip = densitymetric.zipcouple(distancevec, zipscale)

    # use the weighted sum as the origin score
    # normalize by number of zip codes
    nzip = len(workbyzip)
    originpop = np.sum(popbyzip * couplingzip) / nzip
    originwork = np.sum(workbyzip * couplingzip) / nzip

    # get the distance from given location to all subway stops
    distancevecsubway = densitymetric.distvec(latbysubway, longbysubway, 
            ilat, ilong)

    # coupling efficiency between this station and all subway stops
    couplingsubway = densitymetric.zipcouple(distancevecsubway, subwayscale)

    # use the weighted sum as the origin score
    # normalize by number of subway stops
    nsubway = len(subwayrides)
    originsubway = np.sum(subwayrides * couplingsubway) / nsubway

    return originpop, originwork, originsubway
예제 #2
def getorigin(ilat, ilong, popemp, mbta, zipscale, subwayscale):

    Compute features for where people live, work, and ride the subway.


    # locations of where people live
    latbyzip = popemp['latitude'].values
    longbyzip = popemp['longitude'].values

    # locations of where people work
    popbyzip = popemp['HD01'].values
    workbyzip = popemp['EMP'].values

    # replace nans with average value
    finite = workbyzip * 0 == 0
    mwork = workbyzip[finite].mean()
    nans = workbyzip * 0 != 0
    workbyzip[nans] = mwork

    # locations of where people ride the subway
    latbysubway = mbta['latitude']
    longbysubway = mbta['longitude']
    subwayrides = mbta['ridesperday'].values

    # get the distance from given location to all zip codes
    distancevec = densitymetric.distvec(latbyzip, longbyzip, ilat, ilong)

    # compute the coupling factor to all zip codes
    couplingzip = densitymetric.zipcouple(distancevec, zipscale)

    # use the weighted sum as the origin score
    # normalize by number of zip codes
    nzip = len(workbyzip)
    originpop = np.sum(popbyzip * couplingzip) / nzip
    originwork = np.sum(workbyzip * couplingzip) / nzip

    # get the distance from given location to all subway stops
    distancevecsubway = densitymetric.distvec(latbysubway, longbysubway, ilat,

    # coupling efficiency between this station and all subway stops
    couplingsubway = densitymetric.zipcouple(distancevecsubway, subwayscale)

    # use the weighted sum as the origin score
    # normalize by number of subway stops
    nsubway = len(subwayrides)
    originsubway = np.sum(subwayrides * couplingsubway) / nsubway

    return originpop, originwork, originsubway
예제 #3
def getdestination(ilat, ilong, station, stationscale, zipscale, 
        stationfeatures, dataloc):


    Compute features associated with all possible destinations.


    # origin features for where people live, work and ride the subway
    originpop = stationfeatures['originpop'].values
    originwork = stationfeatures['originwork'].values
    originsubway = stationfeatures['originsubway'].values

    # location of existing stations
    stationlat = station['lat'].values
    stationlong = station['lng'].values

    # compute the distance in miles from input station to all existing stations
    distancevec = densitymetric.distvec(stationlat, stationlong, ilat, ilong)

    # compute the station to station coupling factor
    stationcoupling = densitymetric.stationcouple(distancevec, dataloc)

    # determine coupling factor of closest station; this is used subsequently
    # to compute the cannibalism factor: nrides -= nrides * maxcouple
    zipcoupling = densitymetric.zipcouple(distancevec, zipscale)
    maxcouple = zipcoupling.max()

    # use the weighted sum as the destination score
    # normalize by number of stations
    norigin = len(originpop)
    destpop = np.sum(originpop * stationcoupling) / norigin
    destwork = np.sum(originwork * stationcoupling) / norigin
    destsubway = np.sum(originsubway * stationcoupling) / norigin

    return destpop, destwork, destsubway, maxcouple
예제 #4
def getdestination(ilat, ilong, station, stationscale, zipscale,
                   stationfeatures, dataloc):

    Compute features associated with all possible destinations.


    # origin features for where people live, work and ride the subway
    originpop = stationfeatures['originpop'].values
    originwork = stationfeatures['originwork'].values
    originsubway = stationfeatures['originsubway'].values

    # location of existing stations
    stationlat = station['lat'].values
    stationlong = station['lng'].values

    # compute the distance in miles from input station to all existing stations
    distancevec = densitymetric.distvec(stationlat, stationlong, ilat, ilong)

    # compute the station to station coupling factor
    stationcoupling = densitymetric.stationcouple(distancevec, dataloc)

    # determine coupling factor of closest station; this is used subsequently
    # to compute the cannibalism factor: nrides -= nrides * maxcouple
    zipcoupling = densitymetric.zipcouple(distancevec, zipscale)
    maxcouple = zipcoupling.max()

    # use the weighted sum as the destination score
    # normalize by number of stations
    norigin = len(originpop)
    destpop = np.sum(originpop * stationcoupling) / norigin
    destwork = np.sum(originwork * stationcoupling) / norigin
    destsubway = np.sum(originsubway * stationcoupling) / norigin

    return destpop, destwork, destsubway, maxcouple